Carter Finds Two Mates [Pack Law 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Carter Finds Two Mates [Pack Law 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 6

by Becca Van

  “Are you sure, baby? I don’t want to scare you,” Carter said.

  “I’m not scared. My heart is beating at a hundred miles a minute, but it’s from excitement. This is all so…surreal, and even though I’m still having a hard time believing it, I can’t refute what is right in front of my eyes.” Tammy looked back at Crag. “Can you understand me?”

  Crag nodded his head and licked one of her hands as she pulled them away. “This is so freaking awesome. Move back a couple of steps, Crag.”

  Crag licked Tammy once more, which made her giggle, and then he whined and moved back a couple of paces. Tammy pushed at Carter’s forearms. He released her immediately, and she got up off his lap.

  “I want to see your wolf, too. Please, Carter?”

  “Are you positive you’re not scared?”

  Tammy covered her mouth to stifle another giggle. “Are you kidding me? This, you are amazing.”

  Carter smiled down at her. When he got up from his seat and went to stand beside Crag, she sat back down. It looked like Carter was studying her body language, and she looked down to see what he saw. Her hands were on her upper thighs and she was leaning forward as if eager for another show, which she was.

  Carter shucked his T-shirt up over his head and dropped it onto the table. When his hand went down to undo his button, he smiled and then chuckled. Tammy realized that she had leaned over even more in delighted anticipation and giggled. Carter watched her face the whole time, and when he stood before her naked and her eyes ran all over his body, he growled. When she met his eyes again, she could see desire in them and her body responded instantly. Her pussy clenched and cream dripped from her sheath to dampen her already soaked panties. Her breathing escalated even more, and her nipples were aching.

  Carter’s body began to blur around the outline as it began to change, and he slowly sank down to his knees. She covered her ears when the popping and cracking sounded loud in the room and hoped neither of the men felt any pain as their bodies went through the change. The thought of them being in pain sent an ache through her heart, and she realized that even after knowing them only for a few hours, she was beginning to really care for them. How that was possible, she had no clue, but she didn’t question it. She probably would later, but for now she was too entranced by what was happening right before her eyes. By the time Carter’s wolf had emerged, Tammy was once again panting. He moved closer to her but kept his movements slow, which she presumed was so he wouldn’t startle or frighten her. When he was in touching proximity, she reached out and threaded her fingers into his fur coat.

  “Oh. My. God,” Tammy whispered in reverence. “You are both so big and beautiful and…big. Your hair and fur are the same color. I don’t know why I expected it to be different, but I did.”

  Carter licked her hand and nuzzled into her leg. Crag moved into her other side and did the same, and then they moved away together. Once again she covered her ears and cringed when their bodies began to change. Tammy looked at them, totally spellbound, and hoped she didn’t look like an idiot, but she couldn’t help but peruse their bodies with her avid gaze until they were both dressed again.

  Crag walked over to her, scooped her up from the seat, and then sat down again with her on his lap before wrapping his arms around her. She loved being held. It had been a long time since someone had cared enough to touch her. In fact, she hadn’t been cuddled since before her mom had gotten sick and then died.

  “I have so many questions I want to ask you both, but I don’t know where to start.” Tammy licked her dry lips and then shifted on Crag’s lap until she was sitting with her side pressed against his chest. Now she could see both of them without straining her neck or looking like she was watching a tennis match.

  Carter pulled one of the other chairs closer and took both her hands in his. “You can ask us anything you like, baby.”

  “Does it hurt?”

  “No, not really,” Carter said.

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “It hurts the first couple of times, but our bodies become used to it and it’s only like a dull ache.”

  “Well, that’s a relief. It sounded really painful.”

  “It isn’t,” Crag reiterated.

  “How did you…”

  “Become werewolves?” Carter finished her question.

  Tammy nodded.

  “We were born with the Lycan gene. Our parents passed it onto us.”

  “Oh, you must have run your mothers ragged.”

  “How so, darlin’?” Crag asked.

  “Well, you must have been hell to keep up with when you were toddlers or pups, or whatever.”

  Carter and Crag burst out laughing. She was frowning at them, but she was also trying not to laugh with them. She had no idea what was so funny, but their laughter was contagious. Carter got his mirth under control first.

  “We can’t change until we go through puberty, baby. And yes, I can imagine it would have been hell for our parents if that had been possible.” Carter went on to explain how he and Crag had lost their parents when they were young, and she felt really bad for them. Even though she had lost her dad when she was still a child, she’d at least had her mother until recently.

  “I’m sorry.” Tammy withdrew one of her hands from Crag’s and threaded her fingers with Carter’s. “That must have been really hard on you both.”

  Carter sighed. “It was, but I was lucky enough that my aunt and uncle took me in and treated me like one of their sons.”

  “What about you, Crag?” Tammy asked.

  “My Alphas are also my cousins and their parents looked after me.”

  “An Alpha is like the leader of the pack. Is that right?”

  “Yes, baby. Jonah, Mikhail, and Brock are our Alphas. Michelle is their mate and she is our queen,” Carter explained.

  “Wow,” Tammy breathed and then frowned. “Shit, does that mean they are like royalty? I noticed you both bowed your heads to them. I didn’t do that. Does that mean that I insulted them?”

  “No.” Crag squeezed her hand. “They knew you didn’t have a clue as to who we all are, and even though our Alphas demand respect, they don’t expect us all to be subservient to them. They are all good people, Tammy.”

  “So what are you two then? Isn’t there some sort of hierarchy in a pack?”

  “Yes,” Carter said. “There are the Alphas, then the Betas, and finally the Omegas. Until recently I was an Omega, but when Crag arrived here from Australia and we became mates, I became a Beta because he already had that rank.”

  Tammy cocked her head and studied Carter for a moment. “You didn’t want to be a Beta? What’s the difference?”

  “You’re very astute, darlin’,” Crag said. “Even though Carter had the capabilities to become a Beta, he was quite happy with who he was and hadn’t really aspired to work his way up in rank. But since I was a Beta and we mated, he became one, too. Betas are second in command to the Alphas. They generally deal with pack security and protection. Although the Omegas do, too, but Betas are usually stronger than the Omegas.”

  “Okay, so that makes the Alphas the strongest pack members?” Tammy asked.

  “Yes,” Carter answered.

  “Why didn’t you want to be a Beta? I can see you wouldn’t have any trouble protecting those weaker than you.”

  “I was always a bit of a loner and didn’t really care one way or the other. I was happy with who I was, until Crag came into my life,” Carter explained.

  “So were you always bisexual?” Tammy looked from Carter to Crag and back again.

  “No. I was really shocked when I realized that my mate was a man.” Carter smiled at her and then over at Crag. “But I accepted my fate quickly. I’ve learned that you can’t question the fates. Neither Crag nor I had been into men before we met, but we knew as soon as we scented each other that we were mates. We made love a couple of hours after we met and then claimed each other.”

  “How did you do that
? Did you bite each other?”

  “Yes,” Crag said. “Biting your mate creates a link. We can feel each other’s emotions and can talk to each other telepathically.”

  “Whoa. That must be so cool.” When Carter quirked an eyebrow at her, she went on to elaborate. “It must be wonderful to be able to speak to each other and not have to worry that someone else will overhear you, especially if you want to keep things private.”

  “Yes, it is pretty cool,” Crag agreed.

  “So what else can you do?” Tammy asked.

  “Our eyesight and sense of smell are way better than the normal human,” Carter said. “We are also faster and stronger than the average male.”

  “It must be amazing to experience things in your wolf form. Do you change shape often? Do you have to change when it’s a full moon?”

  “It’s fantastic to run in our animal form,” Crag said. “Everything seems to come into sharper focus. We use our senses much more when we are wolves. Sight, smell, taste, touch, and sound. We change as often as we can, and even though the pull to change when it is a full moon is greater, we don’t have to change. As humans we can control all our urges, even when in our animal state.”

  “So all that mythology about werewolves having to change on a full moon and going on killing rampages is malarkey?” Tammy hadn’t realized she’d tensed up until Carter began to massage the tight muscles in the back of her neck and shoulders.

  “Yes,” Crag replied.

  “Well, that’s good to know.” Tammy relaxed again and moaned when Carter dug a little deeper into a stubborn knot.

  “We have another mate,” Crag said.

  “You do. Where are they?” Tammy asked and tried to hide her disappointment. Maybe staying with them wasn’t such a good idea after all. She was very attracted to both of these men, and if they had another mate, then she would only be in the way.

  “Right here, baby.” Carter hugged her around the waist.

  Tammy looked over her shoulder toward the kitchen door but didn’t see anyone. She looked up to find both Carter and Crag staring at her intently and hungrily. She had to clear her throat so it wouldn’t come out too husky or high-pitched. “Where? There’s no one else here but me.”

  She frowned when neither man said anything, but continued to stare at her, and the cogs in her mind began turning. “You don’t mean…No, you can’t…”

  “Yes, Tammy. We do mean it,” Crag said.

  “You’re our mate, baby.”

  “I am?” Excitement permeated Tammy’s body, but she was also feeling nervous. How could these two handsome men say that she was their mate? She’d only met them earlier tonight. Then she remembered how they had known that they were mates by the way they smelled.

  Tammy lifted her arm and sniffed. She couldn’t smell anything but the deodorant she’d put on earlier that day. At least she didn’t smell bad.

  “How do you know?”

  “Your scent drew us to you as soon as you walked into the door of the club,” Crag said.

  “What do I smell like?” she asked.

  “A pine forest, honeysuckle, and aroused woman.”

  “You can smell…Oh God.” Tammy felt her cheeks begin to heat and then covered her face with her hands.

  “Don’t be embarrassed, baby.” Carter gripped her wrists and pulled her hands away from her face. “You smell delicious, Tammy. I want to lick and taste all that delectable cream.”

  “Oh! I don’t know…I’m not sure…”

  Crag reached over and took one of her hands in his again. “We will never pressure you, darlin’. Carter and I know you need time to get your head around all of this. We would never force you into anything.”

  Carter caressed a finger to the uninjured side of her face, just beneath her eye. It was really hard to stay still and not lean into his touch, and it took every ounce of her control to hide the shiver working its way up her spine. “You’re tired. Why don’t you go and crawl into bed? We can talk more tomorrow.”

  Tammy was tired even though she still had adrenaline racing through her system. Her face and eye were starting to ache and so was her head.

  “Yes. I think that’s a good idea.” She got to her feet, and Carter showed her to her room. After saying good night she stripped down to her underwear and crawled into bed. Tammy tried to relax, but her mind was going around in circles. She wondered if she was drawn to Carter and Crag because she was supposed to be their mate. The more her mind whirled, the more questions came to mind, but she was too tired to get up and ask them. Hopefully by tomorrow she would know what she wanted.

  But she doubted it.

  * * * *

  “She took that way better than I thought she would.” Crag took the cups to the sink, rinsed them out, and then placed them in the dishwasher.

  “She did,” Carter agreed. “I was so sure she was going to freak out. Our mate did the exact opposite of what I expected.”

  “I could smell her excitement and her desire.”

  “Me, too.” Carter adjusted his cock in his pants. “I’m so fucking horny I’m aching.”

  Crag walked up to Carter and pulled him into his arms. “I am, too, mate. Let’s go to bed and see about relieving some of our tension.”

  Carter smiled at Crag, cupped his cheek, and then kissed him lightly on the lips. “Yes, let’s do just that.”

  Crag grabbed Carter’s hand and led him down the hallway to their bedroom at the end. He opened the door and started to quickly remove his clothes as soon as he walked in. Carter closed the door and began undressing, too. Crag was so hungry for both his mates he was shaking. For now he had to put Tammy to the back of his mind. Until she came to them and accepted him and Carter as her mates, too, she was off-limits.

  He sank down to his knees in front of Carter, leaned in, and inhaled his musky arousal. A growl of hunger erupted from his mouth, and then he opened his mouth wide and sucked his mate’s cock down deep.

  Carter’s knees bent for a second as if they’d nearly given out beneath him, but then he straightened and locked them. “Fuck, that feels so good,” Carter rasped and pushed his fingers into Crag’s hair.

  Crag reached up and cupped Carter’s balls in his hand. He began to bob up and down over his mate’s erection fast and hard. When he tasted pre-cum on his tongue, Crag knew that Carter was on the edge. Carter gripped his hair tighter and began fucking his mouth. Deep groans and moans spilled from his mate’s mouth. Carter pushed down further and growled low in his throat as he spewed his cum over Crag’s tongue and down his throat. Crag eased back until just the head of Carter’s cock was in his mouth and sucked the last of his seed before withdrawing.

  “I love the way you taste,” Crag panted and rose to his feet. He reached for Carter and kissed him with openmouthed abandon. By the time he lifted his mouth, Carter’s cock was twitching against his lower abs.

  Crag sat on the edge of the bed and spread his thighs wide. “I need to feel your mouth on me, baby.”

  Carter sank to his knees, wrapped his hand around the base of Crag’s cock, and pumped his hand a few times. Just when Crag was about to beg, Carter lowered his head and took his cock into his mouth. Even though they were similar in a lot of ways, they were also completely different. Crag went after what he wanted fast and hard most of the time and didn’t let anything get in his way. He’d wanted Carter’s cum shooting down his throat, and that’s what he got. Carter tended to taunt and tease, as if he liked to savor everything, which he did. So it didn’t surprise Crag when his mate swirled his tongue around the crown of his cock or that he licked up and down the length of his erection.

  Normally he loved the way Carter tormented him, but he was too excited after spending the last few hours with Tammy and couldn’t wait anymore. He fisted Carter’s hair in his hand and shoved his mate’s head down over his cock as he thrust his hips up. Crag didn’t have to worry about hurting Carter or making his mate gag. They’d spent the last few weeks learning all about eac
h other, their likes and dislikes, as well as their limits.

  Carter’s laughter was muffled by Crag’s cock, and then he started sucking him off with expert precision. Up and down his mouth went, suctioning on the way up and slurping on the way back down. When his cock touched the back of Carter’s throat, Crag groaned and then growled when he slipped down a little further and Carter swallowed around him.

  Crag moaned when Carter cupped his scrotum and then gasped when he rolled his testes in his sac. That was it for Crag. He was lost. His cock grew hotter and expanded, and he was barely able to control his howl when he shot load after load of cum down his mate’s throat. His legs where shaking and he was breathing heavily as Carter licked him one more time and then released him. When Carter leaned up for a kiss, Crag leaned down and met him. They kissed long and deeply, sharing and showing how much they loved each other.

  The only thing that would make Crag happier was if Tammy agreed to mate with them, too.

  Chapter Seven

  Tammy spent a restless night and was pleased when the sun finally put in an appearance. Her mind had spun in circles all night long, and even though she had tried to clear it, it had been impossible. She got up and pulled her clothes on. What she’d really like to do was have a shower and dress in clean clothes, but since this had been a spur-of-the-moment trip and she hadn’t packed anything, that wasn’t possible.

  She opened the door to her bedroom and then went into the bathroom right next to her room. After closing the door, she used the facilities and washed her hands and face. She looked in the cupboard under the sink and was pleased to find a few packaged toothbrushes and tubes of toothpaste. After brushing her teeth and finger-combing her hair, she headed toward the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee.

  Crag and Carter were probably still asleep, so she sat down at the table and stared at the coffeepot, willing it to hurry up so she could have the first cup of her morning addiction. When she figured there was enough coffee for a cup, she poured it into a mug and sighed after taking her first sip. Just as she sat down again, Crag and Carter entered the room.


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