The Devil in the Red Dress

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The Devil in the Red Dress Page 8

by Abigail Rieley

  ‘Hi Tony,

  Yes I got your message but only just now—I’ve been away and had no access to the internet. Obviously at this stage, I realise you probably wouldn’t be able to get the job done by August 18th.

  Anyway, you are right about my relationship to the men in question. I know it must seem terrible of me but my back’s to the wall and I don’t have much choice. I would prefer it if it was just my husband, but because of the way he has arranged his affairs it would be way too complicated if his sons were still around and I’d still be in much the same situation as I am now.

  Regarding payment. The price you quoted seems very fair and I would gladly pay it, but I will have to give some thought on how to come up with the deposit. I could put my hand on it, in cash, immediately but the two sons would see it gone and would know it was me and that would cause too many problems for me. I’ll have to try to borrow it and that will take a little time. I’m not even sure that I will get it—I don’t have any assets of my own to borrow against, but I’ll certainly give it a go.

  Now you said in your message that you’d leave a cooling off period between the first two and my husband. How long were you thinking of? I’ll tell you the way I was thinking. My husband is in Spain and lives on the top floor of a tall building while he’s there. If he were to hear that his sons had a fatal accident he might suddenly feel suicidal and just jump off the building. Is that too far fetched do you think? Otherwise he would find out about the missing money (if I try using that) and if I borrow it from the local bank (the only place I’d have a chance of getting it) he’d hear that too and put two and two together. It’s very parochial here. My husband is very friendly with the bank manager and they talk a lot. Another thing I’ll have to look into is the cashier’s cheque or bank draft. There’s a record kept here of anything over a certain amount —I’m not sure if its 5K or 10K but I assume I could send a few drafts. I’d be worried that if the cops got suspicious though and looked into it, I wouldn’t have any answers. Do you know if cash can be parcelled up and FedExed safely?

  I have to go to Spain next week—my husband is putting me under pressure to join him and I must try to keep him happy for now, while I figure things out.

  You quoted in USD so I assume the money goes to the US and then the guy or guys doing the job get their cut from there. I’m saying this, just in case it would be possible to give you the location of cash to be picked up after each job is done. Is there any chance of that, do you think? It would be very uncomplicated for me in that situation. I could go ahead with it straight away.

  The other thing I need to know is if it’s possible for it to look like an accident and not a hit?

  I look forward to hearing from you. S.’

  ‘Luciano’ lost no time in replying and set about reeling her in. The conspiracy, after all, was all about money.

  ‘We have already reservation at hotel called Greenhills at Ennis Rd, Limerick the 18 August but we will do it the 19. We decide to send two women and a man to do that job and I will do third one myself in Spain. We will poison the two guys. We will use the two women to get close to them. About the money, you can’t send cash but you can get to any other bank not your[s] and make [a] cashier cheque and send it. And we have to have deposit before I give my order to my people to do the job. I’m here in the US but my people, the man [is] from Germany and one woman from Ireland and other woman [from] Romania. If you have any question email me or I can call you if you want.


  Tony Luciano.’

  Collins now committed herself to ordering the murders and sent the would-be killers details they would require.

  ‘Thanks for getting back to me so fast. Wow. I’m a bit scared to be honest.

  The two guys here usually go to a place called Kilkee, on the west coast of Clare, each weekend. They’ve got a holiday home there. They usually have friends with them and the younger one usually has his girlfriend with him. The older guy (27) broke up with his girlfriend a couple of months ago and might be open to being chatted up etc. I think he has been dating lately but I don’t know yet if he might bring that girl with him. I can find out but it will be Monday before I see him. It would be too suspicious for me to ring him over the weekend to ask.

  They drink in a bar called the Greyhound Bar on the main street in Kilkee. It’s easy to find. What do you plan? Putting poison in their drinks? I have to ask you what poison it would be—autopsies would be done and I need to know what they would be concluded from the autopsies. I think it might be easier for your people to stay in a hotel in Kilkee and get talking to them in the bar, but then you know you[r] business—I don’t.

  I would be in Spain with my husband when the above job would be done, if it’s arranged for next weekend or even after that. What would you do about him? Especially with me around. You say you will take care of him yourself. You’d be coming a long way from the US to Spain. I could get the keys of his apartment to you and arrange a time to be out. I would be a suspect if anything looks suspicious, especially when I would be the one to inherit. Many people think I’m with him for his money anyway—he’s a bit older than me etc and that would also look suspicious.

  Please realise that I may not be ready to go ahead as soon as next week. I’m leaving here to go to Spain on Wednesday and it will take a lot longer than that for me to arrange a loan. I won’t be back in Ireland until some time in September—it may be toward the end of the month before I’m back.

  You see, as I said, I could use cash that I have here and buy a cashier’s cheque, or a number of them, but the sons might notice the money gone after I leave on Wednesday and ring my husband and tell him. And he would know that I took it. And then what? This is my problem and I will have to work it out. But as I say, it might not be as soon as I hoped. I’d really like to see an end to all this soon, though.

  I can’t talk on the phone right now and I will be away from the computer for the next few hours. You could always send a text to my mobile phone but it would be better for now to send an email.

  I appreciate all your help and we will definitely do business. I’ve no conscience about my husband, he’s a real asshole and makes my life hell, but I do feel bad about the others. However, I thought about it long and hard and I realise that it is necessary or there is no advantage to getting rid of my husband other than not having to look at his miserable face again. But I must be sure that I will be OK financially etc.


  Despite Collins’s reassurances, this most recent email definitely looked as if she was cooling off. ‘Luciano’ swiftly sent off a reassuring reply.

  ‘I think you will never worry about anything. We will take care of them and no one [will] point to you. That’s guarantee[d]. This is our business. But sorry, we have to have the deposit before we proceed. That will be before Wednesday Aug 16. And why [would] you worry bout that? They don’t have the time or days to check about the money, cause they will be gone. We are planning Aug 18 or 19 … and your husband Aug 20. We can arrange to meet you and get the key or we have our ways in without keys. And we have to have pic of the two guys and your husband too. If you don’t have it we will figure out that.


  Tony Luciano.’

  It worked. Collins was back in a slightly more positive frame of mind.

  ‘I’m back now.

  I suppose you’re right—I should just leave it to you and not worry—but I do worry.

  I could send the keys of the apartment to you or leave them somewhere in Spain near the apartment for you to collect. There is a further complication about Spain though. He has a boat and could arrange to be away on it at any time. It’s impossible for me to say where he will be until much closer to the time. In any case, I suppose we could stay in touch by text if he and I are on the boat. But if I’m on the boat I wouldn’t want anything to happen to him there. I guess if he were to get news about his sons he would immediately return to the apartment to pack anyway.

I definitely have photos of my husband and I think I have one of the guys but I will have to look tomorrow and email them to you.

  I know you say not to worry about the cash and that they won’t have time to find out, but I have to consider what would happen if you couldn’t get near the guys here in Ireland next weekend. And if I was to transfer the money to you on or before Wed, they could notice on Thursday or Fri before you’ve had a chance to get to them. This is a major concern for me. I can’t get them suspicious of me in any way. I’m already walking a very fine line here, believe me. If it would do you, I think I could get approximately €13,000 without too many problems before Wednesday (not money that would be missed). How would it be if I sent that and paid a little more than the quoted fee after the job is done? I’m not sure how much cash there is in Spain but I think it is a considerable amount and would go a long way towards paying the total fee. Once my husband is taken care of, I’d be ‘bringing him home’ and any balance can be sent immediately, once I’m back here (a matter of days) Whatcha think?

  If this is totally unacceptable to you, please confirm that you will be willing to do this job at a later date when I’ve had a chance to get the money together.

  Kind regards.


  ‘Luciano’ wasn’t about to let this one get away. Within the hour he wrote back, determined to broker the deal.

  ‘Here’s the deal. You can send $15,000 by Wed and after we arrive we can have the $30,000 which is the balance of the deposit. It will be the 18 of August … and the rest of the money, which is $45,000 no later than 72 hours after the job done. This is our contract or you will be our target. Sorry to say that but this is our policy. Now we need the pics, names and address for all of them.

  One thing I want to tell you. Don’t think what people think what you thinking. Think they know nothing and I guess you are not gonna worry. Let us do out job and just relax—cause if you worry you make a mistake and we both gonna be in trouble. Is that a deal?’

  In Nevada there was bated breath as ‘Luciano’ waited to see if this stage of the plan would result in a nice large pay cheque. Collins kept them waiting but when she did reply, the one-time business woman was not about to seal the deal without haggling. As the deal progressed she slipped into business mode. Her language became that of a woman used to getting things done.

  ‘Sorry for taking so long getting back to you.

  Tony, I’m not trying to be difficult about the money. If you can get me out of the unbearable situation that I’m in and I don’t get into trouble for, then it’s money well spent as far as I’m concerned. What you suggested in your last email is very fair, but as I said before, I’m going to Spain on Wednesday and I’d have to take the cash and leave it somewhere for you. But if I do the sons could notice it gone after I leave and tell him my husband. Then the shit would hit the fan for me. I know you’d be taking care of him on Sunday but I’m afraid he would say it to someone. He’s got close friends with him in Spain (in the apartment next door)—he might tell them.

  I have to tell you I have absolutely no intention of being your next target by not paying the balance of any money I owe you after the jobs are done. You most definitely will be paid within 72 hours. I’ve got children of my own and intend on being around for them. That’s another reason why I want to be as careful as possible that I don’t end up in jail. I want to be absolutely sure that when I start this thing by paying you the booking deposit I’ll be in a position to finish it by paying you what I owe. In addition there may possibly be one more person I might add to the list a little later, but I’ll get this job done first.

  I’ve been thinking about it all earlier today and I wonder if you wouldn’t mind giving me some advice. Tell me honestly—would it look more ‘believable’ if one of the sons were to go first, followed a few months later by the other and then immediately by the father (as planned this time). The reason why I wanted to get it all done together was I thought I could take all the money to pay afterwards and no one would be around to notice, but maybe it’s the wrong way. I know it would be a more expensive way to do it but please let me know if it would be better. What I’m thinking is, maybe I could borrow the $50,000 to pay for the others. I’m not very brave am I? But then again, you do this all the time—I’ve never in my life considered anything like this.

  Another thing I need advice on is this. I used the computer at work (we all work together) to surf the net for a hitman. If the cops seize the computer could they find evidence of my search?

  As this is the weekend, I won’t be able to talk to the bank about a loan until Monday, so there’s no way I can confirm if this thing will be on for next weekend until the bank sanctions a loan, but I will keep you informed all the way of my progress.

  I’m hoping I will be able to talk to you later, but in the meantime, would you email me back and let me know what you think about the above.’

  ‘Luciano’ kept playing the game but was now trying to move things forward.

  ‘First I don’t know you[r] name. My plan is we will get close to you[r] two step son[s]. We can do that. This is our arrange … after we finish I will fly to Spain by myself like I said before, if you arrange to give me the key or not I will be in his apartment, and I will take him out to his boat and we will do it there. So that not gonna be any miss. But I have to pay the guys in Ireland to do their job. That’s why I have to have some money by Wed. So … Monday have to get 15,000 euro and send it by FedEx for next day delivery. So it will be here by Wed —or you can go to other bank and transfer the money. Without that, sorry we can’t do it. I know you will pay us later that’s why we give you a break for the deposit. We trust you for that. But this people have to get pay [sic] too before the job. Put yourself in my shoes too.

  You understand what I said, just calm down and let people think what you think. Be yourself and don’t ever, ever worry about anything. Just tell your step [sons] I need the money for your girlfriend just for a week or any reason and tell them don’t tell anyone about it. Or give them any reason and the money will be back in your bank.

  Let me know ASAP. If I will send this people or not, also about the pic. We have to have ASAP too.

  Thanks Baby.

  Tony Luciano.’

  Maybe it was the mention of the word ‘baby’ but Collins found time to talk. After all, this was an important transaction. But there was something else. The two were now beginning to flirt. Afterwards ‘Luciano’ wrote again. For him it was the middle of the afternoon on Saturday, 12 August.

  ‘That’s what I said we need 15,000 by wed and I will get the rest after the two son is gone. And about you[r] husband. I change my plan to his app, just let him jump. It depend about [sic] when. This is after we talk together over there. Let me know more info when he get[s] the news. I want do it the same day when he get[s] the bad news.

  So 15,000 by wed and 30,000 by sun the 20 Aug and the rest after the husband. You still didn’t get me the pic—I have to have it. We don’t want to get wrong people and the last thin[g] what’s your name?



  Minutes later Collins was back. By now she was really into her character and was concerned not to miss anything out. For the moment she was thinking of the problems and the nerves had disappeared.

  ‘Gee you got back to me fast—thanks!

  Let me get this straight. Are you saying that if I FedEx €15,000 to you on Monday, to pay the people in Ireland, that you will do the rest and wait for the balance till after my husband is done? This is possible for me. But maybe I misunderstand. Please confirm.

  You didn’t say whether you think it is the best way to do it, all of them like this or one first and the other two later.

  About the boat—I must explain. The boat is not in close proximity to the apartment and when you leave the apartment block there are lots of shops and vendors all around. They are open until very late and they know him well. I think it would be difficult to get him out
without raising suspicion and remember, I need it to look like he has committed suicide after hearing about his sons. Also the boat is quite big and perhaps difficult for you to handle if you are on your own. I think it is important that I tell you exactly the way it is there. And also point out any complications that might arise. OK?

  The apartment is on the top floor of a 14 storey apartment block. It has a private terrace and plunge pool on the roof. An Irish couple with whom he is very friendly own the apartment next door. They are in Spain now too, but I think they have tenants in it for the summer. I’m not sure, but I can find out later.

  This couple also have a boat there, near his boat and if they are not in their apartment they will be living aboard their boat—another reason why you might find it difficult to get away with taking him out on it.

  My husband is planning to go on a boat trip for a few days when I get there, but I don’t know when this is or where. I really don’t know that until we are going. But I think, wherever it is, when he gets a phonecall about his sons, he will immediately return to his apartment to pack to come home. Unless he decides to go directly to the airport from the marina. If he does this then I don’t know how you would get him.


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