Risky Gamble

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Risky Gamble Page 5

by Vivian Ward

  After a bit of stalking to find out more information about the girl, I saw she had even more pictures of her and Colton. They weren’t on her Facebook; they were on her Twitter account—along with comments from her friends. The pictures included the two of them sitting in a hot tub, pictures of Colton stretched out in front of a fire, and then pictures of her cherry red ass that was covered in handprints. All of them were hash tagged #FunWithColton.

  I was surprised that he let her take the pictures, let alone post them, but there’s always the possibility that he doesn’t know about them. My guess is that he has no clue they are out there, or maybe he does know but doesn’t care. Maybe he likes to flaunt the fact that he’s a free man. I can only imagine how many women flock to a single, rich, attractive man like him. Hell, if I were him, and was more comfortable in my own skin, I’d probably flaunt it, too.

  I’m sure he has no problem getting laid. It’s probably why he opened the club—so he could have sex with anyone, any time. Secretly, I’ve been checking out the members, wondering if he’s fucked all of the women here, or just most of them. They all seem to be married, but I’m sure that doesn’t stop them when they’re down here. That’s kind of the point to this type of place. Isn’t it?

  “Do you have any questions yet?” Jenna asks as I help her restock the cocktail napkins and straws.

  Shaking my head, I say, “No, not really.”

  “Well, if you do, don’t hesitate to ask. Even though I’m only part-time, I know most everything around here. I’m surprised that Colton didn’t have me take over for Angela when she went on maternity leave, but he didn’t.”

  “I wonder why? You’d think he would gladly give that responsibility to another employee,” I reply.

  “He’s loyal like that,” she shrugs. “I guess he doesn’t want her thinking that someone else is going to take over her job, so he’s doing it himself.”

  She pours herself another shot and knocks it back, licking her lips. “He’s a hard worker. He might’ve inherited his company, but this,” she waves her hand around and then points upstairs. “This is all his. This place was his baby. It still is.”

  “Yeah, I remember reading about the place opening. Well, the lounge upstairs, anyway.”

  “Right?” she laughs. “Can you imagine if anything ever got published about this place?”

  Pouring myself a shot to show that I’m not a complete square, I nod. “I can imagine.”

  “You should try one of these,” she grabs my shot glass and picks up a bottle of green liquor from the shelf. “These are delish!”

  “Except you’re not supposed to be drinking,” Colton’s voice cuts through our conversation. “I don’t mind a drink here and there, but no shots, Jenna. You’ve been around long enough to know that.”

  With the corners of his lips turned down in disappointment he takes the bottle out of her hands and shakes his head, placing it back on the shelf before turning his attention to me. Eying me up and down, he shakes his head again but his frown slowly fades. “Don’t listen to her, Ally.” I nod, not wanting to make him unhappy. “Can I see you for a moment?”

  “Yes, of course,” I answer, shrugging my shoulders to Jenna as I follow him by the stairs. I figure he probably wants to discipline me in private since I’m new so that I don’t get embarrassed.

  “Ally, I was going over your paperwork and noticed that you didn’t sign the non-disclosure agreement to work here. Since you know about the club and you’ve been working in it for almost two hours now, it’s very important that I get your signature on it.”

  Holding the paper out to me, I take it as I bite the inside of my cheek. I can’t sign it. If I do, it means I can’t write the story which means I’ll never get my big break that I was hoping for.

  “Colton,” one of the ladies from the club purrs as she takes hold of his arm. “I’ve been looking for you all night.”

  She looks up at him through her long, thick lashes, keeping her voice low and seductive. I want to push her away from him but before I can react, he says, “Excuse us, Ally. Please have that paper on my desk by the end of the night.”

  Watching him stroll away with her on his arm burns my ass but instead of pouting about it, I rejoin Jenna back at the bar and help her make a few drinks while I try to figure my way out of this mess.

  I don’t see Colton for the rest of the night which means he’s still here because I would’ve seen him travel back upstairs. Jenna notices that my eyes are constantly scanning the place.

  “If you’re looking for Colton, he’s probably back in the voyeur room.”

  “The voyeur room?” I ask. What the hell is….oh. The name is self-explanatory.

  “It’s back there,” she points down the hallway that leads behind the bar. “Did you need him for something?”

  “Huh?” I shake my head. “Oh, no. No, I’m fine. I was just looking around, checking things out.”

  Leaning in close to me, she makes sure that no one is within ear shot and waves me to lean forward. “If I were you, I’d be pretty careful around him.”

  “What? Why?” I ask, as the two of us keep a watchful eye, making sure that nobody can overhear our conversation.

  “Between you and me, he’s into some pretty freaky shit and I saw the way that he was looking at you. I might only work part-time, but that’s all you need to be here to learn all about each of the members—including the owners.”

  So it’s not just Kristin and me! She seen the way he was looking at me, too. I’m not crazy or imagining it. He was looking at me that way. I swallow hard, hardly believing my ears. There are so many things that I want to ask her but I don’t want it to seem like I’m prying or doing too much digging. “Like what kind of things?”

  “Well,” she lowers her voice further. It’s almost impossible to hear her over the noise, but she puts her mouth right next to my ear. It’s so close that her warm breath is tickling my ear with each whisper that comes out of her mouth, making it very hard to concentrate.

  “He’s into sadistic type shit. Choking, anal, slapping, you name it, and he’s into it.”

  “He’s a sadist?” I question.

  “Shhh!” She warns me. “You don’t want anyone to hear us talking about him. These members,” her eyes scan the room. “They are very loyal to him. They will tell him everything, so it’s always important to be on your best behavior.”

  I nod, “Got it. When you say he’s into all that stuff, what exactly do you mean?”

  I’m not going to admit this, but I’ve watched some porn where there’s a bit of smacking on the butt or a hand wrapped around a neck, and sometimes a bit of anal play. What’s so wrong with all of that?

  “I mean he takes things extreme. Colton Kaswell takes sex very seriously, and he loves taking things to the dark side. It’s not just a light spanking or a few handprints on the ass. It’s bruises that don’t let you forget what he did for days.”

  My eyebrows shoot up as I continue listening to her.

  “I’ve also heard that he’s not easy or gentle when he’s fucking someone. Anal or not, he doesn’t care. He takes things to a whole new level,” she nods in confirmation as if every word she speaks is one-hundred percent true. “Or he chokes you so much that you pass out, but he doesn’t stop fucking until he is finished.”

  I let all of her words sink in for a moment. “And you’ve never been with him?” I ask, a little surprised since she knows so much.

  Frantically shaking her head, she says, “No. Never.”

  “Then how do you know all of this? Surely, his club members wouldn’t blab to the employees, would they?”

  “He doesn’t do this kind of stuff with club members,” she says, still keeping her hushed tone. “He’s fucking my friend Brooke, and she used to tell me things—until he made her sign a non-disclosure agreement. Now she can’t tell me if anything if she wanted to.”

  Wait, a non-disclosure agreement? I wonder if it’s the same kind that the employees
have to sign. Making a mental note of re-reading it again when I get home, I involuntarily yawn.

  “You can go ahead and leave if you want. We’re pretty dead and you’re out of here in fifteen minutes anyway.”

  I glance up at the large, iridescent clock hanging on the wall that faces the bar. It’s beautiful and must have cost a fortune. The large hands point at the Roman numerals; I watch the seconds tick away. Deciding that I better get out before he sees me again, I ask, “Are you sure?”

  I want to get out of here quickly so I can go home to look over that agreement again, but I hate leaving her here when she’s only part-time and I’m supposed to be the full-time employee.

  “I’m positive,” she smiles and nods. “Go ahead and go home.”

  “All right,” I say. “Thanks for closing up for me.”

  “My pleasure. Have a good night,” she says.

  Slipping into my coat, I clock out and make my getaway without running into Colton. When I get to my car and check my phone, I see that Kristin sent me two text messages earlier tonight. She’s dying to know how things went. I text her back and ask her if we can meet up tomorrow. I’ve got the night off and can help her in the shop. Right now, I want to get out of this hot, sweaty leather and take a shower.

  Chapter 7


  Being around Ally while she’s dressed like that is something that my cock can only handle in small doses. Seeing her bare flesh against the contrast of the shiny, black leather was enough to make my cock twitch and throb for the few minutes that I spoke to her.

  Going to my office seemed to be an excellent idea until I saw that she hadn’t signed the NDA to work in the club. Initially, I thought it was, perhaps, a mistake but every other sheet of paper was carefully completed, so it didn’t seem plausible. She strikes me as a girl who crosses every T and dots every I. She may not have known who I was when I first met her but it’s clear she did her research, which in turn caused me to do my own on her.

  After seeing how meticulous all of her other forms were, I decided to run her name through Google while I waited on the online background check from Intelius to go through. As expected, the first result that appeared in the search led me to her Facebook—which she has locked down. Everything is set to where only her friends can see. Her Twitter has hardly any posts on it, indicating she doesn’t use it much. Aside from that, nothing relevant appeared until I went to the second page of results. Her name was on a few articles that she’s written for her college, St. Louis University. Again, nothing major, but it made me pause. Returning back to the first page of Google, I noticed that there was also something published with The Gateway Times that had her name on it, but when I clicked the link, it took me to a web article but I couldn’t find her name on that page.

  With my curiosity peeked, I returned my attention to the background check that had finally finished. From there, I learned that she’d never been in any legal trouble; no tickets, accidents, or law suits. There were hardly any employers listed on her report, which also caused some confusion. How did she know how to make drinks like Mai Tais? Her record was squeaky clean, and I saw that she did, in fact, attend St. Louis University, just as it had said on Google. Maybe she was a party girl; though, she didn’t seem the type. Curious, I phoned in a call to one of my friends—a private investigator—and requested that he find out more about Miss Allison Hart. My friend, Mark Pearson, said that he would get back to me the next day.

  Waiting on the results that would take at least 12 hours, I decided to confront Ally about not signing the non-disclosure agreement. I found her standing at the bar, doing shots with Jenna. I love Jenna. She’s a good employee, great with the members, but she’s a bit of an alcoholic. She never works drunk because her tolerance is so high, but she drinks like a fish which costs me a small fortune to keep her on the clock since all of our liquor is top shelf.

  I noticed that after I took Ally to the side, she seemed a little nervous. It made me wonder if I was onto something, and that maybe she had intentionally left the signature on that form blank. I couldn’t help but notice a hint of jealousy in her glaring eyes when Tiffany—a wife of one of the current members—came to grab my arm.

  I liked Ally’s glaring eyes.

  I liked the jealousy that seethed beneath them.

  If seeing another woman touching me, purring my name made her jealous, what would she do if she saw my cock in one of their mouths?

  But if I’m going to be honest, I was glad that Tiffany hooked my arm and pulled me away from Ally. Standing that close to her as the darkness from the club enveloped us made bad thoughts flash through my mind.

  I thought of what it would be like to grab her, pin her against the wall, and lick between her legs. What would she taste like? How would she react? How would her body respond to me? Would it betray her like her eyes do?

  Ally may try to act shy around me, but I can see the lust in her eyes. The temptation. The want. The need. I can see how she craves a man like me. I can see it all.

  As I walk with Tiffany down the hall that will lead us to the room where all of the other couples are enjoying themselves, I try to push Ally out of my mind so I can focus. It’s not an easy feat, but I do my best.

  All of the other couples are spread throughout the room. Moans and the scent of sex fills the air as I watch men pounding women from behind, women riding men, and a few DP’s going on. The sight arouses me, causing my flaccid dick to become fully erect. Looking at the one-way mirror, I know there are spectators on the other side. How many, I’m not sure, but it doesn’t matter.

  Tiffany gets down on her knees, licking her lips as she unzips my trousers and looks up at me. Smiling, I nod and reach inside my pants, pulling my cock out for her. She gasps, as she always does, and slowly begins to lick my tip. Leaning my head back, I close my eyes and Ally’s face immediately pops into my head. I picture her standing before me in that shiny, black leather and focus on her perfect tits—not too big, but not small, either. They’re flawless, just like the rest of her body.

  Her mouth takes my entire shaft and I can feel the head of my dick sliding down the back of her wet, relaxed throat as she takes every inch. My eyes slowly open and when I look down, all I can picture is Ally’s plump lips wrapped around my cock with those big chocolate stars looking into my eyes. My dick twitches and I can feel the pre-cum pooling in her throat.

  A low moan escapes my throat as I reach for the back of her head and begin thrusting my hips. Her throat relaxes even more, allowing more of me to slip down her throat, and I can see the bulge of my cock in her neck as she leans her head back.

  Fuck, Ally.

  Such a good girl.

  Thrusting my hips faster and faster, I begin fucking her face harder and harder. Her eyes turn into giant saucers while gurgling sounds fill the air as she chokes down my cock. “That’s it, baby. You’r such a good girl,” I coo, bucking my hips faster and deeper.

  Her hands wrap around my thighs, fingernails cutting into my skin, and I welcome the pain. I think of how she much she must be struggling for air as saliva runs down her chin and onto my nuts, but I don’t relent. I like that she can’t breathe. Her nails dig deeper, breaking layer after layer of skin. The stinging sensation makes me hyper aware that blood will soon follow. I push harder, and fuck her face faster.

  My heart is beating in overdrive, and I can feel most of the blood centralizing in my lower region, making my dick swell even more. Closing my eyes, a low, gut-wrenching growl emits from my throat as my balls begin to contract and my seed begins to spill down the back of her throat. Wave after wave of sheer pleasure pulsates from my tip, and all I can see, taste, and smell is Ally.

  When I open my eyes again and look down, I see a confused and somewhat scared Tiffany looking up at me, wiping her mouth, gasping for air, her stomach now full of my sperm. That’s when I realize that I’ve gotten carried away.

  This is why I don’t generally play in public.

ng over at the one-way mirror, I’m sure the spectators on the other side are amused at the show I’ve just put on, but it wasn’t supposed to happen like this.

  “Are you okay?” I offer Tiffany my hand, helping her off the floor.

  “Yeah,” she answers, her chest rapidly rising and falling as she sucks in all the air her lungs can handle.

  “Sorry, I got a little carried away.”

  “It’s okay,” she sputters, wiping her hand on her skirt. “I’ve got to go.”

  Before I can apologize any further, she wisps out of the room in search of her husband. Running a hand through my hair, I know I fucked up. Not ready to go back out to the rest of the bar, I head over to the viewing room to continue watching the other couples have a good time as I try to make sense of Ally and think of a way to get her out of my mind. It’s close to 1 AM when I make my way out to the bar and find Jenna working alone.


  I waited long enough that Ally has gone home for the evening.

  “Scotch?” Jenna asks me.

  “Neat, please,” I nod.

  It’s going to take a miracle to get Allison Hart out of my mind, but I’ll start with a drink, first. Allowing the amber-colored liquid to roll around in the glass as I palm it in my hand, I think about what Mark might reveal in the morning after his investigation. Taking a drink of the warm liquid, I welcome the burning in my chest and throat as I swallow it down.

  What else don’t I know about you, Miss Allison Hart? What are you hiding from me that I don’t know?

  Chapter 8


  Crawling out of bed, I rub the crust from my eyes and reach for the alarm clock that’s been going off for the last fifteen minutes.


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