Moments with Hailey - The Esquire Girls Series - Hailey's Story (Books 1, 2, 3 & 4) - Box Set (featuring Tender Moments , a brand-new Valentine's Day novelette)

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Moments with Hailey - The Esquire Girls Series - Hailey's Story (Books 1, 2, 3 & 4) - Box Set (featuring Tender Moments , a brand-new Valentine's Day novelette) Page 10

by Cassie-Ann L. Miller

  I don’t say anything. He’s probably right. But I’m happy with the way things turned out. Jackson is a great guy.

  Matt shoves his hand through his thick, dark hair and grunts. “I’ve just had so much going on. In my personal life.” He turns and evaluates my face as if he’s trying to decide whether he can trust me with a glimpse into his life. “I have a daughter, y’know?”

  That announcement is news to me but I don’t want to engage in conversation with him about his personal life. I say nothing as he reaches into his pocket for his wallet. He pulls out a worn photo of a little girl and hands it to me. She has blond pigtails, bright blue eyes and dimples in her cheeks. I have to look hard to see the resemblance between her and Matt. “She’s gorgeous,” I say unable to suppress a small smile as I hand the photo back to him.

  He sighs. “Her mother’s giving me a hard time. She won’t let me see my daughter. She was married when she got pregnant by me. She and her husband were clients of the law firm’s California office. When she gave birth to Tilly, she moved to Miami. That made it easy for me to see my daughter at least once a month. But now, she says that she and her husband are getting back together. She’s threatening to take my daughter back to California unless I pay her. A lot.”

  I can’t help but feel sorry for him. He looks less like the asshole that I know him to be and more like a concerned father.

  “I don’t wanna lose my daughter,” he says in a strained voice. He looks up at me with vulnerability in his eyes. A single tear runs down his face. He scrambles to scrub his knuckles across his eyes.

  I can’t help it. I reach out and put an arm around him and he falls apart in my arms.

  Chapter 12

  “So, how’d it go?” I ask excitedly before Jackson can even sit in our booth. I texted him early this afternoon, telling him to meet me here at this new vegan restaurant in Tribeca. I want all the details about what happened at his meetings with the investors.

  He doesn’t look at me as he grabs a pita chip and dips it into the garlic-tofu dip sitting in the middle of the table. “Didn’t go well,” he says simply as he tosses the chip into his mouth before leaning back in his seat and loosening the gray stripped tie around his neck.

  I frown. “What do you mean ‘it didn’t go well’?”

  He just shrugs. “They weren’t interested in my app.” He yanks off his jacket.

  “Neither of the investment groups were interested?”

  He scowls at me. “Neither of them.”

  “Oh Jackson. I’m so sorry,” I say resting my hand on top of his.

  He moves his hand away. He gazes out at the people walking by on the sidewalk. “It’s okay. I just need to book a few meetings with other investors. It’s not a big deal.”

  I can tell that he doesn’t want to talk about it. But I’m still really concerned about his financial situation. “Did you line up any job interviews?”

  “I’ll work on that tomorrow,” he says as he picks up the menu. The waiter shows up at our table but one glare from Jackson is all it takes to send the shy, redhead on her way.

  “I have a friend – Amber – her husband is in real estate. He might have a friend who can give you a job –”

  “Can you drop it, Hailey? I’m trying to just enjoy dinner with you. So, just drop it.” I can see the anger in the tightness of his lips.

  “I’m just tryna help,” I whine.

  “Drop it, Hailey!”

  The group of women sitting at the table next to us throw us a judgmental look.

  “Sorry,” I mutter.

  He sighs. “I shouldn’t have yelled. I’m just a bit stressed. And I don’t want to talk about any of that stuff. Not tonight. Okay?” His voice is softer now. His eyes search for mine.

  “Sure,” I say.

  He brings his attention back to the menu. He tries to change the subject. “So, what’s good at this place? How about the barbequed tempeh sticks with spicy hummus?”

  I’ve already lost my appetite, so I say, “Whatever. I’m sure that’s fine. Let’s just order so we can get out of here. I’m tired. I wanna go to bed.”

  Chapter 13

  I wake up at 2:00 in the morning and hear Jackson on the phone. I creep out of bed and tiptoe over to the bedroom door. I see his shadow as he hovers in the living room.

  “Look dad, I’m trying to explain it to you, but you won’t let me get a word in.” I can hear the frustration in his voice. I can tell that he’s trying to refrain from saying what he truly wants to say. “I don’t know when I’ll be able to pay you back. I just lost my job. But I guarantee you that this app will be big –” His father cuts him off again. I can’t hear the words he’s saying but I can hear the base in his voice booming through the telephone. “No, dad. I don’t regret my decision to launch this business instead of working at the mechanic shop with you and my brothers.” He paces back and forth in the hallway. “Y’know what? I shouldn’t have called you. I’m sorry I did.” He growls as he snaps his phone shut.

  Within seconds, he’s back on the phone. “Yeah Andy. So, I talked to my dad. He’s not gonna lend us anymore money, man.” There’s a pause as his business partner responds. “I’m not ready to come home yet. We’re really close. I can feel it. All I need is a few more weeks.” Jackson is silent as Andy speaks again. “I’m not ready to give up yet. I’m not ready to give up on New York.” Again, Jackson falls silent. “It’s not just about the money, Andy. I’ve met this girl. She’s a great girl…I think I’m falling for her. I can’t leave her yet.”

  Hearing him say that sends my heart racing in my chest.

  He’s falling for me? Jackson is really falling for me?

  I’ve been scared to give my all to him because I wasn’t sure what his intentions were. But now, hearing him tell his friend about me…that’s huge.

  Jackson wraps up the call. “Look man. I’ll give you a call tomorrow, aright? I’m gonna go try to get some sleep.”

  I should probably get back into bed and pretend that I was sleeping. Pretend that I didn’t hear him confess his feelings over the phone. But I’m too overwhelmed to play it cool.

  He’s quiet as he slowly pushes open the bedroom door, trying not to wake me. I’m sitting in the dark on the edge of the mattress. I flick on the bedside lamp as he approaches the bed.

  “Hailey – I didn’t realize you woke –”

  I don’t wait for him to finish his sentence. I pounce on him. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him with urgency. I push him onto the bed and he falls flat on his back. I drop to my knees and pull his boxers down around his ankles.

  “Hailey – what are you –”

  Before he can finish his question, I’ve already taken his warm cock between my lips. It springs to life in my mouth, lengthening and hardening almost instantly.

  “Hailey.” I work my lips up and down his shaft. I’ve never done this before but from the way that his body is reacting to me, I must be doing it right. I cup his tight balls in my hands and massage them slowly as I run the tip of my tongue along the spongy head of his dick. His salty precum seeps into my mouth.

  He groans low and deep as he slides his fingers into my hair and pulls lightly on my golden strands. That turns me on. I feel the arousal rolling out of my body. I love making him feel so good especially since he’s been having such a tough time over the past few days.

  I feel his orgasm building up inside of him. His body is tensing. His breathing is becoming quicker. His head tosses from side to side against my thick blankets. He moans my name over and over again. Then, his whole body goes stiff and his cum blasts into my mouth. It’s dripping down my chin and falling onto my breasts.

  It’s a mess. But it feels so right.

  He sits up and looks straight at me. “You okay?” he asks, still panting and struggling to catch his breath.

  I nod as he runs his fingers down my cheek.

  He gives me that silly grin of his. “Dammit, Cowgirl,” he mutters. “I’m fuckin
g falling in love with you.”

  Chapter 14

  I fidget nervously as I sit impatiently in the very modern waiting area.

  I shouldn’t be here.

  Jackson would be furious at me if he knew that I’ve gone behind his back to set up a meeting with an investor. But I have to do this.

  Last night when he told me that he’s falling in love with me, I didn’t say anything. I was too scared to let the words tumble out of my mouth. But, the truth is, I feel the same way about him. The idea of him moving back to Austin empty-handed – it terrifies me for some reason. I can’t sit idly by and do nothing while the man that I love falls apart right in front of my face.

  So, I decided to work my very limited network to find a way to get Jackson the financing he needs.

  “Mr. Harrison will see you now. Please follow me.” I look up at the shapely Latina standing in front of me and return her gracious smile. I walk closely behind her as she turns to walk down the hallway of the industrial-style office suite. This woman is as beautiful as a telenovela star and she’s shaped like a damn temptress. Amber must be confident as hell to let such a sexpot work as her husband’s secretary.

  When we get to the foot of the industrial-style staircase, she gestures for me to climb the stairs and enter Spencer’s office.

  Spencer is seated behind his contemporary-styled desk. He looks incredibly attractive and powerful. Amber is a lucky girl.

  He glances up and notices me. “Hailey!” he says sounding genuinely happy to see me. He rounds his desk and stretches his arms out for a hug.

  “Hi Spencer – how are you doing? I haven’t seen you since the wedding.” I give him a monster of a hug.

  Spencer beams, looking proudly at the wedding photo of him and Amber, which sits on the corner of his desk. “The married life suits me. I must say. My wife is an amazing woman. I’m so glad that I met Amber.”

  I’m really happy to hear my friend’s husband speak about her in such glowing terms. “You guys are perfect for each other,” I say wistfully. I want what they have. For me and Jackson.

  “Sit. Please,” he says as he returns to his chair. I sink into one of the seats opposite his desk. “So, what’s up, Hailey? Amber said you have a business opportunity for me,” he asks, cutting straight to the point.

  “Yes – I hope so. My – my boyfriend – friend – this guy I know –”

  Spencer interrupts me with a chuckle. “Maybe we shouldn’t worry too much about his title, huh?”

  I blush softly with a smile. “Yeah. I guess. Anyway, Jackson has an app that he’s developed with a friend. He moved to New York to try and get financial backing for it. But he hasn’t found any takers yet. I was wondering if you’d be interested in hearing his pitch.”

  Spencer twists his lips slightly as he shoves his hands through his golden-brown hair. “Well…I typically invest in real estate. I don’t have any holdings in technology for the moment…”

  I feel my heart sink. Amber had told me that Spencer doesn’t have a track record of getting involved with technology companies.

  Oh well. It was worth a try, I guess.

  Spencer observes my sullen expression. “…but I guess it couldn’t hurt to set up a meeting with him…”

  I jump in my seat. I’m so happy. “Oh, thank you thank you thank you!”

  Spencer laughs. “Don’t get your hopes up, Hailey. I don’t take investment decisions lightly. He’ll have to prove to me that I’m making a wise decision.”

  “I know, I know,” I say unable to push back my grin. “That’s totally understandable.”

  I stand, eager to shake Spencer’s hand. He passes me a business card. “Just have your friend give me a call and we’ll set up an appointment.”

  The smile quickly vanishes from my face. “Uh – I was hoping that you’d contact him directly. I don’t want him to know that I was involved in getting him a meeting with you,” I admit sheepishly.

  Spencer lifts an eyebrow. “So, you’re going around behind his back?” He looks slightly amused as he scratches the bridge of his nose.

  “I wouldn’t quite put it like that.” I feel myself getting defensive but I know that he’s right. My shoulders slump forward. “He’s a guy,” I say in a low voice. “An ex-marine. He’s got a bit of an ego. He doesn’t want my help.”

  Spencer sighs. “Okay. As you wish – I’ll contact him directly, Hailey. I just hope this doesn’t backfire on you.”

  I hope so, too.

  Chapter 15

  Whoever is banging down my front door this evening is mighty impatient.

  I rush to the door as I zip up the front of my sweatshirt. My hair is wet, causing a trail of water to follow me down the hallway.

  When I swing open the door, Jackson is standing there, leaning against the doorframe with a dark sweatshirt under his winter jacket and jeans hanging low on his hips. “Hey,” he says with a small grin.

  “Hey,” I say moving out of the way so that he can come in.

  That’s when I notice the duffle bags in the hallway behind him.

  “What’s going on?” I ask warily as I hold the door open for him. The last time we spoke about it, he seemed completely opposed to moving in with me. Now, he’s here all of a sudden carrying what seem to be all his possessions.

  He drops his bags on the floor with a thud and a heavy sigh. “My apartment flooded.”

  “What? It’s the middle of January! It must be freezing!”

  “It is freezing,” he says with a small laugh as he wraps his arms around me. “So, if the offer still stands, I was wondering if I could move into your spare room for a while. Just till things get sorted out with my landlord.”

  I feel a small flutter in my heart. I can’t deny that I want this. It’s just an excuse to have more of Jackson in my life. “The offer still stands,” I say quietly.

  He moves into the living room and I follow behind him. “Don’t worry about money,” he says as he drops onto the couch. “I’ll pay my share of the rent as long as I’m here. My landlord’s gonna compensate me because all of my furniture is ruined.”

  I take a seat next to him and put a hand on his thigh. “Jackson – you don’t have to worry about it. Just focus on getting a job and finding financing for your app. I’ve got it covered.” I’m not quite confident when I say the words. The truth is that if Ruthie hadn’t paid rent for February before leaving, I’d be screwed right now. Even though I make decent money at Cartwright Moretti Stevenson, I have student loans and credit cards to pay. But I know that Jackson will come up with the money soon. I just know that he’ll impress the socks off of Spencer and get the investment he needs.

  He shakes his head vigorously. “No, Hailey. I could never do that to you, Cowgirl. I’m a man – I take care of my responsibilities…and I take care of the woman I love.”

  My heart flips when he says the words. I still haven’t told him how I feel about him. It makes me uncomfortable to hear him confess his feelings to me when I’m not yet at a place where I can tell him that I feel the same. So, I change the subject.

  “Any luck finding investors?”

  “Yeah – I got a call today from DisSpence Group. I researched them. They’re in real estate. Weird. But they wanna hear my pitch.”

  I feel a blush rushing up my neck. So, I hide my face away. I get up and go into the kitchen. “You want some tea?”

  He comes up behind me at the kitchen counter and wraps his arms around my waist as he slips his nose into my hair. “Sounds good.”

  Chapter 16

  I ease into the chair opposite Matt’s desk as he slides a manila folder across the table at me. “New file,” he announces as he leans back in his executive chair.

  I’m practically salivating, eager to sink my teeth into something new. Even though I’m not really interested in real estate law, it’s better than nothing. Until I can find a way to get into the firm’s tech startup law department, I’ll work on whatever files the other lawyers throw my w
ay. “What is it?” I ask as I quickly scan through the documents.

  “One of the firm’s oldest clients. He’s got his sights set on an abandoned lot down in the Meat-Packing District. He’s put together a purchase offer. Nothing exciting.”

  Matt may be downplaying the importance of the file, but to a lowly intern like me, work is work and I’m more than happy to be involved in this new transaction.


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