The Chains That Bind [The Men of Treasure Cove 10] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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The Chains That Bind [The Men of Treasure Cove 10] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 9

by Rebecca Joyce

  One year later, they were divorced all because of one mistake.

  His father was now remarried and living somewhere in upstate New York, married to some tart named Tillie, while his mother returned to her childhood home, moving in with her sister. While his father lived in the lap of luxury, with a butler, fancy cars, club memberships, and a gold-digging trophy wife, his mother returned to Willow’s Bend, Tennessee. Living in a small three-bedroom home that was older than dirt with her sister, they survived on the good graces of his brothers and their cousins.

  This whole mess was not just his father’s fault. His father did what he wanted. He never considered the others he was hurting. Then there was her. She was at fault, too. Though Richard had hatred in his heart for her, he never could condemn his best friend. She was the innocent victim in all of this mess, but because she was her daughter, the other culprit, he couldn’t forgive the one woman who meant the world to him.

  He still couldn’t believe what went down that night, and even now that he was older and understood more, he still didn’t get half of it. Looking back, he never caught the signs. His mother was too headstrong, too determined, too in control. However, so was his father. The typical dominant male, a strong father figure, he wanted everything a certain way, a certain style, and when his mother refused to relent, they fought, and neither was the victor.

  Then there was Cami’s mother, who was a sweet, shy, and very submissive woman.

  So much like her daughter, Mrs. Anderson was loved and adored by all who knew her.

  In an act of rebellion, she became the unsuspecting victim, and the fallout was unthinkable. Cami’s father, Mr. Anderson, was a doting husband who adored his wife and daughter, always catering to their needs. He never denied them anything, and spoiled them extravagantly, to the point where he put his finances in debt. Therefore, when Mr. Anderson whisked his wife and daughter away, word quickly spread that he was running from debtors. Nobody knew where he whisked his family off to, and not even Richard could find them. Oh, he tried, but nothing ever came of his search.

  A year later, Richard graduated college, and Duke joined the military. Together the two of them did what they had to to help support his mother and their younger brothers. Richard worked for the Willow’s Bend police office, staying close to their new home, helping to make sure his brothers Jake, Nelson, and Levi finished high school, and got off to college. Duke did his best and sent home as much money as he could, even turning over his GI Bill to Levi so the smart one could attend MIT. Eventually, things settled and they found a new normalcy where they all felt comfortable leaving their mother to live her life in peace. They still kept in contact with her regularly and once a month sent her money even though she asked them not to.

  They moved to Treasure Cove just over two years ago, wanting a fresh start and to make a go of their investigative firm. Since they all had acquired a certain specialty that benefited their new business venture, they decided to try it. Everything was going great, and they had just received another case a week before Christmas. It looked to be an easy one. If they could find and deliver the missing woman, the payout would set them up for a while and make a name for themselves. They had just received the break they were looking for when Cami walked back into their lives, and now Richard wasn’t sure of anything anymore. Scared, he knew if he stayed, he wouldn’t be able to keep the secret anymore. It had hurt too many people and destroyed lives. He refused to allow that to happen to his brothers and to the one woman he loved.

  However, when his brothers quickly forgot about the job and what it meant to him, his old demons came rushing back, and as usual, he fucked everything up by opening his mouth. He was never good with the subtleties, always stating the obvious, and not caring who he hurt in the process. Only this time, he caused a rift between himself and his brothers.

  Sighing, Richard cursed silently and turned to look out the small window of the plane, trying to forget everything and get some sleep. Tomorrow, he would return home, and he knew he would to have to explain everything. It was time to let his brothers know why he didn’t want Cami around. The only problem he had was that he did. Like his brothers, he loved that woman with every fiber in his soul. It killed him when he realized that she was gone, and it hurt even more when she never wrote. Nevertheless, he knew that when the truth came out, nobody would want him. Hatred and probably a good ass-kicking was headed his way. He smiled at that, because he knew if anyone deserved what he was about to get, it was him. He had held onto this secret for so long, and with Cami back in their lives, he needed to give them a fresh start, a clean slate.

  Walls would crumble, and tears would fall, but the truth was better than lies.

  His only regret was the pain and hurt he caused. If he could take it all back, he would.

  At one time, he thought it would have been better if she had died, because then he could mourn her and move on. But knowing that she was still alive somewhere in the world made the pain even worse. He tried unsuccessfully to rid her from his mind with women, and at one time with booze, but when he almost lost his job at the police station for drinking on the job, he knew he had to do something. That was when the anger festered. He let it boil and bubble within him, until it spilled over, and every time he thought of her since, a burn would explode inside him, taking the pain away. He blamed her. It was easier than blaming himself.

  Richard had just closed his eyes when his phone shrilled. Grumbling, he grabbed his phone and mumbled, “This better be good.”

  “Good evening, Mr. Masterson. I trust all is well. Have you found her yet?” the voice asked. Rubbing his hand down his face, Richard looked over at the annoyed flight attendant and groaned.

  “What can I do for you, Mr. Linkman?”

  “I am calling for an update. You and your bothers have had a little over a week to find her. What is her status?”

  “Still at large, sir.”

  “I see. Have you had any leads?”

  “Just one, but she was long gone before we arrived. Some of the townsfolk recognized the description we gave, but no one knew anything. It would help if you had a photo of her. My brother could run her face through the database, narrowing down the possibilities,” he informed the client. Yet, when the man said nothing, Richard knew he wasn’t going to be any help.

  “I don’t want her face in the database, Mr. Masterson. That’s why I hired you, because you guaranteed to find the unattainable with any and all means. I am sorry this is difficult for you. If you can’t deliver, then I will have to find someone who can,” the man threatened.

  “No, sir. My brothers and I will find her. Is there anything else you can tell us about the woman? Anything that might be significant?” Richard asked.

  “Her father was a gambler, bad investments, and bad choices,” the man offered.

  “Are you talking race horses, bookies, or the stock market?”

  “All of them. The man was a degenerate, a weasel, and a scoundrel. He hawked everything, and when he got in over his head, he simply disappeared. Now, I am running late. I will call next week for another update. And, Mr. Masterson, I expect to hear some good news when I call,” the man said before the line went dead.

  “Fuck!” Richard shouted, punching the seat in front of him. When the flight attendant stood, Richard apologized quickly. The asshole client was spoon-feeding them the information, which was making it harder for them to do their jobs. When they accepted the job, they thought it was going to be a simple case of finding a runaway, errant wife, but now, he wasn’t so sure anymore.

  Unable to sleep, Richard pulled out his laptop and went back to work going over the files he and his brothers had already accumulated, hoping that another look would turn up something new.

  Chapter Eight

  The bright morning sun shone through the windows, waking her. Sparkles of brilliant light cascaded around the room like a kaleidoscope in a wonderful array of yellow, silver and gold, making her feel warm. Almost too warm.
/>   Cocooned between Nelson and Levi, she tried to move, only to hear them grunt and grip her harder. If she didn’t need to pee so bad she would actually enjoy them. However, the harder Nelson squeezed, the more pressing it became. Gently extracting herself from his iron clamps, she quickly found herself still caged in by Levi. Smiling, she gently touched his relaxed face. He was so beautiful. The heart of the Masterson family, Levi was the one none of them truly understood. He had so much compassion within him that he rarely showed. She only glimpsed the surface of what it would be like forever in his arms, and she would give anything to experience his devotion for the rest of her life. She loved all the brothers, but the truth of the matter was that she was unsure she could stay. She still had her ex looking for her, and she was damn sure she was wanted for some of the nefarious things she’d forced herself to do to escape the slimy bastard. However, for right now, none of that mattered. Right now, she was safe and she needed to pee.

  Untangling her legs, from Levi’s, she scooted to the end of the bed and made it to the bathroom before she embarrassed herself. After washing her hands, she walked back into the bedroom to find Duke sitting in a chair, staring at her.

  Smiling, she sat down next to him.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “They were kind of rough with you last night,” he whispered. “Are you sure you’re all right?”

  Leaning over, she kissed him quickly and said, “I’m perfect.”

  “Yes you are, sweetheart.”

  “Why didn’t you wake me when you got back?” she asked.

  “You looked so peaceful, so pretty. Jake and I decided to let you sleep.”

  “And you stayed in here all night?”

  “I couldn’t stop looking at you. I’ve missed you so much, Cami,” Duke admitted, and before he said another word, she got up and crawled into his lap.

  “I’ve missed you, too.”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you, too, Duke. So very much.”

  A soft snore from Nelson grabbed their attention, and she giggled. Duke’s eyes still sparkled and danced with a wicked gleam. “Shower with me?”

  “I think I might just love that,” she said, kissing him before she walked into the bathroom. She felt her face heat as she noticed that Duke never took his eyes off her.

  Nervously, she bit her lip as he closed the door behind them. She started up the water and waited for it to get to the proper temperature. Turning, she stared as Duke removed his clothing. The bulkiest of all the brothers, Duke’s body was ripped and sculpted with bulging muscles. Toned to perfection, he looked more like a Greek god than a simple, loving man. Yet, that was exactly what he was. One of the most sensitive, loving men she had ever known. He was always gentle and tender with those he cared about, and his sensitive nature called to her. From looking at him, most would be afraid, but for those who really knew him, Duke Masterson was nothing more than an overgrown, mushy teddy bear, and he was all hers. When he removed the last of his clothing, she stood there gaping.

  Oh, wow.

  Duke blushed. “I won’t hurt you, I promise.”

  “I’m not worried about you hurting me, Duke. I’m worried about walking,” she replied, looking at his large cock. She knew that the Masterson boys were taller and bigger than the average man, each one tall as beanpoles and muscular to boot, but Duke was just bigger, everywhere. His cock wasn’t even completely hard, and yet it looked intimidating. Hanging low, it looked as thick as her wrist, and when she spotted the pearly white drop of pre-cum seeping from its bulbous head, it didn’t matter that her mind was screaming “take a Valium first” while her pussy was weeping tears of joy. Oh yeah, she wanted that bad boy.

  “We don’t have to do this if you’re scared.”

  Smiling, Cami didn’t give Duke a choice. She took ahold of his hand and ushered him into the shower. The water rained down and drenched her sticky skin, letting everything that plagued her in the last couple of weeks wash away. It had been so long since she could enjoy the simple pleasure of just letting the feel of the water work its magic. Her mind relaxed along with her tense muscles, and she enjoyed the feeling. Her mind was a flurry of remembrances of physical exultation. The sharp emotions threatened to overwhelm her mental capacities. Lost in her own world, she was startled when Duke’s hands rubbed and caressed her shoulders.

  A strange state fell over Cami. She felt as if she were in a numb fog, drowning and at the same time she felt completely alert and in the moment. His body pressed against hers underneath the water, his hands circling her waist as he used his hands to wash away the excesses of the night before. Turning her, he took her mouth as if he were starving. His tongue plunged and devoured her as she held onto him for dear life. Hot water poured over them as Duke took what he wanted from her, and she let him. The enhanced sensation of drowning had her gasping as he broke the kiss.

  He grabbed the soap. Once again, his fingers began their accomplished work on every spot they touched as he washed her all over. They trailed down her neck. He stalled on the curves of her chest, paying special attention to her breasts. He scrubbed and titillated his way down her body. He skipped her pelvic area, turned her around, and worked the soap over her buttocks and down the back of her thighs and legs. Duke turned her back around toward him, and slowly his hands worked their way back up until one was buried between her legs. The other crept back up to her breast.

  “God, you’re so beautiful,” he said, as if in awe of her. No one had ever complimented her before, and she didn’t know how to react. Yet, when she looked up into his eyes, she couldn’t help herself. She nearly fell into at the heady look in his eyes.

  Half-blindly, she grasped at his large shaft and stroked it up and down. He growled and swooped down, capturing her lips again. Their mouths intertwined in a glorious dance as the water continued to spray over them haphazardly.

  She grabbed the soap and created a thick lather between her hands. Once the volume had hit a desired level, Cami started at his shoulders and worked her way down his remarkable muscled body. She had seen men at the gym near her little shack, but none of them looked like Duke. His tight muscular frame looked and felt if he was chiseled and carved from stone. Her lips followed over his barrel chest and pectorals, to his flat, ribbed stomach and down his legs. When she hit his ankles, she stayed hunkered over and her mouth worked its way back up.

  Up she came back over his solid calves and thick thighs until she reached his balls. For a few moments, she lightly teased his scrotum with her tongue then moved up a bit to graze and nip at the head.

  Duke looked enraptured. His brown eyes were half-closed, lost with her in a mutual world of water and pleasure. He lifted her to back to her feet and pushed her against the wall. Their hands lathered and explored. Total sensual fascination engrossed them. His fingers pumped away at her pussy. She writhed in his arms and bit back a scream into a loud hiss.

  He turned her around, bent her over gently, and she braced her hands against the wall.

  “My turn to fuck your sweet little pussy,” he growled as his cock slid inside her easily, and she moaned at the fullness. Cami felt her body and the world around her pulse with the rhythm of Duke’s strokes and the falling water. It created a deep yet lively beat that thrummed in time with their hearts as they raced.

  The water began to cool down, and Duke pulled her in close. His hands mauled her breasts, and his teeth bit into her neck with just a hair of pleasant pressure. Cami lost all semblance of control and howled like a dog in heat. Duke’s restraint broke as well, and the sounds of their lovemaking grew louder. Cami didn’t care. She knew she might be embarrassed later, but for now all that existed was a world of flesh and water and desire.

  She felt him tense up and felt his load burst. It triggered a massive orgasm in her that threw her off balance. Her hands grabbed at the slick walls of the shower. Duke caught her and held her in a gentle embrace until she could stand o
n her own. The cool water continued to rain down on them, and Cami knew that everything had changed. They were still the friends, they had always been, but she knew no mere friends could have shared that experience.

  Duke shut off the water and opened the door to the stall. They each quietly grabbed towels and dried each other off tenderly. It was nice not to have to say anything, just to feel comfortable with one’s self and the company they kept. She had never had this kind of feeling before. Of course, she should have known better. With Duke, there really wasn’t much of a need for words. Just being in his company made everything within her feel right. With one last, sweet kiss, they left the bathroom.

  Quietly getting dressed, Duke never took his eyes from her. Cami smiled and blushed, her face heating up like a furnace. She felt like a giddy schoolgirl who had just been asked to the senior prom by the most popular boy in school, and when Duke winked at her, butterflies took flight within her and she laughed.

  “You, sir, are lethal.” She giggled.

  “Only to you, baby.”

  After they finished dressing, Duke took her hand, kissed her palm, and together they headed into the living room.

  Nelson and Levi sat at the kitchen table drinking their morning coffee. They greeted her with a simple grace that Cami appreciated beyond anything, especially after what they did last night. She knew they still had a lot to talk about, but for now, she was just happy, safe, and that was all that mattered.

  “Morning, Mom!” Ethan smiled right before he shoveled another spoon of cereal into his mouth.

  “Hey, buddy. Are you behaving yourself?” she asked, kissing the top of his head.


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