BROKEN ANGEL: Devil's Route MC

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BROKEN ANGEL: Devil's Route MC Page 35

by Nicole Fox

  “You know,” I said, trying to keep that purr in my voice, “a working girl like me, we develop certain appetites. Big, dirty, nasty appetites.” Which, honestly, was kind of true. I liked my sex hard and rough, with a good, strong man who could make me do what he wanted. I'd slept with lots of guys in my time, more than I could count even at my age, and I'd learned one thing: You know that soft, whimpering kind of fucking, where the guy worships the girl’s feet?

  That ain't my thing.

  “And,” I continued with a flash of teeth, and a tip of tongue running over them, “all your boys seem to really fit my bill, if you take my meaning. Y'all boys know what a girl likes, don't you?”

  Koen shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Whether it was because I was getting to him one way, or another, I couldn't tell. He was either nervous in front of his men, at having me so quickly rebound from my earlier advances, or I was getting to him in another, more tangible, way.

  “Now, I don't want you distracting the men,” Koen said, his voice getting a little more stern.

  “Oh,” I said in a low voice, as my free hand slid up front of my top, pulling it up a little at the hem to show a bit of midriff, “I like it when you talk that way, Boss. He always sound like this, boys?”

  The other men, even Fed, chuckled.

  I saw my chance right then, as I moved the smallest fraction of power away from Koen. “How about you, boys?” I continued, going for broke with my hand sliding up under my shirt again, pulling it up a little farther as I smiled as invitingly as I could. “You boys wanna be firm with me, too? Teach me a couple lessons?”

  The three men I hadn't met yet laughed, and one of them even gave a little hoot of enthusiasm.

  I grinned as I went to pull my top off over my head, even though I knew I might have just bitten off more than I could chew.

  Chapter Four


  The air was electric, and my breath was coming short and fast. Jace's eyes burned into mine with an intensity of two suns, even as her lips twisted playfully. She knew what she could do to men, was well aware of what kind of strife and consternation she could cause us.

  One thing was for certain. I wasn't sure exactly what it was about this Jace girl that did it for me. But, she sure was doing something. That much was damned sure.

  At first, I thought it was those curves, and that soft, unblemished skin beneath her shirt. Then, I considered that it was the way she swayed a little to the barely-heard beat coming from the club below us, as she began to strip for me and the boys.

  Whatever it was, I was as eager as the rest of the guys to see her lithe body stripped down to nothing. Even with just the lusty display in front of me, I was well on my way to being hard as a rock. This woman wanted to spend the night in my bed, but I'd turned her down. Now, I realized, she was willing to fuck every man in my MC to show me what I was missing.

  That was when I realized, as she laughingly slapped Happy's hands away from her, that it was her brassiness that really got me going. Her boldness, her spunk, even that filthy mouth of hers.

  But, as much as I liked it, I couldn't have her just hanging around, messing with my boys. Clearly, she could, and easily.

  Then there was the fact that, if I took her up on the offer, I'd get a nice bed warmer out of this deal. A woman who was used to paying her way with fucking, a woman who was experienced. Not some club girl who'd get all attached once I dragged her back to my room the second time around. A woman like Jace would know the score from the get go.

  Of course, a woman like Jace, I could learn to care about. She had a backbone, clearly, and wouldn't back down from anything. A woman like that, she could grow to be my equal, even, inside of bed and out.

  A thought flashed through my mind, of her riding down the highway on the back of my bike, of us in my bed, the covers and sheet twisted around our legs as I gave it to her hard and fast, of what her lips would feel like when they were wrapped around my cock, how her hair would feel in my hand as I yanked her head back.

  Damn if it hadn't been a long time, though, since I'd had any kind of companionship. Since I became top dog in this pile, Fed was really my only friend. Every other guy here, brother or not, I had to keep one eye on him. Shit, between my piece of shit dad, and the years I'd been here, I couldn't have told you the last time I'd been at ease with someone. Been more than lonely, even in a room full of people.

  “Alright,” I said forcefully, my hand raised for Jace to stop her dance. Her top was gone, revealing just a lacy red bra, and she was about to straddle Happy, a smile playing on her lips and a laugh tumbling out of her throat.

  Clearly, she'd been getting into this.

  But, still, she came to a stop at the sound of my voice. All the guys, even Fed, groaned at the interruption.

  “I get it,” I said. “You need dick. Now get off Happy and go wait back in the room.”

  She threw her hair back over a shoulder with a flick of her neck, still giving me that wide smile of hers. “One last thing,” she said, her eyes flashing with victory.

  I rolled my eyes, my anger finally getting to me. This woman was already becoming more trouble than she was worth, far as I could see. “Fine,” I snapped. “What the fuck else?”

  “Benji's off limits.”

  # # #


  The men around me, and the guy below me in particular, groaned in protest as I went to stand and grab my top from where I'd dropped it on the floor. “She'll cook, she'll clean, she'll do whatever. But she ain't a whore no more, and she ain't gonna fuck every Tom, Dick, and Harry to pay her rent. Got it?”

  Koen shook his head, his eyes ablaze at my having thwarted him again.

  I just couldn't help it. Something inside me wanted to keep pushing him, and pushing him, and pushing him.

  His jaw worked as he ground his teeth. “Fine,” he growled. “Meeting's over, guys. Get out of here and go have a drink or something.”

  But, his eyes were burning with something else, too. I had this fucker right where I wanted him. He'd do anything to get me in bed, now, and then I could put my plan into action.

  All the guys groaned and got up to leave. Happy got up and put a hand around my waist, pulling me in for a hug before I had a chance to pull my shirt back on. His hands were rough on my soft skin, but he was surprisingly gentle.

  I giggled and hugged him back, even kissed him on the cheek. “Sorry your boss is a party pooper,” I said with a grin.

  “Koen's okay,” Happy said, slapping my ass, producing a playful squeal from me.

  Of course, the squeal was more acting than anything else. I'd been in this game long enough that I knew what certain kinds of men wanted.

  “Even me?” Fed asked as he got up from the table.

  Koen nodded. “Close the door behind you, too,” he said as his buddy got up to leave.

  I could tell from the way they interacted, both now and earlier, that they were actually friends. Koen and the rest of the guys, though, were more associates than anything else. Even if he was head of their little gang, he was wary of them. Not Fed, though. They were like me and Benji, buds till the end. If I ever tried anything on Koen with Fed around, the biker would kill me without a moment's hesitation. I knew it the same way I knew up was up, and down was down.

  So, I'd just have to do it when Koen was alone, maybe while he lying in bed, asleep.

  Fed left, shut the door behind him.

  “No,” Koen said, his voice still harsh as I went to pull my top back over my head. It had actually started to get a little cool in the meeting room, especially considering I was just standing there in my bra and a short skirt, and I'd wanted to cover up a little.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Come here first,” he said, pushing his chair back and away from the table. I knew what that meant. He wanted to see how talented these lips of mine really were.

  I raised an eyebrow and smiled a little, if only to myself. Yep, right where I wanted him. Putty in my
soft little hands. The bigger, more burly the guy is, the easier it is to get them to do what you want. Still topless, I walked around the table to stand next to him. I looked into those eyes, a perfect image of what his corpse would look like flashing in my brain. “Yeah, Boss?”

  Before I realized what he was doing, before I could even put up a fight of any kind, he'd snatched me down by the wrist and pulled me over his knees, like I was some bratty child that had gotten bad marks on a test.

  “Hey!” I screamed, trying to kick. “Fuck you!”

  He grabbed a fistful of fiery red hair, though, and yanked my head back till I had to arch my back to keep from struggling to breathe. It cut my screams off and, surprisingly, felt . . . delicious. I felt his hand on my ass, felt it grab at the hem of my skirt and start shimmying it up my thighs and over my ass.

  “Wh-what?” I sputtered out as I began to realize this son of a bitch had me at his mercy. This son of a bitch who'd been responsible for Tommy's death.

  “Shut the fuck up,” he growled cruelly as he yanked my hair back. “Unless you want this to be harder than it will be already.”

  I felt my hair begin to tear out at the roots, and I arched my neck to keep all my strands on my scalp as I swallowed hard and tried to stay calm. This was certainly not what I'd expected. I kept my mouth shut, though, even as the cool air caressed my naked ass.

  “Now,” he growled as he ran a rough hand over the skin of my baby-smooth bottom, “this is what a slut gets for trying to distract my men.”

  I'd played with guys like this before. Most working girls had, simply because we had a lot of guys who came to us because they couldn't have their tastes fulfilled by other people. I'll admit it, the first few times, I'd been a little scared. But, after a while I'd realized that most guys just wanted to play at it, and they really wanted a willing partner to pant and moan and scream as they smacked some ass.

  This, though, was different. I didn't know this man. And, I could tell from the tone of his voice, that he was pissed. I nodded as much as his grip in my hair would allow. “Yes, Boss,” I said, my words almost frantic and choking from the way my head was pulled back.

  “Good,” he said in a simple, flat voice. Then, he started to spank me.

  Not in a gentle, sensual way like I'd experienced. Nor in a coy, playful way like I'd had other times, where they rubbed you a few times in between slaps to take away the sting. No, Koen spanked me like a naughty little girl who'd run off to become a hooker.

  I was going to kill this fucker, I reminded myself. For Tommy, for this, for all the girls and people Sven had ever hurt.

  Fuck. This. Guy.

  “You will never strip like that for any of my men ever again,” he growled, his voice barely raised as he punctuated each word with a hard, openhanded slap on my bare ass.

  Each slap stung like a thousand bees concentrated in one spot, and left a burning hand print behind like someone had painted me with lighter fluid and set a spark to it. I wiggled under the onslaught, straining against his hand holding my hair, but still unable to shift my bare ass out of the way.

  Inside, I screamed. I couldn't believe he was doing this! This motherfucker, who'd ruined my life by getting my brother killed. I was going to return the fucking favor!

  Outside, though, I whimpered, blinked back the tears as the pain continued blossoming on my back side and spread through my body. I knew I was going to have welts all over me, knew I wouldn't be sitting right all night. Finally, I choked out a cry, but quickly bit it back.

  “Never,” he said, slapping my ass again, “again.”

  To my embarrassment, though, and dismay, I realized something else was spreading throughout my body, and my ass subtly pushed back into his open palm, barely rising each time to meet his strikes.

  “Do you understand, Jace?” he asked against, still slapping my ass with each word till he finally stopped. “Do you?” he asked again, slapping my ass twice when I didn't respond fast enough for him.

  I groaned low, my eyes still watering from the pain, but my body aroused like it hadn't been since before I could remember. I don't know why I did it, but in response to his question, I just shook my head. “No, Boss,” I whispered. “I don't understand.”

  He grumbled, and I could feel him shift a little in his chair to hide his erection. There wasn't any keeping it from me, though, seeing as how it was pressing into my bare belly. His hand came down against, at least half a dozen times. The sound of callused palm striking soft skin filled the room, along with my moans as I pushed back into his hand.

  I couldn't remember the last time I'd been this wet, or any other time I'd been this horny. The thought of just the barest strips of cloth separating my sex from his hand set me to dripping.

  I didn't care if I had to kill him afterward. From the way he was handling me, I at least knew it would be a good fuck.

  He must have gotten tired of spanking me, or maybe he enjoyed it a little too much, because he pulled me back up off his lap by the hair and flung me away from him. “Get ready to go home,” he said.

  I stumbled a little in my bare feet, but stayed upright as I pulled my skirt back down over my bare ass. Fuck it stung to cover it back up! Instead of slipping my hands beneath my skirt, or using them to begin unbuckling his jeans, I pulled my top back over my head.

  “Go!” he barked.

  I glanced down at his lap one last time before I left the room, if only to confirm to myself that hadn't been a phantom cock pressing into me. Oh yeah, he'd been as into that as me. I grinned slyly. “Sure, Boss. Anything you say,” I said as I turned on the tip of my toe and sashayed out of the room.

  I never knew planning to kill a man would be this much fun.

  Chapter Five


  She almost looked peaceful, lying like that in my guest bedroom. I'd doped her up pretty well with the mickey I'd spiked her drink with, enough so that I wouldn't have to worry about her wandering around my house while I tried to conduct business, or sleep.

  Relax, I didn't have any plans to take advantage of Jace. It was just that, whether she was walking the street or ending up in a hotel room with a dead pimp and a dead John, she seemed to have a knack for being where she wasn't supposed to. She proved that again when she showed up in the meeting room during the vote.

  My hand still smarted from earlier in the night. Hopefully, I'd taught her a little bit of a lesson when I'd bent her over my knee. Of course, as I adjusted my half-erect cock, I also hoped she learned slow. There'd been something immensely hot about her form bent over my lap like that, having her submit to my hand the way she had. I liked the way she fought it, at first, but ended up relaxing and pushing back into it, by the end.

  But, whether she needed another lesson later, or not, I had other work to do still.

  I quietly closed the door to the guest room and headed back downstairs and into the small guest bathroom. I removed the lid from the ceramic toilet tank and reached inside to grab the bag, and the disposable cell phone it contained, that sat at the bottom.

  When you do the kind of business me and the MC do, you get paranoid. You never use the same phone more than a few times, you always keep them rotating, and you certainly never use one that's registered under your name. You also follow the same rules when it comes to calling out on the phone. Just because your line ain't tapped, doesn't mean your buddy's ain't, too.

  I dialed in the number for Fed's burner of the week once I'd pulled the phone from its waterproof bag and turned it on. As the phone began to ring, I pressed it to my ear and waited.

  “Yeah?” Fed said when he answered on the fifth or sixth ring. We'd arranged the times before I'd left Hellfire, so I was a little surprised it took him as long as it did to answer.

  I kept my concerns to myself, though, and tried to fight back any others I might have. Fed was my right-hand man, and questioning him would just lead to questioning myself. No good can come of that, no matter which way you looked at it.

bsp; “What'd we hear from our little buddy?” I asked. Fed was our point of contact for the guy in Volkov Arms. Early on, we'd discussed how it would be a bad idea for me to be involved on that side of things. When I'd brought Jace home with me, and set Fed to putting Benji to work, I'd also made sure Fed knew it was time to move on with our original plans.

  Sven had been a bust, after all. But, you couldn't let a little kink in your plans fuck everything else up. It didn't matter if you got knocked down a hundred times, my old man used to say. What mattered is that you got back up a hundred and one times.

  “One week, or thereabouts,” Fed said, his voice hollow and scratchy through the cheap speaker of the cell phone. “Got the numbers.”


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