Somebody Like You: A Lesbian Romance

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Somebody Like You: A Lesbian Romance Page 1

by Lydia Rose







  “Will you come to California with me?” Sydney asked the woman who had preoccupied her mind for the last two years of college. It was Michelle’s blond hair and blue eyes that attracted Sydney from the first time she met her. As they grew closer it was the woman inside that made her fall in love.

  Michelle turned away on the bed. “You know I can’t, Sydney. I have to go back to New York,” she said softly.

  Sydney reached for her shoulder and turned Michelle onto her back. “You’ve graduated. You can get a job while I’m in medical school.”

  “My mother won’t allow that. She won’t allow me to be with you.”

  “Michelle, you’re twenty two years old. Isn’t it about time you stood up for yourself?”

  “I can’t, Sydney.”

  “What am I supposed to do without you, Michelle? Find someone else? Somebody like you? Someone that makes my heart skip a beat when they walk into a room? Someone who’s kisses set my soul on fire? Someone whose touch turns me to jelly? You think there’s someone out there that can take your place?”

  Michelle got out of bed and put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. “I’m sorry, Sydney. I just can’t do it.”

  “I’m sorry too because you’ll never find anyone to love you as much as I do.” Sydney put her clothes on. “Remember that, Michelle.” She left the room and Michelle left her life.



  “Mom, I want to go to school in California,” Michelle’s sixteen year old daughter Grace announced at dinner.

  “Why California?” Michelle asked.

  “The weather is fantastic and I want to go to Cal Tech.”

  “Honey, but it’s so far away from New York. I’ll miss you too much.” Michelle admitted.

  “I know that, mom. That’s why I want you to move to California too.” Grace added.

  “Me in California?” Michelle asked with a laugh.

  “Yes, you in California. You should have no problem getting a job with one of the studios there. I’m sure Carol can even help you find a job.”

  Carol had been Michelle’s boss and friend ever since she accepted her first job in the New York Studios. “What is your father going to say when I tell him we’re leaving the state?” Michelle tried another tactic.

  “Mom, dad is married with a new baby. He’s got enough to think about and I’ve already talked to him about this.”

  “You have?” Michelle asked surprised.

  “Yes. He knows I need a school like Cal for my computer engineering studies.”

  “Honey, you don’t even know if you can get into the school.”

  “Mr. Clemens thinks I’ll have no problem and he knows people there. People who can help me get in.”

  “How long have you been thinking about this?” Michelle asked grinning.

  “Since I started high school.” Grace came over to her mother. “Will you at least think about it, mom?”

  “Yes, I’ll think about it.” Michelle would think about it for her daughter’s sake. It was just moving so far from family and what she knew.

  “Thanks, mom. I’m going to call Kelly and tell her.”

  “I didn’t say yes, Grace.”

  “I know, mom.” Grace bounded up the stairs to her room.

  Michelle shook her head as she picked up the dinner dishes. “How come women are always asking me to go to California?” Michelle asked chuckling to the empty room.

  Michelle hadn’t thought about Sydney in a long time. She used to dominate her thoughts daily. When her husband made love to her, it was Sydney’s face she saw. There were times that Sydney’s face would mock her, would invade her mind and tell her, no one will love you as much as I love you. Before she made a decision, she needed to speak with Carol.

  “Hey, Carol.” Michelle called as she came into work the following morning.

  “Hi, Mic.”

  “Grace surprised me last night with her plans for college. She wants to go to Cal Tech.”

  “In California? What did you do that your daughter wants to go to school at the other end of the country?” Carol asked laughing.

  “You haven’t heard the best part. She wants both of us to move there.”


  “At the end of this school year,” Michelle slumped into a chair.

  “I suppose you want me to help you get a job out there?” Carol asked grinning.

  Michelle nodded.

  “Suppose I say no? That I won’t let you go.” Carol crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Then I’ll have to find one on my own.”

  “So you’ll pick up and move across the country without a job?”

  Michelle nodded again. “I don’t have much of a choice.”

  “You’re a good mother, Mic. That girl has had you wrapped around her little finger since the day she was born.”

  “I admit it, Carol. She does.”

  “You’ve got me whipped too.” Carol sighed. “Let’s see what we can do about getting you a job.”

  “Thanks, Carol. I love you.”

  “I love you too, doll. It’s a shame you aren’t a lesbian because I would never let you leave me.”

  “You’ll come visit, right?”

  “You won’t be able to keep me away.”


  September 2014

  “Mom, do you think this apartment is big enough?” Grace asked as they unpacked their boxes.

  “Honey, you’ll be going to Cal Tech in a year. You’ll be staying on campus. I don’t need anything as big as what we had in New York. This place is close to the studio and close enough if you want to come visit me.”

  Carol secured Michelle a position at one of the large studios in the wardrobe department on one of the many shows being shot there.

  “Mom, are you nervous about starting a new job?” Grace asked as she opened one of the many boxes.

  “Yes, but I’m also excited to start something new. What about you? You’ll be starting your senior year in a new place with no friends.”

  “I don’t care, mom. I miss my friends, but this is what I wanted,” Grace said with a shrug.

  Michelle put her arm around Grace’s shoulder. “I’m so proud of you, honey. You know what you want and you just go for it. I never had that kind of courage when I was your age. My mother told me what I wanted and I couldn’t voice my own thoughts.”

  “I know, mom. That’s why I thought this move would be good for you too.”

  Michelle smiled. “When did you get so mature and so smart?”

  Grace’s shoulders came up in a shrug. “I’ve always been like this.”

  Michelle stared at her beautiful daughter. Her brown shoulder length hair had blond highlights and her green eyes showed her emotions. She had such an easy going personality that Michelle found it hard some days to believe she was her child. Grace took after her father in height and she wondered if her five foot eight frame was still growing. Grace also reminded her of someone else, but that she never voiced that to anyone else.

  “I love you, baby,” Michelle finally said.

  “I love you too, mom.”


  Michelle drove up to the gates at the studio and gave her name to the guard. He gave her directions to her new place of employment and where she would park her car. She thanked him and drove onto the lot.

  Michelle walked into the building and asked for Trudy Davis.

  “Ms. Davis will see you now,” The secretary said pointing toward the door.

“Come in, Michelle.” Trudy Davis stood as Michelle walked into the office.

  “I’m happy to meet you, Ms. Davis,” Michelle said with her hand out in greeting.

  “Please call me Trudy. We’re very informal around here.” Trudy pointed to the seat in front of her desk. “There’s enough egos working in this studio,” she chuckled. “I’m going to start you on one of the new shows that are just starting to film. You’ll be working under Sara Miller and here she is.” Trudy stood up as Sara came into the room. “Sara, this is Michelle Richards.”

  “I’m happy to meet you, Sara.”

  “Same here,” Sara said extending her hand. “So are you ready to get started?”

  “Yes, please.” Michelle turned to Trudy. “Thank you, Trudy for giving me a chance.”

  Trudy smiled. “Carol told me I wouldn’t be disappointed and I trust her instincts.”

  “I’ll try to live up to your expectations.” Michelle followed Sara out of the room.

  “You’re going to love working here,” Sara said once they were outside. “Even when shows get cancelled, there always another show for us to work on.”

  “I think I’m going to be very happy here.” Michelle admitted.


  “So how was your first day of school?” Michelle asked Grace at the dinner table.

  “Not bad. I made a couple of friends.”

  “Good for you, honey.”

  “So did you make any friends today, mom?” Grace asked giggling.

  “Yes, I did and I like my job. Guess who I met today?”

  Grace shrugged. “Will I know who it is after you tell me?”

  Michelle’s chin went up and down. “Victoria Williams.”

  “Really?” Grace asked as her eye lit up.

  “Yep. I got to help her with her wardrobe.”

  “Was she nice?”

  “Yeah, she was.” Michelle laughed. “I met other minor actors that I don’t even know their names and they were kind of snotty.”

  “I guess that’s why they’re still minor players,” Grace said with a giggle.


  Michelle and Grace had settled easily into their California lifestyle. When Grace had a day off, she gave her a tour of the studio where she got to meet some actors. Michelle’s mother was still unhappy with the move and she made it very clear with each phone conversation.

  “So have there been any earthquakes?” Celeste Avery asked in her phone conversation.

  “No, mother. There have been no earthquakes.” Michelle was happy that her mother couldn’t see the scowl or roll of her eyes.

  “I still can’t believe you let your daughter live there with all those gays and weirdos.”

  The conversation was basically the same every time her mother called. Michelle would ignore most of the conversation and by the time the call had ended she felt she had been physically abused. “Well, it was good to hear from you, mother. I have an appointment to get to.”

  “Where are you going at this hour?”

  “I’m meeting with Grace’s guidance counselor.”

  “Is she in trouble already?” Celeste asked mockingly.

  “No, mother. It’s regarding college.”

  “Are you dating anyone, Michelle?”

  “No, mother, I’m not.”

  “You have to find yourself another husband. It’s been three years since your divorce. You know Ryan is married and has a child already.”

  “I know, mother. I’m not looking to jump into another marriage.”

  “Okay. I’ll call you next week sometime.”

  “Good bye, mother.”

  “Good bye, dear.”

  Michelle didn’t have time to deal with her mother’s harassment if she wanted to be on time for her meeting. She grabbed her coat and headed for the door.

  Michelle sat outside the counselor’s door waiting for the current parents to leave the room. As they came out, Michelle stood up.

  “Mrs. Richards?” Robin Anderson called out from the doorway.

  “Please call me Michelle, Ms. Anderson.” Michelle suggested.

  “Then you must call me Robin.”


  “Grace is a very good student. I’ve seen her transcripts from New York and I understand she wants to go to Cal Tech.”

  “She’s talked about nothing else,” Michelle said with a wide smile.

  “I don’t think Grace will have a problem. She’s very well adjusted and knows exactly what she wants out of life.” Robin looked up from the papers and looked at Michelle. “I understand that you’re recently divorced and Grace talked into moving to California?”

  “Well, I’ve been divorced for three years and Grace can be very persuasive when she wants to be.” Michelle chuckled. “California has been a nice change.”

  “I understand you work for the studios?” Robin asked looking at Michelle intently.

  Michelle now wondered if this woman was checking her out. She looked at her left hand and saw no ring. “I do, but it’s nothing glamorous. I work in the wardrobe department.”

  “That’s glamorous. You get to dress all the people we see in movies and television.”

  “Yes, well.” Michelle began to feel uncomfortable. “So is there anything I should be helping Grace with this last year in school?”

  “Just keep being supportive.”

  “I will.” Michelle stood up and extended her hand. “Thank you and if there is something I need to do, just let me know.”

  Robin came around her desk and stood next to Michelle. “Maybe you and I can have dinner some night and discuss this further.”

  Michelle turned to Robin. “I’m sorry, Robin, but I am not gay.”

  “Oh,” Robin said quietly. “I’m sorry. I thought I was getting a vibe.” She chuckled. “I guess my gaydar is broken.”

  “Thank you again,” Michelle said opening the door. “Good bye.

  “Good bye, Michelle.”

  Michelle walked down the hall wondering what that was all about. Robin thought she was gay. She looked down at her summer dress and wondered what Robin saw that made her think that. Was it really some type of vibe she was detecting?


  It was nearly Thanksgiving and despite her mother’s demands, Michelle was not going back east for the holidays. Not Thanksgiving or Christmas.

  “Michelle, would you run across the street and get that gown for the next scene?” Sara asked.

  “Sure, Sara. I’ll be right back.” Michelle ran out of the building and was walking across the parking lot when someone driving too fast in one of the many golf carts hit her. She was tossed across the parking lot and banged her head on the pavement. Michelle tried to lift her head, but as she did everything went black.

  Michelle awoke in the emergency room. “Ooh,” she said reaching for her head.

  “Lie still, dear. We’re going to take good care of you. Do you know your name?” A nurse asked.

  “Michelle Richards,” she said closing her eyes. The room was spinning and she felt pain in her left leg.

  “Do you recall what happened?”

  “An idiot on a golf cart.”

  The nurses all began to laugh. Their laughter stopped when someone walked into the room.

  “What do we have?” A woman asked.

  “The patient was hit by a golf cart.” A few giggles sounded.

  “She doesn’t look like she was dressed for golf.” The Doctor commented taking note of her dress clothes.

  “No. It happened at Hope Film Studio.”

  “Oh, that explains it. Let’s have a look.” The Doctor came over and lifted Michelle’s eyelids and shined a light. “It looks like a concussion, but let’s do a CT to be sure.”

  Michelle knew that voice before she opened her eyes. She reached for the Doctor’s hand. “Sydney?”

  The Doctor turned and said. “Is that your name? Don’t worry, Sydney. We’ll take good care of you.”

  “No, D
octor Legend. Her name is Michelle.”

  Sydney finally looked at the woman on the examination table. “Michelle Avery?”

  “Yes,” Michelle said softly. “But it’s Richards now.” She squeezed Sydney’s hand again before Sydney pulled her hand free.

  “Oh, of course. Don’t worry, you’re in good hands.” Sydney turned to the nurse. “Get her up for the CT and we’ll see from there. Has anyone called her family?”

  “The studio said they would contact her daughter.”

  Sydney glanced at Michelle and left the room. She was standing at the nurses station when someone came rushing in. The young girl was out of breath. “Hi, they told me my mother is here.”

  “Who is your mother?” The nurse asked.

  “Michelle Richards.”

  Sydney stepped toward them. “Your mother is here, but they took her up for a CT scan.”

  “How is she?” Grace asked trying to keep her composure.

  “She has a concussion. The CT is precaution. She also has scrapes and bruises. Her left leg may be broken.” Sydney stared at the girl in front of her. They had the same hair color and green eyes that reminded her so much of her own.

  “Are you her Doctor?” Grace asked.

  “I’m the neuro they called in for a consult because of the head injury.” Grace looked around the ER. “Why don’t we go get something to drink and your mom may be down by then.” Sydney held out her hand. “I’m Doctor Sydney Legend. Your mom and I were college roommates.”

  Nurse Lisa interrupted. “You know her?”

  Sydney just nodded as she led Grace out of the area. “Cola?”

  Grace nodded. “Is she going to be okay?” She asked as she took the soda from Sydney.

  “I think she’s going to be fine.” Sydney took a bottle of water. “Come on. We’ll wait for her near the CT lab.”

  Grace followed Sydney toward the elevators. “So I guess you’re the reason that my middle name is Sydney?”

  Sydney turned toward the girl. “I don’t know.”

  “My mother told me she gave me that name for someone she cared very deeply about.”

  Sydney cleared her throat. “Has someone called your dad?”

  “My dad?” Grace asked with raised eyebrows. “My parents divorced three years ago. He’s back in New York with a new family.”


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