Carnal Confessions

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Carnal Confessions Page 4

by Marilyn Lee

  I couldn’t think. Couldn't speak. Could barely breathe. I'd never been so full of cock before. For what seemed an eternity, he lay on top of me, making short, stabbing thrusts in me. The feelings emanating from my stuffed pussy were incredible. When he lifted his body slightly and began to withdraw from me, I wrapped my legs around his hips and clung to him.

  "Please!" I cried. I wanted that delicious dick buried deep in me. I begged for more, and cried out like a wanton alley cat in heat as he gave it to me.

  I awoke the next morning in his bed with his middle finger dipped in my pussy. Even as my cunt tingled from his stimuli, I was dismayed by the enormity of what I'd done. As I stared at him I realized that I didn't even know his last name. I had to get out of there fast!

  He smiled, pulled out of me, popped the honey-coated finger into his mouth, and licked it clean. "Mmm. That's good. How about a little pussy to start the day off right?"

  The muscles in my stomach churned painfully, my pussy began to leak, and I rolled over on my back, parted my legs, and bent my knees.

  He sheathed himself in a condom and rose about me, balancing his weight on his extended arms. I looked down our bodies. His cock, nestled amidst a mass of dark hair was long and thick. I'd never seen anything that looked so good. I had to feel that beautiful rod pumping in me one more time.

  He slowly lowered his shaft into my waiting channel. Even though I was wet and ready for him, I still felt gorged when he finally stopped pushing and was fully seated in me. Just for a moment, we paused to enjoy our tasty coupling. "Oh god this is good," he groaned, nipping the side of my neck.

  Good didn't begin to describe what was happening between us. Sex with Jim had been good. This was stunning in its eroticism, staggering in the level of sexual gratification given. How could one muscle—albeit it big, thick, and long muscle—destroy me so completely?

  I gave up trying to think, laid back and just felt. His lips on mine. On my neck. My small breasts. His big hands cupping my buns as his cock worshipped at the altar of my pussy. I greedily sucked on his tongue. With my thighs shaking from the thumping he was giving me, I rode his cock to a blistering, almost mind-boggling climax.

  The shower we took together afterwards took quite awhile. We didn't have sex again, but we spent a lot of time kissing and touching each other. Although sexually sated, just touching his flaccid cock still made my nipples harden. Even with the cool water raining down on us both.


  "Lena, where have you been?" my roommate Maria demanded two hours later when I let myself into our apartment. "Did you and Jim make up?"

  Maria and I were both from the same small town in upstate Pennsylvania where we'd had strict morals instilled in us. We used to spend hours talking about going to our husbands as virgins. Maria was still waiting for Mr. Right while I was fast becoming a wanton.

  "I'm sorry, Maria. I didn't know you were coming back early. I met a…friend." I felt the blood rising to my cheeks at the lie. "I stayed the night."

  "Anyone I know?"

  "No, I don't think so."

  "Oh. Well, what was Patty's dress like?"

  I told her about Patty's wedding in great detail, all the while thinking about Marc and his big cock. Was he thinking about me and my pussy?

  I slept badly that night and woke feeling less than able to face the world. I was sitting alone at lunch the next day when Chuck sat down opposite me. "I was worried about you when you left Patty's wedding with that guy."

  I gave Chuck a cool look. If I hadn't been trying to avoid him, I'd probably never have met Marc. But I knew I'd slept with Marc because with just a few kisses he'd made my pussy drip. Marc had awakened a sensual need and hunger in me of which I'd previously been unaware.

  Now I glared at Chuck. "Why don't you mind your own business?"

  "You know I'm crazy about you, Lena. Besides, he already has a woman."

  "If he has a woman, why was he at the wedding alone?"

  "He has a woman. I met them both at a computer show two months ago. Besides, he's far too old for you."

  I bit my lip, trying to remember if I'd seen any feminine clothing at his condo. But I'd been in too much heat to notice anything but his big dick Saturday night. On Sunday morning after our shower, I'd been too intent on getting away.

  "Chuck, there's nothing between me and Marc Walker." Lying was becoming easier. My cheeks were nearly cool and I looked him dead in the eye as I spoke. "Now if you'll excuse me, my salad and I would like to be alone."

  Despite the fact that I hadn't told Marc my last name or anything about myself I'd been hoping he'd find me and insist on seeing me again. But he didn't track me down and I was disappointed.

  Fortunately it was Maria's night to cook dinner because I was feeling so rotten I would probably have burned everything. I pleaded a headache right after dinner and spent the rest of the night lying in bed thinking about Marc. I couldn't seem to get the smell or taste of him out of my mind. I kept reliving those glorious hours spent under his big damp body. I felt as if the weight of his whole body was firmly imprinted on mine.

  By the end of the week I was feeling so desperate to forget him that I went out with Chuck on Saturday night. He took me to a very nice restaurant by the waterfront. Though we had worked together since I'd graduated from college a year earlier, I'd never really talked to him. To my surprise, I enjoyed myself.

  It was during dessert that I glanced up and saw Marc Walker watching me from across the room. A beautiful woman, who looked as if she'd just stepped off the cover of a fashion magazine, shared his table.

  So he belonged to that supermodel type. I felt my cheeks burn with shame as I thought of our night together. What must he think of me? The woman with him looked at me, at him, and back at me. There was no mistaking the look in her eyes. She knew we'd slept together.

  "Chuck, I don't feel well. Let's forget dessert. I want to go now," I said. The surprised look on Chuck's face turned to one of understanding as he followed my glance and saw Marc. He nodded, the spark gone from his eyes. He signaled the waiter, but Marc and his lady friend were at our table by then.

  "Lena. Hello."

  It took all of my will power to look up at him. "Hi," I said weakly.

  He smiled, his gaze warm and caressing. "Lena, this is Catherine Edmond. Catherine, Lena Graham. And your friend, Lena?"

  They weren't married! I mumbled something incoherent and Chuck introduced himself.

  The supermodel gave me a hard stare. "Is there some reason I need to know you?"

  "No!" I said quickly. "Marc and I hardly know each other." And that was true. We hadn't spent much time talking. I knew a lot about his luscious cock, but nothing about him.

  Marc nodded coolly, took the woman's arm and walked away.

  Chuck looked at me. "Now you see what I mean. He's no good for you, Lena."

  Maybe not but I wanted him.

  Chuck was a gentleman when he took me home and I half agreed to go out with him again. I had a feeling I was going to need to be involved with someone to get over my infatuation with Marc.

  The next morning at work I was given a repair order for a laser printer at Calvin and Walker. "Check in with Marc Walker when you get over there," my supervisor said.

  I half expected Marc to be all over me the moment his office door closed, but he was all business. "Here are some printouts showing the problem. When you're finished my secretary will sign the work order," he told me and left me alone in his office.

  It took longer to repair the laser printer than it should have because I was working with tears in my eyes. When I finally finished I spent five minutes just sitting in his chair with my cheek pressed against the back of it, wishing it was his chest. No matter how much I reminded myself that he wasn't worth a second thought, I couldn't stop thinking about him or his cock.

  I gave myself a lecture and left his office. His secretary signed my work order and I left. I was nearly at the elevator when his secretary caught up wit
h me. "I nearly forgot. Mr. Walker asked me to give you this," she said.

  I resisted the impulse to rip the envelope open immediately. It was time I took charge of my life again. I slipped it into my purse and drove to my next service call, which occupied the rest of my morning.

  I opened the envelope while I had lunch at a small café near by the last call. My hands shook as I read the message.

  Lena, I need to see you. Unless I hear from you, I'll meet you in the lobby of your building on Friday.

  I promised myself I wouldn't go. We'd only end up in bed. But I kept putting off calling to tell him I wouldn't go.

  "Lena, let's treat ourselves to a night out tomorrow," Maria said at breakfast on Thursday. "You've been looking beat down lately."

  I frowned. "I know I haven't been very good company lately."

  She smiled. "Just since Patty's wedding. But never mind that. Where shall we go?"

  "I have a date already, Maria, but let's have a girl's night out Saturday."

  "Who's the lucky guy?"

  For a moment I considered lying. "I met him at Patty's wedding…and I…we…"

  Maria stared at me with a look of dismay on her pretty face. "He's the friend you spent that night with?"

  I bit my lip. "I know what you're thinking. First I slept with Jim and now him, but Maria…" I trailed off. How could I expect her to understand that it had been more than sex, at least for me.

  Maria shook her head. "Actually, I was going to say that he must be a very special guy."

  "He is." Well, at least I hoped he was.

  Maria and I spent nearly two hours deciding what I would wear for my date with Marc. "You'd think I was getting married," I laughed, holding up the strapless, calf length dress we'd finally settled on.

  Maria grinned. "Hey. You never know."

  But I did know. "That's not what he wants from me, Maria."

  "Then why are you seeing him again?"

  It was so simple for Maria. If a man wasn't interested in marriage then she wasn't interested in him. But I had to see him again. "You wouldn't understand, Maria."

  "I think I do," she said slowly.

  But I knew she didn't. How could she when even I couldn't understand why I was so driven by sexual desire for another woman's man? I'd always despised women who slithered around with a man who was married or committed to another woman. Now I was ready and willing to become one myself.

  Marc took me to a small, intimate restaurant with soft music playing in the background and high-backed booths that created the impression that we had the whole place to ourselves. During dinner we talked about work, the movies, and politics. Despite the age difference, we found we shared many of the same views. It was over coffee that he turned the talk personal. "How is it that you don't have a lover?"

  "I just don't. But what about you? Who is…Catherine?"

  "She's a friend."

  "How good a friend?"

  He sighed. "We were close for a while. I was thinking of getting closer."

  "What happened?"

  He looked directly into my eyes. "You happened."

  I stared at him. "Are you engaged to her?"

  "No. I—this is going to make me sound like a first class heel. Maybe I am. We've been seeing each other exclusively for about a year and a half. We have a lot in common. We're fond of each other. I was thinking about asking her to move in with me the weekend of the wedding, but she had to go on a last minute business trip. And then I met you."

  His confession confused me. I was part ashamed that I'd slept with another woman's man and part eager to repeat the offense.

  "Do you live together?"


  "Are you…but you're still seeing her."

  "Does it matter?"



  "Because I have no desire to be the one you go to when you can't have her."

  "You mean you want more than a physical relationship?"

  "Is that all you have to offer me?"

  "If I said yes?"

  I bit the inside of my lip until I tasted blood in my mouth. "Are you saying yes?"

  He stared at me for a long time before answering. "Would it be so bad if I was?"

  I was stunned. How could he not share my feelings? I looked away, hoping he hadn't seen the pain or the tears in my eyes. "I'm not interested in what you're offering."

  He reached out and clasped my hand in his. "Are you sure?"

  I jerked away from him. "I'm positive." But I wasn't.

  "Lena, Catherine and I—I can't just drop her. She and her family…they expect…"

  "They expect? What about me! What can I expect from you? To be fucked on a no strings attached basis?"

  "I didn't say that."

  But that was obviously what he wanted. I wanted him so much I was almost ready to agree to it.

  "Bear with me, Lena."

  "Why should I? There are a lot of other men who won't expect me to share them."

  He sighed. "This didn't turn out the way I'd hoped."

  "I'm sure it hasn't." He'd probably expected the night to end with us in the sack. That was certainly what I'd wanted.

  At the door of my apartment, he pulled me into his arms and rubbed his lower body against mine, letting me feel his hardening cock. "If you change your mind, call me."

  I had to bit my lip hard because I wanted him inside me again so badly. Somehow I found the strength to shove against his shoulders. "Don't hold your breath!"

  I told Maria about our date the next day.

  "Forget him. You deserve a man who respects and loves you."

  Maybe so but I wanted Marc, warts and all. Still, in an effort to forget him, I worked overtime nearly every night. I arrived home too tired to do anything but eat. Nevertheless, I lay in bed night after night, my head filled with thoughts of how sweet and warm his lips were, how wonderful his arms felt around me, and how exquisite his big cock felt making that first slow slide into me.

  So three weeks later I found myself standing outside his apartment door. It wasn't until he opened the door that I realized he might not be alone.

  He looked surprised, but pleased. "Lena! Hi. Come in."

  "Are you alone?"

  "Not anymore." When I didn't move, he reached out and drew me inside. He glanced at his watch. "Have you eaten? Let's go to dinner?"

  "I came straight from work." I'd expected him to be very smug or complacent. I wasn't prepared for his apparent joy at seeing me. "I wanted to see you." There I'd admitted it.

  "I wanted to see you too." He smiled, his dark gaze moving slowly over my body. "And to get in that sweet cunt of yours."

  I went willingly into his open arms. That was, after all, why I'd come. He nipped at my ear. "Lena. Beautiful, sweet, Lena. You have no idea how good you make me feel."

  I turned my head until our lips were touching. I kissed him again and again until I was breathless. Then I clung to him. "Please, Marc…"

  He lifted his head and stared down into my eyes. "We'd better get out of here while we still can." He released me and opened the apartment door. "Let's go get something to eat."

  I pushed the door closed. "I didn't come here to eat."

  He pulled the door open again. "I know, but I really think that's what we should do."

  I felt really slimy, but I couldn't stop myself. "Don't you want to fuck me?"

  "Hell yeah! My dick is getting hard just thinking of your tight pussy." He stroked my cheek gently. "But let's go eat."

  He held me close as we danced after dinner. I trembled in his arms, longing to go to bed with him. But at my door, he kissed me lightly and turned to go.

  "I don't understand…" I knew I was behaving like what my mom would call a shameless hussy, but I didn't care anymore. "I was hoping that you'd stay the night, Marc."

  "We need to talk before we do that again, Lena."

  "We can talk later. Right now I need your cock."

  He put his arms around me. "Just re
member in the morning that I tried to be noble."

  He undressed me slowly, raining kisses and compliments on my body as he exposed my small, firm breasts, my flat stomach, and finally my trimmed mound. He went down on his knees, gently parted my pussy lips, wiggled his tongue inside me and began eating me out. He had to hold onto me because in less than two minutes my legs shook and I came in his mouth. He licked most of the juices from the outside of my cunt before rising and pressing against me.

  When he French kissed me, the taste of my own juices on his lips sent an added jolt of lust zinging through me. I moaned and wrapped my arms around his neck. Then without taking off his clothes, he unzipped his pants, popped out his lovely shaft, pressed me back against the wall, raised one of my legs, and thrust himself into me.

  With the wall at my back and him pumping his big cock deep inside my already satisfied pussy, I quickly peaked again. This time my orgasm was so intense, I couldn't bare it. Whimpering with pleasure, I weakly pushed against his shoulders. "It's too good. No more."

  But he hadn't come yet and he kept up the relentless movements until he did. When he finally stopped shuddering we both collapsed to the floor.

  Later in bed, he stretched me out on my stomach, mounted me, and plowed into me from behind. In that position he achieved deeper penetration and the base of his cock rubbed against my clit on each upward stroke. He wrapped his arms around my waist, buried his lips against my neck and gave me the most glorious fuck I'd ever had.

  I told myself later that we had made love. But the truth was we went at each other like a pair of sex-crazed animals until we fell into an exhausted sleep.

  In the morning I was sated and happy. I rubbed my face against his chest. "Oh, Marc. I'm so happy."

  He didn't reply but I felt his muscles tense. I looked up at him. The tenderness I'd pretended to see in his eyes the night before was gone. There was just desire now. As there'd been last night. "Nothing's changed, has it, Marc?"

  He shook his head. "I don't think I did or said anything to make you think that it had, Lena."

  I was only too well aware that I was the one who had sought him out and thrown myself at him. "Are you still seeing her?"


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