Somebody Like You: A Lesbian Romance

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Somebody Like You: A Lesbian Romance Page 9

by Lydia Rose

  In the early morning hours, Michelle’s phone rang. “Michelle’s phone,” Sydney said as she answered.

  “This is Ryan. Grace’s dad.”

  “Hello, Ryan. This is Doctor Sydney Legend. I’m one of Grace’s Doctors.”

  “Would you please tell them that I can’t get there until the end of the week?”

  “Of course.”

  “How is Grace?”

  “There’s no change. We will bring her out of the coma sometime today.”

  “Please tell Michelle to keep me posted.”

  “I will, Ryan. Remember, your daughter is strong.”

  “Thank you, doctor.”

  A few hours later, Michelle’s phone rang again. This time Sydney couldn’t pick it up. She later learned that Michelle’s parents had landed at LAX and would be at the hospital as soon as they could. Sydney went back up to ICU and found Michelle asleep with her head on Grace’s bed. She touched her shoulder softly. “Michelle. Why don’t you come with me so you can lie down for a while?”

  Michelle lifted her head and looked at Grace. “She hasn’t moved all night.”

  Sydney lifted Michelle out of the chair. “Grace is going to sleep most of today. You need to get some rest so when she wakes up, you can spend time with her.”

  Michelle nodded her head and allowed Sydney to lead her out of the room.

  Sydney found someplace for Michelle to sleep and then called down to the front desk. Within the hour, Michelle’s parents were approaching the ICU.

  “Mr. & Mrs. Avery?” Sydney asked with her hand extended.

  “Yes.” Mrs. Avery responded.

  “I’m Doctor Sydney Legend. I’ll take you to your granddaughter,” Sydney said still wearing her scrubs.

  “Where’s my daughter?” Mrs. Avery asked looking around.

  “I finally convinced her to get some sleep.” Sydney answered as she opened the ICU door. She didn’t see the confused look on Mrs. Avery’s face. “I can only let you stay here for fifteen minutes.”

  Mrs. Avery nodded as she stood near Grace’s bed.

  “Talk to her. We don’t know if she can hear you, but it can’t hurt.” Sydney walked out of the room and walked over to the nurse’s station. After the allotted time Sydney walked back into Grace’s room. “Why don’t you go down to the cafeteria to have something to eat? I’ll put your suitcases in my offices.”

  The Avery’s followed Sydney out of the room. Mrs. Avery finally asked. “Who are you?”

  “I told you. I’m one of Grace’s Doctors.”

  “Yes, but you are more than that. I can tell.” Mrs. Avery commented.

  “I don’t know if you remember me. I was Michelle’s roommate in College.” Sydney led them to the elevators.

  “Yes. I remember you.” Mrs. Avery responded stepping into the elevator. “Should we come back up here afterwards?”

  “If you’d like. There’s a waiting area outside the ICU.” Before the door could close. “I’ll check on your daughter in a while.”

  “Thank you,” Mr. Avery said as the door closed on the elevator.

  Two hours later, Sydney sat on the bed where Michelle was sleeping. She gently stroked her back until Michelle opened her eyes. “Hi.”

  Michelle sat up. “Is Grace okay?”

  “She’s fine. Your parents are here.”


  “Upstairs in the ICU waiting room.”

  “Have they seen Grace yet?” Michelle asked getting out of bed.

  “Yes. I gave them some time with her.”

  “Did my mother ask who you were?” Michelle straightened her hair with her fingers.

  “I told them I was your roommate in College.”

  Michelle just nodded as she followed Sydney out of the room. “Did you get any sleep last night?”

  “A few hours.” Sydney admitted.

  “Aren’t you off today?” Michelle asked as she walked to the elevators.

  “I’m not leaving until Grace is awake.”

  Once Michelle and Sydney were in the elevator, Michelle kissed Sydney softly. “Thank you for taking such good care of our girl.”

  Sydney squeezed Michelle’s hand. “I love her too, Michelle.”

  “I know you do,” Michelle said as the elevator doors opened.

  “Ryan called and said he couldn’t get here until the end of the week. Go see your parents,” Sydney said turning Michelle toward the ICU.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I’ve got other patients, Michelle.”

  Michelle nodded and walked away. She walked into the waiting area where her parents sat. “Mom, dad,” Michelle said as she walked into the room.

  Her parents stood up immediately. “Michelle,” Mrs. Avery said taking Michelle into her arms.

  “Sydney told me that you’ve seen Grace.”

  “We did. She’s got so many things on her body, but she just looks like she’s sleeping.” Michelle nodded. “What kind of Doctor is Sydney?”

  Michelle sat down in a chair. “She’s a neurosurgeon. Sydney is the one who operated on Grace.”

  Mr. & Mrs. Avery just shook their head. “Where’s Ryan?”

  “Sydney said he called and said he can’t get here until the end of the week.”

  “Why didn’t you speak with him?”

  “I couldn’t bring my phone into the ICU. Sydney has it.”

  “I suppose you are friends again?” Mrs. Avery asked.

  Michelle just nodded. “I’m going to see Grace.” She walked out of the room. Michelle stood by Grace’s bed and took her hand. “Hi, baby. I hope you’ll be waking up soon. Grandma and grandpa are here. They’re worried about you too. Syd has been taking good care of you,” she said just as Sydney walked into the room. Sydney stood next to Michelle and held her arm. “When will she wake up Syd?”

  “Soon, honey.” Sydney leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Keep talking to her.”

  Michelle told Grace that her dad was coming to California and everyone is worried about her. Michelle squeezed Grace’s hand and saw some movement. She turned to Sydney.

  Sydney walked over to the bed and checked her eyes. “Hey, Grace. Your mom is worried about you. Open your eyes for us, okay?”

  The two women stood there waiting. Slowly Grace opened her eyes and looked at them. They both moved closer.

  “That’s it, baby. Stay with us.”

  Grace looked into her mother’s worried face. “What happened?” she asked softly.

  “There was an accident, Grace. Grandma and grandpa are here.”

  Sydney told the nurse that Mr. & Mrs. Avery could come in. While the nurse went to get them, Sydney and Michelle spoke with Grace. They didn’t realize that they were holding each other until the Avery’s walked into the room.

  “What’s going on?” Mrs. Avery asked seeing the two women together.

  “Hello, grandma,” Grace said softly.

  “Grace,” Mrs. Avery said taking Grace’s other hand. “We were so worried about you.”

  “Hi, gramps,” Grace said to quiet man who had tears in his eyes.

  Grace’s hand went to her head and she felt the bandage. “Doc, did you do this?”

  Sydney chuckled softly. “Yeah. I’m sorry that we messed up your hair.”

  “It will grow back, Doc.”

  Everyone breathed a sigh of relief that Grace was awake and talking. Sydney squeezed Michelle’s hand before she left the family alone.

  Mrs. Avery’s eyes followed Sydney out of the room.

  “When did the accident happen, mom?”


  Grace’s eyes began to close. “Get some sleep, Grace. We will be close by.” Michelle leaned over and kissed her daughters cheek. “I love you, baby.”

  “Love you too,” Grace mumbled.

  The three of them went back to the waiting room. “Why don’t you two go back to my apartment and get some rest?”

  “Not right now, Michelle.” Mrs. Avery ey
ed her daughter suspiciously.

  Sydney poked her head into the room. “Why don’t the three of you go get some rest? Grace will probably sleep the rest of the day,” Sydney said as she handed Michelle’s phone back to her.

  “Are you sure she’s okay, Syd?” Michelle asked almost pleading.

  “All her vitals are good, Michelle. I’ll let you know if there are any changes.”

  “Aren’t you going to go home to get some rest too? You’ve been up all night too, Syd.” Michelle insisted.

  “I’ll tell you what. I’ll drive you to your car and catch a few hours of sleep before I come back here. Okay?” Sydney asked looking at Michelle. “I have to get your parents suitcases. I’ll meet you at the front entrance.”

  Michelle nodded as Sydney walked away.

  “Where’s your car?” Mrs. Avery asked.

  “At Sydney’s house. We were there when Sydney got the phone call.”

  When they got to Sydney’s house everyone got out of the car. Michelle opened her trunk and helped Sydney put the suitcases in. Her parents got into the car. “Syd, I can’t thank you enough for what you did for my daughter.” She squeezed Sydney close and whispered in her ear. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” Sydney smiled. “Now go get some rest.” She was shocked when Michelle kissed her mouth softly. “Brazen, woman,” she whispered when their lips separated.

  “You know my mother is going to start the interrogation the moment we get to the apartment. That is if she can wait that long. I figured I may as well get the ball rolling.” Michelle shrugged and then kissed Sydney again. “Please get some rest and call me later.”

  “I will, Michelle. Go before your mom has a stroke.”

  Michelle was laughing as she opened the car door. “I’ll see you later.”

  The car ride was eerily quiet on the ride to Michelle’s apartment. Celeste Avery’s lips were pursed, but she stared out the window in silence. At the apartment, Michelle said. “You can rest in my room. I’ll take Grace’s room.”

  “Do you want anything, Bob before you lie down?”

  “No,” he said taking the suitcases to the back bedroom. Bob looked at his daughter with sympathy in his eyes before walking away. He knew there was going to be a fight.

  Celeste Avery took her daughter’s arm and led her to the couch. “What is going on, Michelle?” She asked forcefully.

  “With what?” Michelle asked with a smirk. “Oh, you mean with me and Sydney?”

  Celeste’s eyes narrowed.

  “I’m in love with Sydney. I don’t think I ever stopped loving her.”

  “Is she why you divorced Ryan?”

  “Mother, Ryan and I divorced three years ago and you know why we divorced.”

  “Yes. I understand now why he had other women.”

  Michelle didn’t comment.

  “Is that why you moved out here?”

  “Mother, I didn’t even know Sydney was living in California. I haven’t had contact with her since college.”

  “Does your daughter know about you and her?”

  Michelle wanted to tell her mother that Grace was the one pushing them together, but she didn’t want to blame Grace. “Yes.”

  “You’re exposing your daughter to this sickness.”

  Michelle huffed and stood up. “I’m tired. I’m going to get some sleep.”

  “We’re not finished,” Celeste said angrily.

  “There’s nothing to talk about.”

  “I won’t allow this.”

  “I’m sorry, mother, but you have no say in my personal life any longer.”

  Celeste pushed past Michelle and went into the bedroom.


  Several hours later, Michelle awoke to noises coming from the kitchen. She went into the bathroom to take a shower and get dressed. When she walked into the kitchen, her father asked. “How are you feeling, Michelle?”

  “I’m okay, dad. How are you?”

  “Fine,” he said.

  “Mother, did you get any sleep?” Michelle asked to her mother’s back.

  “A little.” She answered curtly.

  Michelle poured herself a cup of coffee and took a seat at the table. Celeste put a plate of food in front of her and her dad. “Thank you,” she said softly.

  There was no conversation as they ate the breakfast that Celeste had made for them. Michelle’s cellphone rang and she ran to answer it.

  “Syd, is Grace okay?”

  “Yes, sweetheart. I moved Grace into a private room.”

  “So I can come see her?” Michelle asked looking at her parents.

  “Take your time, Michelle. I’ve hired a private nurse to sit with her. She’s in very good hands and she’s still sleeping.” Sydney answered.

  “Thank you, Sydney. For everything that you’ve done.” Michelle let out a sigh. “I’ll be at the hospital shortly.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you when you get there.” Sydney disconnected the call.

  “How is Grace?” Celeste Avery asked.

  “Sydney’s moved her to a private room and hired a private nurse,” Michelle said softly.

  “This woman has you under her spell with what she is doing for Grace.” Celeste added.

  Michelle grumbled. “Sydney loves Grace. That’s why she is doing this and yes she has me under her spell because I’m in love with her.” Michelle stood up. “I’m going to the hospital to see my daughter. Would you like to come with me?”

  “Yes,” her mother said quickly. “Bob, you stay here and rest. You can go see Grace later.”

  He nodded as they headed for the door.

  When the two women got to Grace’s room, Sydney was there talking with her. “Here is your mom now,” Sydney said holding out her hand to Michelle.

  “How are you feeling, Grace?”

  “Just tired, mom. That’s all. Hi, grandma.” She added.

  “Hello, Grace. Are they taking good care of you?” Celeste asked on the other side of the bed.

  “The Doc is taking very good care of me.” Grace nodded with her head. “Now I have Helen to take care of me too.” She nodded with her head to the nurse who sat in the corner. Grace looked at her mother. “How is Cathy and her family?”

  Michelle and Sydney glanced at each other. “Grace, Cathy and her mother are fine.”

  “What about her dad?”

  “He didn’t make it, Grace,” Sydney said softly.

  Tears came to Grace’s eyes. “I need to speak with Cathy. Mom, can I call her?”

  Michelle took out her cellphone and handed it to Grace.

  “Can I get some privacy?” Grace asked. “Mom, I’ll be okay.”

  “Sure, honey.” Everyone left the room.

  Once in the hallway, Sydney turned to Michelle. “I’ve got to get back to work. If you need anything, call me.”

  Michelle reached for Sydney and hugged her. “Thank you, Syd.” She stepped back. “I’ll see you later?”

  “Of course.” Sydney looked at Celeste. “Good to see you again, Mrs. Avery.”

  Celeste Avery didn’t respond as Sydney went down the hallway. “Aren’t you ashamed of your public displays with that woman?”

  Michelle looked at her mother with fury. “No, mother, I’m not. I love Sydney and I don’t give a damn who knows it. Including you.” Michelle knocked on Grace’s door.

  The nurse came to the door. “She’s upset,” Helen said allowing Michelle into the room.

  Grace held out her arms. “Mom,” she cried softly.

  Michelle wrapped her arms around Grace. “I know, honey. I know.”

  “Cathy and her mom are in bad shape. She couldn’t stop crying to talk to me.”

  “Are their families with them?” Michelle asked.

  Grace nodded.

  “It’s going to take time, Grace.”

  “I feel so bad for Cathy, mom.”

  “I know you do, honey.” Michelle watched as her mother came back into the room and took a sea

  “Mom, why don’t you go home and get some rest. I’m just going to get some sleep,” Grace said through a sniffle.

  “If you’re sure, honey?”

  Grace nodded. “Besides, the Doc is here. She’ll check on me. What about your job, mom?”

  “I told them about the accident and said I wouldn’t be in for a few days.”

  “Mom, go to work tomorrow. Helen is here to keep an eye on me and of course I have Sydney too.” Grace looked at her grandmother. “Grandma, I appreciate you coming all the way to California, but I’m okay. You and grandpa can go home.”

  “No, dear. If your mother is going back to work, I’ll be here in the morning.”

  “Grandma, it isn’t necessary.”

  “I’ll be here in the morning.”

  Grace nodded as her grandmother kissed her cheek.

  “Mom, call dad and tell him he doesn’t have to come.”

  “I’ll call him, but I don’t know if I can stop him.” Michelle smiled as she kissed Grace’s cheek. “You’re a wonderful daughter, Grace.”

  “Go, mom. Go spend some time with the Doc.”

  As the two women walked to the elevators, Michelle called Sydney. “Grace kicked us out. She wants to be alone and get some rest,” Michelle said with a chuckle. “Are you staying the whole day?”

  “No. If you’re leaving, so am I,” Sydney said returning a chuckle.

  “I’ll see you in an hour then.”

  “Your daughter is in the hospital and you’re going to run off to be with your lover,” Celeste said raising her voice.

  “Mother, you and dad can go back to New York anytime you want. This is my life and I will live it the way I see fit.” Michelle slammed the car door as she got out. She went to her room and packed an overnight bag with clothes for work the following day. Once packed, she called Ryan. “Hi, Ryan.”

  “How’s Grace?” He asked.

  “She’s much better, Ryan. Grace is insisting that you don’t come out.”


  “You know your daughter, Ryan. When she makes up her mind, no one is going to change it,” Michelle said with a laugh.

  “Well, it sounds like she’s in good hands. I spoke with her doctor.”


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