Heart of a Wolf Wicked Series Book 2

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Heart of a Wolf Wicked Series Book 2 Page 13

by K. D. Friedrich

  "I know." Compelled, she glanced over at the stubborn wolf, only to be greeted with another scowl.

  Aric was right. She needed to focus.

  She tore her gaze away from Tristan's unrelenting frown.

  Breathe in. Breathe out.

  After a few seconds of deep calming breaths, she erected a wall with her will, blocking all the negative vibes and focused on the mission at hand.

  Moments later, the island came into view over the horizon. A sudden surge of adrenaline shot through her veins. She reveled in the jolt of strength.

  An eerie stillness mingled with a low-lying mist, hovering over the approaching shore. Something wasn't right. The closer they drew, the tighter the knot in her stomach became.

  Their boats docked at a virtual ghost town. Several buildings lined the far side of the land cloaked in moss and vines, the structures beaten down from years of neglect. Thick chains weaved through the door handles, locked together by huge, rusty padlocks.

  Aric crinkled his nose in disgust. "I feel the sting of magic."

  Winter agreed. A powerful spell crackled in the air. Humans could not feel the static charge still clinging to the island, but a supernatural had no problem and this place pulsated with it.

  "Keep your eyes open and your senses sharp," Aric commanded.

  The guards and human police spread out over the island. Separate groups went to each structure.

  Winter followed her unit, taking up position in the rear. She scanned every shadow as Aric disposed of the door's lock and chain with a simple spell. The heavy clunk of the padlock drew her attention.

  One sharp kick later and they were raiding the halls.

  Although the outer walls of the buildings looked decrepit, the interior floor held a shine of wax, and the walls the faintest scent of fresh paint.

  "They ran out of time." Winter shook her head. "Still looks the same in here."

  Tristan tsked. "No…the witch was sloppy. The one who placed the spell had strength, but no training. The glamour incomplete and forced. My guess, the humans had a kid do it." Tristan growled. His eyes began to glow. "If they're getting kids to do their dirty work, you can guarantee the little witches have no choice in the matter, and judging by the lack of control, the witch was young. I'd say no older than eight or nine."

  "Okay, men, search the buildings. See if you could find anything." Magnus had a harsh tone Winter didn't often hear.

  Tristan shook his head. "You aren't going to find anything. It's been wiped clean by magic and human hands, probably not long after we escaped."

  Tristan had been right. Nothing remained. They had taken too long to move in.

  After an unsuccessful sweep of the island left them all disheartened, her somber group of guards headed back to Blue Manor and their sanctuary. Often after missions, the men settled in the recreation room, unwinding with a beer and a game of pool. They needed a few hours of normal to reenergize for the next mission.

  Heaviness from the day’s many disappointments settled deep in her chest, making her scotch slide down her throat about as well as a shot of glass shards. So, when she lifted her lashes to catch another one of Tristan's accusing glares, she had enough.

  She slammed her fist on the bar, drawing all gazes to her.

  She leaped from her stool and marched over to the stubborn-ass alpha. Samuel's and Isaac's eyes followed her with their silver gazes but didn't interfere. They both nodded as she passed them. The gesture meant to reassure her that they would be there in a second if the wolf got antsy.

  She halted in front of Tristan. He didn't acknowledge her approach. Instead, he stared at the whiskey in his cup before downing the amber liquid in one gulp. Her fury spiked.

  "We need to talk."

  He chuckled. "I don't think we do."

  A spark of power lifted him from the seat. His eyes widened and stared at her as he caught his balance on a nearby chair.

  "Outside…now!" she roared.

  The entire room fell silent. She didn't bother waiting for his response. She pushed past him and marched outside, her magic leaving a crackling trail behind her. She cursed him for destroying her usual calm exterior. Her blood pressure skyrocketed to a record high and it was this wolf's fault.

  Waves of lust and anger crashed into her as she entered the courtyard, assuring her that he followed. Not to mention, she felt his feral leer staring at her ass.

  Damn feisty wolf. Even anger didn't diminish his horny ways. He might be furious, but he still wanted her. She found the fact both annoying and arousing.

  The second she reached the end of the patio, she spun. "You have some damn nerve being angry with me."

  "I have some damn nerve?" His growl dropped to a dangerous octave. He closed the few steps between them. In an instant, his rich masculine scent filled her lungs. Although frigid outside, the warmth now surrounding her burned as hot as the sun. Need, fury, and possessiveness roamed over her skin with the same eagerness of a lover’s touch. She held back a moan, locking it in her throat. "Not only do you give him your blood, but you also drank from him. Fucking took his essence into you. Did you take his cock too?" He snarled. "Maybe, my wolf has it wrong. Maybe, he's your mate, because I sure as hell don't know anymore."

  "I never slept with Magnus." She scrunched her nose. "Eww, he's like a second father to me for Goddess's sake."

  Tristan snorted. His voice grew louder with each word. "Vampire's never share their blood. It's sacred to them. Why else would he create that bond? Why would he hand over such power to you if not to mate? Why?"

  "To save my life, you idiot." Her words echoed in the courtyard.

  The silence that ensued between them was deafening.

  "What?" he finally asked.

  She sighed. "Less than a year after my initiation into the guards, I was out on a mission. We were tracking humans who were harassing a shifter family that moved into a predominately human neighborhood. One of the humans had a gun. I got hit right here." She pulled down her shirt showing him the small puckered scar between her breasts. "The bullet hit me at an angle and nicked my heart."


  "If it wasn't for Magnus, I'd be dead." She frowned. "I wanted you to know, I didn't…I wasn't with Magnus like you think. He fed me to heal me. In regard to him taking a few drops of my blood, all his guards did it as added protection. He didn't even prick our fingers with his fang. He used a ceremonial dagger and ingested the blood from the tip."

  As if a weight fell on Tristan's shoulders, he slumped and closed his eyes. "I almost lost you." His lids popped open. His gaze began to glow warm amber. "I almost…lost you."

  "I'm fine."

  "You were fine that time, but what about next time. How can I let you go out there every day and risk your life? If anything happens to you—"

  "You don't let me do anything. This is my choice. My life. I'm damn proud of my job. I am very good at what I do, Tristan. I was top of my class and labeled a sharpshooter level ten. I wasn't the only one injured that day. Aric was lying in the bed next to me in the hospital. He also drank from Magnus, and believe me, there was nothing sexual there either."

  Tristan said nothing and then he spoke. "So, you and Magnus…you're not…you've never been…lovers?"

  She shook her head. "I said we weren't."

  His gaze narrowed. "What about Aric?"

  She closed her eyes. "In the past, yes."

  Tristan growled at her admission. "And now?"

  "No, and we haven't been for a while." She groaned when his scowl deepened. "Aric and I were never anything serious. We were friends that found comfort in each other." She put her hands on her hips when Tristan's accusing stare didn't falter. "Well, you couldn't expect me to be celibate my whole life. I never thought I'd even see you again after what happened. I bet you've had plenty of women over the years." She turned away from him not wishing to see his eyes when he spoke of the others he'd had in his arms and his bed. "I know you had at least a dozen females before I e
ven left."

  "Those females before meant nothing to me. A means to an end. The second we kissed, I couldn't…there hasn't been another."

  She spun so fast she almost fell. "What? You're not serious. Are you saying—"

  "I haven't had a woman in a very long time, Winter. I told you that the other night after we escaped."

  That can't be true, she thought. "I've seen the pictures, Tristan."

  "Pictures? What the hell are you talking about?" He snarled.

  She rolled her eyes. "You were all cozy and comfy with a few shifter females at a party."

  "What party?"

  Not in the mood to explain, she waved off his inquiry. "You have no commitment to me. You can see whoever you want." But it did matter and the image of him snuggling up to two beautiful females still made her stomach turn.

  "We have a hell of a lot more than a mere commitment, Win. We have fucking divine destiny."

  Frustrated, she planted her fists on her hips. "You're really going to deny spending time with those shifter women."

  "I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. So please, refresh my memory."

  She sighed, not wanting to relive the terrible ache the reminiscence caused. Yet, she saw his determination. He wasn't going to let this go. "You were at a barbecue or something. You had your arm draped around them, one on each side of you. You were wedged between the bimbo sandwich with a huge-ass grin on your face." When he still looked confused, she added, "Don't look at me like I'm crazy." She groaned. "A blonde and a redhead. The redhead had big blue eyes and the blonde had humongous—" She cupped her breasts. His eyes dropped to her hands. He licked his lips.

  Suddenly, a spark of recognition crossed his face. Tristan burst out in a fit of laughter. The wolf had the balls to mock her. "You mean Debbie and Jen." So that was the tramps’ names. "You don't remember little Jenny. My mom used to babysit her all the time." No, she didn't remember her. "Shit, she's barely eighteen. Give me some credit, will you. Besides, she has a crush on one of the local vampire boys. And Debbie is mated to one of my guards. Believe me, there is nothing going on with her. If there was, her mate would have my balls in a damn vice."

  "Well, there were others. Summer told me just last month that she saw you having dinner with a woman."

  "Never knew your sister to be one of those cackling hens that hang out at the gatherings. Guess she's gotten bored over the years. Yeah, my father tried to set me up. He said it wasn't healthy for me to be alone. I went to appease him, but I didn't touch her…I couldn't." He drew closer. "How could I when the only woman I want to feel beneath my fingers is you."

  Lies had a bitter taste, but his words remained sweet, sincere. "What about your heats? Wolves can't deny sex when they’re in heat."

  "They can if they're already mated in their hearts. My wolf already considers you his mate. He wanted no others."

  "You really didn't sleep with anyone? At all. What about Lina?" She rolled her eyes with a shiver. Even the bitch's name made her nauseated. Tristan actually had the nerve to smile.

  "I didn't touch her then and I sure as hell haven't touched her now." Instant relief washed over her. "There is only one woman I want. One witch I need." He closed the last few inches separating them. "One woman my body, my wolf, and my heart desire above all others…and that is you, Win."

  She licked her lips as his mouth drew closer. He paused. "What about the witch? When was the last time you let him into your bed?" She noticed his body tense as he asked. He feared her answer. "Does he hold your heart?"

  "I love him as a friend and respect him as a fellow soldier, but—"

  "But what?"

  She stopped, unsure whether to reveal the truth. His eyes begged for her answer, and she knew she had no choice. When he looked at her like that she was helpless to resist him. She sighed as if the heavy breath helped her unveil the truth.

  "I've never felt for him the way I feel for you."

  "Good," he drawled. "If you said something different, I might have had to kill him." He made it sound like a joke, but she knew he meant every word. If Aric thought to challenge him, Tristan would rip him to pieces.

  He leaned in close. She settled her palm on his biceps. He closed his eyes and sighed, deep and long, as she let her power flow into him.

  "What are you doing?" she whispered.

  His fang traced the edge of her earlobe. "You know the best thing about fights…makeup sex."

  Winter shivered, but not from the icy breeze swirling around her. With Tristan so close, what woman would feel the chill?

  No, she trembled from the need ravaging her body. Now she understood what he'd suffered through all these years. She sensed his heat when they were imprisoned in the labs, yet she never truly understood its power until this moment.

  The rich male scent that only Tristan possessed grew stronger. The lusty aroma flooded her senses, ensnared her, trapping her in a prison she had no wish to escape.

  A sudden deep growl rolled up his throat. The husky rumble made her entire body tremble. Moisture pooled between her thighs. Her skin heated. Her hands shook as she slid them up his chest. Strange, because her hands never shook, they couldn't afford to out in the field. An unsteady hand might get a teammate killed. Yet, they quivered against his rock-hard pectorals as if hooked to an electric current.

  This lack of control scared her. She wanted to tear herself from the temptation of his appeal, but she couldn't look away from him. He had ensnared her with his beautiful amber gaze.

  "Tristan, please." What she begged for she wasn't sure. But she needed. She desired. She ached.

  "I like when you say my name in that sexy voice, Win."

  His mouth traveled toward her lips. His voice held confidence, but the gentle caress of his lips against hers held uncertainty, as if testing her acceptance before he dominated her.

  She didn't want hesitation. She wanted him wild. She wanted the wolf and the man as one.

  Weaving her hands through his hair, she cupped the back of his head, snagged his hair in her fingers, and took what she wanted.

  Tongues swirled and flicked in a frenzied dance. Before she realized her action, she found her thighs wrapped around his hips, his fingers digging into her ass cheeks, pressing her closer to the hard outline of his cock.

  All she wanted was to get Tristan's long thick shaft into her beckoning pussy. Tristan seemed to have the same idea, and quickly propelled her to the large patio table behind them. He propped her up on the corner of it and a second later, he had her jumpsuit zipper lowered, pulled a shoulder free, and tongued the flesh above her racing pulse.

  Winter wasted no time either. She went right to the button of his pants. His canines nipped her throat. Once. Twice. The third sharp bite made her cry out his name just as she freed his shaft from its tight confines.

  "Fuck, Winter. Your hand feels so good wrapped around my cock. Soft. Strong. Right."

  Their lips met again. She stroked him. With her thumb, she robbed the bead of pre-cum from the tip and used it to ease her hand down and back up.

  Her jumpsuit fell from her shoulders revealing her breasts to the cold air. Already hard, her puckered nipples begged for his touch. Strong talented fingers answered, tugging and rolling the tips until she cried out his name. His determined ministrations traveled down her belly toward the sharp burning ache that called out to him.

  Her mate.

  He brushed her slick slit with his thumb. She gasped. She wanted more.

  "Winter," someone called out from the house. Her body tensed at the familiar voice. "Where are you, sister?"

  Breathless, Winter and Tristan sat still. Neither said a word.

  Thrust back into reality with a brutal shove, a frigid breeze raked over her exposed skin. Goddess forgive her, she almost fucked Tristan on her boss's patio table in the middle of winter. This man was making her lose her damn senses.

  When her sister's voice called out again, she shoved Tristan back enough to right her clo

  Tristan smirked at her. His amusement grated her nerves and made her annoyance spike to an all-time high.

  "Saved from the big bad wolf." He gave a raspy growl, shoving his still-hard cock back behind his zipper. "Summer has impeccable timing as always." He pulled her close, ignoring her protest. He nipped her ear. A gasp of delight shot from her lips from the sting.

  Winter tried to answer her sister's call but couldn't find her voice. Her reply blocked by the wall of heat still simmering between them. She cleared her throat. "I'm…I'm coming."

  "You would have been had we not been disturbed." His grin widened. He sighed. "Go on, before I lose my best intentions and resume what we started. Just remember. Next time, there will be no escaping me."

  With a grin lifting his lips, he ushered her toward the door. She didn't see his face when she hurried away, but she swore she felt his hot gaze burn a trail along her curves of her ass.

  Chapter 16

  "Summer," Winter exclaimed as she rushed into the rec room from the patio.


  The two sisters embraced.

  Growing up in the secluded woodlands of Pennsylvania—away from humans and children their own age—Summer and Winter had only each other for camaraderie and friendship. The years apart from her sister had been tough on Winter. She missed their long talks and late nights filled with laughter.

  "I was so worried about you." Summer hugged her again, even tighter.

  A quick glance over Summer's shoulder revealed an empty recreation room. The sight made Winter wonder how long she and Tristan were outside. Long enough, it seems. The other guards had given up on the drama and headed home. The realization gave her an instant relief. Perhaps, no one was aware of the outdoor porn show she almost gave.

  "Get over here." Kian snagged her from her sister's arms and wrapped his big tattooed biceps around her. "You scared the shit out of us, pretty girl." He flicked a strand of her hair.

  She grinned. Winter loved the nickname Kian had given her a decade ago. Her brother-in-law rated high on her list of top five favorite people, a brother by heart that she adored and respected.


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