Alaskan Sabears 2: Game Over (Siren Pulblishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Alaskan Sabears 2: Game Over (Siren Pulblishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 1

by Becca Van

  Alaskan Sabears 2: Game Over

  Tammy Parks has been in love with Phelan Redmond and Hopper Sawyer forever.

  Phelan and Hopper know Tammy was their mate, but doing anything with her before she is an adult and ready for them would have put their lives and hers in jeopardy.

  Disheartened and hurt, Tammy went off to college, away from the isolated, Alaskan island. She studied hard to get her degree, always with hopes that her mates will claim her. However, once she finally returns home, they’re still avoiding her.

  When Tammy gets hurt, everything changes. Phelan and Hopper decide it’s time to claim their mate so they can protect her from danger, but Tammy wants nothing to do with them.

  Phelan and Hopper have their work cut out for them to earn her trust and soothe her pain, and to get her to agree to mate with them.

  They’re not sure she’ll say yes.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Shape-shifter

  Length: 54,605 words



  Becca Van



  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2017 by Becca Van

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-68295-905-3

  First E-book Publication: February 2017

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2017 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen


  About the Author






  Copyright © 2017


  Hayden Tilly stared at the artist’s portfolio. Rage coursed through his body and a red haze sheeted over his eyes. He had worked his ass off for years, and for what? He had nothing to show for his effort for the last thirty or so years. Jealousy coursed through him. Each time a new young artist was discovered, the green-eyed monster raised its ugly head. No matter how hard he’d tried, no matter how many classes he took, he was and never would be good enough. He was now over fifty years old and he’d spent the most part of his life trying to perfect his skills, but none of it had paid off.

  His mother had made more than a decent living from her craft of sculpture and his father had been a prominent playwriter. His mother had tried to teach him to sculpt, but he was too clumsy and couldn’t seem to get the clay to move into the forms he’d pictured in his mind. So, she’d bought him paints and canvasses and though she’d encouraged him to let his imagination run wild, he could still remember the disappointment in her eyes whenever she’d seen his completed work. Even though it had been devastating to lose his parents just after he’d turned twenty-two, it had also been a blessing. There had been no more pressure to try and become the famous artist or person they’d wanted him to be.

  However, he continued to paint for his own enjoyment even if none of his paintings would earn him any prizes or recognition.

  Each time another skilled artist emerged from wherever they’d been hiding, jealousy and anger warred until he was consumed with an envious fury that was becoming harder and harder to dispel, as well as ignore.

  His immediate reaction was to find this Stealthy person and take them out, but that would be too easy. A gunshot from afar wouldn’t be nearly as satisfying as having the artist standing in front of him while he destroyed the bastard’s artwork right before his eyes. A sneer spread over his lips as he imagined holding a steel-bladed knife and slashing through a completed canvas until nothing but tatters were left.

  He could just imagine the devastation on the artist’s face as he destroyed months of work in minutes.

  Hayden rubbed his hands together, his mind whirling as he tried to think of a way to make this young upstart pay for making him, Hayden Tilly, look so small.

  A lightbulb lit up his mind as a plan began to formulate. Why he hadn’t thought of it right away, he’d never know. The answer was as obvious as the nose on his face.

  There was so much to be done for his plans to come to fruition, and if he was smart, he could kill two or more birds with one stone. Yes, he’d need to pick who he would invite to Chicago carefully, and then he would take them all out at once.

  A chuckle escaped his mouth and then he laughed long and loudly. He was going to get what he deserved a
fter working so hard for so long. He’d buy up as much of the art as he could and then when the artists were dead and buried, he’d sell whatever he’d bought and make a killing. Everyone in the art world knew that prices for pieces skyrocketed when an artist died.

  Hayden fired up his computer and once it was up and running, began to go through the lists of up and coming artistic stars. He’d need to check the reviews and then he’d make his choices.

  He’d be able to retire and live in the lap of luxury before the year was out.

  He could picture himself now, lying back on a sun lounge sunning himself in the warm sun on a tropical island, while sipping on some exotic cocktail.

  When he had millions in the bank, he’d also have his pick of any woman he wanted.

  He had so much to look forward to, but there was a lot of preparation needed before his plans could come to fruition. However, hard work had never bothered him, not when the results were going to outweigh the last fifty years of disappointment and solitude.

  He was going to get his just desserts one way of the other, come hell or high water.

  Chapter One

  Ever since the incident with Celeste’s stalker, Phelan Redmond and Hopper Sawyer had changed, and Tammy wasn’t sure that was a good thing. They were her mates, and though she’d known that since she was a young teenager, neither man had ever given her the time of day. In fact, they’d gone out of their way to avoid her.

  When Tammy had decided to goad them into claiming her by telling her parents, in front of the two men, that she was going away to college, she’d expected them to protest. Her plan had backfired and neither man had said a word. After she’d been hurt, they’d been practically by her side since, but after feeling so rejected, she wasn’t sure she wanted anything to do with them anymore.

  Her heart was one big continuous ache and though she craved their touch, she wasn’t about to make the first move. She wasn’t sure how they’d kept their distance or their sanity since she’d heard her parents, as well as her brother, Tarik, and his best friend, Hodge, say that once a sabear had met his fated one, the mating heat kicked in and there was no way to stop the inevitable conclusion. She was also puzzled over how Phelan and Hopper hadn’t gone insane since they’d been living in the same town for years. It was reported that once a sabear shifter met his mate, they had to claim her so their inner beasts wouldn’t take over. If that happened, the likelihood of being able to shift back into their human form was slim.

  Maybe they had to do more than touch her hand or arm. Maybe they had to actually kiss her for the mating heat to kick in. Maybe it had something to do with their pheromones and saliva mixing to start the unrequited lust she’d only ever heard about. That made sense to her. Perhaps it was set off because she’d been in danger. She gave a mental shrug, because any or all of those scenarios could have been a catalyst.

  She could be wrong, of course, but secretly she was glad her mates weren’t about to go crazy or turn into wild animals never to be human men again. The thought of never seeing them, let alone touching them, caused pain to pierce her heart and her breath to hitch in her throat as a sob threatened to form. She took a deep breath and then another, sighing when the constriction in the vicinity of her chest alleviated slightly.

  Sometimes Tammy wished she had more of the sabear DNA because if she did, she might be able to shift into her animal form, too. Sabears were a mix of a polar bear and the extinct saber-toothed tiger, with the polar bear being the more predominant gene.

  Tammy sighed.

  She should be happy with who she was and most of the time she was. She was faster and stronger than the average human, and also had enhanced senses, but that was as far as it went. Sure, she liked having those added influences, but she’d gotten it into her head that if she could shift, just maybe Phelan and Hopper would have claimed her.

  “Tammy, are you okay?” Tammy glanced toward Celeste as she walked up the steps to the veranda. Celeste was Tammy’s best friend. They’d met in college, and though Celeste had dropped out when she’d been offered a modeling contract, they kept in touch. Celeste had been a supermodel and had had a creepy stalker after her. When Tammy had invited her to come visit her on St. Lawrence Island off the mainland of Alaska, she’d jumped at the chance. Turned out Celestial—Celeste’s model name—had been mate to Tammy’s brother, Tarik, and Hodge, her brother’s best friend.

  Celeste hadn’t baulked about giving up her modeling career since she’d fallen in love with Tarik and Hodge. Tammy was glad that her friend was here, but she just couldn’t shake the dejection that had assailed her as she’d watched her friend fall in love.

  She could have been in a relationship, too, but Phelan and Hopper didn’t seem to want to be with her.

  “I’m fine,” Tammy remembered to answer and forced a smile.

  “That’s a lie.” Celeste sat down in the chair next to her.

  Tammy shrugged and she glanced away.

  “Do you want me to go and shove my foot up their asses?”

  Tammy snorted and then giggled. Leave it to Celeste to make her laugh for real. “No, but thanks for offering.”

  “They love you, you know.”

  Tammy shook her head and blinked the tears that stung the back of her eyes away.

  “They do. I don’t know why they’re holding back, but they watch you with such longing in their eyes.”

  “Doesn’t matter.” Tammy sighed.

  “Bullshit!” Celeste shoved to her feet, her expression set in determination, and she walked quickly toward the steps.

  “Please?” Tammy whispered.

  Celeste turned to face Tammy. “You’re hurting. What sort of friend would I be if I didn’t do something about that?”

  “I don’t want them coming to me because someone forced them to.”

  “I don’t think—”

  “Please, Celeste, just keep out of it.”

  Celeste sighed and nodded as she pulled Tammy into her arms. Even though Celeste was average height standing at around five foot seven, she towered over Tammy. Tammy was five foot two, and though she wasn’t svelte like Celeste, she wasn’t fat either. She had more muscles because of her shifter DNA, and she had curves. Her breasts weren’t huge, but since she was so short, they looked bigger than they actually were. She was a C cup and a healthy size eight. Her waist dipped in but her hips looked too wide. Her thighs were muscular, and though they weren’t bulging or odd looking, Tammy hated her legs. Maybe, Hopper and Phelan didn’t find her attractive either. Maybe they thought she wasn’t feminine enough.

  She was also in heat and wondered if Hopper and Phelan were, too. She didn’t understand how they could keep their distance from her when everything inside of her was clamoring for their touch, their kisses, their bites. She had no idea what had triggered it, but didn’t think she would ever get any relief. A hysterical bubble of laughter formed in her chest when she wondered if someone could go insane because they were horny. Maybe it would be a blessing if she did go off her tree. If she was insane, maybe she wouldn’t recognize Hopper and Phelan anymore and she’d get some peace—in a convoluted way.

  Every time she saw them from a distance her body lit up like a firework’s display on the Fourth of July. Her breasts felt as if they’d grown half a cup size and she’d resorted to wearing padded bras to hide her prominent nipples. Whenever she’d seen them walking toward her, she’d spun on her heel and hurried away. She was constantly wet and changed her panties at least three to four times a day. Tammy felt as if her skin was crawling with ants and the ache in her womb and pussy was almost constant now.

  She’d managed to thwart them and hide in her room for hours on end whenever they were in her house, but she knew things were going to come to a head real soon.

  Tammy just wasn’t sure she wanted to find out the answers that had been plaguing her for years. If they rejected her she would be heartbroken.

  She pushed her thoughts aside when she heard Celeste sigh.
r />   “Are you going to come and help at the resort?” Celeste asked.

  “Yeah. I’ll be there in about half an hour. I haven’t even had my first cup of coffee or breakfast yet.”

  Celeste nodded as she drew back from Tammy. “Take your time, sis. I don’t want you passing out because you didn’t have any fuel in ya.”

  Tammy snorted and looked down her body. “No chance of that.”


  “Don’t what?”

  “Don’t start putting yourself down just because they have their heads up their asses. You are gorgeous, Tammy. I would love to have your curves.”

  Tammy just nodded to appease Celeste and knew she’d succeeded when her friend smiled, waving at her as she hurried away.

  Everyone in Savoonga had agreed to Celeste’s suggestion of opening a motel, restaurant, and bar to bring in more tourists. The outside of the building was complete and the contractors Celeste had hired were working on the inside. Her friend was footing the bill for all the expenses, but had told everyone at the meeting that any profits would be shared out between all the families living in Savoonga. Celeste had the biggest heart and she loved her like a sister. Tammy had been ecstatic when Celeste had agreed to mate with her brother and Hodge. She’d also married Hodge in a civil ceremony in her parent’s living room.

  She’d never forget how beautiful Celeste had looked in her wedding gown, or how happy she, Tarik, and Hodge had been, and still were.

  Tammy felt like a bitch for being envious of them, but she’d never say or do anything that would hint them in on how she was feeling.


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