Enticed by His Embrace (Carnal Connections Book 2)

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Enticed by His Embrace (Carnal Connections Book 2) Page 1

by Abby Gordon

  Enticed by His Embrace

  Carnal Connections Book Two

  By Abby Gordon

  Copyright 2017 by Abby Gordon

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part by any means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage r retrieval system, is forbidden without the explicit written permission of the author. All characters depicted in this fictional work are consenting adults, of at least eighteen years of age. Any resemblance to persons living or deceased, particular businesses, events or exact locations are entirely coincidental.

  Cover art by Angela Anderson

  Dedication –

  To Danielle –

  Your strength, courage and love is an inspiration

  Chapter One

  Stay calm, cool and collected. Just because he’s the hottest singer/actor in the world you will not freak out when you see him. Pippa took a deep breath and repeated that to herself as she did another quick walk-around the private room. Being picked to wait on Sean Livingston was big. Huge. Normally it went to the more experienced waitresses at the Lincoln, an upscale hotel in London, who were just automatically assigned to the nightclub’s VIP area. Tonight Tom, the head bartender, had literally drawn a name out of his hat. And now she was trying to calm the albatross-sized butterflies in her stomach.

  “Pip,” hissed Jessica from behind the bar. “Stay calm and remember what I told you. You’ll be fine.”

  “Uh-huh,” Pippa replied with a nod, returning to stand near the door. “Easy for you to say.”

  Her friend just chuckled softly and smiled. Pippa managed to smile back then heard the rise in noise beyond the double-doors.

  “Showtime,” she called out the warning.

  Jessica nodded in response as the doors opened. Pippa took a quick breath as ear-splitting music from the main club rushed into the private room. Straightening her shoulders, wishing she had a couple more inches to her height, she watched the first men come in. They were Sean Livingston’s entourage. Personal assistants, bodyguards, a few she wasn’t sure just what they did, and then she heard Steve greeting him and he appeared.

  “Good evening, Mr. Livingston,” she greeted him, hoping she didn’t sound too starstruck.

  His dark eyes crinkled as he smiled at her. “Hello,” he replied. “Pippa, isn’t it? How are you doing?”

  “Fantastic, Mr. Livingston,” she answered, remembering what Jessica had told her. “We’ve got everything set up for you, and the DJ said to just give him the word and he’ll have things flowing in here.”

  “I think we’ll stick to the jazz for right now,” Sean decided. “At least until we’ve all had something to eat.”

  “Yes, sir.” She nodded. “I’ll go tell him and then get drinks for everyone.”

  Passing him, she smiled up at the man to Sean’s right. At the door, she felt eyes on her back and glanced over her shoulder. Tony Henderson, the singer/actor’s PR handler, was watching her with a smoldering expression in his hooded blue eyes. He turned in response to something Sean said, and Pippa had to remind herself of her errand.

  Returning from the DJ’s booth, she got to work, getting their drinks, including those for the women they’d picked up in the main room, calling the dining room for a couple special food orders, and cleaning up a few spills. Things slowed down for a few minutes when all but the bodyguards, Sean, and Tony went to the main room to dance.

  Taking advantage of the break, she gathered up all the glasses for a runner to take to the kitchen to be washed and started wiping down the tables.

  “Are you ever still more than a second?” Tony wondered when she reached the booth he shared with Sean. The actor had gone up to the bar to chat with Jessica.

  “Not at work,” she replied with a smile.

  “Pippa, what are you doing?” Andy’s voice at her elbow made her jump, panic in her eyes.

  “I was just…”

  “Bothering the customers?”

  “I was talking with her,” Tony cut in. “It’s this little thing in America we call conversation. Polite conversation. Do you not have it in Britain?”

  “Pippa is here to work, not converse,” the club manager answered primly, his tone insinuating something completely different. “Is that clear, Pippa?”

  “Very clear, Andy,” she replied, quietly.

  “It’s Mr. Munchson,” he reminded her. “You’re a junior member of this staff. A very junior member.”

  “Yes, Mr. Munchson,” Pippa corrected, feeling absolutely humiliated.

  Why did he have to do that in front of Tony? I mean Mr. Henderson?

  “Remember that in future,” he hissed before leaving.

  “Sorry for disturbing you, Mr. Henderson,” she whispered, swallowing and turning to leave.

  Strong lean fingers caught her wrist and tugged her back to the table. Something in her belly stirred and it wasn’t fear. She darted a glance at him, then looked down.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine,” she replied, keeping her gaze fixed on the table.

  His other hand reached out and tilted her chin up slightly.

  “You’re so young,” he murmured. “And so perfectly petite. Like a little pocket-size Venus.”

  He shifted in the booth, moving closer. The desire she’d seen earlier blazing in his blue eyes. His fingers were strong but gentle. And her body seemed to spring to life at his touch. One thumb stroked along the inside of her wrist while the other brushed over her lips.

  “I’m not a Venus,” she demurred, shaking her head with a smile.

  “You don’t flirt the way she did,” agreed Tony. “But you have her grace and you certainly have her beauty. Venus had Hephaestus to keep her,” he paused, his gaze sweeping over her body, outlined by the form-fitting waitress uniform. Was it her imagination or did his eyes linger on her breasts? “Satisfied and under control. Tell me, little Venus, do you have your own Hephaestus?”

  “I can’t imagine a woman cheating on you the way she did on him,” she answered, unable to believe the words had slipped out as soon as she thought them.

  He blinked, then that heat flared in his eyes. His fingers tightened slightly on her wrist, giving a little tug to pull her up against the edge of the table.

  “So, you know the myth? Excellent.” His thumb brushed back and forth on her skin and she trembled slightly. “I can’t see you cheating on a man the way she did. But, for a time, I think Venus was quite satisfied with Hephaestus.”

  “The emotions probably scared her,” Pippa replied, understanding that all too well. “I can understand that.”

  “Emotions?” He considered that thoughtfully. “Possible. I hadn’t thought of that. What kind of emotions though?” He winked at her. “Emotions from the fires of lust? The way he touched her?”

  “Or maybe Venus needed more,” she couldn’t resist saying, giving him a teasing smile. “Maybe she was too much for him to handle.”

  Pippa couldn’t believe it. Was she really having this conversation? Talking like this to a man like Tony? She wasn’t sure she could breathe, if her heart was even beating. The rest of the world fell away and nothing else existed

  “Too much for him to…” Tony’s dark blue eyes narrowed slightly. “Careful, little Pippa,” he murmured. “I know of fires that I don’t think you could handle.”

  “Venus handled them,” she tossed back saucily.

  “She did,” agreed Tony. “She did indeed, my Venus.” Was she imagining the heat in his eyes when he looked at her? She stared ba
ck at him, holding her breath. “I’ll bet you could handle the fires and emotions as well.”

  As the door to the main area opened the world returned in a rush. Jumping, she stepped out of his grasp, clutching the cleaning cloth in her hand.

  “Pip?” called Jessica.

  “Coming,” she replied and turned quickly.

  “Run, little Pippa,” Tony murmured, a slight smile on his face. “I’ll catch you next time.”

  He leaned back in the booth, eyes following her. He hadn’t liked the club manager’s attitude and manner with her. When he’d reached out to stop her from leaving, he’d wanted to make her feel better, but she’d suddenly seemed so fragile and delicate. Touching her had been a mistake, he knew. Her skin was softer than he’d imagined. She’d ducked her head so shyly, submissively. And then he’d compounded his error by making her look at him. By brushing his thumb across her lips. Those full rose-petal pink lips that he could just imagine around his cock. Her wide pale blue eyes looking up at him to see if he was pleased.

  He groaned.

  “Drink not to your liking?” Sean asked, sliding back into the booth.

  “How long has it been since we stayed in one place more than a few days?” Tony wondered, realizing that was about the last time he’d gotten laid. Well, besides the one off. He hadn’t been to the sex club in so long he couldn’t remember when.

  “Mid-January,” Sean said much too quickly. “I need to schedule some time off.”

  “You’ve got time off,” Tony reminded him, shaking his head. Ten months. That explained why he was going after an innocent like Pippa. His inner Dom was starving and wanted to dominate the nearest possible candidate. He heard her laughter and turned his head to see her rolling her eyes and shaking her head at Frank. His cock twitched and he had to fight to stay seated. “Thank God for that island of yours. The rest of us need a break.”

  “Am I that bad to be around?” asked Sean, sipping his tea. “I thought I was getting better.”

  “You’re fine,” replied Tony, smiling at him. “I’m actually getting a bit worried because you haven’t done anything outrageous lately besides…”

  “Hey, the quicksand wasn’t my fault,” Sean protested.

  “I was referring to the two women who sneaked into your bedroom in October,” he snorted. Getting Sean out of quicksand during a safari when shooting had stopped for three days had been a piece of cake compared to the potential disaster in Rome.

  “I shared, didn’t I?”

  “Yes, you did,” agreed Tony, raising his glass. “Which one was Sheila again?”

  “You got a name?” laughed Sean. “More than I got.”

  “Not hardly.”

  They both grinned.

  “So,” Sean asked more seriously. “What are you going to do with a few weeks off and all of New York City is at your feet?”

  Tony’s gaze flicked across the room to where Pippa was turning from the bar with a tray full of drinks. New York City. ‘Home.’ Well, where his apartment was. Where the Grey Shadows club was that discreetly catered sexual needs beyond the norm. And that he hadn’t been to one in nearly a year, even though there were Shadows clubs throughout the world. He’d had sex, but not the deep, total domination his entire being relished. And that entire being was now focused on Pippa.

  “Tony? I thought you said she was too young for you,” Sean referred to their exchange on entering the private room.

  “No, you said you felt old. I think I said it would be fun exhausting her energy,” Tony corrected him.

  “You need to get laid, bro,” Sean teased him.

  “No, I need to fuck,” Tony growled.

  “That too,” Sean winked.

  An alarm bell went off in Tony’s head. Sean was in a playful mood. Oh, shit. Red flags started waving. “Sean, what—”

  “Ah, Frank, what do you have here? A lovely redhead?” Sean looked at the newcomers to the booth.

  “We met Deedee a few months ago, and she wondered how Tony was doing,” the assistant beamed.

  What the hell? Tony mentally shrugged. She might get his mind off Pippa and her pert heart-shaped ass that begged to be spanked.

  Across the room, Pippa turned from the table and stared as Deedee, one of the club regulars practically climbed onto Tony’s lap.

  “Men,” she muttered, going to the bar. “From one to the next. Not giving two shits about anyone.”

  She managed to avoid speaking directly to him until just as they were leaving. Catching her as she piled plates on a tray, Tony leaned down and whispered in her ear. “I’m too old for you, Venus.”

  Breath caught in her throat, Pippa stared up at him. The lust in his eyes nearly burned her where she stood. She felt her nipples tingle in response and fire stir in her belly. Usually when a man looked at her like that she tried to get away from him as fast as she could, but when it was Tony, she wanted to get closer. She felt bolder.

  “Hephaestus was older than Venus.” The words popped out before she could stop them. She ducked her head down. “Sorry.”

  His mouth brushed her ear. Was that his tongue? Pippa shivered and turned her head slightly. His lips were inches from hers.

  “Hephaestus tied up his Venus and made her submit to him. He was the one god who could dominate her, overwhelm her completely, and give her ecstasy and pleasure. He took care of her every need. Can you picture that? Would you like that, my little goddess?”

  Pippa’s breathing quickened as the scene he described popped into her head—only it was Tony looming over her helpless body. A body that even now turned toward him.

  “Tony, we’re ready,” Sean called as he left the bar.

  “Be good, little Venus,” Tony murmured, stroking a finger down her arm. “And stay away from the manager.”

  “I try,” she managed to whisper.

  With a quick smile and a brief squeeze of her hand, he walked out the door. Alone. Pippa smiled and hugged herself. The rejection she’d felt was replaced by heat. She carried the tray to the kitchen herself, feeling light as a feather. On her way back, Deedee intercepted her.

  “You little slut,” she hissed.

  “What?” Pippa stared at her.

  “I saw him watching you.”

  “And if he was?”

  “You can’t go up to his room,” Deedee reminded her. “It’s your job if you do.”

  “Like I’m that stupid,” she replied tartly. “Excuse me. I need to help Jessica with the room.”

  Slipping away, Pippa shivered. At the door, she glanced back and saw the other woman staring daggers at her. The guard moved between them as if reading the moment.

  “That woman is a mean one,” Steve commented as he opened the door for her.

  “I think the word is ‘bitch’,” Pippa told him.

  “That fits her,” he agreed.

  Exhausted, Pippa sighed as she sat on the bus. Remembering why she was so tired, she smiled and patted her tote. Unable to resist, she peeked into her bag. Yep, it was still there. She could just see his smoldering dark eyes. She shivered with delight. She considered what the best part of the night had been and grinned. As thrilled as she was with the autograph and photos, she knew it was the tip. It would all go into her account for her job search once she had the exam results. Her dream, her ticket into another world. A world of class, wine, and elegance. Or maybe, she sighed, pressing the tape to signal her stop, she should put it toward retaking the last ones she’d taken.

  Walking briskly along the streets to her building, Pippa tried to put that out of her mind. Jessica was certain she’d done well, had helped her study, helped her do the practice tests and everything else possible.

  Jessica. Pippa went up the stairs to her fourth floor flat and let herself in. Securing the door, Pippa pulled the magazine out and gave the actor’s face a stern glare.

  “You treat Jessica right, you hear me?” With a sigh, she smiled. “A nightcap. Bloody brilliant. Andy probably never suspected a thing.” Ha
nging up her coat and bag, she tossed the magazine to the coffee table and pulled her wallet out. She pulled out the wad of crisp notes and giggled as she hugged them close. “Well, if I passed the exams, I’ll use this toward a job search. If not, I’ll take the bloody things again.”

  Hiding the notes until she could get to the bank, Pippa washed her face, hung up her waitress uniform, and fell into bed. Her dreams were full of erotic images she’d never had before.

  Her coming out of the waves like the famous painting, her blonde hair in loose waves about her body. Tony waiting for her on the sand, nude. She couldn’t fill in details of his body, but the outline of him showed broad shoulders, muscles rippling, and legs braced apart as he stood with his fisted hands on his hips. She walked to him, moving as if to go past him. His arm reached out and snaked around her waist, yanking her off her feet and against his hard body.

  “And where do you think you’re going?”

  “I’m tired,” she replied with a shrug. “I was going to bed.”

  “Excellent idea,” he agreed with a slow smile that was all Tony, all seduction.

  He tossed her over his shoulder and she gasped in outrage. “Let me go,” she demanded, beating at his back with her fists. “Put me down this instant.”

  His hand smacked first one and then the other ass cheek. Pippa’s eyes popped wide.

  They were inside a hut and he threw her on the bed. Before she could move, he was swiftly tying her arms and legs so she was spread-eagle. He ignored her protests and demands to be released. He chuckled at her curses and denunciations of his ancestors.

  When he was finished, he stood at the side of the bed, just looking at her.

  “Well?” she growled, irritated and frustrated. Her body was tingling, felt empty and, as much as she’d been trying to avoid it, she knew he’d aroused her. “What now?”

  Tony’s blue eyes swept her body. Pippa trembled as he climbed on the bed, getting between her spread thighs. Again, she couldn’t see his body in the shadows. Her body exulted, hips twitching in anticipation.


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