Buffalo Heat

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Buffalo Heat Page 4

by N Kuhn

  The delayed pulses, every other second, thump against my pussy walls. The sensation fills me, the feeling flows throughout my entire channel, reaching my G-Spot. I picture his large veiny cock as it glides into my body. His enormous arms enveloping me, pulling me flush against his heated body. As I keep circling my other fingers on my clit, my orgasm builds quickly. Images of his chest, his muscles flexing with each thrust into my wet pussy. My breath hitches and I pant as the explosion ripples through my whole body. I can hear him growl as he moves quicker. Shaking, I close my eyes and picture Dom’s hard body on top of me thrusting, grunting as he pounds his dick into my pussy. I lick my lips, my mind conjures his soft, moistened lips caressing mine, his tongue invading my mouth.

  I pull the toy from between my legs and lean my head back onto the sink. Shit, that was the best thirty seconds of my sex life and all because I was thinking of Geek Boy. My clit is still vibrating, echoes of the pleasure that filled my urge. My legs quiver. Shit, that’s not good. Geek Boy is the last person I need to get attached to. I wash off my toy and stash it in the drawer under my sink. The last thing I need is for Paulie to know I was playing with myself without him. That would just piss him off. I’m happy to let him think we screwed just to get out of having to do it again anytime soon. When he drinks that much, he forgets and I can play it off. I pull the covers back on my bed and slip under them, nudging Paulie with my knee to get him to move over. He grunts, turning to his side, the snores continue. My last thought as I drift off to sleep is how it would feel to really have Geek Boy between my legs instead of my toy.


  As morning dawns, I crawl out of bed, unhappy at the drunken loaf still lying there. Paulie snores on while I get dressed and rush out the door, hoping I’m not late to meet up with Dominic. I pull into Jack’s Diner with my blue Mustang Paulie gave me. I hate it, this thing sticks out like a sore thumb. When I get inside, Geek Boy’s already there waiting, two cups of coffee on the table. He’s focused on his tablet and doesn’t notice me until I slide into the booth across from him.

  “Morning, I ordered you coffee. Is that okay?” Nodding, I sip it, keeping it black. “So, if you can’t trust the people you work with, who are you going to give this evidence to?” He pats the messenger bag on the seat next to him. Shrugging, he has a good point. Who the hell am I going to turn it into? I don’t even have anyone to report to right now.

  “Maybe you should keep it for me, just for a few days? Please? Let me figure things out.” He nods, smiling at me with pity.

  “You’re not alone, you know that right? I’m here, I can help you.” I shake my head no.

  “Not happening Dominic. I can’t involve you in this more than I have. I can’t put your life at risk like that. It’s my job. It’s one thing for me. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something happened to you.”

  “Okay, well then, let’s just enjoy breakfast.” His boyish grin returns and I feel myself getting excited, thinking about last night. The waitress sidles up next to us.

  “Hey darling, good to see you again. We haven’t seen you in here for a few weeks. You cheating on us with another diner?” He looks at her, then me.

  “Yea, sorry about, I had a hankering for some Greek lately,” he answers her. I give him a reassuring smile. Good job lying this time. I almost believed him. She takes our order and leaves us. We chat about ourselves a little. With me, there isn’t much to tell. Raised by foster parents, my sister took off years ago and hasn’t been heard from, I became a cop. He spins me a tale of loving parents, happy childhood. More lies. His breathing quickens again, this is his telltale sign when he’s lying to me. I’ll just go with it for now.

  “Okay, I need to head home and get some shit taken care of. I’ll see you soon?” He nods, returning his attention to his tablet. I get up, dropping money on the table. He hands it back. I decided not to ask him to come see Paulie for drinks yet. I need to think on this a little while longer.

  “My treat darling. I’ll see you soon.” Walking out of the diner, I can’t help but wonder why he keeps lying. What is he hiding? Is he working for Paulie? Is he dirty? Or is he just that bored that he thinks involving himself in police business is going to entertain him? This isn’t one of his video games, it’s real life and someone is going to get hurt. I just hope it’s not him.

  Chapter 4

  “Well, first of all, Windows XP sucks and you should probably upgrade to Windows 8 or downgrade to Windows 7.” Sighing to myself, I feel like a complete tool. The fact that I actually have to do this work while undercover instead of pretending just makes things worse. I hate it. Thankfully, one of the Federal IT guys is in my ear, getting a hard on telling me what to say. The bleach blonde housewife leans closer to me, trying to show off her saggy breasts. I try to ignore the bile as it rises in my stomach. This woman smells like stale beer and cigarettes. She’s the epitome of a trashy house wife. If I were drunk, I wouldn’t even hit it. But she is thrusting herself at me, only listening to one word out of every sentence I say. Though, I can’t blame anyone for zoning out. I don’t even understand what I’m saying. This woman is certainly here for something, it’s just not computer help. She’s been in the electronics store three times the last week, staring at me every time as she pretends to shop for phones, cameras and what not.

  “Ma’am, are you listening,” I ask her as she averts her gaze from my lips to my eyes. Hers are glassy and bloodshot.

  “Yes, I’m clinging to every word you say,” she says, trying to make her voice sound husky and sexy. Instead, she sounds twenty years older with a smokers cough.

  “Okay, well then you’re going to check and see if you added any new hardware. Have you installed any new programs lately? Ma’am,” I ask as she once again has that glazed over look.

  “I’m sorry, I just don’t understand any of this, and maybe you could come over and look at it. I could make you some dinner?” Her hopeful look set off my stomach again. As I was about to tell her off, a head of long raven colored hair peeked over my desk.

  “Honey, are you ready for lunch yet? I’m starving.” Candace’s voice was like an angel singing. The customer turns to her, scowling as she takes in the tight jeans and sweater Candace is wearing. The clothing molds to her body like it was made just for her.

  “Absolutely love, let me finish with this nice customer here.”

  Candace smiles at me, her eyes sparkling with mischief. She leans over the counter, her face inches from mine. I close the gap, latching my lips over hers. The softness of them drives me mad. Her tongue caresses my mouth. Pulling away, I grin back, feeling like a horny teenager. She tasted like coffee that had too much sugar in it.

  “Ma’am, my associate here, Deke, will help you out. I’m sorry. I just don’t know that much about the Blue Screen of Death. I just started here.”

  “Thanks a lot man,” Deke whispers in my ear, his face looking pissed off, but he walks over to help the now pouting customer. Turning my eyes onto Candace, my heart beats faster.

  “So lover, what now?” I ask, realizing that I’m acting too suave for the loser I’m supposed to be playing. She grins from ear to ear.

  “Well, the way I see it, I just saved you from that cougar, so you owe me lunch. Can you really go now?” Nodding, I wave my arm, waiting for her to lead the way.

  Her hips wiggle and sway as she moves in front of me. People move out of her way, women scowling, men ogling as she passes by. I can’t blame them. She looks like a dark angel come to earth. Her silky long hair flows behind her as she walks and my brain instantly turns to thoughts of how it would feel floating across my skin. She turns towards me at the door.

  “You feel good with Chinese?” She winks and doesn’t wait for an answer, walking outside. The crisp fall air assaults me as I step out the doors. In Buffalo, you never know what the weather will be. One minute warm, the next snow. I relish the feeling of its coolness as I leave the store. Especially sin
ce I’m overheating being this close to Candace. I’ve had my fair share of women in my life. This one takes the cake. She heats me up like no one else. I haven’t had permanent boners like this since puberty.

  In the same plaza as Big Buys, there’s a great Chinese buffet. We grab a table for two and fill our plates. Sitting across from Candace, I try to think of something to say. Normally I would try to talk about her and ooze my way in smoothly. But I’m supposed to be awkward. I wonder if I can blush on command. Keeping my eyes on my plate, I shovel food in my mouth to keep from saying anything to blow my cover.

  “So, tell me Geek Boy. What do you think happened to Hanson? Do you think anyone is taking his abduction seriously?” Her wide eyes glare at me, and I can tell she’s going to pick my answer apart. She seems to be in a bad mood. Much different than this morning. Either she’s crazy, or she’s onto me.

  “I-well, um, I guess whoever your case is about. I mean, only you would know if anyone is taking it seriously. Have you contacted anyone?”

  “No, Hanson was the only contact I had. I mean a few people know I’m here, but it’s too risky to talk to them. If I blow my cover, I put my life at risk and his as well. It would also blow years of investigation.”

  “Wow, I mean, is there something I can do to help?”

  “No, I need you to stay far away from this case please. Leave it to the professionals. It’s bad enough that Paulie knows you’re a computer Geek. He wants you to work for him. You need to move, you need to leave. Please? These are dangerous men. They will kill you whether you do it or not.” Her voice is pleading, almost as if she’s concerned for me. I can’t figure this woman out. It’s like she has two personalities. That, or she’s in so deep, she sometimes forgets who she really is.

  “But, I can find out info you can’t. I can give you inside information that even you can’t get,” I tell her, my voice almost whiny. I swallow my pride, and it kills me. “You’ll keep me safe, right?” I ask her. Her eyes widen and she looks horrified for a moment. I knew it, she’s in so far over her head.

  “I, yea, I promise nothing will happen to you, but you don’t have to do this, you know that right? Please, just, I’ll help you, I have money. Move, please!” Her voice is pleading now as she begs me to stay safe and it kills me. I wish I could tell her I’ll be the one keeping her alive.

  “I think I’ll take whatever he offers me. It could help you, right? I could find out information. What do I need to do?” I ask her, trying to make my voice sound nervous though I’m excited.

  “Shit, I really don’t want you doing this. I’d rather you stay safe. But you’re not going to are you?” I shake my head no at her and watch as she sighs, resigning to the fact that I’m doing this. “Fine, we need to figure out a way you can record everything that goes on without being caught.”

  “Oh, I heard about this new FBI technology on some online forum. It’s a listening device that looks like a band aid. I know some people that can get me all sorts of hot stuff like that. Want me to try? I heard you can hook it up to a computer to record it.” Her eyes widen.

  “How would any of your World of Warcraft playing loser friends get their hands on federal equipment?”

  “We have ways,” I grin at her. Her eyes glaze over as she stares at me. I can’t tell if she wants me or if she’s just bored with the technologic conversation. Based on the erotic dreams I had last night, I sure want her.

  “Fine, see if you can do it. I have money if you need it. But please be careful. I don’t need you getting arrested or killed on my watch.” She shovels some Chicken and Broccoli into her mouth, effectively ending the conversation.

  As she walks me back to work, she leans closely to me.

  “There’s two guys that have been following us, they are Paulie’s guys. They weren’t at breakfast. It was too early and he passed out drunk last night. He didn’t even know I left. But now he’s watching me to make sure I get you to work for him. So please, just play along.” Before I can answer, she stops, running her hand down my arm. Her soft caress tightens as she squeezes my bicep.

  “Hot damn Geek Boy. How do you get these? Lots of whacking off?” She giggles and I can’t help but watch her chest wiggle as the happy sounds come from her mouth.

  “Well, you know. You get beat up in school a lot, you do what it takes to prevent it from happening in college.” She presses her body against mine, and I can’t help the reaction from my cock as it hardens, pressing into her stomach. There’s the personality change again. It’s quite confusing.

  “Oh my Geek Boy. That feels impressive. So, how about you come over for drinks with me and Paulie later tonight? I’m off tonight from the club, so we can have a nice house warming get together for you.”

  “S-sure,” I stutter, trying to fake nervousness. For the first time in my life, I feel flustered by a woman. She’s all over the place. Hot and cold. I can’t keep up.

  I watch as Candace bounces away to her car. She slowly slides her lean body into a blue Mustang and peels out of the parking lot. Standing there as I stare after her, my mouth wide open, I take note of the two men who watch me. Pretending I don’t see them, I head back to work. Three more hours of pretending I know what the hell is going on, and then I can prep. As I place myself back behind the Tech Desk, I dig out my secure cell and call Jefferson.

  “Yo, what’s up Dom?”

  “I need one of those new toys. I have a big boo-boo that needs a band aid.”

  “Oh yea? How big of a boo-boo? Does mommy have to kiss it better?” His laughter fills my ears and I can’t help but chuckle with him.

  “Yea, that big. As in I have some computer work to do with some hearing aid backup. I have drinks with my new neighbor and her boyfriend tonight. A house warming. She tried to warn me into moving away, but I really like my new apartment. You know what I mean?”

  “Still think she’s in over her head?” He asks me, his tone finally getting serious.

  “Absolutely.” I tell him, then hang up.


  Opening my mail box downstairs, I pull out a yellow padded envelope. It says Adam and Eve on it. That dirty asshole. The old lady next to me gasps. The dirty birdie must know what Adam and Eve is. She probably thinks I ordered a pocket pussy or something. I smile at her, closing my box and dashing up the stairs. Tossing the package on my end table, I rush around changing my clothes. I pull on a nice blue polo shirt and khaki pants. My black dress shoes and tortoise glasses finish the look. My hand through my hair messes it up just enough to look decent, but seem as if I don’t care about appearances. Just as I’m about to open the package, there’s a knock on my door.

  Opening it, expecting Candace, I find Paulie. His hair greased back as usual, cheap looking suit that he probably thinks is expensive. The man is a walking fire hazard.

  “Hey man, why don’t you come on over to Candy’s and we can have some drinks, welcome you to the building?” His sly grin shows off yellowed teeth. With the kind of money this man flashes around, you would think he could afford a bleaching or something. Stale cigar smoke emanates from his clothing as he moves.

  “Yea, one sec, I just needed to tell my girlfriend good night, she worries when I’m away from my computer too long,” I explain.

  “Yea sure, whatever man, just come on over when you’re done.” I close the door as he walks away, heading back to my package. What better time to test this out? I slip the pocket pussy from the package and can’t help but laugh at Jefferson. I’m so going to get him back for that. Inside is the band aid. I peel the adhesive wrap off and stick it on my neck. I click a few keys on the laptop and the program begins to record everything. It runs off of cell phone frequencies, so I can record from about ten miles away. Which will help if I need to get one on Candace.

  Grinning from ear to ear, I head next door. When the door opens, Candace stands before me in a tight red dress. Though it covers her chest, it molds perfectly to her body. Ending right above her knee
s, her long hair cascading over her shoulders, down her back, she looks sexier than she did with no clothes on, swinging around a pole.

  “Close your mouth and get inside,” she whispers in my ear. Her floral scent surrounds me and I feel my cock twitch. “Paulie’s in the bathroom. He’ll be right out, can I get you a drink?”

  “Sure, um, you have diet soda?” Her whole body shakes with laughter.

  “I have some beers. How about that?” Nodding, I follow her into the apartment. Paulie noisily heads out from the bathroom. The way he walks, almost as if strutting. I hate guys like him. Too slick and full of themselves to realize how awful they look.

  “Hey man, how’s the girlfriend?” He asks loudly, wrapping his arm around Candace’s neck. I see her cringe but Paulie doesn’t notice. She sets three beers on the table and they sit with me.

  “She’s not happy that I’m out instead of at home. We were supposed to be playing Pathfinder. But I told her that I can’t spend all of my time in front of my computer. You know? I need to make friends too, at least, that’s what my mom’s says. I promised her I’d try.” I notice both their eyes glazing over and try to stifle the laugh bubbling in my throat. I have no clue about this stuff, but it’s things I’ve overheard from the IT guys at work, and I used to get the same look.

  “So, why don’t you and her live together?” Candace asks me, trying to shift the topic.

  “Well, she lives in Montana and we just aren’t sure if we’re ready to take our relationship to that level yet, you know?” Hell I want to kick my own ass right now.

  “Oh,” Candace says slowly. Yep, I feel the same way.


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