Coming to Hale

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Coming to Hale Page 8

by Marie James

  My hormones are calmed suddenly when the thought that maybe we’re here in this area of Denver because he has no worries about the thugs who live around here. Maybe he’s the criminal element and they know better than to mess with him.

  Crap. What have I gotten myself into?

  “Something funny. Lorali,” he asks, that smirk still on his face.

  “No,” I say flatly wishing now I’d never come. “Shall we proceed?” I’m hoping we can get this little date over with quickly so I can get back home. I want nothing to do with whatever underground operation he runs.

  Before he can respond a door to the right opens and a fiery red head walks through and joins us. Her bright green eyes are taking us in. “Mr. Hale!” She says and comes across and gives him a European kiss on each cheek. She clasps my hands in hers. “Lorali!” she says standing back to drink me in. “You’re absolutely stunning in that dress!” She leans in and awards me with a double cheek kiss as well.

  How in the world do these people know who I am? “Hi.” Is all I say, not knowing who this woman is or what the plans for the evening are. I look back to Ian in an attempt to get him to do introductions.

  “Sorry!” She says, noticing my apprehension. “I’m Jody J. I wanted to welcome you personally to my show!” This is her show?

  Feeling more at ease I respond “Thank you so much for having me! I’m sure you’ll meet each guest with as much enthusiasm but I’m honored to meet you. I tried to find some of your work online but I didn’t have the required access code.” I try once again to get some details about the event.

  “Each guest?” She looks bewildered. “Ian did you not let her know that tonight was a private showing?” She looks at Ian with bewilderment. He just shrugs his shoulders and smiles.

  What? An incredibly exclusive artist and now a private showing? I look over at Ian; with what I’m sure is a complete look of shock.

  He clears his throat, “I was going to. I must have been distracted in the car.” He looks at me with a smirk.

  I feel my face flush again as he continues to look at me with that smirk that has the tendency to drench my panties.

  “Well, you guys enjoy yourself. I’m so glad you’re here Lorali. Ian has my information. I’d love to hear from you about what you think of the show.” She exits through the front door, leaving us completely alone. The coat collecting pixie has also disappeared. I stand there before Ian, unsure of what comes next. The trepidation of being here slowly leaving my body, replaced with a warm tingle and utter elation of once again being alone with him. My body and my mind are at war with one another.

  Chapter 18


  Lorali’s watching me intently. I know she’s nervous, not knowing what tonight will entail. Being honest with myself, I don’t know how tonight will turn out either. I know how I want it to go. I want her spread out underneath me, breathing heavily from the multiple orgasms I’ve just given her. I want to see skin flushed and her eyes heavy from lust.

  Will that actually happen? Probably not. Never in my whole life have I had any doubts on my ability to seal the deal with a woman, until Lorali Bennett. She’s the only woman that has ever showed even a mild disinterest in me, granted that was only over the phone. I smile remembering how compliant she had been in the hallway the other night and again tonight in the car. Had I not pulled away after that antagonizingly gentle kiss in the town car, we may have never made it inside for the show.

  The burden of not knowing tonight’s outcome is slowly dissipating as I watch her face. I can tell that whatever had her concerned a few moments ago is becoming more of a memory and less of an issue needing to be dealt with right now.

  I reach out and put my hand in hers. “You ready?” I ask tipping my head to the door Jody J entered through earlier.

  “As I’ll ever be!” She replies with a huge grin.

  I’m antsy as I lead her through the door. I’m praying that she does have a bit of a wild streak under that proper façade she shows everyone else. If she doesn’t this may be one of the most awkward situations I’ve been in myself since college.

  The art work is set up like a winding maze, ensuring that each and every piece is seen as you make your way through the show. Each work of art hidden from the next, allowing for the full effect of each one. The first canvas is hidden from view and requires us to round a corner before it can be seen. Uncharacteristically, my hand is sweating in hers and the fingers of my other hand are thrumming on my leg. Nervous. I’m never nervous. I don’t have enough time to contemplate why this woman is causing reactions in me that I’ve never had before.

  Making our way around the corner, the very first photo in the gallery comes into view. Lorali stiffens beside me, her hand gripping mine tighter. I watch her as she takes in the picture. She’s captivated.

  I’ve been to a Jody J show before, but I’ve not had the pleasure of viewing Orchid yet. I break my eyes away from her, extremely elated by her reaction, albeit this is the first picture and by far the least likely one to elicit a reaction.

  I take in the picture; a beautifully fit woman, clad only in a pair of lace panties, stands in a doorway, facing out. The entire photo is in magnificent shades of black and gray, enhancing the provocative lines of her back, shoulders, and legs. The only color in the photo is her obviously expensive purple lingerie.

  “What do you think?” She gives me a sideways glance and I can tell she’s slightly embarrassed. She’s an intelligent person, so I know she’s deduced from how the show is setup, what direction the pictures will take next. This piece is not what she has concerns over, but the next and the next.

  I step in behind her, hoping to mitigate some of her embarrassment. I slide my arms around her stomach, clasping them together. I make a point to not pull her towards me, knowing she may not be ready for that yet. I rest my chin on her right shoulder and whisper in her ear, “Tell me.” I prompt her again.

  Chapter 19


  I’ve lost my ability to even think. Cognition is gone now that he’s behind me, his face a mere inch from mine, his warm breath dusting across my cheek, and his husky voice in my ear.

  I’m unable to control the goose bumps that are spreading over my entire body, much less verbalize how insanely erotic I find the picture of the scantily dressed woman.

  “Umm, I can guess why the show is titled Orchid,” My words stammering out, my eyes drawn to her naked back and barely there purple panties. I honestly don’t know what else to say. I can’t tell him that it’s not the picture itself, but being near him in the same room as the picture that has me all hot and bothered.

  I can hear a light laugh escape his lips and feel the small shudder of his body through his chin that’s still resting on my shoulder. “That obvious huh? What else are you thinking about as you look at it?”

  Here we go! “I think it’s incredibly sexy.” I turn my head slightly trying to look at him to gauge his reaction.

  He continues to look forward. “Doesn’t hold a candle to you though.” He says finally drawing his head away from my cheek, looking into my eyes.

  I grin back at him amusingly and shake my head in mild disbelief. Smooth.

  “Too soon, or too corny?” He says not breaking eye contact.

  “Both.” I try to pull myself from his grasp but he unclasps his hands from in front of me and spans the fingers on his right hand across my stomach and gently, but firmly pulls me against his chest. I can’t help but melt into him. I lay my head back on his shoulder, breathing in his amazing scent, knowing I’ll never smell Armani Black Code again without it invoking visions of him in my head.

  “That’s better.” He nuzzles my neck with his nose, gently running his lips the length of my exposed neck. “Ready for the next one?”

  Am I? I nod my head slowly. Begrudgingly, he let’s go of me, clasps my hand once more and takes me around to the next Jody J art piece.

  If I’d any doubts as to what this show was about, they�
��re gone once I see the next picture. A naked woman, prostrate, her back arched up in pleasure, her breasts thrust up beautifully. Her face is obscured, hiding her identity. Her knees are bent up, blocking the view of her bikini area. Once again the only color in the photo, the amazing pair of purple stilettos that are adorning her feet.

  Ian once again takes his place behind me, only this time he doesn’t maintain the same level of distance he kept during our initial viewing of the first photo. My body conforms to his automatically, filling his dips with my curves. Perfect.

  “And this one?” His voice is a whisper in my ear.

  “She’s beautiful. Her body is perfectly proportioned. These pictures are amazing. Jody is amazing!” I wonder if he can tell that I’ve stopped looking at the picture and that my eyes are closed, using my other senses to take in this moment with him.

  “I agree.” He turns his head and softly peppers kisses from the base of my neck to my ear. Just as quickly as he begins he stops, steps out from behind me, grabs my hand and pulls me to the next scene.

  I almost stumble as the next photo comes into view. A black and white of a woman, on her knees, a man before her, his lower body blocked by her head, a purple sash restraining her hands behind her back. The man’s hand fisting her hair. This has got to be the most erotic picture I’ve ever seen. Sure I’ve seen pornographic pictures, but the way this shot is lit and the drops of sweat running down the man’s incredible abs makes it by far the hottest thing I’ve ever observed.

  Ian’s hold steadies me as he glides behind me, taking up his spot behind my back. My cold chills have now been replaced with a mist of heat and sweat.

  “This one?” His voice barely audible.

  His tongue is running up my neck before I can even respond with words. A moan the only sound leaving my lips. I turn my head further, giving him more real estate on my body. His arm pulls me against his body harder. We’re now touching from our shoulders all the way down our legs. I can easily tell that he’s just as affected by his slow seduction as I am.

  I almost lose my sanity when his teeth clamp down on my ear lobe. I can hear a rumbled moan come from his throat as he pulls his head back, my ear slowly guiding through his hot lips.

  “You want to know what I’m thinking when I look at this one?” His hot breath on my neck sends a shiver up my spine. The length of his body against me causes my empty core to clench. “I look at this picture and imagine that it’s you.” He kisses my neck. “At my mercy, on your knees, my hard cock down your throat.” I groan loudly, wishing for the same thing. He grinds himself behind me, leaving no guesses as to the truth he just spoke and his desire for it to come to fruition.

  With one hand still on my stomach, he runs his other one down the left side of my neck, across my shoulder and painstakingly slow down my arm. Just as it did in the hallway on Saturday, his fingers graze my ribs as his touch slides across my body, beginning their torturous trek back up, only this time, there’s no press pass in his way. His fingers brush past my hardened nipple, sending another wave of chills across my body. “Is that what you think also?” His hand makes its way back down my body, following the same path he just used, coming to a stop in my middle, he once again clasps his hands together.

  “Yes, please.” I say on a gasp, my body craving any attention it can get from him.

  “I’m glad you’re enjoying the expose, Lorali.” He says more huskily than I’m sure he means.

  He clears his throat, takes my hand and leads me around the corner. Anticipation of his actions at the next picture, driving me forward around the corner.

  Chapter 20


  I’m killing myself with this whole seduction routine. When I planned this in my head, I never took into account how I’d respond to her, how my body would crave hers, only how I hoped she’d respond to me.

  I don’t think I’ve ever been so hard that I found it difficult to walk. I’m getting the opportunity to experience that tonight. Several times I’ve had to adjust myself and I’m not sure if it’s to make myself more comfortable, or if I need the feeling of something other than the zipper of my slacks against me. A little of both I think.

  She’s very receptive to my taunts and seduction right now, in this moment as she was in the hall and in the car, but minutes after our overheated bodies are separated from one another it’s like her mind clicks back on and she throws a wall of resistance up.

  I have to make sure all walls of resistance are completely obliterated before I take this all the way. If I don’t, I’m afraid she’ll have regrets and I never want a woman to regret me. Yearn for me after I’m gone? Need more from me than I can give? Yes, but never regret.

  By the time we make it to the last photo of the exhibition I’m sure I’m only moments from coming in my pants. I can tell I have to support more of her weight as we make our way to the last shot.

  I resume my place behind her. The picture is beyond perfect. The woman sits atop the man, not a stitch of clothing on them. The purple on her finger nails the only color, keeping in theme with the other photos. Her back is arched in sheer pleasure, his hand cupping her breast.

  I’m not even sure Lorali is paying attention to the pictures; or if all of her attention is on my ministrations of her body. I want nothing more than to bend her over and slam into her hot pussy, but I know she’s not ready for that. If I do that I run the risk of her resisting my further advances and even though I’ve no long term intentions with her, I know one taste will never be enough.

  Trying to contain myself I let my hand slide slowly down her thigh. She’s completely languid in my arms. I use my fingers to gather her skirt, allowing me to gain access to her. I pause giving her the opportunity to stop me. She doesn’t.

  My hand roams across her flat stomach above her panties. She moans and pushes further back against me.

  Keep it together Ian; it’s about her right now, not you!!

  I’m on the verge of losing all control when I slip my hand further down, sliding inside her panties. Her sharp intake of breath almost unmans me.

  Chapter 21


  I’ve been more thoroughly seduced tonight by Ian Hale than I’ve ever been. Ever. As in not once before in my entire life have I been this hot, this willing to just lay down right here and give him carte blanche over my body for the entirety of the foreseeable future.

  At least that’s what I thought. I thought I could not be taken any higher…until he slipped his fingers in my already drenched panties.

  I knew the evening was culminating in the direction of him taking me, I just had no idea how much I’d want to beg for it. Demand it.

  He’s all but holding me up. My legs have given up on me as if my body is begging to be laid down so it doesn’t have to focus its energy anywhere except for where his expert fingers are pressed against me.

  The entire evening has been a slow burn. There’s been no haste on his part getting me to where I am now, melting into his embrace; my body is scorching hot, his fingers all but causing flames at every point of contact.

  His index and pointer fingers are leading their way down my cleft, one on either side of where my body is demanding they need to be. My clit throbs as if trying to draw their attention to her. Either they’re not listening or Ian has a different plan.

  I grind my hips against his erection, hoping to shift his fingers just the slightest bit. He groans in my ear sounding as if he’s struggling for control himself. His fingers come together over my entrance and slowly rub upwards, finally making contact with my throbbing center. I can no longer hold in my cries of bliss. I reach my arm up and over, palming his head, pulling him closer to me. His fingers begin their back and forth assault on my clit. The feeling is spectacular and I know that my body will not be able to handle his touch much longer before it implodes.

  His right hand is on my breast, groping and palming it with mild aggression and I love it. I can tell his slow sensual assault is coming to an end an
d the buildup and his need for release is taking over, his ability to hold back is waning.

  I know I’m seconds from climax. My body is shaking, a light sheen of sweat is covering my entire body, and my heart is racing. Just as quickly as he takes me to the edge with his fingers his hand is gone. I gasp! I’ll not survive if he stops now! “No!” I shriek.

  “I’m not finished with you yet, baby.” He says as he turns my body to face him. “I want to watch you when you come for me for the first time.” The first time? Oh yes!

  Before I know it I’m crushed against his chest, his mouth is on mine. I thought the kiss in the hallway was incredible. This kiss. This kiss was sell your first child just to get another perfect. His left hand is around my back holding me to him while his other hand makes its way back to where it needs to be.

  My hands are on the back of his neck, pulling him into me and I can’t help but moan when his fingers find their way back to my clit. The fire ignites immediately at the first contact. No momentum lost during their absence. He pulls away from my mouth as his fingers slowly tease my entrance, nudging inside just the first few inches. His eyes heavy and filled with desire make him look intoxicated.

  Two of his large fingers are inside of me, his palm applying pressure on my clit. Close. I’m so close. My body is quivering, my center clutching at his fingers, trying to get more from him. My lips are parted, my breathing is ragged, my shallow breaths and decreased oxygen intake making me dizzy.

  The flex of his fingers against my inner bundle of nerves in sync with the slight twist of my nipple in his other hand send me skyrocketing over the edge. I’m seeing stars, literal specks of light interfering with my vision. My core is clutching his fingers like it’s afraid to let go of him, terrified of the damage their retrieval will cause. He strokes me lightly until the pulsing stops. The extraction of his fingers and their graze over my highly sensitized clit causes another shudder and I clamp my thighs together, the sensation too much for me. My eyes regain focus on his as his hand is removed completely from my dress. I smile, my eyes closing in a long blink.


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