Declan: Trillionaire Shifter Club Book Three

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Declan: Trillionaire Shifter Club Book Three Page 2

by Rosette Bolter

  “No, you haven’t heard me,” Maisey said. “I got a phone call from her. She was crying and screaming. Something was coming after her. She’s in trouble.”

  Marshall shook his head. “Just like Harper.”


  “This is what happened with Harper. Now Cordelia’s gone off looking for her at wherever she and Bane were staying, and now it’s gotten her.”

  “Right,” Maisey said. “So are you worried now?”

  Marshall shrugged. “I guess so.”

  “Are you gonna help me?”

  “Help you do what?”

  “Come to this shifter club place with me.”

  “I was just there,” Marshall replied.

  “And? You said it was dangerous.”

  “For you. You shouldn’t go. Definitely.”

  “How else are we supposed to find Cordelia? This … Declan guy, he knows where we are. We need to find out the address from him and then give it to the cops.”

  Marshall stood up. “Well, you don’t need to go there, do you? Try calling again. He’s probably not busy anymore.”

  Maisey nodded. “Right.”

  She took out her cell and dialed the number.

  Marshall put his hands in his pockets as he waited. Then he bent down to retrieve his beer.

  “Hello?” a man answered the phone.

  “Hi, this is Maisey again.”

  “A car has been sent for you. It should be there in fifteen minutes.”

  “Okay, yeah, I was just wondering if I can speak with Declan.”

  “That’s impossible, I’m afraid.”


  The man on the other end seemed hesitant.

  “Why?” Maisey repeated.

  “I can’t say. You’ll have to see for yourself.”

  The man hang up. Maisey cursed.

  “What is it?” Marshall asked.

  “They won’t let me speak to Declan.”

  “Well… Maybe something’s happened to him. Maybe he’s not even there. To be honest, we should just go to the cops now with everything we know. They have to be able to do something.”

  Maisey bit her lip. She knew he was probably right.

  “What is it?”

  “But Cordelia asked me to see Declan. What if the cops can’t find her in time? What if Declan is at the shifter club, and he does know the address? Aren’t we hurting Cordelia’s chances?”

  “Shit,” Marshall said. “Goddamn it.”

  “You know she would come after you,” Maisey said. “Even if you were split up. She loves you.”

  “No she doesn’t,” Marshall replied. “But I guess she’s lucky.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Because I still love her.”


  A few towns away from Marshall’s house, Joshua Lloyd was walking along the footpath to another friend of his. He’d had the cab take him to a nearby pub on the way home. Marshall unfortunately hadn’t wanted to join him. Not that Josh really blamed him, as he wasn’t exactly a barrel of laughs right now. The knowledge that Harper was probably okay and still happy in the bear’s arms was enough to kill any kind of good mood he might otherwise be in. He could sit at the bar and watch the TV, and drink ten more of these beers – it wouldn’t make a difference. He couldn’t get his mind off her. He’d never felt so betrayed.

  “Nooo,” Josh slurred to himself. “It was you who betrayed her.”

  That was the truth, but it didn’t make him feel any better. It just calmed his anger a little.

  While he was still at the bar, he received a phone call around nine fifteen. The caller was pretty insistent that he come over, that he had some sort of news. Josh wasn’t sure what it could be, or why he’d be interested, but there was nothing else for him tonight. No one else was answering their phones, or if they did, they didn’t want to party with him. Now, this guy he wasn’t going to see wasn’t going to be a barrel of laughs either. But at least he could relate.

  Around ten pm Josh arrived at the house. It was on the upper end of a steep hill, and Josh was worn out from the hike. In the front yard he stopped and looked back at the walk he’d taken, as cars passed in either direction. The moon shone brightly, and while the air was cold, Josh was warm.

  He approached the porch and found the front door standing wide open. Josh stepped inside the hallway and was greeted with a musky cigarette smell, that was only too familiar.

  “Jayden?” he called.

  “In here.”

  Josh followed the hallway round till he reach an archway to the living room. Jayden was sitting with both legs on the couch, the right one in a cast. He still had bandages around his head from the assault also.

  Jayden put his cigarette and ashtray down as Josh entered, and tried to sit up some more.

  “Your front door is open,” Josh said.

  “I know, I didn’t want to have to get up.”

  “You’re still in pain?”

  “It’s getting better. Little by little, you know.”

  Josh sat down in the nearest armchair. “I’ve had a fucking shitty night dude.”

  “How’s that?”

  “I was with Marshall and Cordelia –”

  “That fucking tosser –”

  “Yeah. I know, I needed their help.”

  “With what?”

  “We thought something had happened to Harper. She hasn’t come back from her honeymoon, you know.”

  “Aw man, Jesus,” Jayden said lighting another smoke. “Fuck her, man. She’s a whore.”

  “I know, man. But I really thought – look it doesn’t matter. It turns out she’s fine.”

  “Haven’t seen that bear of hers by any chance?” Jayden said sharply.

  “No,” Josh murmured. “Why?”

  “You remember what we were talking about when you were here last week, right?”

  Josh slowly nodded.

  “I mean, as soon I’m better – or I should say, if I was better – I’d kick that fucking bear’s ass for doing this to me. Just fucking kick it, you know?”

  “I remember you saying that.”

  “Yeah, don’t fucking think I wouldn’t. I don’t care if he is a bear. He’s a man too. I’d fuck him up.”


  “But you, you hate him even more than I do.”

  Jayden grinned at him.

  Josh forced a grin back. “Sure.”

  “That’s what you were saying,” Jayden laughed. “He’s a big fucker though, I don’t know if you’ve seen him before.”

  “No, we haven’t met.”

  “And now he’s fucking your fiancé. Sick fuck.”


  Josh shifted, a little uncomfortable.

  Jayden smiled thinly. “Well, I have a surprise for you.”

  “You said.”

  “Want to know what it is?”

  “Well, yeah.”

  “Okay. But this isn’t a joke, so you gotta really be listening.”


  “Help me sit up properly.”

  “Oh. Right.”

  Josh stood up from the chair and helped Jayden sit so he was facing forward. He handed the ashtray back to him and then returned to his chair. Jayden put out his smoke and set the tray on the floor.

  “Remember how you were saying you wanted to kill Bane and Harper?”

  “Yeah, sure,” Josh breathed. “Who wouldn’t?”

  “Remember how you said you’d pay someone to do it?”

  “I did?” Josh murmured. “I don’t remember that.”

  “Well, look. I found someone.”

  Jayden smiled at him, nodding.

  Josh stared back, confused. “Someone? Someone who –”

  “Who’s going to kill them.”

  Josh exhaled. “Come on. I was just joking around.”

  “No, you weren’t.”

  “Come on. I was.”

  Jayden leaned forward. “You mean to say,
when you think about that half human, half beast, riding your woman. And he’s riding her, and riding her, and riding her… And they’re both laughing at you, what a fool you are. You mean to say, you’re such a pussy, that you wouldn’t put a bullet in both their heads?”

  Josh felt sick. “Where is this going?”

  “I told you where it’s going. I fucking found someone to do it for you.”

  “No, no, no. No, I don’t want that.”

  “Fuck you, you don’t want it,” Jayden cursed. “Have you any idea how hard it was for me to find someone? From … from fucking here? Lying on the fucking couch!”

  Josh’s jaw dropped. “Yeah. I’m … sorry.”

  Jayden strained forward and grabbed Josh’s collar. “Don’t you dare pussy out on me. This guy will kill both of us. I vouched for you.”

  “You vouched for me?” Josh spluttered. “Call – call it off.”

  “I should punch you for saying that.” Jayden let go of his collar. “But you should know. He’s coming over right now.”

  “Now?” Josh wheezed. “Oh shit. You brought me over to meet him?”

  “Yeah. He’ll need your help tracking them down.”

  “Shit,” Josh exclaimed. “I gotta get out of here.”

  He stood up from the armchair and moved towards the archway.

  Then Josh stopped. He began to smile.

  “Wait a second,” he murmured. “Wait a goddman second…”

  He turned around, and saw Jayden was still grinning at him.

  “You’re joking, right?” Josh said. “You have to be. You so are.”

  Jayden chuckled, his eyes continuing to stare at him.

  “Oh you cunt!” Josh cried. “You fucking freaked me out! Jesus!”

  Jayden shook his head and lit another smoke.

  “Hello?” a voice called from the hallway.

  The smile slowly vanished from Josh’s face as he peered around the corner.

  The man standing there stared back at him. “The door was open.”


  Wentworth Rowestead hadn’t had any trouble finding the place. He’d held back in the silence of his car parked across the road as the young man approached the house on foot. Wentworth didn’t recognize him. He was pretty sure the players were legit, and it wasn’t a set up. Of course he could never be too sure.

  Wentworth grabbed the pistol next to him and made his way out of the car. He placed the gun in the left pocket of his jacket and didn’t button the flap. He walked over to the house and stepped through the open doorway.


  Down the far end of the hallway, the young man peered round. His face was contorted in an expression of turmoil.

  “The door was open,” Wentworth said. He stepped forward, his eyes on the man, careful to watch where his hands were. The man’s face dipped back through the archway.

  Wentworth followed him into what appeared to be the opening of a lounge room. Jayden Sommers was sitting on the couch, looking as tired and burnt out as ever. His companion was standing against the back wall.

  “Hello,” Wentworth said curtly.

  “Hi,” Jayden mumbled. “I’d get up, but, given my state…”

  Wentworth’s eyes lifted and landed on the young man. “You must be Josh.”

  Josh gave a light nod.

  Wentworth turned to Jayden. “Is there a problem?”

  “No – No problem –” Jayden stammered. “Why don’t you sit down and – Josh get him a bourbon or something, would you?”

  Josh gave them an uneasy glance, before making his way into the kitchen.

  Wentworth went to the armchair facing Jayden, and leaned against the side of it.

  “Thanks again man, for coming to see us,” Jayden blurted out. “Josh is really looking forward to sorting this through with you.”

  Josh moved around to Wentworth’s side and handed him the can of bourbon. Wentworth felt the cold of it in his hand a moment, before setting it on the counter behind him, unopened.

  Josh was standing in the middle of the room, out of place.

  “My fee is usually twenty thousand for one hit, thirty thousand for two. I’m giving you a fifty percent discount though because I’m just getting started again. Both hits will be carried out within the next twelve hours, barring the targets haven’t skipped state. Upon completion, you will have forty eight hours to deposit the money into the account I specify. Jayden has assured me you’re committed to this and will have the money ready for transfer. If there are any problems with this, tell me now.”

  Josh glanced at Jayden. His mouth was half open as though he wanted to speak, but was afraid to.

  “What happens if there are problems?” Josh asked.

  “That depends,” Wentworth said. “On the problem.”

  “I don’t want … I don’t want…”

  Wentworth put his hand in his pocket and produced the gun.

  Jayden reached out and grabbed a hold of Josh. “He doesn’t want to it to be traced back to him.”

  Josh stared at Wentworth blankly.

  “How you cover the trail on your end is up to you,” Wentworth said. “Naturally the account I’ll give you will be erased soon after our transaction. If you do encounter any other legal issues I’ll have an email for you to write to, so they can be taken care of. Good?”

  Jayden patted Josh on the back. “We’re good.”

  “I want to hear it from him.”

  Josh winced.

  The gun was still in Wentworth’s hand.

  “Okay,” Josh whispered. “Okay.”

  “Good,” Wentworth said. He put the gun back in his pocket. “Now tell me everything you can about these people you want dead.”


  In the back of the limousine on the way to Trillionaire Shifter Club, Maisey received a text from Cordelia. It read: Sorry about before. Everything is fine. I had too much to drink. Going to sleep now.

  She handed the phone to Marshall who looked at it briefly. “What do you make of that?”

  “Someone has her phone,” Marshall said after a moment. “Someone doesn’t want you to go looking for her.”

  “I was thinking the same. I guess I should ring her just in case.”

  “Put it on loudspeaker.”

  They both waited in silence as the phone dialed out. Cordelia wasn’t answering.

  “Bummer,” Maisey said picking up the phone. “I hope she’s okay.”

  “Obviously she isn’t.”

  “Well, I mean, I hope she isn’t hurt too badly.”

  Marshall groaned. “I’m never gonna trust one of them again after this.”

  “One of who?”

  “The shifters.”

  “Would you ever trust them in the first place?”

  “What?” Marshall mumbled. “I don’t know. I’m … I’m tired.”

  “Do you want to wait here while I go in when we get there?”

  Marshall shook his head. “You can wait outside. I’ll deal with them.”

  “No, I don’t want you to do that. I’m the one they invited after all. They don’t even know you’re coming.”

  “Look, I don’t care who invited who. They have Cordelia. They probably bleeding have Harper too. And yeah – next they’ll have you.”

  “Not gonna happen.”

  “How are you going to defend yourself?”

  “How are you going to defend yourself?”

  Marshall sighed. “I guess you’re right. We just have to hope they don’t attack us.”

  “Whatever it is – the thing that has Cordelia – it’s not at the club. I thought we could agree on that much.”

  “I don’t know what I think. All I know is that these guys are trouble. So you should promise me, you’re not going to fall for one of them.”

  “Why is that important?” Maisey said dryly. “Is it because their powers make you feel inferior?”

  Marshall stared at her. “Oh shit.”


  “Who is it?”

  “No one.”

  “It’s – it’s that Declan guy, isn’t it? The one who gave you his number? You have a thing for him, don’t you?”

  “Of course not, don’t be ridiculous.”

  Marshall growled into his fist. “I can’t believe this. You fucking women.”

  “Dude, I don’t want to hear any of your misogynistic bullshit. So I’ll stop you –”

  “You’ll stop me?” Marshall barked. “That’s it. I’m done. I want out of here.”

  Maisey shrank back. “Marshall…?”

  He picked up the phone and spoke to the driver. “Let me out of the car. I’m done with this shit.”

  The limo began to slow down.

  Maisey shifted uneasily. “I thought you said you loved Cordelia. I thought that was what’s important.”

  “Look at me,” Marshall said. “Look at my face.”

  Maisey shrugged.

  “I’m a fucking idiot,” Marshall said.

  The car came to a stop. Marshall pushed open the door letting the cold of the night in.

  As he went to leave, Maisey grabbed his arm. “I’m sorry.”

  “Let go of me.” He shook her away.

  “Marshall, come on. I can’t do this alone.”

  He leaned back in the car. “Don’t worry. You won’t be alone. Because you have Declan, and he has you.”



  He slammed the door. The car pulled away.

  Maisey sat there, shaken.

  What was it she had said, that had gotten to him so much? Things had been going fine before. What did she say? What did she do? It wasn’t as though she had a thing for Declan, or anything like that. She certainly wouldn’t allow herself to be seduced in such a troubling situation. It was the last thing on her mind.

  Wasn’t it?


  The photographs had been taken. The videos uploaded.

  Declan sat in the corner of the room, his face and hair covered in confetti and shaving cream. He didn’t want to cry. He didn’t want to feel as weak and pitiful as he did. Somewhere inside him, the panda was roaring a tortured roar. But he’d been pushed so far now, it wasn’t one of sorrow, but rage. And that just made Declan want to cry all the more.


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