Caleb Vigilant (Chronicles of the Nephilim)

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Caleb Vigilant (Chronicles of the Nephilim) Page 13

by Brian Godawa


  Caleb said, “Tell me what happened.”

  “We were ambushed at night. There were eight of them. Giant Anakim. They split into two squads coordinated to strike at the same moment. One hit the northern camps of Benjamin and Ephraim and the other one—here.”

  Caleb trembled with anger. “Diversion.”

  “They were gibborim. They wiped us out. Only one of theirs was killed, decapitated.”

  Caleb knew the Anakim killed their wounded rather than be bogged down by them.

  Caleb could barely say it, “Where are the bodies?”

  “They only killed Rahab’s parents. The rest of them, they kidnapped.”

  Caleb looked up at him stunned.

  “They bound them up and carried them in sacks. Some of us tried to chase them down, but they were fast. They lost us in the forests.”

  Caleb got on his feet. He could not believe it. His family was alive. His Rahab was alive.

  Othniel demanded, “Was Achsah with them?”

  “Yes. They took everyone.”

  Caleb said, “Where is this dead Anakite?”

  The wounded survivor brought Caleb to the monster. They had kept it in a tent for the dead outside the camp. Dead bodies were unclean and should anyone touch one, they would be unclean and would have to wait outside the camp for seven days.

  The head was laid on top of the chest of the nine-foot tall warrior. It had red hair and beard.

  When Caleb saw it, all his hatred welled up within him. He saw the tattoo markings on the face and chest. They were the same as those of the Anakim who had captured him and Joshua over forty years ago. He had never forgotten them. They were Canaanite and occultic. Black astrological symbols and spells for power over their enemies.

  “We found this on his person.” The survivor handed Caleb a piece of leather with a map drawn on it. And the only city marked as an origin was Kiriath-arba.

  The brothers Arba had kidnapped his entire family and were holding them hostage at Kiriath-arba.

  Caleb and Othniel would have to get back to Joshua and the armies of Yahweh as quickly as possible.

  But first, Caleb wanted to pay his respects to Rahab’s parents.

  He found their graves outside the camp and spent a quick moment in silence before them with Othniel by his side. They had not been the best of parents. In fact, Rahab had been far more gracious to them than they had deserved. But that grace had transformed them, and over the years they became the parents they should have been in thankfulness for the forgiveness they received.

  But now, they lay in their undeserving graves, Caleb staring at the dirt to which they had returned, and he mumbled another prayer to Yahweh that he would avenge their murder with justice.

  • • • • •

  After Makkedah, Joshua had conquered Libnah, and was preparing to attack the cities of the Amorite coalition they had just defeated, when Caleb and Othniel returned from Gilgal.

  Caleb told Joshua that the Arba brothers had kidnapped Achsah, Rahab, and her family. Joshua felt like he was hit by one of the hailstones of Aijalon.

  “You are sure of this?” asked Joshua.

  “Yes. The markings on the dead Anakim confirmed it. And he carried a map indicating Kiriath-arba as their origin.”

  Joshua said, “I need to secure the lowlands region before we can take Kiriath-arba.”

  Caleb said, “My Commander, I beg of you, let me lead the forces against Kiriath-arba. They have taken my family to the land that you promised me.”

  Othniel jumped in, “Allow me to join my brother, I plead,”

  After a few moments of silence, Joshua got up and said, “Caleb, you will lead the siege on Kiriath-arba with three thousand of our soldiers. Let Othniel be your Right Hand.”

  Caleb brightened with hope.

  “I will take the other three thousand with me and finish conquering Lachish, Eglon, and Jarmuth, and then join you.”

  Caleb protested, “But Commander, Kiriath-arba will be the most difficult battle we will face. They are the mightiest in all of Canaan and they have walls that reach up to heaven.”

  “You mean, like Jericho?” said Joshua with a smirk.

  Caleb was caught off guard.

  “Be strong and courageous, Caleb. It should only be a matter of days for me to finish my campaign, because those cities no longer have their kings or their full armed forces.” These were the cities whose kings were now buried in the caves of Makkedah.

  “I will devote them to destruction and meet up with you at Kiriath-arba. We will deal with Adonizedek’s Jerusalem later.”

  Caleb thought it through. It just might work.

  Othniel was thinking of Achsah and revenge.

  “Well, get moving, man,” said Joshua. “We have no time to delay.”

  Chapter 52

  Caleb led his coalition of three thousand Israelite and Gibeonite forces to the city of Kiriath-arba. They surrounded the valley side of the walled fortress. The backside was a cliff several hundred feet steep and impossible for any military attack. It was both a blessing and a bane for the Anakim. A blessing because it cut off half of the opportunities of hostile forces, and a bane because it meant a higher concentration of those forces on the open fields before the city gates.

  The Anakim had prepared for the impending conflagration. They had sealed up their threefold gates at the approach of the Israelites. Both sides placed watchmen on lookout as the siege began. Caleb’s army was camped a thousand feet away under the cover of the nearby cedar forest.

  Caleb entered his war tent with Othniel as his new Right Hand and his commanders of thousands and hundreds. Six spies had returned with intelligence and were waiting for him.

  “What news do you bring?”

  “Commander,” said the captain of the spies, “we have canvassed local villages in the area, and we have a possible number of warriors in the city.”

  “How many?”

  “Three thousand.”

  Caleb swallowed. Three thousand human warriors would be an equal contest with their three thousand. Three thousand Anakim giants, however was a different matter altogether. Those numbers gave the Anakim a three to one advantage.

  Caleb could see the fear in the spies’ faces.

  Othniel spoke up, “We should consult our two Hittite commanders on siege warfare. We can begin building siege engines and mining under the walls.”

  The Hittite commanders were from their new vassal city of Gibeon. Their expertise with siege warfare might just be a providential blessing that came from Joshua’s otherwise mistaken treaty with the Gibeonite deceivers.

  Another commander protested, “But that will take too much time.”

  Caleb knew he had to have faith, and to build that faith in his men with strength and courage.

  Caleb said, “I will wait for Joshua to join us with his three thousand within the week. By then we could have mines dug and siege engines built and ready. We will devote them all to destruction as Yahweh commanded.”

  The encouragement did not apparently work well for the spies, or the other commanders as the darkness never left their somber faces.

  The sound of a trumpet drew their attention to the walls of Kiriath-arba. The commanders left quickly for the city front, barking orders to their captains of fifty to assemble for battle. Unlike Caleb, the Anakim were not going to wait for Joshua to arrive.

  The Israelites were arrayed in formation three thousand strong, slingers in front, then the Gibeonite infantry, and behind them Israelite archers.

  Caleb strode to the front on his horse, followed by Othniel and his three commanders of thousands.

  Another horn blew from above the city gates and the Israelites grew tense.

  Caleb shouted, “Be strong and courageous, Israel! For our god Yahweh is a warrior!”

  The soldiers responded with a shout through the ranks.

  They were ready for anything.

  And then, the front gate creaked open
just a little. Caleb could barely see it from his distance of a few hundred feet.

  But it was opening.

  Just enough for a person to walk through.

  Enough for nine persons to walk through.

  It slammed shut behind them.

  The archers nocked their bows.

  Caleb yelled, “Hold your fire!”

  They were not Anakim. They were not even warriors. It looked like four cloaked priests were leading five young people away from the gates that now slammed shut and locked.

  Caleb said to Othniel and his commanders, “Follow me!”

  They galloped out to meet the nine refugees.

  When Caleb got closer, he recognized who the young ones were. They were his daughter Achsah and Rahab’s four siblings!

  The “priests” pulled off their hoods to reveal Mikael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel.

  Caleb leapt off his horse and ran to embrace Achsah.

  She jumped into his arms and he hugged her with all his might.

  She was crying.

  “My Achsah! My precious Achsah!”

  He released her to hug the others, who had gathered around him.

  Achsah looked up at Othniel on his horse. He could not break his military posture. He could not jump off his horse and embrace her and tell her he had been a fool and that he had loved her all these years and that he wanted to marry her.

  He had a responsibility as the Right Hand of Caleb to be sharp of senses and ready for war.

  But she saw his broad smile and the pools in his eyes that he briskly wiped away.

  Caleb looked at the archangels.

  “What did you do? How did you acquire their release?”

  They were all solemn-faced. Mikael said with urgency, “Not here. Get us back to the camp behind your lines.”

  Caleb and the other commanders quickly helped everyone up on the horses to ride tandem back to the Israelite forces.

  Achsah got up on Caleb’s horse with her father, but her eyes were on Othniel the whole time.

  They arrived back at the front line that separated to allow them through and then closed back up again in formation for battle.

  • • • • •

  “I do not understand,” said Caleb, “You came from Joshua’s campaign out west in order to secure the release of the hostages?”

  “Yes,” said Mikael.

  The archangels were alone with Caleb in his war tent. The family members were being safely guarded in the middle of the army camp.

  “But why did they give them to you?” said Caleb.

  “Because Joshua turned himself in to Ahiman in exchange for their release.”

  Caleb’s face went white.

  “Joshua exchanged himself for my family?”


  “Did you try to stop him?”

  Uriel said, “Of course we did. We are not a bunch of morons.”

  Gabriel explained, “It is the nature of moral freedom. We cannot make you obey.”

  “But he is Yahweh’s chosen one to lead the army of Israel,” said Caleb.

  “That is what we told him,” complained Uriel. “But he would not listen.”

  Mikael said, “He left the leadership of his forces in the hands of his generals. And he told us that you would do just fine leading the siege of Kiriath-arba.”

  Caleb was still incredulous. “I cannot believe he would do such a foolish thing.”

  Mikael now became more sympathetic, “To the mortal mind, it may seem a foolish thing for a man to give his life in exchange for another. But in Yahweh’s kingdom, it is the essence of redemption. Substitution.”

  “But he could have been double-crossed,” said Caleb.

  “That is why he made us the negotiators,” said Mikael.

  “Why did you not double-cross those evil Anakim?” said Caleb.

  Mikael said, “Joshua told us not to. He feared there would be more terrible consequences if we were not completely successful. He did not want to risk the lives of any of your family.”

  Caleb said, “And now they have Joshua and my wife Rahab.”

  Mikael said, “The children were mere collateral. Their goal has always been the Chosen Seed and the leader of Israel.”

  “Will you help me liberate them?” said Caleb.

  “Actually, we cannot,” said Mikael. “We have been commissioned by Yahweh on our own course that will lead us far up north.”

  “You are leaving me here without your protection against the mightiest of giants in the land, who have the Chosen Seed as their hostage.”

  “Believe me,” said Uriel. “I wish we could change places.”

  The others gave him an annoyed look.

  Mikael said, “Caleb ben Jephunneh, be strong and courageous. Be vigilant. Trust in Yahweh, and you shall have victory.”

  “That is easy for you to say,” said Caleb. “You are archangels.”

  Uriel said, “You do not think we have to have faith? What do you think it takes to face a Watcher, my witty sense of humor?”

  “Leave him be,” said Mikael. “Caleb’s responsibility is no less than our own.”

  Caleb knew he was right. He knew it was all leading to this. Yahweh would test his faith in the fires of adversity to burn out the dross like purified gold.

  That night, Caleb prayed for the salvation of Rahab and Joshua from the hands of their enemies.

  That night, the archangels left but did not tell Caleb that they were hunting down Ba’al.

  There had been a change of plans. The angels had originally doubled as guardians to protect the hostage exchange, in order to find out where Ba’al was hiding in the city so that they might catch him and bind him into the earth. But when they entered the gates, they soon discovered that Ba’al had long gone.

  But they knew their adversary better than Ba’al’s own priests. They knew he was not running from cowardice. Ba’al was no coward. He was the mightiest of all the fallen Watcher gods. No, Ba’al was calculating. He was fleeing to draw his pursuers into his own web of power. He had fled to the far reaches of the north, where he had finished building his palace on Mount Sapan.

  The gods were strongest on mountains, and the archangels would face their most deadly battle on Ba’al’s own turf, at the mercy of his cunning devices. Uriel was not joking when he had said he would prefer to have switched places with Caleb. Fighting the giants of Kiriath-arba would be child’s play compared to the maelstrom of unleashed fury that they were walking into.

  But rather than take the long over land route of two hundred miles to Sapan, they decided to ride twenty five miles west to the shoreline city of Ashkelon and take a ship up the coast. It would be quicker.

  They could only wonder what diabolical plans Ba’al had in store for them.

  Chapter 53

  “You what?!” shouted Talmai.

  He was in the war room of the king with Ahiman and Sheshai. He was staring at his brother Sheshai with unbelief.

  “Those hostages were valuable bargaining shekels for our scheme!”

  Sheshai responded, “Calm down, brother. I exchanged them for a more priceless bargaining shekel.”

  “But they are the Seed line. If we do not destroy them…”

  “They are not the Seed line. The harlot is. They were mere collateral. Besides, after we win this battle, we will kill them all anyway. So I simply hit two birds with one slingshot. Now we have both the Seed and the Destroyer of Canaan.”

  Ahiman grinned maliciously, “We have Yahweh by his testicles.”

  • • • • •

  The dungeon was cut into the rock about fifty feet beneath King Hoham’s palace. It was a large holding cell behind bars where the Anakim could hold as many as a hundred prisoners. But the only prisoners who resided in it now were Joshua and Rahab.

  Joshua was laid out on his back with a bloody nose, a black eye, and a body full of bruises from his captors. They were not allowed to kill him, but they swatted him around just to vent some of th
eir contempt upon him.

  “I am going to have to move it back into place,” said Rahab. She was referring to Joshua’s nose, crooked from being broken.

  He nodded silently.

  His head was resting in her lap. He had just come back to consciousness.

  She swallowed and placed a hand on each side of his nose, like a potter sculpting clay. She could feel where it was off, and she made one quick movement to jerk it back into place.

  Joshua groaned in pain.

  But it was not quite in place.

  “I am so sorry, Joshua. One more time.”

  She made another quick jerk and she heard the cartilage crunch and felt it finally snap into place.

  Joshua blacked out for a moment.

  Rahab cringed.

  He became conscious again and sat up. He felt disoriented, but his vision quickly came back into focus as he looked at her. At her dirty, but angelic face. Even in this moment of grave danger it struck him how bewitching and stunning her features were to him.

  He shook his head to clear it from the intrusive thoughts.

  “Why did you do it, Joshua?” she said. “Why did you endanger the Wars of Yahweh by exchanging yourself for mere hostages?”

  Joshua sighed and looked away. He could not look into her eyes. He was disgusted with himself. He had experienced a personal moment of revelation and repentance from his lustful desire. He had realized he was a failure at living up to Yahweh’s holiness, and had felt a renewed lease on his life. And yet, here he was again, finding himself irresistibly enticed by her alluring beauty like some kind of teenage juvenile. What was wrong with him?

  He sighed. “Rahab, God will not be thwarted if I am dead. He will raise up another to take my place. I am not the indispensable one. You are.”

  She covered her pregnant belly and looked away with anger. “Do not say that, my lord Commander.”

  He looked down at her belly. “The child you carry in you is the promised seedline of our deliverance. Do you despise the word of Yahweh through his prophets?”

  Rahab would not answer him. She was disgusted with herself. After all she had learned about atonement, and after experiencing such grace through the freeing love of Caleb, she still could not believe that Yahweh would choose her for such a royal honor.


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