Carter Finds Two Mates [Pack Law 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Carter Finds Two Mates [Pack Law 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 8

by Becca Van

  Tammy’s whole body shook and quavered as her pussy clamped down hard on Carter’s fingers. He opened his mouth and sucked on her clit. Stars of light exploded before her eyes, and she finally managed to scream as nirvana assailed her. The contractions surging through her womb and cunt seemed to go on forever, yet they were over way too soon.

  When Tammy became aware of her surroundings once more, Crag and Carter were caressing her body as if trying to help ease her back down from such an orgasmic high. She was still panting for breath, and she opened her eyes when she realized that her lids were closed.

  “That was just a taste, darlin’.” Crag stroked his hand over her breast, causing another shiver to wrack her body. “I want you to think long and hard before you refuse to mate with us. We already care for you deeply. It’s the way of wolves. But if you allowed us to mate with you, we would love, care, and protect you for the rest of our lives.”

  Carter rubbed her thigh, drawing her attention. “Baby, we would never want to look at another woman. You are it for us, Tammy.

  “Please, will you agree to mate with us? My wolf is pushing at me to claim you, and I need to know that you will be ours forevermore.”

  Chapter Eight

  “Damn it, Carter. Why did you have to ask her that? She’s not ready yet. Tammy needs more time.”

  “Fuck! I didn’t know I was going to say any of that until I heard the words coming out of my mouth. Shit. I hope I haven’t fucked everything up.”

  “Me, too, mate. Me, too.”

  “Tammy, I’m sorry. I didn’t know I was going to say that. Don’t feel you have to answer yet.” Carter hoped that by backpedaling he hadn’t ruined everything with her.

  “Don’t be sorry for saying how you feel.” Tammy pushed up into a sitting position and reached out to take his hand in hers. “I would much rather you were both upfront with me about everything than hide things from me.”

  When she went to get off the table, Carter shifted his hands to her waist and lowered her to the floor. The smile that she bestowed on him filled his heart with warmth and hope. “I’ve only ever had one relationship with a man, and I found out after six months that he had lied to me about everything. The only honesty I got from him was his name.”

  Tammy reached for her clothes, and as much as Carter wanted to keep her beautiful body bare so he could devour her with his eyes, he wanted her to be comfortable, so he handed items to her piece by piece until she was completely covered. He guided her to a chair and sat down beside her.

  “Did he hurt you, baby?”

  “Not physically, and now that I think back, I think it was my pride that took a beating. I’d only just finished my college degree in business management and started working for my stepfather.” Tammy took a deep breath as Crag moved to sit on her other side.

  “You don’t have to tell us if it’s too difficult for you, darlin’,” Crag said.

  “It doesn’t hurt really, but it does make me angry to think back. What irks me the most was to find out that I was too human and not infallible. I’d heard about other women having affairs with married men and condemned them without even meeting them. To me, marriage is sacred and those vows spoken shouldn’t be broken.

  “Oliver was quite a bit older than me and so handsome. He came in to see Ralph about some sort of insurance problem, and he stopped by the reception desk to chat with me before leaving.

  “He started coming in every week, but not to see Ralph. He was there to see me. Oliver was a very handsome man, and he had a slick tongue. I was too naïve to even realize he was giving me lines. He was cagey, too. I didn’t even notice that he was only coming in when Ralph was out to meet with clients. Slowly but surely, that man drew me into his web.” Tammy’s face heated with shame.

  “Don’t be embarrassed, darlin’.” Crag squeezed her hand. “You were young and inexperienced, and that fucker played on that.”

  Tammy took a deep breath, nodded her head, and continued on. “He didn’t wear a wedding ring and he told me he was single. It was exciting at first, having those clandestine meetings, knowing no one knew of our relationship. It wasn’t that I wanted to hide that I was seeing him, but Oliver convinced me not to let anyone know we were seeing each other in case Ralph didn’t like me dating his client. So I went along with him.”

  “Fucking bastard,” Carter growled.

  “After four months of meeting in secret, I finally decided to agree to take our relationship to the next level. He’d been pressuring me to have sex with him from day one, but I held out and wanted to be sure I was doing the right thing. I had feelings for him, which I can look back on now and know that it was an infatuation. I should have known then that something wasn’t right, but Oliver was my first serious boyfriend. He took me to a hotel and took my virginity.” Tammy tried to cover the sob building in her chest by drawing in a noisy, ragged breath. She should have known that these two men didn’t miss a trick.

  Crag lifted her from her chair and placed her on his lap. He began to rub up and down her back in soothing caresses. Carter clasped both her hands in his and squeezed them, as if offering her some of his strength.

  “When he was done, his cell phone started ringing. He answered it but went into the bathroom and closed the door. He didn’t have a quiet voice and I could hear everything he said.” Tammy couldn’t prevent the tears of guilt and humiliation from escaping her eyes. “He told his wife that he’d had to work late and should be home within half an hour. He asked her to kiss his kids goodnight for him and said that he loved her.

  “I couldn’t move for a moment. I was so shocked. But then I managed to get my body to move and got dressed. I always carry a pen and small note pad in my purse and left Oliver a note. I told him to never contact me again or I would tell his wife he had cheated on her, and then I left without a backward glance.”

  Carter wiped some of the tears from her face. “Oh, baby, don’t beat yourself up. You didn’t do anything wrong except trust the wrong man.”

  Tammy nodded and then took a deep breath. “I vowed then and there that I would never trust another man. I never saw Oliver again, thank God. He called Ralph directly the next day and transferred all his insurance policies to another company. Ralph was like a bear with a sore head for a few days, ranting and grumbling about how much time and effort he’d put into setting up Oliver’s insurance, but I don’t think he ever found out the reason why, and I certainly wasn’t going to tell him.”

  “It wasn’t your fault, darlin’. From the sounds of it, that man wasn’t going to give up until he got what he wanted.” Crag hugged her tighter.

  “He lied to you about everything, baby,” Carter said. “Don’t feel guilty for something that wasn’t your fault. You didn’t know he had a wife and kids. Don’t let that experience affect what you could have with us. We’ll give you all the time you need to become comfortable with us and make up your mind. I’m sorry if you felt I was pressuring you. It wasn’t my intention to make you feel that way.”

  “Thank you. Thank you both for your understanding. I’ve never felt this way before. It’s exciting but also a little scary.”

  “We don’t want you to be scared, Tammy. Take as much time as you need.”

  Crag helped her to her feet and then sniffed the air. “Smells like breakfast is ready, and I’m starving.”

  Tammy sniffed and then frowned at Crag when she couldn’t smell anything. Carter smiled and then tapped his nose. “Our wolves have much better noses than a human does, baby. Most of the time we take our meals downstairs in the dining room with the rest of the pack, but if you’re nervous about being in a room full of people, one of us can go down there and bring breakfast back here.”

  “I would like to meet more of your pack,” Tammy answered.

  “Angela is the best cook.” Crag groaned. “She’s a lovely woman, as is her daughter, Cindy. They take care of all of us, and since I don’t even know how to turn on an oven, it’s a good thing.”

sp; Carter snorted. “If a kettle didn’t turn off automatically you’d probably burn water.”

  Crag grinned and cuffed Carter on the back of his head then pulled him in close until Tammy was sandwiched between them. “You’re such a smart arse, mate. You know I wouldn’t put up with any of your shit if we weren’t mated?”

  “Yes, you would,” Carter replied and then drew back when Crag released him. “You love me.”

  “That I do,” Crag riposted. “God knows why.”

  Carter helped Tammy to her feet. “Don’t you just love the way he says arse. It just doesn’t sound right.”

  Tammy giggled.

  “The way you say it sounds like a donkey’s rear end.”

  “Exactly.” Carter chuckled and then pointed at Crag.

  “Watch it, Carter. I may just have to play pin the tail on the donkey later tonight.”

  Carter groaned and Crag smiled then waggled his eyebrows. Tammy couldn’t help but giggle.

  “Promise?” Carter asked.

  “You know it.”

  “Why do Americans call a G-string a thong?” Crag asked with a grin.

  “Well, duh,” Tammy said, and Carter was pleased to see her joining in their banter. “Maybe it has something to do with the fact that it goes between the cheeks of an ass.”

  “Like floss between teeth. We Aussies wear thongs on our feet.” Crag barked out a laugh when Tammy stared at him with confusion.

  Carter decided to clarify for her. “We call them flip-flops.”

  “Oh my God. That is so funny.” Tammy giggled.

  “You think that’s funny. We call a pussy a fanny, and you guys use that word for an ass.”

  Tammy snickered and then covered her mouth with her hand. Carter felt his heart fill with love. Their mate was smart, stunning, and sassy, and he hoped to have many, many years with her and Crag.

  “Tell me some more,” Tammy demanded as he and Crag led her from their suite of rooms and down the stairs.

  “We call what you think of as jelly, jam, and Jell-O we call jelly.”

  “I knew that one. You’ll have to think up more words for us to compare.”

  “No worries, darlin’. When you want to be entertained, you just come to me.” Crag smiled and thumped himself on the chest.

  Tammy burst out laughing and was still smiling when they entered the massive dining room, which was separated from the kitchen by a large granite counter. The room was full of pack members, and everyone looked up and smiled when they entered. Carter introduced her to Angie, the cook and housekeeper, and her daughter, Cindy. When his prospective mate returned the women’s greetings and saw that they were about to start bringing platters of food to the table, Tammy rushed over to help them. Carter stood back and smiled as he watched his helpful mate. He just hoped like hell that she agreed to become mate to him and Crag. He wouldn’t feel complete until she was a part of him, too.

  But what astounded him more was the way Crag had lightened up since Tammy had come into their lives. He’d never seen his mate be so playful before. Crag had always been so serious. Carter supposed being the highest-ranking Beta to the Reynolds Pack back in the state of New South Wales, Australia, would have been a huge load to carry. He’d had the responsibility of making sure all the security surrounding their land and pack house had been kept up to date and working at all times. Each and every day, Crag seemed to loosen up a little more, and Carter liked it.

  Crag took his ranking in the Friess pack just as seriously, but he didn’t have such a big load on his shoulders anymore. Even though Crag would be expected to protect the pack if they were threatened, his mate’s burden was much lighter.

  “She’s really special, isn’t she?” Crag asked.

  “Yeah,” Carter sighed. “I was so scared I’d fucked things up, but I’m also glad my faux pas got her to open up with us. As she was telling us about the asshole Oliver, my wolf was pushing at me to go find him and rip his fucking throat out.”

  “Mine, too, mate. If I ever come across that fucker, I will definitely punch his lights out.”

  “Carter, Crag.” Jonah’s voice came through to them on the common pack link, interrupting their private conversation. “Have you told Tammy about what we are yet?”

  “Yes, we have, Alpha,” Crag answered.

  “How did she take it? Do you want Michelle or any of the other women to talk to her and help ease her mind?”

  “Our mate is a lot stronger than she looks, Alpha.” Carter met Jonah’s eyes and smiled. “We expected her to think we were crazy or go running from us with fear, but she was excited about learning that some creatures from mythology are actually real.”

  “That’s good. You mate is more accepting than mine was.”

  “Hey, watch it.” Michelle slapped Jonah on the shoulder and then smiled when he took her hand in his, brought it to his mouth, and kissed the back of it.

  Carter and Crag nodded toward their Alphas and queen, and then each took one of Tammy’s hands in theirs and guided her to the table. After seeing her seated, they sat on either side of her. Rochelle and her mates, Jarrod, Malcolm, and Braxton, where sitting across from them.

  Carter passed Tammy a platter of bacon and was pleased to see her put a couple of slices on her plate. When she was done, she reached across to pass the platter to Rochelle. Rochelle’s face drained of all color, and she covered her mouth with her hand. Then all of a sudden, she shoved her chair back from the table and ran. If Braxton hadn’t been watching his mate, she likely would have crashed right into the wall. Braxton swung Rochelle up into his arms and ran out of the room using his wolf speed.

  Tammy lowered the platter on the table and whispered a quiet, “Sorry.”

  “You have nothing to be sorry about, Tammy. Rochelle is a vegetarian, and add into that that she conceived our pup this morning, she is probably suffering morning sickness, too.”

  “How the hell do you know that?” Tammy asked and then must have realized how belligerent she sounded. “I’m sorry, Jarrod. I didn’t mean to sound like that.”

  “That’s okay. You’re human and have a lot to learn yet,” Jarrod replied and grinned when Tammy frowned at him. “That wasn’t an insult.”

  “Stop teasing her, Jarrod,” Malcolm said. “We knew the moment Rochelle conceived our baby because her scent began to change.”

  “Wow! That is so…just wow.” Tammy leaned back her chair and looked toward the door. “I hope I didn’t make her sick by trying to pass the bacon.”

  “No, it’s probably the changes her body is going through already,” Jarrod said. “But I have a feeling we’ll be eating breakfast in our own rooms from now on.”

  After breakfast Crag led Tammy back to their rooms while Carter went to see Mikhail in the office he shared with Jonah and Brock. He was glad to see that his Alpha wasn’t busy talking on the phone.

  “Take a seat, Carter. What can I help you with?”

  “Crag and I want to take the night off from working the club if that’s possible. Tammy is going to be moving in with us today, but we need to drive her to Durango and help her pack her stuff.”

  Carter went on to explain about Tammy’s stepfather, Ralph Binks, and how he and Crag weren’t about to leave her to face the man who had hurt her alone.

  “Take all the time you want,” Mikhail said. “There are plenty of people here who can cover for you. Nothing is more important than protecting and wooing your mate. She’s a nice woman. I can tell that Michelle and the other women already like her even if they haven’t spent much time with her. I never distrust a woman’s intuition, especially my mate’s.

  “How are things working out between you and Crag?”

  “Good. He says he feels like he fits in more here than he did in his own pack.”

  “That’s good. You know if any of you ever have problems or just need to talk to someone that we’re here for you. Right? I think of you as my little brother.”

  “Thanks, Mikhail.”

�Sure. Be careful when you get to her place. I don’t like the sound of what’s happening with her stepfather. He could be on drugs as well as the drinking. If he is, he could be very unpredictable.”

  “We’ll be fine, but thanks.”

  Carter couldn’t wait to get Tammy’s things and bring them back to the pack house. That would hopefully mean that she would be one step closer to accepting them as her mates.

  Chapter Nine

  Tammy was currently sitting in the middle on the front seat of Carter’s truck as he drove toward her home in Durango, Colorado. Even though she was nervous and scared about facing her stepfather again, at the moment she felt safe and secure. And that feeling got her to thinking about becoming mate to Crag and Carter.

  She wanted to say yes more than anything, and although she hadn’t known them for very long, she trusted her intuition. Looking back at the sordid relationship she’d had with Oliver, she should have realized he wasn’t being upfront with her. The way he had wanted to hide the fact that they were going out should have been the first indication that something nefarious was going on.

  Even though it was corny and probably cliché, Tammy felt like she’d known Crag and Carter forever. She still had a lot to learn about them, and they did about her, too, but she could see herself spending the rest of her life with them by her side.

  “Are you okay, darlin’?” Crag asked.

  That was another thing that surprised her but shouldn’t by now. Crag and Carter always knew when she was feeling nervous or upset and tried to get her to talk. She loved that about them. The only other person who had really cared for her was her mom. Ralph had never seemed to be bothered to find out the way she ticked, and she wasn’t sure if that was because he had been so wound up in her mother or because she wasn’t his biological child.

  She remembered that Ralph had been really upset when her mother hadn’t been able to fall pregnant again and he would leave the house and spend hours away from home. She’d heard her mom crying, and even though Tammy had wanted to comfort her, she knew she wasn’t supposed to have known that her mom and stepfather had been trying to conceive. She’d overheard Ralph telling her not to bother Tammy with their private details until they knew for sure her mom had actually conceived, but it just wasn’t meant to be.


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