It Started With a Kiss

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It Started With a Kiss Page 7

by Melanie Moreland

  I looked down at him in wonder. Even in sleep, he was striking—perhaps even more so. Relaxed and at peace, the lines that creased his forehead were smooth and his full lips were pursed as if waiting for a kiss.

  God, kissing Daniel.

  What an experience.

  I’d been kissed, but never the way Daniel kissed. I had never experienced anything like the fire that erupted when his lips were touching mine. I never wanted a man the way I wanted him. The way I reacted to him now, I could only imagine the inferno we’d feel when we made love. Just the thought made me shudder with anticipation.

  I had never felt this sense of rightness when it came to being with another person. I had never experienced a yearning to care for someone and have him care for me in return. Talking and getting to know him better, had only cemented my feelings further. Our likes and goals were similar—it was as if we were part of the other person. I knew I wanted to be the one Daniel turned to in his times of need. I wanted to know he’d catch me when I needed him.

  In the blink of a moment, I saw an entire life with Daniel. It felt as easy as breathing. I saw our future: evenings like this cuddling on the sofa, weekends exploring the world around us. Nights spent in his arms. I saw it all with him: children and pets; laughter and loving, even tears and heartaches.

  I kept stroking his head. Common sense told me I was being ridiculous—there was no way I could possibly feel all this, having only met him today.

  But I did.

  And by every indication, so did Daniel.

  I should be scared and wary of how he made me feel.

  Yet, I wasn’t.

  Instead, I felt whole.

  I didn’t want to lose that feeling.

  Daniel shifted, his body curling into mine, as if he knew what I was thinking.

  I held him close, hoping in his sleep, he knew I was there.

  Tender kisses woke me.

  Daniel’s voice was a gentle hum in my ear. “Come to bed, Sprite.”

  Confused, I looked up at him, then over to the clock. It was past two in the morning. “I have to go home!”

  He shook his head. “It’s late. I don’t want you driving.” He kneeled in front of me, tucking my hair behind my ear. “Some date I was—falling asleep on your lap.”

  “You were tired—it’s fine. Besides, I liked it.”

  “I did, too. Stay, please, Avery.”

  When I hesitated, he wrapped his hands around mine. “Nothing will happen, I promise. I’ll even sleep on the sofa. I need to know you’re safe. Please.”

  “You don’t have to sleep on the sofa. I trust you.”

  He scooped me up in his arms, carrying me down the hall. I snuggled into his chest, loving how it felt to be near him.

  His lips brushed over my head. “You better keep the sweater on,” he muttered. “Otherwise, I’m not sure I can be trusted.”

  “For tonight.” I agreed.

  “Yeah. For tonight.”


  Waking up with Avery tucked beside me was an incredible experience. She had barely moved all night, despite the fact I slipped in and out of bed to check on Lucy, who was steadily improving. Every time I came back to bed, Avery curled into me with a sigh of contentment. Holding her close, I felt the same way. Content. Happy. Complete.

  Looking down at her, I was in awe. The very second I had touched her something inside my chest had relaxed. I’d never experienced a reaction like that in my life. Somehow, in the short span of time since then, it had grown—exponentially.

  When I returned to the clinic the previous afternoon, I couldn’t stop thinking about her. Images of her in my kitchen, making dinner for us kept floating through my head, distracting me. Recalling the feel of her mouth underneath mine, the way she felt in my arms made my body tighten. I wanted to feel her close again—taste her sweet lips and feel her body mold itself to me. It hit me when I sat at my desk that I had left a stranger in my home. Someone I didn’t know at all, apart from her name. Except, somehow I knew I could trust her—totally. Still, my behavior was out of character for me. I was the steady one—Caitlin was the impetuous one.

  I scrubbed my face wondering what I was thinking.

  When, in fact, I knew I wasn’t thinking. I was feeling.

  Caitlin poked her head in my door.

  “Hey . . .” Her voice trailed off. “Daniel, what’s wrong?”

  “What am I doing?”

  She sat down across from me. “Avery, you mean?”

  “I left her in my house. Alone. I don’t act like this—I’m never careless or impulsive.”

  “Are you worried?”

  I shook my head. “No. That’s what I’m worried about. I should be concerned.”

  Her brow furrowed. “You’re worried about not being worried?”


  She studied me for a moment. “You know you sound like Dad, right?”

  “Shut up.”

  “You do. He talks about the way Mom bowled him over in seconds. You sound exactly like him.”

  I flicked my hand. “Get out of my office.”

  Her laughter drifted down the hall.

  She was right, I did. Avery had bowled me over, so to speak. It shocked me how much I already felt for her and how well she seemed to fit into my life. Knowing she was there while I was at the clinic had made me anxious to be done for the afternoon. Normally, I was never in a hurry to leave, but I couldn’t wait for the day to end, and be able to spend more time with her. The excuse to help her find some socks was all I needed to hurry over and see her. Leaving her had been a difficult thing to do, even though I knew I had responsibilities waiting. I had to remind myself I would see her in a couple short hours.

  Those hours seemed to drag, though.

  Thoughts of her drifted through my mind between patients, and more than once Caitlin had to repeat herself when we were talking. She had laughed, teasing me about my unusual lack of concentration. Then she made a list of gifts I should buy her to say thank you. I ruffled her hair as I went past and tossed the list in the trash to piss her off, and she yelped, slapping my hand away. She hated having her hair messed up. I felt, as her brother, it was my right to drive her crazy—even if she was spot-on in this instance. The list reappeared on my desk later, and I tucked it in my drawer. She did deserve something. Maybe I’d have Avery help me pick out a surprise for her.

  Even my clients noticed my mood; one elderly woman told me I had “that” look on my face. I laughed with her, not commenting, since I didn’t know what to say. It was a mystery, but I liked the feeling. Avery certainly brought forth something in me, and our connection was strong, even if it was still new.

  Seeing her in my kitchen last night made it feel as though I was truly home. Waking up with her this morning felt so natural—her wild hair loose and flowing over the pillow, her hand fisted in my T-shirt.

  Everything about her was a gift. Her sweet smile, expressive eyes, and her shy demeanor were all delightful, but it was her spirit—open and giving—that was truly amazing. Watching the emotions flit through her eyes as she talked about her grandmother or the sadness when she spoke about missing her parents made me long to erase her pain. Listening to her laugh when she shared more stories of her grandmother and growing up—I knew how deeply Avery felt about the people in her life. I also knew I wanted to be one of those people.

  I was grateful to have been the one lucky enough to meet her, and be able to have her in my life. Now, I wanted to be the man she needed, one she could look up to, and who would always love and care for her. I wanted to be hers. As fast as this had happened, I was certain about that one thing. It was the same as knowing what I wanted to do with my life years before—a sure, unwavering conviction. We belonged together.

  Carefully, so I didn’t wake her, I kissed her brow, and slipped out of bed to get ready for the day. I wished I could stay with her, but knew if I did, I wouldn’t be able to resist her tucked close to me, warm and sleepy.

  As it was, my cock was hard and aching for her, and I knew she wasn’t ready for such a huge step. I was content to take it at whatever pace she chose to set. As long as she was beside me, it was all that mattered.

  I looked back before I left the room to go downstairs and work out. She was so small burrowed under the covers.

  My little Sprite.

  I grinned as I descended the steps.



  When I came out of the shower, the bed was made and she was gone. I threw on my jeans and hurried down the hall, relaxing when I could smell coffee.

  I leaned on the doorframe, taking in the sight of Avery in the morning. She stood, feet crossed, fingers drumming on the counter as she watched the coffee drip into the glass container. I shook my head in amusement at her impatience. She had told me about her addiction to caffeine and her deep love of coffee. She was still in my socks, wearing an old jersey of my dad’s I had given her to change into last night, SPENCER in large letters across her back. It was worn and thin, and I loved seeing her in it. She looked adorable and very sexy. I liked having my name on her. My dick twitched a little in my pants in agreement.

  I cleared my throat, and her head snapped up, a heartfelt smile lighting up her face. I sucked in a fast breath. If I thought she looked right last night, this morning she was perfect in my kitchen. Her hair was long and messy, like a burst of sunshine around her shoulders. Her eyes were sleepy but they held such warmth, my chest constricted.

  “Hi.” She appeared wary. “I, ah, made coffee. I hope that’s okay.”

  “More than okay.”

  “I woke up earlier and you were gone. I had thought you went to the clinic, but Lucy was still here, so I assumed you were, as well.”

  “I was downstairs. I have a small gym and I work out every morning.” With a sly grin, I flexed my arms. “I do a lot of lifting in my line of work. Gotta keep up my strength.”

  Her gaze roamed my torso, her stare open and frank.

  I met her gaze with one of my own.

  “It’s working,” she praised. “Whatever you’re doing. Keep it up.”

  I almost told her I would have no problem keeping it up for her, then decided action was a better plan.

  I strode across the kitchen and had her on the counter in about two seconds flat.

  She let out a little squeak when her legs hit the cold stone, but it turned into a whimper as soon as I tucked her against me and kissed her. Long, slow, and deep, my tongue explored her mouth, and I lost myself to the sensation of holding her close.

  “You look so right here, Avery.” I kissed her again. “In my kitchen.” Kiss. “In my clothes.” Kiss. “I want to see that every morning.” Kiss. “Every.” Kiss. “Morning.” Kiss.

  She held me closer, her arms tightening around my neck. “It feels right, Daniel.”

  I liked starting my morning this way.

  “What’s in the container?”

  “Oh, I made your lunch. It’s just the leftover spaghetti. I didn’t know if you took it with you or came home . . . So yeah, I, ah, just got it ready.”

  “Thank you. I’ll take it with me. It’s another busy day.”

  “Okay.” She took a sip of coffee. “There’s enough left for dinner for you tonight, as well.”

  “Great. Wait . . . Are you not having dinner with me tonight?” I frowned. “I called dibs yesterday.” A thought hit me and I stared at her, as my stomach clenched. “Unless you already have plans?”

  “No! I, um, just didn’t want to assume anything. I didn’t want you to think you had to . . .”

  I reached out and took her coffee cup from her hand, hunching down so our eyes were level. “Dibs. Tonight, tomorrow, the weekend. Any time you want to give me, I want. As long as it’s what you want, as well. Understand?”


  “Oh, Avery.” I smirked and ran my fingers through her messy hair. “I don’t even know how I’m going to let you go this morning. I kinda wish you were a woodland Sprite.” I kissed the end of her nose. “Then I could put you in my pocket and keep you all day.” I chuckled wickedly. “God knows the havoc you’d wreak in my pocket though. I might scare people.”

  “How do you do that?” she whispered, her eyes wide.

  “Do what?”

  “Make me feel so . . . wanted.”

  I wrapped her up in my arms. “You are wanted. So very much.”


  I was in a daze all morning. More than once I had to recheck figures in reports I was working on, and twice in our morning meeting, my thoughts had wandered.

  All I could think about was Daniel. His gentle gaze, the tender way he cared for Lucy, how he had treated me all evening—as if I was special. I wasn’t used to feeling that way, but I liked it immensely.

  One other thing I couldn’t stop thinking about was his mouth.

  His talented, wicked, wicked mouth.

  Soft, full, pouty lips that teased and smiled. Laughed and puckered. Muttered curses, then crooned the sweetest of endearments into my ear.

  And when they touched mine . . .

  My cheeks flushed as I sat at my desk, thinking of the goodbye kiss he laid on me before he disappeared around the corner into his clinic. He left me a panting mess, leaning against my car, weak-kneed. I watched him walk away, Lucy beside him, recovering well and able to walk the short distance with him. He paused only once to throw another air kiss my way, which I pretended to catch, giggling the whole time. We were sickening sweet with the constant affection, but neither of us could help it.

  I was amazed at the way he made me feel about myself. For the first time in my life, I felt beautiful. To him, I wasn’t unusual, or distracting. Daniel’s serious words, his intense gaze, and the way his powerful body reacted to me. He wanted me—just the way I was. It was a heady feeling.

  I wasn’t sure what would happen tonight when there was no Lucy to distract us. It was probably a good thing we were going out to dinner.


  I looked up at Denise, grinning at me from the doorway.


  “Delivery for you up front.”

  “Oh, okay. It’s probably the Simpson file. They said they would send it over this morning.”

  She shook her head, her grin getting wider. “I don’t think so.”

  Mystified, I walked into reception and gasped in delight. A lovely bouquet of flowers sat waiting for me. There was no doubt about who sent them—all my favorites were there. It had been one of Daniel’s “getting to know you” questions.

  Roses, lilies, carnations, freesia, and alstroemeria spilled out of a huge vase, their fragrance filling the room. Pink, yellow, purple, white and red blooms filled the container; an explosion of color for my eyes.

  I carried the heavy vase into my small office, smiling at the fact they took up a large part of the tiny space. I pulled the card out of the envelope, my eyes misting as I read the words.

  One kiss changed my life.

  Dibs on the rest of yours.

  ~ Daniel

  Once again, he left me breathless. He was a remarkable man.

  I dialed his number, biting my lip in nervousness, especially when he answered in total professional mode.

  “Dr. Spencer.”

  “Hi, Daniel.”

  His voice warmed instantly. “Sprite.”

  “I don’t mean to interrupt. I only wanted to thank you for the flowers. They’re so beautiful.”

  “Can’t possibly be as beautiful as you.”

  “I . . .”

  He snickered. “I love making you speechless. Although, I prefer using my mouth to do that rather than words.” His voice lowered, rasping and gritty. “I do love feeling your sweet mouth under mine.”

  “Daniel.” I whispered his name as desire shot through me.


  “You need to stop. I’m–I’m at work.”

  “So am I.”

  “You have a big offic
e. With a door, you can shut. Stop it.”

  “You don’t have a door?”

  I laughed. “Well, there is a frame, but no actual door to shut. We have small spaces—the walls don’t even go to the ceilings. Kind of an open-concept thing.”

  “Hmm, well, I won’t come to visit then. Totally inadequate.”


  “I can’t kiss you if I can’t shut the door, Avery. Not the way I like to.”

  “Oh. Oh.”

  He hummed in agreement. “Yeah. Like that.”

  “Daniel—” I warned.

  “Stopping now,” he sang, still chuckling.


  “I love teasing you. Now, listen, I was wondering . . . I know it’s going to rain later tonight, but I heard it was going to be hot tomorrow. Would you like to go riding with me?”

  “Are you sure you don’t want to wait and see how the date goes tonight?”

  “No need. I already know it’ll be amazing. I’m just being proactive.”

  “Okay. I don’t know how to ride, though.”

  “I’ll show you. Promise.”

  “Do you have, um, small horses?”

  “I’ll pick the gentlest one for you.”

  I looked up to see my boss in the doorway. “Okay. But, I have to go.”

  “All right. Six forty-one, Sprite. Be ready.”

  I laughed. His four-minute shortcut. “I’ll see you then.”

  After my boss left, I picked up my phone and sent Daniel a text.

  Would you like me to make a picnic for tomorrow? I thought maybe we could have lunch in the sun?

  Half an hour later, I was in a meeting when his reply came back.

  I love you

  I almost swallowed my tongue.


  The day was going great. Avery loved her flowers. I would see her tonight for our date and I was taking her to my favorite restaurant.

  Plus, she agreed to go riding with me. She sounded nervous, so I had a feeling my idea of having her ride with me on the same horse would please her. I could hold her nice and tight. That would please me.


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