Love Don't Cost a Thing

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Love Don't Cost a Thing Page 8

by Shelby Clark

  “Thoughts of him touching you kept running through my head.”

  “Babe, why would I betray our trust and mess around on you? I really thought Preston and I were friends like we used to be. We were like brother and sister.”

  Monica looked up into Colin’s eyes. “I love you and always did.”

  He pinched her chin softly and rubbed her cheek with his thumb. “I know now that you were telling me the truth. Tell me your version of what happened in the garage that night.”

  “OK. I promise that I will never lie to you. Do you promise the same?”

  “Of course. I will also be honest with you.”

  Colin readjusted himself in the bed, ready to hear Monica out.

  “Leah asked me if I could take Preston out for a drive for an hour so she and Justin could have some alone time. They wanted to get their freak on and wanted us out the house.”

  “And then what happened?”

  “First of all I didn’t expect to go anywhere because I was already in my lounging clothes. I was going to leave with you because I could tell you didn’t feel all that great with two men in my place.”

  Colin’s face went blank. “Why didn’t you leave with me when we were in the parking lot?”

  “Because you were angry and in your mind I was doing something in the car, in the dark with Preston.”

  He balled the sheet up in his first as he laid in the bed. “I hate that dude. His eyes were too shifty and he looked sneaky. I knew it when I first saw him. So continue on.”

  “So we rode around the block and just pulled back into the garage twenty minutes before you showed up. Then he told me he had feelings for me, tried to kiss me, and touched my breast.”

  Colin sat up suddenly in the bed. “See, I told you he was up to no good. I should’ve cut his lips and hands off when I had the chance. But I didn’t know.”

  “Babe, what are you talking about? When you had what chance? Tell me.”

  He laid back down to act as if he was getting sleepy.

  “Don’t even try making yourself yawn. I’m not buying it. What did you do, Agent Colin Bradford? You didn’t jeopardize yourself did you?”

  “I can’t say because that could put you at risk. But just know we intercepted him leaving your place and we took him to the airport.”

  “Colin, what if you get into some trouble?”

  He put his pointing finger up to her mouth. “Hush, don’t stress yourself. Preston is fine, he’ll recover. He told me everything I wanted to know and he won’t be bothering you again.”


  “And that’s how I knew you were telling me the truth.”

  Monica jumped up, sitting up in the bed.

  “Well, why didn’t you come see me or answer my calls?”

  “Because I thought I would give you some time to decide if you wanted to really marry me.”

  She crossed her arms. “Then what was that sexual interrogation you gave me earlier?”

  With a smirk on his face he responded, “That was for my pleasure. You’re soaking wet pussy confirmed to me that you haven’t had any cock in a while also. And I wanted to know that my cock was all you wanted.”

  “Of course it is. You can check it out again.”

  “I think I will!”

  Colin pulled Monica backwards on the bed and climbed on top of her for another round before they fell off to take a late nap.


  Monica called and made a walk-in appointment with Denver Health on her way to work. Colin had to go in earlier so it was a perfect opportunity to go without him knowing. She needed to find out if her suspicions were correct. She was late for her period, and dizziness and some nausea were becoming an issue in the mornings. There was only one way to find out for sure though.

  “Good morning, Dr. Sutton,” Monica greeted as she walked into the doctors’ office.

  “Good morning, Ms. London. The test was conclusive. Looks like your suspicions were correct. Based on your last period, you are about four weeks. Before you leave make sure you stop past the lab and give some more blood work, along with this paperwork. Here is your prescription for prenatal vitamins. Any concerns you would like to talk to me about?”

  “No, Dr. Sutton, this is all just a surprise.”

  “Did you take birth control?”

  “Yes, I did. I used the pill,” Monica stated with pride.

  Dr. Sutton studied Monica with her beady eyes. “Did you miss any?”

  Monica’s pride deflated. “Ugh, yes. I dropped two down the drain. I thought if I didn’t do anything on those two days nothing would happen.”

  Dr. Sutton let out a small laugh. “Did your theory prove true?”

  She looked down at her stomach with a weak smile. “Apparently not, I have a little bun in the oven.”

  “What about the daddy? Does he know you’re here to check?”

  “No, but I will be letting him know. He’s going to be beside himself with excitement. I know him. He won’t know how to act.”

  “And you, are you beside yourself with excitement? You don’t look like it.”

  “I’m more like in shock. I just can’t believe I’m going to have a baby. It’s a baby inside of me. I’m getting excited the more I say it.”

  “Yes, but it’s still a good thing. I just need time to adjust.”

  “That’s OK, you have thirty-three weeks to adjust. Make an appointment to return in a month to go over your blood work. It’s routine, don’t be alarmed.”

  “Thank you, Dr. Sutton.”

  “Take care of yourself and baby. Don’t forget your pamphlets on becoming a new mommy.”

  The doctor left the room and Monica got dressed. She paused to look in the mirror to try to imagine a big stomach on her. She couldn’t see it. Her focus was off all day at work and she wasn’t able to get much done at all.

  Chapter VII

  I wonder what Colin has planned for my birthday. Knowing him he’ll probably go all out and plan an office party. I hope not. I don’t want everyone up in my face.

  Monica walked into the F.B.I. building on guard at every turn. She entered her office cautiously. Her expectations were high. She just knew that everyone would come running to wish her a happy birthday, but no one mumbled a word.

  OK, I guess it’s business as usual. Can’t get mad, it’s what I wanted I guess. But damn, I can’t get just one ‘Happy Birthday, Monica’? I mean a card would be nice.

  Monica shut her office door and slammed her briefcase on the desk. She headed for the bathroom. When she returned there was a cupcake with one candle stuck in the middle of it. A smile appeared on her face.

  “Aw, I wonder who did this?” Moe mumbled.

  “I did,” A voice from behind her answered.

  Monica spun around on her heel. It was Bernice.

  “Bernice. Thank you. This was very nice of you.”

  “Yeah, I wish I could do more. I always liked you, Moe. Even when I first trained and showed you the ropes around here. I’m glad we became friends. Has anyone else wished you Happy Birthday?”

  “No. Not one person. And last week it was Agent Jones’ birthday and they made a big deal about his. I even contributed a donation. He even came in to balloons in his office.”

  Bernice laughed at Monica.

  “Look at you. I’ve never seen you pout before. Plus, I think Kim Johnson gave him those balloons because she likes him too.”

  “Damn, for real? You always did have all the gossip didn’t you?”

  “Shit, I need something to entertain myself around here. It’s too serious all the time.” “Ain’t that the truth!”

  “Girl, get over it. You know nothing around here is always what it appears to be. Let it go and move on. You and I can celebrate your birthday tonight if you want, let me know.”

  “I will, I’ll let you know. I know Kim Johnson. Why didn’t she bring me some balloons?”

  Bernice quickly shut the door because Monica got a little loud.<
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  “Look, Moe, you don’t have what Agent Jones has in his pants. Do you want me to get you some balloons?”

  They both burst into laughter.

  “No, Bernice. I don’t want any damn balloons.”

  “What’s all the fuss for then?”

  Monica threw her hands on her hips.

  “Because, it’s the principle. I was just trying to make a point that’s all.”

  “What about Colin? What are his plans for you?”

  “I don’t know, he got called on an assignment at the last minute. Something must be going down.”

  Bernice widened her eyes in surprise. “About your birthday?”

  “No, I mean about the job, because he’s been pulling a lot more unconventional hours than usual.”

  “Oh yeah, we know all too well how that ball bounces.”

  “Anyway, thanks, Bernice. For everything. I’m going to wrap up the cupcake and eat it with lunch.”

  “Alright, Moe, I’ll talk to you later. Don’t let these snobs get to you with their funny acting ways.”

  “I won’t, see yah!”

  Monica shut the door behind Bernice and started working on her current cases.


  Half the day was almost over. Monica could barely get any work done. Many times she fell into a daydream, lost in her thoughts.

  This is the first time in my life that my birthday sucked. I should’ve called out today, but I promised Colin I would go to work and enjoy my day. My pregnancy is a good birthday present!

  She didn’t hear the knock on the door until it became more persistent. “Ugh. Oh, I mean yes, come in.” She got up to open the door. “Yes?”

  It was one of the twenty secretaries, Octavia, who sat in the main entrance of the fifteenth floor, where she worked.

  “Oh, Octavia, what can I do for you?”

  “Hello, Agent London, I’m here to inform you that you’re needed downstairs in the main conference room.”

  Monica started smiling and feeling giddy. “Is it for my birthday? Are they trying to surprise me?”

  “What? Oh, today’s your birthday too? No one said anything to me, but I think an agent on another floor just received some balloons. I’m here because the Director wanted to have a meeting with the Agents that are still here. Most of them are in the field.”

  “Oh. Never mind, forget what I said. Don’t worry about it.” I didn’t realize until now that being serious and conservative has its own down falls. Note to self. Start being a little more outgoing with others and not so much with the paperwork.

  “Are you alright, Agent London? You look a little flushed,” Octavia asked with concern.

  Monica turned her head to her desk as if she was looking for something, but only to conceal her rolling her eyes in the back of her head.

  “Uh, yes, yes, I’m OK. Can you do me a favor and call down to let them know I’m on my way?”


  The elevator bell rang just before the doors open. Monica was looking over her notes when something in her peripheral caught her attention. She looked up and saw a huge balloon. Her favorite color at that, red. She reached up to grab its string.

  “Well, if no one else wants to wish me Happy Birthday or celebrate my day, then I just have to celebrate by myself.”

  She noticed that the elevator door hadn’t closed yet. She began to hit the button.

  “Don’t tell me this elevator is still on the blink.”

  After hitting the button numerous times the door finally shut. Suddenly, the elevator went up instead of down. It jolted and stopped and the lights flickered. Monica felt her breathing increase. She hit the emergency button and an alarm when off.

  Dammit, come on, what a freakin’ day, man! Somebody get on the mic!

  A voice came across the elevator’s intercom speaker.

  “This is security, Agent, please identify yourself.”

  “I’m Agent London, is everything OK? What’s going on? I’m not feeling too good right about now.”

  “We have maintenance working on the problem. A fuse blew in one of the transformer boxes, cutting the power in half the building.”

  Good thing I’m not claustrophobic, but I feel nauseous and it’s getting a little stuffy in here. Oh god, please don’t let nothing happen to me and my baby on this elevator. “It’s getting hot in here can you hurry?”

  Monica looked around the elevator to see if there was something she could do, but nothing presented itself.

  The voice came back over the intercom after twenty seconds. “Agent London, I need you to listen.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “You’re in between the eleventh and tenth floor. We are going to try and get you to the tenth and open the doors so you can at least get off.”

  “Yes, that sounds good to me, the sooner the better.”

  “Stand by.”

  The elevator jolted again. Monica held onto the inside railings as she fell to the floor. It was pitch black darkness. She used her cell phone light. She remembered in the academy a little trick that one of her counterparts taught her.

  Monica held the Door Closed button and the button for the tenth floor at the same time. It is used to sometimes override the other floors to go straight to your floor. The doors opened. She hit her phone for light again to see where she was going.

  “Good, this is the tenth floor.”

  She walked out of the elevator. She could hear whispering voices on the other side of a door that had light behind it. As she walked toward it she called out. “Hello?”

  In a split second before she could say another word another door opened by a shadowed man figure.

  “Agent London?” the man called out.

  “Agent Harvey, is that you?” Monica inquired.

  “Yes, come with me.”

  “I was trapped in the elevator.”

  “I know, when I heard I ran up five flights to try to help.”

  “Thank you. It was getting hot and uncomfortable in there. Plus it was dark.”

  “Thank god for training, huh, otherwise you probably would have panicked.”

  “Really, tell me about it. Where’re we walking to? I don’t remember ever visiting this floor.”

  “We’re almost there. Do me a favor, go into this room and wait for me. I need to use the men’s room. Thanks.”

  Monica walked over to the door and fiddled with the knob. She pulled continuously, but she thought it was locked.

  Why did he tell me to meet him in here if it’s locked? What’s going on? I think I need to call it a day and leave early.

  She heard the door unlock from the other side, and then it was open. Before Monica could get in good or say a word, people were yelling “Happy Birthday” from every direction.

  Special Agent Howard, who was her Director, walked up to her. “Happy Birthday, Agent London. I hope we didn’t scare you too bad with the elevator incident.”

  “Oh my god, that was you all?” Monica chuckled. “No, I’m good. Aw, I can’t believe this. Thank you all very much. I thought no one knew or cared.”

  “But you know who’s behind this shindig, don’t you?” the Director asked with a sideward stare and a raised eyebrow.

  It was then, that Colin walked toward Monica as if he knew his cue. “Did we surprise you? I hope you liked your surprise. I tried not to be too extravagant. It was this or go to Paris or Peru.” He laughed as he hugged and kissed her.

  “Yes, thank you. I was about to put a card in, I wasn’t feeling too good. I was going to take the rest of the day off. I thought you were on an assignment so I felt alone and forgotten.”

  “I had some work to do, but I also had to delegate this whole project, get the caterer, and decorate. The Director agreed when I told him everyone was invited and all the expenses were on me.”

  “This is so awesome. You got me. You got me. I didn’t expect a thing, especially after I got off that elevator. I just ask that you don’t ever do that again. Aw,
but thank you, babe. This is so nice.”

  “So promise me one thing, that the elevator trick won’t happen again. But you know I wouldn’t let anything happen to you.”

  Monica remembered her note to herself and made it her business to socialize with everyone and personally thank them for participating.


  Monica closed her eyes to relax while she waited for Colin to join her. She had a couple of candles lit, the tub filled with bubble bath, and a DVD playing some soft classical music very low. “Babe, what’s taking you so long?”

  She heard Colin run into the bathroom. “I’m getting in with you. This party is just getting started, Moe.”

  “Oh no! Please, sweetie, I’m exhausted. No more partying. Let’s just relaxed and unwind.”

  He climbed into the tub and sat behind her. “Yes, we’re still celebrating. Did you enjoy yourself?”

  “What? Are you crazy? My mind was totally blown away. I never expected anything. In fact, I was getting pissed off.”

  “Why were you pissed off?”

  “Because no one was saying happy birthday to me and I joined that stupid birthday club a long time ago.”

  Colin burst into laughter. “Babe, you didn’t take part in that.”

  Monica slid down into the tub a little more as she laughed too. “Well, sometimes I did. But I felt like laying everybody out. And here they all knew of my surprise party.”

  “Yeah, I would do anything for you, Moe. In fact, I put all your gifts into the living room, but I have one more I didn’t give you. I wanted to wait until we were alone.”

  Colin reached out behind the tub. He pulled out a bag of brochures of land and houses in Peru.

  “Look, I already put a down payment for you. This is for you. It can be a getaway or summer home, or we can retire early, get married and move there.”

  Monica splashed water everywhere trying to turn around to face him.

  “Hold it! Wait a moment. Slow down, chief. Colin, you can’t just do something like this without talking to me first and we agreed together on this. You also can’t buy me, babe. Please, no, I can’t accept that right now. Why not? Because we’re still working things out with our relationship. The issue with Preston made me aware just how much I love you, but it also revealed things too.”


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