Touching Lace: Vaughn Series

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Touching Lace: Vaughn Series Page 5

by Anne Rainey

  Where had that come from? She could barely breathe, her body was still vibrating, and he wanted to talk about past lovers?

  “Uh, yeah, I remember. But his name was Richard, not Dick.”

  “Whatever. Anyway, you were sprawled out on the couch, your foot in my lap. I was massaging it, and all I could think was how soft your pussy must be under those tight gray shorts you wore.” He looked down her body as if reliving that day all over again then ground out, “God, I wanted so badly to reach down and finger-fuck you. You have no clue how hard it was to control myself, baby. No idea.”

  Lacey was floored. Could it be true? Did Nick find her sexy? How could she not have known? Lacey lifted up to a sitting position and watched as Nick’s intense gaze tracked her every move, as if worried she might slip away if he so much as blinked. She looked him over from head to toe, enthralled all over again by what a perfect body he had. He was so hard, so big and so…hers. But it wasn’t just that. Lacey knew Nick inside and out and he was the best sort of man. He ranked right up there with her brothers, which was saying something. Only she didn’t feel the least bit sisterly with Nick. Then again, if she knew him so well, why hadn’t she known he was attracted to her? That he’d wanted her?

  “Why didn’t you ever say anything? Why, Nick?” The question had been on the tip of her tongue each time he’d shared another tidbit with her. He reclined on the floor, flat on his back, his head resting on his folded arms. Lacey couldn’t look away. His deep brown eyes mesmerized her. Had he always had that mysterious intensity and she just hadn’t noticed?

  “Because you would’ve freaked.”

  Lacey shook her head, vehemently denying it. “No, I wouldn’t.”

  Nick reached a hand up and cupped her cheek. “Be honest with yourself, Lace. You never saw me as anything more than a friend. If I started telling you how sexy you were, that I wanted to get naked with you and do the freaky horizontal, you would have gone running for the hills.”

  “The freaky horizontal?” Lacey choked out around a laugh.

  Nick’s face split into a grin. “Or the freaky vertical, I’m cool with that, too.”

  Lacey laughed full-out. “Lord, help me. What have I gotten myself into?”

  Chapter Five

  After her orgasmic afternoon delight, they’d separated to the locker rooms and taken showers. They were now in his driveway and Lacey was nervously chatting about a client who hadn’t lost any weight. Nick half-listened as he stared at his front porch.

  Lacey had been to his home before, lots of times, but only as a friend. Never as his lover. Everything took on new meaning now.

  His house could have been right out of a home decorating magazine. Nestled in a suburb of Columbus, Ohio, it was incredibly homey. He could easily visualize a couple of rowdy kids playing h-o-r-s-e. He was all set for a family; he only needed the wife to get things started. Not just any wife would do. He wanted Lacey.

  “Nick, I just have one more question.”

  “Shoot, baby.” He was so far gone at this point he’d tell her anything to get her inside the house and away from prying eyes. Nick loved his neighbors, but they could be damn nosy at times.

  Lacey squinted at him suspiciously. “This thing between us, is it just sex lessons?”

  Lacey seemed to be holding her breath, as if terrified he was going to say it was much more. He studiously ignored the part of his soul that was afraid she’d never see him as anything more than a means to an end. If he were completely honest with himself, of all the things Nick thought she’d ask, this was nowhere on the list.

  “You’re thinking it death. It’ll all work out, I promise.” he hedged.

  She visibly relaxed, but Nick could practically see her walls going back up. What had she been hoping he’d say? He mentally stored the question away for later. Right now, he wanted to kick off his newest venture as Lacey’s sex instructor.

  “Come on, baby, quit stalling.” He opened his door and left the car, pleased when she did the same. He started to make his way around the hood to take her hand when Lacey stopped him. “I just thought of something. I don’t have anything with me. We should have stopped at my apartment first.”

  He knew she was nervous, otherwise she would’ve remembered her stash of clothes and toiletries. She’d stayed over before. Once when she’d had too much to drink, which for Lacey was all of two beers. Also, a couple of times when a movie they watched ran late and he wouldn’t let her leave—for safety reasons, he’d told her. The truth was, he liked having her in his home. Nick enjoyed waking up and finding her all curled up in his bed, looking adorable as hell. So much so that he hadn’t minded sleeping on the couch.

  In two long strides, he was in front of her, taking her hand and murmuring, “Remember when you slept over that night last year? It was New Year’s Eve and you’d gotten a little tipsy. I had to put you to bed.”

  She nodded, smiling up at him with a mixture of woman and friend. It drove him crazy every time. “Didn’t you ever wonder how you ended up in my t-shirt the next morning?”

  Lacey blushed. Every time her cheeks filled with color it turned him on. Lacey’s blush was more potent than another woman’s touch.

  “I didn’t even think about it, because—”

  “Because you hardly remember anything when you drink. You thought you’d changed into the shirt yourself and just didn’t remember doing it.” She nodded again. “You didn’t. I undressed you and put you to bed that night.”

  “Oh God.”

  “Don’t go all shy on me, baby. I made a point of getting the job done as quickly as I could. Still, I did see you in your underwear. You’d just gotten out from under the clutches of Lucas the Octopus and you were feeling sort of low that night.”

  “I remember. I didn’t particularly miss Lucas, but I was feeling crappy thinking another year was gone and I was still no closer to finding my Mr. Right.”

  “Yeah, you told me that. Lacey, did you never wonder why I wasn’t with anyone that night either?”

  He could see the chagrin come over her face and she started to stammer. He stopped her with a finger to her lips.

  “I wasn’t with anyone because I knew you were alone and all I could think about was maybe this time Lacey Vaughn would see me as a man, and not just a good pal.”


  Nick went back to the question she’d originally asked. “You don’t need anything from your apartment for what I have in mind. This time, I won’t be quick when I undress you, either. This time I’m going to take it real slow, and I’m going to take a long time looking.”

  He watched, mesmerized, as she licked her lips. The way her nipples went perky and her breathing sped up made him want to jump her right there in his driveway. Push her against his SUV and fuck her from behind.

  Unable to help himself any longer, Nick lowered his head and touched his mouth to hers, kissing her with a gentleness which surprised even him. The warm summer night, full moon high in the sky, and Lacey’s soft full lips pressed against his. Oh yeah, Nick could easily believe in all that magic Lacey had talked about the night before.

  He kept the kiss brief, all too aware they were out in the open. When he raised his head, he saw her half-closed eyes and knew his control would snap if she so much as whimpered. Having her against his SUV wasn’t exactly a bad idea, but it wasn’t what he wanted for Lacey’s first time with him either.

  Nick touched her moist, plump lips with his index finger and whispered, “Trust me?” She nodded, making him feel ten feet tall. He turned, keeping her hand in his, and strode up to the front door.

  Feeling pumped, he just barely managed to get his door unlocked. Inside, the house was dark and empty. God, he hated it. This time, however, he had Lacey with him, and he wouldn’t let her go. Not without a fight. And she would fight him.

  Lacey ran from love. Her fear of commitment was the reason behind all the failed relationships. He didn’t know if it was because some asshole had crushed her h
eart at one time, or if there was something deeper. Either way, he would make her see that love could be a beautiful and exciting adventure. A thing to cherish and nurture. Not something to hide from in fright.

  First, Nick had to get her to open up to him, to give herself to him one small piece at a time. The way she’d opened up to him at the gym was a good start. He knew enough about Lacey to know she would never do something so outrageous at her place of business. She took pride in her work as a personal trainer. The very fact that he was able to make her forget herself, for even a few moments, was a good sign. She needed to trust him with her body completely. Later he would show her she could trust him with her heart.

  Nick let go of her hand and moved to flip on the lamp beside the couch. When he turned back around, he was struck speechless. She was so damned sweet.

  Standing all of about five foot one, Lacey gave off a fragile appearance. Men wanted to protect and shelter her. But she packed a punch. Literally. She was in excellent physical condition and believed wholeheartedly in practicing what she preached. Exercise and nutrition was Lacey’s life and she had a huge clientele as evidence that she was good at her job.

  While she was slender and fit, her curves were still lush and inviting. She had small, tantalizing breasts that he’d fantasized about. What shade of pink were her nipples? Were they dark mauve or pale pink? Soon he’d know.

  Truthfully, it had been her ass that had hooked him from almost the very beginning. She had a nice firm backside that made his mouth water every time he looked at it. Which was often.

  Her hair was cut just below her shoulders out of necessity. She always worked up a sweat at the gym and showering twice, sometimes three times a day, meant she needed to keep it at a reasonable length. The pin-straight, rich espresso color tempted a man to dig his fingers in and play. And it was way past time for Nick to have a little fun.

  Lacey stood just inside the front door, so rigid and nervous, as if about to bolt at any moment. Her anxiety insured a slow plan of action. She was still getting used to the idea of being with him intimately, where as he’d thought of nothing else for months. He didn’t need time to consider what happens after, because he already knew. Once he made her his, there would be no going back. She just wasn’t aware of that fact. Yet.

  With that thought in mind, Nick gave Lacey a flirtatious grin and crooked a finger at her. “Come over here.” Her blue eyes grew big and her mouth opened as if she were about to refuse him. “You ready for your second lesson?” he prompted.

  Her mouth snapped shut and his eyes were inexorably drawn once more to her breasts where her nipples pushed sensually against her t-shirt. Nick’s cock swelled in response. God, how he wanted to taste her. To feel her soft skin against his lips, his tongue. He had to tamp down the urge to take her where she stood.

  Lacey had never seen this side of Nick, and she couldn’t believe she was seeing it now. She’d been around aroused men before, but never were they so…hot and impatient. She was beginning to think giving her lessons was only a convenient way for him to get what he wanted. Her. He had said as much, but the notion still made her want to backpedal.

  Nick continued to wait. His charming smile entranced her. Lacey’s stomach fluttered with nerves. She was eager, but tense, too. Was she really about to indulge in a no-strings attached affair? It was crazy. She’d never done crazy. Any woman would be nervous. Her choice of lovers was definitely the right one, though.

  Nick was tall, gorgeous and honorable. She wouldn’t have to worry about him becoming too possessive. They were already friends, and if things started to turn stale, they could go back to being friends. She could then use all her new knowledge on someone else.

  Why didn’t that last thought sound very appealing?

  If there was one thing Lacey knew about Nick, it was that he would always be straight with her. He was honest to the point of being obnoxious at times. The idea was to teach her a few things about sex and he had been candid when he’d admitted he was sexually attracted to her. A new sense of freedom came over her as she made up her mind. For tonight, she was going to quit worrying and let loose a little. What would it hurt?

  Lacey stepped away from the safety of the front door and let Nick take her in his embrace. When his powerful arms closed around her, she saw the triumphant gleam in his chocolate eyes.

  “Feeling pretty darn sure of yourself aren’t you?” she taunted.

  The low rumble of his voice vibrated against her ear as he answered her. “I have the sexy Lacey Vaughn all to myself. Damn right I feel confident.”

  The man was too cocky. It was high time someone knocked Nick Stone down a peg or two. Perhaps she was just the woman for the job.

  Nick pulled her tighter against him. Tilting up her head, he took her mouth in a hard show of possession. His tongue darted out and licked at the seam of her lips, all but demanding she open for him. Lacey had no choice but to obey. As soon as her lips parted, he took advantage and delved in.

  His hands were everywhere. They slid down her back to her bottom where he cupped her close and pulled her into the cradle of his thighs. She groaned, or he did, she wasn’t sure. All that mattered was that he continue kissing her. Lacey was on fire. Her entire body responded to the feel of his lean strength against her giving flesh.

  Nick tilted his head and she raised her hands to grasp the sides of his neck, holding him to her. She tunneled her fingers through the dark strands of his hair, reveling in its softness. His tongue touched and played with hers, darting in and out, mimicking lovemaking. He was hungry. Urgent. Challenging. Lacey couldn’t stand it anymore.

  Pulling back, breathing as if she’d run four laps around the gym, Lacey moaned, “Bedroom, now.”

  She turned and started in that direction, but a hand at the back of her waistband pulled her up short.

  “Not quite yet,” Nick ground out.

  Lacey stared, confused and anxious. “Huh?”

  “Lesson two, remember?” he reminded her.

  “Yeah, lesson two. You can tell me all about it in the bedroom.” Lacey tugged on his hand again and smiled up at him. He looked so sweet, so ravenous, as if he were drinking her in with his eyes. It was the ultimate temptation.

  “No,” he said, attempting to sound stern. He failed miserably, because Lacey wasn’t buying it.

  She was about to push a little more, but he placed his index finger to her lips and murmured, “We need to slow down a little, baby.”

  She pouted, but Nick only closed his eyes. Darn it. She was getting nowhere fast.

  Lacey moved his finger and protested, “I don’t see why. Things are going pretty well at this pace.”

  Nick opened his eyes and stared at the woman before him. She was begging him for sex. What the hell was his problem? Easy. He wanted this to be about more than lessons. Regardless of what he’d told her, he knew if they went into the bedroom, it’d be wham, bam, and she’d be walking right out of his life. No fucking way.

  “If we don’t slow down I’m going to come way before you ever get a hint of pleasure. I’ve waited too long for this already.” He watched her gaze flit down his body as if trying to see right through the fabric of his jeans. She was such an inferno of needs and wants right now, and that was as it should be, but Nick wanted more than Lacey’s body. He wanted an emotional intimacy with her and he couldn’t get that if he let her have her way.

  Nick touched the tip of her nose and smiled. “First we get to know each other. That’s lesson two. Learning to appreciate the moment.”

  Lacey rolled her eyes at him. “I am appreciating the moment. Besides, we already know each other.”

  “Not in the way of lovers we don’t. We know each other as buddies. That’s not the same thing. Not by a long shot.”

  She looked dubious. “Well yeah, that’s sort of what I was trying to do, get to know you as a lover.”

  Nick had no idea restraint could be so difficult. She was just so damned tempting. But he wouldn’t be a s
ubstitute for cookies. Right now that’s all it would be for Lacey. A way to drown her problems in a few blissful moments of sensual gratification.

  He rubbed his hand over his face, trying to gather his fortitude. “Lacey, I want to spend time with you. I want to touch and cuddle. Ease into the moment, ya know?”

  Lacey sighed. “It occurs to me that I am way out of my element with you, Nick. I don’t know what you want from me. Most men are perfectly content keeping it simple. First sex then get to know each other. I seem to be a virgin at real intimacy.” She let out a sigh, as if accepting the inevitable. “You win. What do you suggest?”

  Thank you, God! If she had put up even one more protest Nick would have given in and done things her way. He had a feeling that would be a huge mistake.

  “While I desperately want to take you into the bedroom and make love to you all night long, in as many different ways as I can possibly imagine, I think we need to slow down. Just a little.”

  Lacey seemed to relax and even grinned.

  “It’s a mild, clear night outside. Feel like sitting on the porch with me?” He could see her nervousness still, so he softly added, “No expectations. Just me, you and the stars.”

  “Lead the way, Casanova.” She thrust out her hand, appeared pleased when he took it and let him take her to the front porch. Right away Nick felt the connection between them growing stronger. She was more relaxed than he’d ever seen her. This would be nice, he decided. This is what she needed from a man. Not just wild and crazy sex, but a real bond.

  They would cuddle and talk about nothing in particular, and then when the time was right, they’d head back into the house and he would take her to his bed where she belonged.

  Chapter Six

  She was so embarrassed. Lacey couldn’t believe she’d actually fallen asleep. Never had she done something so rude. It was mortifying.

  On a happy note, she’d had the best night’s sleep in a long time. But would Nick ever forgive her? The last thing she remembered was sitting on the porch swing with Nick making wishes under the stars. It had been comfortable. Right. Then she woke up in his bed, with her jeans and t-shirt still on, no shoes, tucked under the covers. Had Nick actually carried her to bed while she’d snoozed? She couldn’t believe she’d slept through something so wonderful.


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