The Chains That Bind [The Men of Treasure Cove 10] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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The Chains That Bind [The Men of Treasure Cove 10] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 21

by Rebecca Joyce

  “What are you doing, Jake? We were almost home,” Ethan asked, bracing himself with his hands on the dashboard.

  “Hang on, kid. Were gonna go for a ride,” Jake said, slamming on the brakes and putting the truck in drive. Reaching for his CB radio, he tuned it to channel two and said, “This is Jake Masterson. Come in, Sheriff, you there? Over.”

  “It’s about fucking time. Where in the hell are you? Over”

  “I’m taking Ethan to the Hicks Ranch. What in the hell is going on at the ranch? Over.”

  “Suspect spotted in vicinity. We should be out at your place in ten. We have this, Jake. You take care of Ethan. Over.”

  “What about Cami and my brothers? Do they know? Over.”

  “We can’t reach them. Over.”

  “Fuck!” Jake shouted, slamming on the brakes and turning to Ethan. “Ethan, do you see that big red barn off in the distance?”

  “Yeah,” he replied worriedly.

  “I need you to run. Run as fast as you can. Jeff and Caleb always have ranch hands out minding the cattle. You are bound to run into one of them. Tell them to send help. I need you to stay at their place, you hear me? You stay there until me or one of my brothers comes and gets you. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Jake. What about my mom?”

  “You let me worry about her. Now go,” Jake said, leaning over him and opening the door. Ethan jumped from the cab and ran as if the hounds of hell were nipping at his feet. Stepping on the gas, Jake spun his truck around and headed for home.

  Ethan stopped just in time to see Jake speed away. Looking back at the red barn in the distance, he knew he should listen to Jake, but he couldn’t. His mom had done everything she could to protect him, and he was not going to let Jacques get his hands on her. Zipping up his coat, he ran for home.

  * * * *

  Richard and Duke were sitting watching ESPN when Levi and Nelson walked into the living room, grinning from ear to ear.


  While they were outside freezing their balls off, the wonder twins were playing. Richard looked over at Duke and just shook his head. They had managed to tie down everything and check on the horses, making sure they would be comfortable enough to ride out the storm. After cleaning their stalls and giving them extra hay, they were exhausted and just wanted to rest for a bit before heading back out to check the cattle.

  “Hey, assholes.” Richard grinned. “Is she conscious?”

  “Barely.” Nelson smiled broadly.

  “You better not have worn her out. She does too much around here already,” Duke said, getting to his feet.

  “She’s resting. Leave her alone,” Levi ordered. Duke just flipped him the bird and ignored him. Levi turned to follow Duke, only to be stopped when he heard his computers chime.

  “About damn time,” he muttered, heading into the offices. Sitting at his desk, his fingers flew across the keyboard as he read every missed message, e-mail, and private message. Just as he was about to read a message from Landon, the power went out. “Oh come on!” he shouted, slamming his hands down on his desk.

  “I’ve got it,” Duke yelled from the hallway. The generator was out in the garage. Once Duke got it started, Levi would be back up and running, but without Internet, the message from Landon was going to have to wait.

  The house was eerily quiet. He didn’t like it. It was too quiet. Stopping to check on Cami, he smiled as she slept peacefully in his brother’s bed. Covering her up with the comforter, Levi looked up. Outside about fifty feet from the house was a man dressed in all black carrying an assault rifle with a scope. Above him in the trees was another man, a sniper, with his gun at the ready. Scanning the area, Levi counted five in all.

  Reaching for his phone, Levi activated the house security system and silently left Nelson’s room, heading for the kitchen.

  “What in the hell? The house just went on lockdown,” Richard asked getting to his feet.

  “We have company,” Levi replied. “Where’s Nelson?”

  “He went to help Duke. He was having trouble with the generator. Where’s Cami?”

  “She’s still sleeping.”

  “How many visitors?”

  “I counted five out back. Check the front while I go get the guns,” Levi said, heading back to the office to get his gun as Richard nodded and peeked out the front window. “I’ve got seven out front, Levi, and someone’s coming up the drive fast. It looks like Jake’s truck, but I’m not sure. Try calling him on the…”

  A muffled pop had Levi stopping dead in his tracks. Turning slowly, he flipped the safety off his weapon just in time to see a man reach up and hit him, knocking him to the ground.

  “Cami,” he whispered as pain instantly filled his head, and before he could get up, the man hit him again on the back of the head, knocking him unconscious.

  * * * *

  Tears flowed down her face as she ran as fast as her legs could take her. Her heart raced, and she kept moving through the trees. She was jolted awake when she heard the cracking of a tree branch, and looked out the window just in time to see a man fall from the tree outside in the backyard. Getting out of bed, she dressed quickly, and had just managed to throw on her shoes when she heard the popping sound of a gun. She had been around enough of them to know what a silencer sounded like. Pulling on Nelson’s coat, she had just left his room when heard the loud crash in the office and ran. She didn’t have to have someone tell her that the brothers were in trouble. She spotted Richard lying on the floor near the front door in a pool of blood. She tried to head for him, only to have him stop her by saying, “Run, dollface,” and she did just that.

  When she opened the front door, the blizzard blasted her in the face. Cold unlike anything she had ever felt sliced across her face, chilling her instantly. Stumbling, she quickly picked herself up and continued toward the barn, hoping and praying he wouldn’t find her. She was so scared and unsure. She didn’t know where to go or whom to ask for help. Her world was no longer on its axis and spiraled out of control. Then it completely stopped when she saw two men wearing DEA jackets lying dead at her feet, their blood staining the white confection that surrounded her.

  She was alone, cold, and had nowhere to run to. Heading into the barn, she tried not to think of the large beasts that looked at her. She couldn’t let her little fear of them stop her from getting to safety. She needed to find Ethan and get to somewhere safe. She thought she was safe here with them. She thought that they would be able to protect her.

  Everything she thought she was wrong.

  She had been so wrong.

  Everyone was in danger because of her. She did this, and now Richard could be dying because she stayed. The back door to the barn loomed ahead of her, and with no other choice, she knew she couldn’t stay here. He would find her. Pushing open the door, she ran for the forest.

  Moving swiftly, she dodged tree after tree, jumping over fallen logs, and wading through puddles of frozen water and mud. She dared not turn around, knowing he was close behind her. She could hear him moving swiftly behind her. She ran for her life, knowing if he caught her, she was surely dead. She wanted so much to tell the brothers how much she loved them and how sorry she was, but she would never have that chance now. She still couldn’t believe how it all was going to end. However, now knowing all the facts, she knew there wasn’t any other way. As much as the brothers tried to protect her, the only way this was going to end was if she died. She knew that and accepted it, as long as Ethan was going to be safe. What was done was done, and there was nothing she could do to fix it now. Surviving long enough to see to Ethan’s safety was her only hope, and with no one left to aid her, she had to find the courage to finish this herself.

  Swallowing her pride, she never said a word to save herself. She couldn’t. She didn’t know what to say. Then in one brief fleeting moment, she knew what she had to do. She loved them enough not to let them fall, and she did the unimaginable. She took it all upon herself and said it w
as all her idea. She knew what it was going to cost her, but she could not live with the alternative. They were the loves of her life, and she did what she had to, to protect them. Before she left the house, she shouted, “I’ve got your pictures, Jacques! If you want them, come and get them!” and then she ran.

  She now knew the truth, but he didn’t. She felt horrible just thinking about it all as bile churned and rose in her throat. So much deception, too many lies, and useless deaths were all that remained. The brothers would be safe and so would Ethan because of her, and if she died in this forest, she would die knowing she did everything she could to protect them.

  Her only regret was that the bastard never gave her the chance to say good-bye.

  * * * *

  Jake slammed on his brakes, barely stopping in time before he hit the front porch. Jumping from his truck, he ran into the house to find Richard lying on the floor, bleeding from a gunshot wound to the stomach. Kneeling down, he checked his brother’s pulse and was relieved that he was still alive. He reached for the throw blanket on the back of the couch, and placed it over the wound to stem them bleeding.

  “Where is Cami?” he asked, putting pressure on the wound.

  “She ran. He is chasing her. Go get help,” Richard muttered before he passed out.

  “Fuck,” Jake growled, getting up and leaving his brother. It was a hard thing to do, but Jake knew that Richard would do the same damn thing. Running into the office to grab his gun, he found Levi passed out on the floor, blood oozing from a head wound. Jake knelt down and shook his brother. Grumbling, Levi moaned.

  “What the fuck happened?” Jake asked, helping him to his feet.

  “I’m sun-tanning. What the fuck does it look like, asshole? Some jackass knocked me out,” Levi cursed, grabbing his head in pain. “When I get my hands on that motherfucker, I’m gonna bash his skull in.”

  A commotion from the hallway had Jake and Levi instantly on guard, raising their guns, ready to shoot, when Duke and Nelson came staggering in. “What the hell happened to you two?” Jake asked, flipping the safety back on his gun.

  “We got jumped,” Nelson responded, rubbing the back of his neck.

  “Where’s Cami?” Duke asked, getting his weapon from his desk and grabbing extra clips.

  “Richard’s down and needs a hospital soon. Before he passed out, he said Cami ran,” Jake informed them.

  “We need to find her, fast,” Duke said, stating the obvious. “Where’s Ethan?”

  “I’m here.”

  All four of them turned to see the young boy standing in the doorway, cold, wet, and scared.

  “I told you to head to the Hicks place,” Jake scolded.

  “Well, she’s my mom, and I want to help,” Ethan replied, standing his ground. Jake had to give it to the kid. He was a true Masterson. No other kid could look four grown men in the face and not back down. That kid sure had balls of steel and a strong constitution to back him up.

  Grabbing what guns they could, Jake looked at his watch when Ethan walked up to him. Duke, Levi, and Nelson all stopped and stared. Jake looked at the young boy, and as much as he wanted to soothe him, all he felt now was the strong need to defend and protect.

  “You’re leaving?” Ethan whispered.

  “We’re going to get your mother back,” Jake said, kneeling before him.

  “She’s not my mother,” Ethan replied sadly. “I’ve known for a while now. My real mom died giving birth to me.”

  “Ethan, it doesn’t matter who gave birth to you. What matters is that Cami has loved you from the moment you were born. She looked after you, cared for you, fed and clothed you. She was there when you were sick and hurt. She read you stories and taught you to walk and talk. She may not be your biological mother, but she is your mom,” Jake said, trying to explain everything. It was hard when he himself was having trouble trying to assimilate everything that happened. Ethan was a remarkable kid, thanks to Cami. She was a wonderful mom, and when he found her, she was going to make an amazing wife.

  “Are any of you my real dad?” Ethan asked, looking at him.

  “No, buddy, we’re not. I’m something much better. I’m your older brother.” Jake said.

  “Me, too.” Duke smiled walking over.

  “Me, three.” Nelson grinned.

  “And me,” Levi added.

  There were things he wished could say to ease Ethan’s pain, but mostly he needed to keep them to himself until he figured everything out.

  “Ethan, we have to go. I need you to look after Richard. Braxton is on his way. He should be here soon. Are you all right staying here by yourself?”

  “I’ll be all right. I know not to burn the place down.”

  Grinning, he placed his hand on his baby brother’s shoulder. “See that you don’t. Just remember one thing, little brother, you have five older brothers who can kick your ass.”

  When Ethan smiled up at him, he knew that everything was going to be okay between them. It would take some time, but their relationship would grow.

  * * * *

  Shivering and cold, Cami huddled in a wet, sodden tree trunk, hiding herself. Unable to run any further, she wedged herself into the tree and prayed he wouldn’t find her. The wind howled as snow billowed wildly around her, the fierceness of the storm aiding her. Wrapping her arms around her legs, she silently sat as still as possible. Nothing was out in this hellacious storm. Even the animals sought shelter to ride it out, except for one vicious predator. She knew he wasn’t far behind her. Even through the blustering wind, she could hear him curse as twigs snapped under his feet. He was close, and getting closer.

  For years, she had done exactly what he said without any thought. Now, when he screamed her name, she ignored him. She refused to be caught. She had lived part of her life in fear. She refused to live like that ever again. If he wanted her, he was going to have to find her. She only hoped that when he did, he was swift with his punishment.

  She had no clue how long she stayed hidden in the tree, nor did she care. The longer he was out in this blizzard, the better chance she had at survival. Thinking about other things instead of the bitter cold, she thought of the brothers and the happiness they had shown her. She already missed them terribly and hoped they were all right. She knew that they would be. They were too strong and determined to be otherwise. Moreover, with Ethan by their side, her son would have the support and love he needed to become a strong man.

  Closing her eyes, she laid her head against the wet trunk and dreamt of better times. Times when evil ex-husbands weren’t chasing her, times when warm summers and picnics by the pond filled her days.

  “Are you trying to catch pneumonia? ’Cause if you are, you just might succeed.”

  Screaming at the unfamiliar voice, she jerked her body and accidently bumped her head.

  “Well, that’s not good. Man, those boys are gonna kick my ass cause you got hurt. Come on out of there. My car is parked over there, and I can take a look at that bump on your head.”

  Shaking her head no, Cami refused to leave with the stranger. He was tall, muscular, and devilishly good-looking, but she had never met the man before, and she didn’t trust him.

  “Ma’am, I hate to be blunt, but my balls just shriveled into peanuts. I fear my dick has permanent frostbite, and if I don’t get you outta of there soon, your men are gonna skin my ass alive. So please be a peach and come on out of there.”

  “No,” she said firmly, scooting further back into the tree trunk. “You need to leave. There’s a man trying to kill me.”

  “Really!” The stranger smiled and stood back up. “Where? I haven’t kilt anyone in months. You know the last time I was in this area I missed my chance at taking a whack at a human trafficker. Really pissed me off, too. That bastard was trying to take his ex-wife back, and when I arrived on the scene, her men sure did a number on him. Actually, I think it was Hazel who blew his balls off.” The stranger shuddered. “Man, remind me never to piss her off.”
/>   “I’m serious. Go hide. If he sees you standing there talking to a tree, he will know you found me. Run,” she whispered firmly. Cami didn’t know what to think of the large man. She was sure he wasn’t right in the head, especially when he grinned and sat down on the wet snow beside her as if they were at a city park, meeting for the first time.

  “Nah…I think I’ll stay here for a bit. You know this weather ain’t so bad. I don’t know why everyone is all pissy about it. Where I come from, we have tornadoes. Man, can those suckers wreak some havoc. I’ve lived through seven tornadoes in my life. They’re cool and all. I like chasing after them, but my brother thinks I’m nuts.”

  “That is a little crazy. Tornadoes can kill you,” Cami replied, unable to stop herself. “I’m from Louisiana, and we got them, too.”

  “See! Then you know.” The man grinned.

  “Know what?” she asked, unsure at what he was talking about.

  “That the only thing that can really hurt you is fear. Fear is a nasty bitch. Oh, sorry, ma’am. Pardon my French. Anyway, as I was saying, if you let fear rule you, then you will get hurt. See, I ain’t afraid of nothing. So, chasing after tornadoes is just fun.”

  “So what you’re really saying is that I shouldn’t run away from the fear, but face it head-on?”


  “Cami!” Duke’s roaring voice blared through the wind, startling her. Wiggling out of the tree trunk, she shouted, “Duke!” However, when she tried to run for him, the stranger held her back, producing a gun. Shielding her body with his, she fought him, trying to break free, but his grip was no match for her.

  “Let me go! It’s Duke,” she screamed at him, but her voice fell on deaf ears.

  “Until he produces identification, you ain’t going anywhere, sweetheart. Now be a good girl and stop fighting me.”


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