The Chains That Bind [The Men of Treasure Cove 10] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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The Chains That Bind [The Men of Treasure Cove 10] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 6

by Rebecca Joyce

  Cami looked up for only a couple of seconds, but it seemed like forever, her soft brown eyes, glistening up at him, so he could see deep into her depths. She had beautiful eyes, caring eyes, loving eyes, and for once, they were looking at him, just him. She stepped closer to him. Her hand gently touched his face, and Levi felt it in his soul.

  She turned her face up to his. Ignoring his bickering brothers, he slowly lowered his lips to hers, lightly touching in a soft, intimate kiss. She pulled away and once again stared him in the eye, and smiled. “I told you once that when the time was right, the words would come.”

  With that comment, he lowered his lips to hers again, but this time, the soft, tender kiss gave way to one more powerful, more urgent, and intense. Her lips parted and he felt her tongue dance across his lips to accept her gift in his mouth. Their tongues swirled with each other as lips meshed into one soft, warm, wet living thing.

  His hands roved over her body but did not touch her breasts or ass for fear she would end what they were doing. Her hands, too, rubbed and squeezed his arm muscles and wrapped around his neck. He was delirious, drunk on her, and he never wanted it to end. If he were to die at this very moment, Levi knew he would die a happy man. His world was now complete, and nothing could change that.


  Well, almost nothing.

  Chapter Six

  She had just closed the bedroom door, making sure her son was fast asleep before she returned to the living room. The boys were going to want to talk, and with what she was about to tell them, she wanted a barrier to keep the noise out. It had been almost twelve years since she last saw them, and though her life had changed, she was grateful to be with them once again.

  Cami still couldn’t believe after all these years, she was once again ensconced between four of her favorite men. Nelson and Levi looked so much alike, and yet so different. Though they shared the same features, it was Nelson’s smile and Levi’s shy, knowing grin that made them distinctively unique. Even when they were younger, she could always tell them apart. Very few could, yet, to her, it was like looking at two different individuals. Jake still looked devilishly handsome as ever, but Duke, he hadn’t changed at all, yet he changed the most. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but something was going on in her big teddy bear’s head, something she knew he was fighting hard to contain, and it worried her.

  Looking over at Levi, she wasn’t surprised to find him staring at her. He always waited for her to speak first. He was forever the gentleman. Smiling at him, she turned to see Nelson sitting impatiently, waiting for her to say anything. Jake’s lazy stare always set her on edge, and Duke quiet understanding gave her the strength she needed to open her mouth.

  “Where do you want me to start?” she asked, breaking the silence of the room. She couldn’t stand being under their scrutiny. They were relentless, and if she didn’t start talking soon, they would become ravenous until she spoke.

  Yet, none of them responded. They just stared at her as if she were some object on display. They were making her nervous. “I want you to know I tried writing you. Daddy found the letters and burned them. He told me I was never to contact any of you again. By the time I was old enough to make my own decisions, I was married, and had Ethan. I should have written and let you all know that I was fine, but when I tried, I could never come up with the right words. Everything sounded silly and contrite. I’m sorry if I worried you.”

  Nelson just leaned back and sighed, while Levi never blinked. Jake grinned as Duke shifted in his seat. They still hadn’t said anything, so she kept talking. “I guess you’re wondering why Ethan and I were in your barn. The last thing I knew, each of you had gone off to college or joined the military. Well, at least that’s what I heard Momma say to Daddy. Anyway, that’s beside the point. The reason I was in your barn, is because I’m in trouble and I need your help. I didn’t know who else to turn to. I found out some bad stuff about my ex-husband, who technically isn’t my husband, and Ethan and I ran. For the last two weeks, Ethan and I have been living out of our car. I asked Ethan to do a Google search for you guys, and he found you all living here in Montana. So, we packed up what we could and left. My car broke down a little ways from here. Ethan and I couldn’t sleep in the car. It was out of gas, and the heater went out a while ago. So we bundled up and walked from the road until we found this place.”

  The more she talked, the more quiet the room became, and before she realized it, it was just the sound of her own voice that permeated. She couldn’t even hear them breathing anymore. She knew they were listening, because their gazes never left her. She could tell that whatever she was saying was angering Nelson and Jake, and when she glanced at Levi and Duke, she could have sworn they actually glared at her. “Please say something,” she pleaded with them.

  She had known these men ever since she was five years old. They were her best friends, and there wasn’t anything that she didn’t share with them. Yet, when she needed them the most, needed their understanding and support, they looked ready to blow.

  Maybe she shouldn’t have told them. Hell, if they were going to act this way, she absolutely refused to tell them the rest. The other half of her story was guaranteed to put them into cardiac arrest. She still couldn’t believe it was happening herself and she was living the nightmare. The one good thing so far out of this mess was that she knew she was safe with them. She always had been. However, looking at the brothers, she was beginning to reconsider that assumption. She loved the boys, but she needed their understanding and friendship. She did not need them flying off the deep end and causing more problems than she could handle.

  * * * *

  The moment she started talking, Nelson began ticking off all of her indiscretions, and oh boy was dollface quickly adding them up. He wanted to scream when she told him her father forbade her from contacting them, and then he wanted to yell at her for following his orders. He about jumped from his seat when she mentioned sleeping in her car. Didn’t she understand that Montana got butt fucking cold? She could have frozen to death! Then he literally had to bite his tongue when she informed them that not only did she put her son in danger by leaving the only shelter they had, they walked miles in the knee-high snow and chose to stay in a barn that she dutifully admitted belonged to a stranger. Oh yeah, dollface was in big trouble all right, only she didn’t realize that she was in danger from them.

  He did have to give his brothers kudos though. Levi held it together a lot longer than he ever thought humanly possible. Jake was simmering quite nicely, and Duke, well, if he didn’t know any better, he would swear Duke was counting down from a hundred.

  “I really am sorry,” she whispered, lowering her head and fidgeting with her fingers. Nelson reached over and covered her hands with his. She looked up at him, all the anger he was feeling moments ago fled when he looked into her beautiful brown eyes and saw unshed tears. There were few things in world that got to him, like puppies and kittens, a good Hallmark commercial. But the main thing was Cami. As a tear broke free, he reached up and cupped her face, wiping it away with his thumb. His heart went out to her.

  “Make her stop, Nelson,” Levi firmly said.

  “I’m sorry,” she sniffed. “I really don’t know why I am crying.”

  “It’s all right, dollface. You’re safe here with us,” Nelson said as Levi moved closer, rubbing her back.

  “I feel as if I stepped back in time. I still can’t believe you found me.” She smiled as another tear rolled down her cheeks.

  “Sweetheart, I believe it was you who found us,” Levi admitted.

  “And we’re never letting you go,” Nelson added. “Are we, brothers?”

  “No,” Duke, Jake and Levi growled, shaking their heads.

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “We let you get away from us once, Cami, and that was our mistake for never looking for you. But this time, God himself wouldn’t be able to keep us from you,” Nelson advised.

elson, do it now. I can’t wait any longer,” Levi begged moving a little closer to her.

  Before Cami could utter another word, Nelson cupped her face and kissed her.

  Her lips were soft and delicate, like little rose pedals as he moved his lips gently across hers. For so long he wondered what kissing her would be like, and now that it was happening, nothing he thought of compared to the real thing. His heart soared as her hands found their way to his arms and tenderly squeezed. With Cami, everything she did in life, she gave it her all. She never believed in doing anything by halves, so when his tongue skimmed her bottom lip, she parted her lips, allowing him the full pleasure of her submission.

  Breaking the kiss, Cami placed the palm of her hand on Nelson’s cheek and asked, “You’re not mad?”

  “Oh, dollface, I am so angry with you right now all I can think about is spanking your ass, but Duke and Jake can do that tomorrow.” He grinned, bending his head to kiss her neck.

  She stiffened. “Duke and Jake?”

  “Oh yeah, big brothers are going to want to iron out all the details, but in the meantime, we need to take care of something,” Levi added, kissing her fingers.

  “What about Richard? Where is Richard?” she whispered, hoping but already knowing the truth.

  “Richard left to take care of the case we’re working on,” Nelson said, nibbling on her earlobe. Pulling away from Nelson, she searched his eyes. She figured Richard would have told his brothers what happened, but when she looked into Nelson’s eyes, all she saw was love, and that was when it hit her. They didn’t know. She knew why Richard wasn’t coming back. She wanted to see if Nelson knew the truth. She still couldn’t believe it herself, even after all these years, but what happened, happened, and there was no changing the past. Her only concern now was who all knew and if they were upset with her.

  “So he’s not…”

  “Dollface, we can talk about big brother later. Right now, all I want to do is strip you naked, feast on your body, and sink myself into a little bit of heaven. So, curb the questions. Levi and I are hungry.”

  “But Duke and Jake?”

  “Can watch and wait their turn,” Levi said.

  She waited for Nelson to lead her to his room, but instead he was too busy lazing on the couch, his hard cock straining to break free from his jeans. A broad grin of delight appeared on his face. Cami dared not move. She knew that playful look. That look meant trouble, and generally, he was really good at getting into trouble. When he moved toward her unzipping his jeans, she sat back. After all these years, she was finally going to get her wish. Only, her life was so complicated right now. Did she want to add more to her plate? Nevertheless, when Nelson freed his cock, the fully erect, hard shaft, and palmed it before her, she couldn’t take her eyes from it.

  He was huge! Not like John Holmes huge but damn she could have some fun with that monster. Nelson grinned at her. His right hand gripped his cock at the base, his eyes burned into hers as if he was calculating what she would do. Oh, she knew what she wanted to do, but whether she had the courage to do it was another question.

  She was about to say something to him when she heard movement behind her. She should have been shocked that her shy Levi took the initiative, but when she had two identical twins, naked from the waist down, stoking their hard flesh before her, all thoughts instantly fled, and all that was left was mush. Her brain rewired itself quickly, and in a split second, she went from doing the right thing, to fuck me now, now, now!

  “Damn, Levi, can’t I have anything for myself?” Nelson chuckled, not moving from his spot on the couch.

  “We have been sharing since birth,” Levi replied pragmatically, removing his shirt. “No sense changing the rules now.”

  Her head was spinning. She had never done anything like this before. It felt wild and daring. She sat frozen to the spot, entranced. All she could think about was the cock in front of her and the one beside her. They were rock-hard and getting bigger and thicker by the minute. Her whole body screamed that she wanted it, needed it, and begged her to do it. Yet, her mind was busy telling her to get out quick. She felt so dirty even contemplating her next act, but a delicious, filthy, naughty little thought took root as she licked her lips.

  “This is going to happen, dollface,” Nelson said, leaning back against the couch cushions. “And when we get done, Jake and Duke are gonna wanna play, too. We’ve all known for years that someday, you would be ours. Now that you are here, do you honestly think we will let you slip through our fingers again?”

  “I think the question my brother wants answered, Cami, is do you want us?” Levi asked seriously.

  Cami looked from Nelson to Levi, to Jake, then to Duke, and knew it wasn’t that simple. Yes, she wanted them. She wanted all of them. But could she have them? “What about Richard? Does he want me, too?”

  “As soon as he gets his head out of his ass, he will. I don’t know what happened between you two, and he hasn’t said anything,” Nelson advised, then held up his hand, stopping her when she was about to respond. “Whatever it is, it’s between the two of you. The both of you need to work this out on your own. Now, answer baby brother’s question. Do you want us?”

  Her whole life she only knew one thing for sure, that she wanted the Masterson brothers. She never could hide her true feelings for them, and made it clear that whenever they needed her she would be there for them in any way they wanted. They had started out as friends, and now the only logical progression was more. If she chose this course, she would be bringing all of her baggage with her. There was no way getting around that.

  Oh, she knew they had their problems, too. It was customary in the beginning of new relationships, or at least she thought. However, she would bet her life they didn’t have a two-timing bigamist ex-husband out looking to take Ethan and place her in a shallow grave, all because she couldn’t leave well enough alone. If she gave into them and let her heart lead, she was putting them in danger. There was no avoiding the inevitable. Her bigamist ex would find her, and then what? What could she say? How was she going to explain the mess she made?

  She couldn’t. She had made a big mistake coming here. She knew that now. She couldn’t involve them in her mess. This was something she was just going to have to figure out herself.

  “You don’t know anything about me anymore. I’ve changed. I’m not the sweet girl you remembered. I have a son who’s asleep in the other room. There is just too much that has happened. You won’t want me when you hear the truth,” she whispered as a tear rolled down her cheek. It was killing her not to choose them, but she couldn’t let her desire for them override what was best. The only thing she could do for them was to leave in the morning.

  She rose to leave when Levi grabbed her hand. Looking down at him, all she saw was the unshed tears in his eyes, along with understanding and acceptance. It broke her heart to think of hurting him.

  “Don’t leave,” he whispered. “Not when we just found you.”

  She couldn’t hurt him again. Going against the screams in her head, she opted to listen to her heart. Leaning down, she softly kissed his lips as Levi gently pulled her onto his lap. He was muscular and lithe, masculine and strong from what physical work he did. His hair hung loosely and curled at the ends. It was soft like silk as she ran her hands through it. He was handsome and had a beautifully sculpted face, only marred by a tiny scar on his chin that he got when he fell from her tree house when he was ten. He stood about six foot three, with broad shoulders like Nelson. And when he released her, he had that look in his eyes, the one she dreamed he would give her one day. The one she had seen many times as her dad looked at her mom, or as couples walked hand in hand down the street.

  Love. He looked at her with love in his eyes, and with just that one look, she knew she wasn’t going anywhere. With his cock in his hand, he stared at her smugly as if to say, “I’ve got you now, dollface. You’re mine, and I’m never letting you go.”

  He was right. They
had her forever.

  After what felt like an eternity, but was only a few seconds, he stood with her in his arms, the act of taking what he wanted sealing her fate to them. He gently lowered her next to him, looked down at his thick shaft, took her hand in his, and closed her hand around it.

  As she gingerly closed her fingers around it, a quiver of excitement sliced through her core. Her mouth watered, and she knew, and Levi knew what she was about to do. Giving him a sly grin, she slid down onto her knees. His cock was millimeters from her mouth. She took a tentative lick.

  “Oh fuck!” Levi growled, and then moaned. Her pussy instantly soaked her panties. She had wanted them for years, and now she was going to take what they offered. She planned to savor every minute of the time she spent with them, for however long they wanted her. Looking up into Levi’s eyes, she smiled as she opened her mouth, letting the head of his cock slip into her moist mouth.

  “Son of a bitch,” he cried.

  The soft, velvety shaft was thick and warm as she swirled her tongue around it. He was too big for her to get the whole thing into her mouth, but she didn’t let that stop her from having her fun. She slid her hands all over his cock, delighting in its hardness as her mouth sucked greedily. Reaching up with her other hand, she squeezed his balls gently and gasped at how much harder his cock became.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Nelson start stroking his own cock. Duke and Jake sat and watched with hunger in their eyes, not moving. Just when she had found the perfect rhythm, Levi backed away. Unexpectedly, he lifted her back up, his face inches from hers. He looked into her eyes and said, “If you want to suck my dick, dollface, you’ll be naked doing it. Strip.”

  Without a second thought, she did as he ordered. She reached quickly for her blouse and unbuttoned it quickly. Throwing it onto the floor, she didn’t even pause before unclasping her bra. She saw Nelson’s eyes light up as her breasts sprang out.


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