Ripped Raw Stepbrother: Taboo Twins 2

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Ripped Raw Stepbrother: Taboo Twins 2 Page 2

by Carrie Breeze

  “Why are you two such fricking imbeciles? Have you ever gotten along in your entire lives? Is that why you split when your parents divorced?”

  “I’m going to kill you, moron,” Justin says, grabbing Jason around the neck and wrestling him down to the floor like a bull calf at a rodeo. Justin begins choking Jason. I jump onto his back and try to pull him off. But, he just shrugs me away like a pesky fly.

  Just then the front door opens and in walks my mother, Karla. Mom is tall and slender and wiry and blond.

  “Mother! Thank God. Do something. Justin’s going to kill Jason.”

  “Justin, let him go,” removing her black leather belt and slapping his back, making a loud “CRACK.” “Both of you, up on your feet. Now!”

  I help Justin as a pretense to whisper to him, “Please, I’ll do anything you want but don’t breath a word about what we talked about earlier. Mother can’t know. You don’t know her like I do.”

  “Oh, I know her better than you think, sis,” he says, hugging mom. “How have you been, ma? You look tough as ever and ornery as a bull whip.”

  “You look healthy, Justin. Behaving yourself?”

  “More than I can say for these two. They’ve been very naughty… they’ve been fucking each other.”

  “Watch your mouth, boy,” slapping his face.

  “Mother, I can explain,” I plead, reaching for her hand. She refuses me, placing her hands on her hips and giving me her cold hard stare.

  “Don’t lie to me,” grasping my chin between her thumb and forefinger and lifting my face up to within an inch of hers. “I can see straight through your guilt. Tell me what happened.”

  “It just sort of happened. We couldn’t help it. I know it was wrong but it just felt so good. Jason and I belong together.”

  “Claire, you depraved slut.”

  “Mother, please….” Crying.

  “This is the reason why I made Jason join the Marines. Do you want to tarnish my name? My career? With this incest scandal? Do you want to ruin me forever?”

  “Mother, you’re cold and heartless,” sinking to the carpet, shaking with tears. “You have kept me boxed up inside a lonely world of evangelical morality all my life. And this, my first chance at freedom and love… and you come along and crush it,” rolling over and curling up into a fetal position.

  “Claire, I want you out of here. I pay the rent on this Condo. It’s no longer yours. Justin, you take her back to Montana with you. And Claire, for God’s sake stop that whimpering. That kind of behavior never got anyone anywhere. I’ll give you half an hour to get your things. Jason, you got your bags packed. Unpack. You’ll stay here.”

  I sit up and dab at my eyes with my tank top. Justin walks over and stares down at me.

  “You don’t need no bags where you’re going, sis,” reaching down and grabbing a fistful of my hair, he drags me toward the door. My screams ring out across Lake Harriet.

  Chapter 4

  “Where are we?” my eyes blinking rapid fire in the harsh sunlight. The desolate stretch of interstate, the far reaching wheat fields, the sparse farmyards - all fluttering into my perceptions like a movie reel starting up. Is this a movie I’m trapped in? I hope so. Looking around, I’m slumped in the passenger seat of Justin’s pickup truck. He’s driving and notices I’ve woken.

  “Man, were you zonked out, sis. Crank down your window if you’re ho,.” he says, grinning. “Sorry about the tough guy scene back in Minneapolis. I always have to put on an act to placate mom. Have to admit, though, it was fun.”

  “That was just an act? For awhile I was beginning to wonder if I was the latest in a long line of your kidnap victims?” Looking behind me at the flat bed floor behind the seats, it’s covered with straw, smells a bit gamy and there’s some suspicious looking things lying around; rope, tire iron, blocks of wood, tool chest. “You’re my brother, I hope you’re not really a vicious beast.”

  “You’re adorable, Claire,” stretching his head over and pecking my cheek. “I’m a rancher. That stuff back there is normal stuff every cowboy carries around to do his work.”

  “Where are we?” letting out a relaxing sigh.

  “We’re somewhere around Fargo. Just crossed into North Dakota,” his voice like gravel in the dry air. He’s chewing tobacco and spitting out his open window.

  “Where we going? Are you still playing the game?”

  “You’ll find out soon enough…. Take off your clothes.”

  “What… Now you’ve got me confused…” He glares at me dead serious. “And if I refuse?” My heart started pounding faster.

  “Well, as someone once said in a movie, we won’t take no for an answer.”

  “Are you insane? We? What do you mean, we?”

  “Yeah, my friend and me,” reaching down under his seat he pulls out the biggest gun I’d ever seen in person in my life. All of the sudden things are way too serious and little buzzing flies start stirring inside my tummy and in my head and making my hair stand on end. He’s holding a long-nosed revolver. Its barrel gleams darkly in the dusty air.

  “Sis, say hello to my good friend Mr. 44 Magnum. He likes to give bitchy girls like you a big kick. Like me, he don’t take no for an answer. Now, start gettin’ naked, stabbing its cold hard barrel into my left temple.

  “Okay, okay. Just put that thing away, please,” my fingers tremble as I fumble with my fly and unzip my jeans. I’m sweating big time.

  He holds the wheel at twelve o’clock with his left hand and holds his friend glued to me with the other while maintaining eighty down the interstate. Who knows when a sudden bump might upset his trigger finger? I imagine my brains splattered against the passenger window and get started pulling off my jeans. I toss them back onto the straw, pull off my tank top and do the same with it. Despite my fear of what Justin might do, I actually feel a tingle of excitement in my loins. I sit back, gun at my head, hoping this will satisfy him. I gaze straight ahead, out at the steadily streaming white dashed lines as they fly by, afraid to do the wrong thing.

  “Bra and panties, too.”

  I reluctantly obey, throwing them back with my other clothes and then cover my breasts and pussy with my arms. I’m trembling all over. My legs feel like jelly. My pussy is melting.

  “Mmmm, you sure do look tasty, Claire,” licking his lips. “Know what?”

  “I’m afraid to ask.”

  “I’m just fucking with ya. Just wanted to see your hot body. Wanted to see what Jason had for desert last night.”

  “You stinker. I aught to…” reaching back for a tire iron or something. “Clobber you.”

  “Here use this,” handing me the 44 magnum. “I admit, dirty trick. Do whatever you want to me, I have it coming. You can put your clothes back on now if you want.”

  I actually dodn’t want to. I’m feeling really turned on by his little game. Maybe I should play along, see how far we can take it. Justin is extremely hot and handsome. But, I need to think quick to keep it going. It’ll be a challenge, my mind his hot and heavy with desire. Talk to him. Do something. I wonder if he’s as big as Jason.

  “I had never seen mother act the way she did back in Minneapolis,” my voice shaking. “So forceful. So domineering. Was she like that when you were a kid?”

  “Mom was one tough bitch… but,that’s how a woman’s got to be to make it out west….”

  I see him as an extremely bad, over-the-edge version of Jason. If I’m to make it through this ordeal, I have to be more bad-ass than he is. If mother can control him then I can, too. But what is it that gives mother that kind of power? I don’t know. These men are governed by sex. But, I also crave sex. Maybe if I just unleash my inner sex bitch….

  “Well, Jason,” scooting over next to him. “Your mom raised me since junior high. I think some of her toughness rubbed off on me. So, I think I fit the bill for being a tough western woman,” reaching over and planting the gun against his thick temple. “Unfasten your belt.”

�s the spirit,” he smiles. “That’s what I like,” an evil twinkle in his eyes as he loosens the heavy brass buckle on his belt. I see his cock grow under his jeans.

  “Okay, unzip and pull out your stuff. I want to see what you got.”

  “You got spunk, sis. I like that.” He yanks down his zipper and pulls out his meat. O-M-G! Biggest hunk a manhood I ever did see. Literally, the tip of his head grazes the lower rim of the steering wheel. He has to slouch down a little just so it won’t interfere with his driving. I’m drooling. Saliva runs out of the corner of my mouth and drips onto my bare tummy. I want to taste him now, so bad. But, I need to play the game.

  “My oh my, brother, I think you’re even bigger than Jason.” This pleases him to no end.

  “YESSS!” pumping his fist and spitting chaw out his window. “I’ve always told him that. Now it’s bonafide.”

  “Your boner is definitely bonafide. Well, now, this is where the game gets exciting, doesn’t it?” grinning devilishly, still holding the gun to his forehead. “Hold out your hand.” He does so and I spit into his palm, relieving my mouth of all its excess saliva. “Okay, pleasure yourself.”

  He smiles, pleased with this new twist and begins jerking himself with his right hand while steering with his left. He groans. His wet, richly contoured shaft glistens in the golden afternoon sunlight. I moan just at the sight of all that steaming hot meat and how it should be inside me right this moment.

  “That’s right, faster, brother, faster.”

  His fist furiously pumps like a piston in a runaway engine.

  “That’s it, now floor this beast. Put the pedal to the metal. I want to see how fast it’ll go.”

  I watch the speedometer climb, clutching his muscled thigh.



  One hundred.

  The pickup growls, the whole cab vibrates madly.

  “You learn this from mom?” he groans, barely able to talk. “Don’t know how much more this beast can take.”

  “You could say that.” I see he’s about to cum. But I don’t want him to. If he does, I loose control. “Okay, when I give you the word I want you to slam on the breaks hard as you can. Got it?”

  “I do that, we both could die.”

  “You only live once.”

  The needle is vibrating madly around one-oh-five, just like the rest of the truck. I pull the gun away from his head and toss it out my window. It disappears, lost in a weedy ditch.

  “Hit the breaks! Do it now!”

  Justin releases his penis and grabs the wheel tight, slamming his foot on the break pedal. Mad screeching of tires. The truck fishtails for several hundred feet. He tries to spin out of it but ends up doing a one-eighty and sliding into the ditch. A blue cloud of stinking vaporized rubber enshrouds the truck and quickly disperses in the breeze.

  “Yeeee-haaaa. That was exciting. He’s still hard as a rock. “I do declare, I like your style, sis. You almost made me cum.” He pulls out of the ditch and takes the next exit ramp off the interstate, turning onto a two-lane black top. Farmers are harvesting their wheat fields, filling the hot air with golden chaff dust. “This is fun. My turn.”

  “What’s on your evil mind?” batting my lashes up at him. I’m still totally naked and my pussy’s begging for attention. I just hope he doesn’t force me to do something insane like parade nude through some small hick town.

  About a mile down the road he turns off onto a gravel road and follows it to an abandoned farmhouse. It’s sitting all alone with just a couple old elm trees to keep it company. There’s no one around for miles - just the distant drone of the harvesters. Justin pulls up to the abandoned house and kills the engine. Stepping outside into the open wild countryside all barefoot and naked sends my horny factor off the charts. My pussy is on fire. I can’t take any more waiting. I run around the truck,jump into Justin’s arms and lock onto his lips. His bare hairy chest feels like rawhide against my tender nipples, making them hard as diamonds. Our tongues find each other, swapping spit for a good long time.

  “How about we continue the game inside?” lifting me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and he carries me into the empty house. Rubble everywhere; crumbling plaster from the walls, mouse-eaten sofa, empty beer cans, yellowed newspapers, broken dishes. He takes me into the kitchen, sweeps the debris off a linoleum topped table and sets my bare ass down on it. I rest my heels on its edge and spread my knees wide. He drools at the sight of my wet pleading pussy. I return a “come-n-get-it, big boy.” Smile. He licks his middle and ring fingers, plays with my lips, teasing my clit and then he sinks them into my love canal. A volcano of pleasure erupts inside my loins. He lets me accommodate his thick fingers, doing me slow and shallow. I gyrate my hips, opening up as he pushes them deeper, faster and harder, making me squirm and moan.

  “Justin, I want you inside me,” I scream. “Fuck me big man, fuck me.” I breath into his lips, smothering his stubble face with kisses. Spasms of joy ripple through my legs. My ecstasy is so extreme it shakes the wobbly old table so hard it brakes and we both end up on the filthy floor, his massive chest knocking the breath out of me.

  We rest.

  “My turn,” I murmur into his ear. “Take off your pants.”

  He willingly obeys, unsheathing his donkey. What an amazing sight. Fully erect it matches the length and thickness of my forearm. I kneel down on the gritty floor and grab his huge balls, playing with them, squeezing them tightly. He groans and forces my head onto himself. Stretching my lips wide, I devour a mouthful of his hot meaty head. It tastes hot and musky and wild, sending tingling sensations up and down my spine. As much as I enjoy feeding on him, I want to save his desert for my other mouth. So, I pull away and stand up, getting into his face.

  “Okay, big boy, down on your back.”

  “What if I refuse?”

  “Do it, now,” slapping his stubble covered cheek. “Do it,” spitting into his eyes.

  “You’re turning me on with this rough stuff, Claire,” lowering himself. “You’re sounding more and more like mom.”

  “Don’t get up,” I command. “You’re my slave.” Pushing him down, he falls on his back. I straddle his face, thrusting into him. He parts his lips and Frenches my burning crevice. His eyes pop, spinning, registering a jackpot of pure pleasure. I reach back behind me, grab his rock hard cock, unable to wait a second longer and slide my drooling pulsating pussy back onto it, slowly sinking over it. He is so huge inside me he almost tears me apart. I ride him like one of his stallions, bucking my brains out. Shock waves course through every muscle in my body. I fall forward, kissing him deeply while pumping him, grinding him hard, making him growl. He shoots hot jets inside me, filling my me to overflowing. My body explodes, shaking from head to toe, sending out tidal waves of pleasure that ripple through my soul until we collapse into each others loving embrace, both totally spent.

  I just lay on top of this mountain of a man, feeling on top of the world. The only sound is the distant combines. The afternoon shadows grow long. For some unknown reason, I suddenly feel the fear creep into me again. Is it the unearthly quiet of this place? Is it my past calling me back now that my desire has been temporarily satiated? Don’t know.I force myself to disregard it. To be cool. I am a new woman, now. A woman with power. I’ve overcome fear, I’ve tamed my beast, my brother and I’ve made him my sex slave.

  “Well, my love. Get in the truck. We’re going to Montana and I’m driving.”

  “Hot damn, Claire,” helping me up. “You got yourself a deal!”

  Be sure to catch the further sexploits of Claire, Justin and Jason in:

  Stepbrothers in Paradise

  If you enjoyed this story you can find more dirty fun in:

  Got Jacked

  “Have you been bad? I mean with this friend of yours”

  “I don’t know,” smiling demurely.

  “What do you mean by that? Your smile tells me something not good. Have you had sex with him?�

  “Are you crazy? Of course not. I’m saving that for the man I love,” resting her head upon my chest.

  “I hope you’re not lying,” petting her long straight hair. “You have a long life ahead of you and I’d hate for you to ruin it in one reckless night of passion.”

  “Believe me, daddy, I know what I’m doing. I’m saving myself for the right man. Right now, I’m just glad I’m with you tonight. You saved my life”

  “I want to talk about what just happed between us back up there by the car. We were in a life or death situation. I thought I had lost you, sweetheart, and I had to do anything I could to try to bring you back. In such extreme moments a man’s passions take over his body and force him to do things that he would not ordinarily do.”

  “You mean like when you dry humped me, daddy?”

  “Well, yes, to put it bluntly, yes, when I did that. And I apologize for that, it was wrong, I am your father ….”

  “Shhh, daddy,” she looked up into my eyes and put her index finger over my lips. “You did what was needed. And, I hope you don’t mind me saying that… that I liked it. I am your little girl and it will always be that way.”

  Stepbrother Lover

  “What did you do?”

  “Took all my savings and put it on a horse. I lost,” He leans his rifle against the wall, takes off his coat, hangs it in the closet, pulls out his handgun and sets it on the dresser along with his cell phone. I’m standing at the window, in front of the mattress. He comes over, takes me in his arms and starts kissing my neck. He’s gentle but a little out of practice.

  “How much money is downstairs?” Distract him. Don’t let him go too fast.

  “So far, seventeen thousand.” He opens my torn blouse and his left hand moves inside,finds my breast and caresses it.

  “What are you going to do with it?” My body starts to relax and warm to his tender touch. I hold his lower back. He is strong, his back muscles feeling like steel cables.


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