The Demon's Bargain (Demons Unleashed Erotic Novellas)

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The Demon's Bargain (Demons Unleashed Erotic Novellas) Page 2

by Lisa Alder

  “You will be my...guest.”

  Amara couldn’t prevent the fierce stab of satisfaction at the Demon’s words. She was not the only one to be imprisoned.

  “But you took her.”

  “Actually, I believe you offered her.” The Demon shifted subtly, the hard throb of his erection pulsed against the seam of her ass. She would have to pretend to enjoy her sexual torture. As she softened her body against the Demon, she wasn’t sure what disgusted her more, his obviously erect penis or her stupid soon-to-be-dead husband.

  Shock flashed over Edward’s features as her husband finally understood what the Demon had arranged.

  “Now she is mine.”

  “Who are you?” she blurted.

  “He didn’t explain?”

  Slowly Amara shook her head.

  “I am Vetis, Demon of Corruption.”

  Chapter Three

  The challenge was on.

  Vetis loved the bargain he’d made. It was so very perfect.

  Prince Gaap wouldn’t be happy but by the Gods, Vetis needed some satisfaction. Some challenge. He’d been doing his part dutifully. The Demons had plenty of energy stored for the imminent Fae attack. There was plenty available for wielding magick.

  The gambler sputtered all the way out the door. Figgins was obediently mute while he ushered the man toward the dungeon. Vetis smirked as he saw what Edward had visualized. The dungeon would be a far sight nastier than the threesome with two blondes Edward had anticipated after he’d agreed to the deal.

  Vetis laughed. The sound a rough bark in the now silent chamber.

  The woman on his lap stiffened. And Gods, the move pushed her ass against his suddenly, finally interested member.

  “Why in the Gods name did you ever marry him?”

  She didn’t say a word. Just held still, perched over one of his thighs, legs spread while her thighs gripped him with surprising strength. Likely so they wouldn’t have to touch anywhere else.

  “You have to answer me.” Honesty wasn’t part of the terms of their bargain. The Fae had cornered the market on compelling Humans to tell the truth. But as she turned to glare at him, her ice blue eyes shooting heat, he gleefully understood she didn’t realize that.

  The movement caused her top to gape. The halter strap sagged, exposing one beautifully pert, pale pink nipple. His cock surged, straining his breeches, arousing him as nothing had in a good long time.

  In a lazy movement, he swooped his hand up the naked skin of her back, and gently pulled the strap from its bow. The fabric stripped away, like the peel of a banana and bared her beautiful breasts to his avid gaze.

  He captured the frigid nipple in his hot mouth and suckled.

  She was stone cold. Not aroused at all. With her lack of emotion, he withered. Which did not make him happy.

  She was the perfect challenge. A woman without pleasure. And his job was to make her writhe with it for an entire night. He must be up for the task.

  But before he could turn her into a pleasure slave he needed to know why she was not aroused.

  Enough of this indulgence. “Answer me.” He demanded in a hard voice.

  “My father sought Edward’s clan to protect me.” She swallowed back a sob. In her mind, he saw an ailing old man as he begged the stupid gambler to marry his daughter. And Vetis understood.

  Her true emotions blazed through his body like a wildfire. Love. Grief. Both sizzled through him and energized his body even as he witnessed the horrible destruction the apocalypse had wrought on her village.

  Since then her world had regressed to a simpler time. Humans now understood they inhabited the Earth with all manner of creatures stronger than them, fiercer than them. And yet the Demons and Fae still had need of the energy from Human emotions.

  Vetis popped the nipple out of his mouth. He nuzzled the pale valley between her breasts and inhaled the warm clean scent of her. He licked the underside of her left breast marbled with blue veins. There he discovered the small round scar seemingly at odds with the rest of her fine soft skin.

  She flinched.

  Where she had not shown any reaction to his sexual overtures, the attention of his tongue to this scar caused her distress?

  He leaned back and cupped the large globe with both hands, inhaling her scent, thumbing her nipple once more, until she calmed.

  Then he deliberately fingered the round uneven scar, a travesty against her beauty. “Cigarette?” he inquired softly.

  Her heart beat violently, thumping so hard against her breastbone, her breasts shook.


  She remained silent, but the scene in her mind gave her away. Sandwiched between two men, one mounting her from behind, the other holding a faggot, glowing like a brand against her breast. Her back arched in agony against the double assault. Their laughter echoed in his mind.

  He cursed the impulse to disclose his secret, even as the words escaped his mouth. “Did you know I can read minds?” He revealed to her knowledge that few possessed.

  She blanched, then met his gaze in a mixture of defiance and misery.

  “The shame is not yours.” He was compelled to comfort her.

  “You are doomed to be stuck with me forever.”

  “You have such little faith in my carnal abilities,” he mocked.

  “Wrong. I have no faith.”

  “It looks as if we have a long way to go in your seduction,” he drawled. Anger, and some other emotion seethed below the surface. No wonder she believed herself incapable. Had anyone ever given her pleasure?

  Even worse. How would he corrupt someone without avarice?

  The door to his chamber slammed open. “So did you siphon energy off the dolt?” Zepar, his friend and sometimes partner in more erotic endeavors strode into the room.

  “Not yet.”

  “Gaap is going to be pissed. His mandate requires us to wring every drop of energy from--” Zepar halted, suddenly noticing Amara on his lap. She hunched her shoulders and turned away from the doorway, trying to hide her body, arms crossed over her breasts defensively.

  “Well,” Zepar said softly. “What have we here?”

  His smile was sharp, wicked as he arched a brow at Vetis.

  The answer came to him in a flash of brilliance. “Zepar, you are just the Demon I am in need of.”

  Chapter Four

  Amara stiffened. She wanted to tilt her head forward. If she moved just so, the tendrils of her hair would hide her breasts from the Demon who had just entered. She refused to show fear. Even as her heart quaked in her chest. She vowed to accept whatever punishment they meted out, not cower in fear.

  Vetis tensed and his muscles hardened. The cords in his thighs shifted against her female mound, and for a moment the movement did not feel all bad.

  Amara would service these Demons, settle the debt her husband incurred, and steal back her dignity once and for all.

  She pushed her chin up and narrowed her gaze, ready for them. Vetis ran his fingers along the back of her neck, the rough pads abrading her skin, yet not in an unpleasant way.

  “What did you have in mind?” The new Demon’s voice rumbled in the room. The hint of wood smoke and a musky underlay of male semen wafted from him. A wicked smile graced his face as he crossed his arms over his heavily muscled chest. His biceps bunched and flexed. And she knew he could subdue her with little effort.

  She was strong but these were Demons.

  Devils. Sure to damage her.

  Earlier Vetis had seemed almost fierce on her behalf, but she couldn’t let that moment lull her into a false sense of security. These beasts would use her for their own amusement with no thought to her or how they hurt her.

  She would not tremble in their presence.

  The big Demon, Zepar, strode to the dais and leapt up the steps in one giant bound. Instinctively she wanted to recoil but held her ground.

  The pads of his fingers were gentle on her chin as he lifted her face.

  He stared at he
r as if trying to see into her soul.

  “This is not your usual sport.” The big Demon frowned. His forest green gaze shot to Vetis, with a clear question in his eyes.

  “Your place is not to question me,” Vetis replied arrogantly.

  Gods the man, Demon, had an ego.

  Zepar trailed his fingers over the bare skin of her shoulder, his touch almost delicate. “Then what are you about?”

  “Pleasure,” Vetis hummed.

  “I am always on board with that goal.” Zepar, the big one grinned, his teeth snapped together with glee.

  “I knew you would be.” Vetis tugged her halter top up. For a second she thought he was covering her up. Instead he tugged the offensive black top over her head to bare her breasts to both men.

  “What about the mandate?”

  “I have trolled the gaming tables for the past month, absorbing and storing Human energy.” Vetis flexed his fingers against her breast. “I am ready for some fun.”

  “I’ll bet we can have an inordinate amount with this beauty.” The big blond Demon knelt and tapped his finger on her mouth. Fear held her immobile. He was huge. “What’s your name sweetheart?”

  Amara hesitated. Everyone knew to engage a Demon was considered the height of folly. Their trickery was legend, second only to that of the Fae.

  Vetis wrapped his hand in her hair and twisted her head back at an awkward angle. She arched her back to relieve the pressure, determined not to wince. “You will answer.”

  The move thrust her breasts forward.

  “Gods, they are gorgeous.” The big blond Demon leaned in to nuzzle her flesh. With his tongue, he licked the valley between her pendulous breasts. Then he closed his eyes and inhaled slowly.

  The big one hadn’t hurt her. He hadn’t pulled on her nipples or squeezed her too hard. The sensation was unique. Wet, soft. Weird. But she knew pain awaited.

  He frowned. “She has the scent of fear on her.”

  “We will have to remedy that,” Vetis said calmly. “But first she will tell us her name.”

  By waiting she had unintentionally drawn his ire.

  “Amara.” With her arms, she covered her breasts.

  “Come Amara,” Vetis purred. “We must prepare you.”

  She tensed and anticipated the grip of their hands on her clothes. For the rending of her dignity.

  Vetis’s cock throbbed against her hip. He was mightily aroused. A shiver of apprehension skittered over her flesh. With a man behind her and another in front of her, horrible memories of her wedding night invaded her thoughts.

  After he accepted her dowry to pay off his gambling debts, her groom had sold her virginity to the highest bidder. Or in her case, bidders.

  Her knowledge of what happened between a man and a woman had been learned through very sweet books that were clearly lies.

  Her sexual initiation had been pain-filled. Pinching hands, rough thrusting, ripping, as the men tore into her flesh, without care for her barrier or inexperience.

  She’d been a blushing bride for all of an hour before she’d been reduced to her husband’s whore.

  Vetis yanked her head around. Sharp pain pierced her scalp. The abuse was coming. “Don’t ever compare me, us, to them.”

  He was angry with her? That was rich. As rage threatened to burst from her, she shoved the emotion back inside. When the coldness had returned, she finally nodded.

  With a gentleness at odds with his fierce words, Vetis let go of her hair. She eased back until her spine curved more naturally.

  From the table next to him, Vetis lifted a deep purple glass bottle in the shape of a woman. His fingers caressed the rounded globes of her glass breasts before he pulled the stopper from the bottle with a pop.

  “Perfect.” Zepar purred and held out his hand. The tip of his thumb brushed her breast as if by accident then casually then moved away. Vetis poured a small bit of oil in the man’s very large palm.

  Real almond oil. The rare scent wrapped around her senses. After the Demons unleashed their destructive wrath and ravaged the Earth’s natural resources, such extravagance was almost eradicated.

  Vetis poured a small amount of the scented oil into his own palm then placed the bottle carefully back on the little stand. He rubbed his palms together and the friction perfumed the air around them.

  Vetis shifted Amara until her bottom sat on his thighs. Zepar inserted his legs between Vetis’s to build a table for her body to rest on. They gently pressed her down until her back lay along their thighs, her head hung down one side and her stilettos were planted firmly on the floor, and her breasts thrust skyward like an offering to the Gods. The position was uncomfortable but at least it didn’t hurt.

  Rubbing the oil into her skin, their warmed palms caressed her collarbone, then flowed down the length of her arms. Their movements in perfect synch as if they’d practiced. Her rib cage, her stomach, the dip in her belly, no secret place was left untouched from their smooth, sensual strokes, nearing but not ever touching her breasts.

  She was surprised they hadn’t hurt her yet. Perhaps the pain would come later.

  Like a butterfly on the wind, the thought flitted away when they leaned over her body to cup her ankles in their palms. The flat broad muscles of the chests--whenever had they removed their shirts?–rubbed against her ribcage, flirting with the buds of her nipples but never quite touching. Which was fine with her. It only hurt.

  They kneaded the skin of her calves and thighs with long sure strokes, until they came to the hem of her very short skirt.

  Their hands traced sensual circles along the sensitive inner skin of her thighs. Each stroke pushed the skirt higher and higher until her pubis was exposed. But they never once touched her female slit.

  Vetis leaned down and put his nose in the curls of her mound. She froze and waited for the bite, the flash of pain. Instead, he inhaled long and deep as if he could suck the essence from her body. But he never touched her.

  That made her happy. Or it should have, but a subtle sense of disappointment kept her on edge.

  In unison, they slicked their fingers along her flesh, until each held a breast in their hand. As if choreographed, each bent their head, one dark, one light, at the altar of her breasts. Their hot mouths opened over the entire areola and sucked in rhythm to the throb of their erections pulsing against her hips.

  Oddly the sensation was not unpleasant.

  Gods, wouldn’t it be amazing if she could fulfill the bargain and be done with this torture? If for one night, she could experience, if not pleasure, then an absence of pain during the sex act.

  Hope, like a poison, spread through her.

  Vetis groaned low in his throat, the sound vibrating through her breasts and spreading down to her womb. “Gods do you smell that beautiful scent?”

  Zepar rubbed his head against the concave hollow between her hipbones. His hands caressed her body with a reverence that was impossible to turn away from. And yet, she stiffened anyway, readied for the pain.

  This was where they violated her.

  Amara’s gaze was drawn to Vetis, as if, like the Fae he compelled her to focus only on him. Again and again, her attention strayed to the size of his cock, poking out of his breeches and seeking a female to conquer. Cum pearled on the knob of his erection. The salty scent of his arousal sickened her and curdled any softening in her nether regions.


  “Are you talking to me or to her?” Zepar growled. The beast was near.

  Harsh lines of arousal cut into Vetis’s face. Leashed power prowled through his muscles like a panther and dread snapped like tiny lightning bolts along her nerve endings. Amara trembled.

  In one smooth action, Vetis stood and pulled Amara with him. Her leather skirt wrapped only around her waist and bared her womanly curls and ass to their lust.

  “Push down my breeches.” Vetis commanded.

  She dared not disobey.

  Behind her, fabric rustled as the other Demon t
ook off his clothes swiftly.

  In a tentative move, she pushed ineffectually at the tight leather breeches. “You are too big,” she murmured, a flush spreading throughout her body.

  With a bark of laughter he helped her get the material off the head of his enormous erection. Dear Gods how would she ever take him into her body?

  From behind, Zepar pushed her skirt down her thighs to pool at her feet. Now. This was where the pain would begin.

  She tilted her chin up defiantly. As one they stepped toward her, Vetis’s chest brushed the points of her breasts even as his erection teased her curls. The blond Demon fitted his chest to her back, his huge erection nestled in the crease of her ass. One head tilted to the right and one to the left, they licked their tongues along her neck.

  No pain. No fear.

  Sandwiched between the two men, with her spike heels on, their erections hit her body at just the right point for penetration. She stood perfectly still, arms at her sides as they wrapped her in an intimate embrace.

  The cream from Vetis’s cock was hot against her stomach, and the pearling drops from Zepar’s erection seared her ass. The air was thick with the sweet scent of almond oil. As they rubbed against her, the oil from her body slid along their skin, and a curious softening occurred. She felt...cherished. How very odd.

  If she could just stay here in their embrace, her life might be bearable.

  Vetis growled low in his throat. He inserted his hand between their bodies and glided his cock to the valley of her curls. Instinctively she tensed to protect against a sexual invasion.

  But he did not penetrate her, only rubbed her slit with his juice.

  Zepar crowded her from behind. She tensed again and waited for the intrusion. Instead he slid his cock along her feminine lips. Her womb clenched. Liquid trickled from her sex. And gratitude rolled through her in a wave.

  As if they took predetermined sides, they thrust together slowly, rocking along her nether lips with heat and oil and friction. The sensation was pleasurable, perhaps more than pleasurable.

  The cage around her hardened as their thrusts became more urgent.


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