The Guardian, a Sword, & Stilettos (The Enlighten Series Book 1)

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The Guardian, a Sword, & Stilettos (The Enlighten Series Book 1) Page 9

by Kristin D. Van Risseghem

  He nodded. “Go ahead. She already knows about Kieran and me.”

  The rain stopped as Sidelle shrugged, a casual little motion I’d seen her do so often. “Okay.” She grinned at me. “Zoe, I’m a fairy. A Summer Fairy, to be exact.”

  Of course she was. “You’re a fairy.” I shook my head. “That’s good, right?”

  She frowned.

  “Well, it’s just that Kieran told me both good and bad exist within each Order.” I squeezed my wet hair, wringing out the water.

  “I saved you both, didn’t I?” She held up four fingers, looking smug. “Against two DKs and four Marquises. I doubt Shay would’ve been able to defeat the four Marqs on his own.” She stumbled to the side, and Shay propped her up. “Even an experienced Archangel would have a difficult time with those numbers. When I saw you two leave to go outside after your little outburst in the basement, I felt something was off, so I followed you. Good thing I showed up when I did.”

  Her words confused me, then I realized I had put Shay on a pedestal. And maybe subconsciously, I had put Kieran on one, too. As long as I was with them, I’d believed no one could harm me. They were my protectors, my guardians.

  “Shay? Is that true? Would you have been able to beat them?” I asked.

  He wouldn’t meet my gaze. “Well, I would’ve given it my all to keep you safe. I could have died, but I would have done it while protecting you. We all have to take that risk for you. Sidelle’s right. Taking on four would have been extremely difficult, even for me. But it’s over now. She saved us.” He nodded toward her. “Thanks. I owe you.”

  “I owe you, too!” I embraced her.

  Blood rushed through my ears, and tears stung my eyes as Shay’s words sank in. The very idea of what he’d said made me feel sick to my stomach. “Don’t you ever do that again, Shay!” I exclaimed. “Do you hear me? I don’t want you to give your life for mine! Next time—and yes, I understand there will be a next time—we’ll run or fight or do whatever we have to. But you are not going to die! I won’t let you!” I slugged his chest to make my point, but he didn’t even blink.

  Must learn to fight.

  He shook his head, looking sad, and his warm palm rested against my cheek. “Zoe, you can’t ask me to do that. I’m a warrior. It’s what I was born to do. I am assigned to protect you, and I will. If that means I have to die for you, then so be it.” He moved his hand so it pressed over his heart. “That’s just the way it is. The sooner you accept it, the better. We all need you to be safe and alive. We took an oath to God to protect you with our lives. The truth is, you need to be alive so you can save the world.”

  I wasn’t accepting that. “You keep saying you believe I’m the Redeemer. What if I’m not?” I poked his chest with one stubborn finger and brought my face close to his. “And if you die . . . I don’t want to think about that, so don’t mention it again.” All this talk about him dying was getting to me, and . . . wait.

  I blinked at him. “Who’s ‘we,’ as in ‘we all need me to be safe’?” I asked.

  “Me, Kieran, and all the good Enlightens. You know, ‘we.’”

  I turned to my rescuer. “You took this oath, too, Sidelle?”

  She swayed on her feet, and I put my arm around her waist on the other side, but she nodded. “Sure did.”

  The whole idea was ridiculous. I held out my hands. “But . . . I mean, how do we even know I’m the one the prophecy is talking about?”

  “Zoe, remember in the warehouse when you were encased in that purple orb?” Shay asked.

  “Of course.”

  “Kieran didn’t create it or put you in it, and I don’t have powers to do something like that. The orb we were just trapped in, Sidelle can’t create those. She and Kieran can only create them around themselves.” He gave me a wry, almost apologetic grin. “So that leaves you. You created it, and you let us both out when we were safe. I think it’s a defensive tactic or something you subconsciously create when you’re scared. There is no way an Ordinary could create anything like that. At the very least, you must be part angel.” He tapped the underside of his wrist. “Anyway, I guess we’ll know for sure when you turn eighteen and get the Heaven’s Mark.”

  “Sidelle, could I be a fairy?”

  “Nope. Not a chance on that one.” She tapped her chest. “I’d know.”

  I thought about that and wasn’t sure whether to be excited or unhappy that it all seemed to make some kind of crazy sense. “Why was today’s orb purple with white swirls?”

  He stepped away, scratching his head. “I don’t know why the two colors. I wasn’t in the first one with you, so I can’t tell if the properties are the same or not. This one was different, though. It was big enough for us to move around in a little. I can’t even tell you if anything can harm you while you’re in it.” He frowned at Sidelle, obviously concerned. “I wouldn’t think so, but I’m not sure how we could even test that theory. Any thoughts, Sidelle?”

  “No idea,” she replied. “I’ve never seen it manifest like that. I wasn’t at the warehouse, so I can’t comment on differences. Maybe it has to do with the angel glow.” She shrugged. I was relieved to see her color returning to normal.

  I let out my breath. “Whoa,” I said. This was all too much. What I needed was to sit down. “Let’s go back a few steps. What were those cloaked thingies? That girl said something about a mark . . .”

  “Did Shay or Kieran tell you about the levels of angels?” Sidelle informed me, collapsing on the grass beside me.

  I nodded.

  “Well, Hell also has levels of demons.”

  “Yeah, Kieran said something about demon knights being low-level demons. So these ones are higher? Can they be killed?” I looked back toward where the creatures had floated moments before. “Are they dead now?”

  “Unfortunately, no,” Sidelle replied. “The Knights can be killed for a while, but Marqs . . . well, they are much harder to fight. On the bright side, if you actually manage to kill one, they remain dead. This evening, I only opened the earth so it swallowed them. They will be forced to return to Hell, but they will return.”

  She only opened the earth. Huh.

  “Marquises are mid-level demons,” Shay explained as he helped me back to my feet. “They are the fighters of hell, like the nephilim are for heaven. They are ruthless, vicious, brutal, and they’re also expert swordsmen. Typically you find them in small groups. They’re most effective that way.”

  “They’re also experts in starting what everyone calls ‘natural disasters,’ you know?” Sidelle said. “Like flooding, erupting volcanoes, droughts, and forest fires. That kind of thing.”

  Shay nodded. “Sam wants the world to be in total chaos. His plan is to ultimately have the demons overpower the Ordinaries so he can take control. Rule both Hell and Earth. While they’re stirring up trouble, he’s been sending out Marqs to find the Redeemer.”

  I flicked one eyebrow up. “He’s sending things to find me?”

  “Yep. I think we just confirmed to the Marqs that they found their target. Sam is going to be hell-bent on killing you now.”

  We must find a way to stop the Marqs, too. My head spun. “You know what, Shay? I’ve had enough for tonight. I’m ready to go home.”

  He nodded and took my hand, and we walked back to Cali’s house with Sidelle limping beside us. I observed the face of my girlfriend, amazed by what I’d just discovered about her.

  “Sidelle? Can I ask you something about being a fairy?”

  “Sure. What’s on your mind, Buttercup?”

  “Were you assigned to protect me, too?”

  She nodded. “A long time ago. Back then, no one knew who it was, so the oath didn’t mean anything. I only knew that one day I would be called upon to serve. The day of your birth, the earth told us that someone had arrived who had the potential. We didn’t suspect you specifically, but as you grew up you showed great potential. King Oberon, the King of Summer Court, decided to send someone to watch an
d monitor your progress.” She poked me in the shoulder. “I suspected the Council of Angels had the same idea, since they sent Kieran and Shay. They must have thought you’d shown the most potential of anyone in years because they assigned two guardians to you. That move made the fairies set up shop here in St. Joseph, too. I befriended you, but it was a little different from Kieran’s approach of being your best friend. I thought being a girlfriend to you would be enough. I didn’t need to be at your side twenty-four seven.”

  “What did the earth tell you?”

  “It’s not like the earth spoke, exactly. It was more like a power surge.”

  “Uh-huh.” We walked a little farther, then I frowned at her again. “So was that you doing the wind and rain thing tonight?”

  “Yuppers. I can manipulate all natural objects to do my bidding: summer weather, water—to a point—and plants.”

  “Wow. Like you could make it hot and sunny every day?” I checked her back. “Do you have wings, too?”

  She grinned. “Slow down, Tadpole. Yes, I could make it hot and sunny, but that would drain me. Eventually nature would overpower me. Working against nature for any prolonged length of time would kill me. And, if you think about it, everything would die without rain.” She leaned closer. “Yes, I have wings, but they’re not like Shay’s or Kieran’s. We don’t use them to travel. Ours are much smaller and thinner, more iridescent. Also, we use Glamour. That’s like magic.”

  She’d always been pretty, but wow. When I studied her now, she was a human-sized Tinkerbell. I had no idea how she’d react to that comparison.

  As we neared the back patio door, I veered off, not wanting to go inside. After assuring us she was feeling just fine, Sidelle waved and left us, smiling. Shay and I walked around the house to get to the street.

  I hesitated before climbing into the car. “I don’t want to ruin the cushions with my dirty, soaked clothes.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” He helped me into my seat.

  We sat in silence, holding hands, and I was glad he didn’t speak for a few minutes.

  Yeah. Tough to beat that first date.

  The events of the past twenty-four hours flashed through my mind, and I still wasn’t sure how to feel.

  Sam, the devil himself, was after me.

  I might be an angel—oh, and I left out the best part. I could be the babe in a prophecy. And if so, I was fated to save the world.

  We drove the entire way home in silence, though Shay often glanced in my direction. Every so often he squeezed my hand, but I wasn’t sure if it was for my comfort or his.

  Now that the party and date were over, I just wanted to crawl into bed, and sleep. My parents would be happy to see me at this hour, since it was a little after eleven by the time Shay dropped me off. He pulled into the cul-de-sac, stopped the car in front of my house, and twisted the keys out of the ignition. We both undid our seat belts and stared at each other.

  He broke the silence. “Say something.”

  My wet clothes squished out more water onto the cloth upholstery when I turned toward him. “What do you want me to say?”

  “Anything. What you’re feeling. What you’re thinking.”

  I put my hands over my face and rubbed, so frustrated I was tempted to scream. “I’m not sure what I think,” I admitted instead, feeling my throat growing thick. “It’s all . . . too much. I’ve been hunted by demons and rescued by a fairy. I find out my best friend is an angel—and that he might not be my best friend anymore. And you . . . you’re . . .” I couldn’t help myself. I sagged and let the tears come.

  “Hey, come here. Don’t cry.” He pulled me toward him and wrapped his arm around me. “It’ll be okay. I’ll protect you.”

  I cried harder when I heard that last part. My head rested against his chest, and he rubbed small circles in my back, trying unsuccessfully to get me to stop crying.

  “I’m right here,” he soothed.

  “I know you are. And that’s another thing that has me confused. I just . . .” I hiccupped and pulled back so I could look him in the eye. “I feel . . . extremely close to you for some reason, and I don’t understand why or how that is. I’ve only known you a few days, but it feels like a lifetime. I’m so drawn to you it scares me.” Another hiccup, followed by a noisy sniffle. “You think I’m someone special, and you think I’m going to save the world from the devil. Oh my God, Shay, that’s like . . . a ton of responsibility! What if you’re wrong about me, or what if I can’t do whatever it is I’m expected to do? What if—”

  “Shhh,” he said. “Don’t worry about all that right now. Let’s just get through one day at a time, and we’ll find the answers together, okay? And listen.” He put his hands on my cheeks, holding my gaze. “You are someone special. You are to me, anyway.”


  “Because . . . I love you, Zoe. I’ve watched you grow into a beautiful and amazing woman with a kind soul.” He pointed from me to him a couple of times. “I don’t know what this is, or why I feel the way I do toward you either, but I believe events happen for a reason. I’ve learned to go with it and question God later. The thing is, I think He brought you and me together.”

  He looked so calm, so together. I, on the other hand, was a mess. I should just go with it, too.

  Shay squeezed my hand. “He has a plan. Who am I to tamper with that? I told you I was never far away, and that’s true. Physically, Kieran protected you, but I was always there, in your heart and mind. You just didn’t know it.” He smiled. “I watched over you when you slept or if you were at school and Kieran wasn’t in the class. You didn’t have all the same classes over the years, and I might not have been able to sit next to you, but I was always there.”

  It was a little disturbing to hear him speak so openly about his thoughts and feelings. Shay was not a typical guy. Refreshing, but scary, because deep down, I knew what he said was true. It might be possible I was experiencing these intense feelings for him because my soul recognized his. Maybe I had been waiting for him. And perhaps I loved him, too. I didn’t say anything about that, though. I couldn’t.

  “I should go inside,” I said. “It’s been a very long day.”

  If he was disappointed by my reaction, he didn’t show it. “Okay, I’ll walk you to the door.”

  But we didn’t move.

  I had absolutely no experience with any of this. I needed to talk with someone about relationships, and a female perspective would help. Sidelle immediately came to mind. She’d dated a few guys in high school, and since she and Shay were connected through the Enlightens, maybe she knew more about him, too. Then again, he was so open about himself, I could ask him and he’d answer.

  This was a lot for one person to deal with. Maybe it wasn’t just because of the angel, demon, fairy, and Sam thing. It could have to do with the first boy I’d kissed.

  I started to pull away, but Shay wouldn’t let go. “Just a few more minutes, then I’ll walk you to the door.”

  His fingers reached toward the stereo and turned it on, skipping to I’m Glad You Came. We listened to the lyrics again, and I closed my eyes, picturing him serenading me, telling me the words, and feeling them pouring from his heart. When the song ended he whispered, “I’m glad you came,” then he exited and opened my door.

  After unlatching the decorative gate that led into the front yard, we walked up the pathway, hand in hand. I climbed the first step to the porch while digging around in my purse for the house key, then looked up. Our faces were inches apart.

  “Thank you for going to Cali’s party with me. Even though . . . you know,” I said, then grinned. “I have to admit, it was a very interesting date.” I didn’t want to tell him it had been my first date, but then again, he probably already knew that.

  “You can’t say it wasn’t memorable,” he agreed.

  I gave him a warm smile. After all, it wasn’t his fault that all those things had happened. “Will I see you tomorrow?”

  He cocked his hea
d. “Would you like to?”


  The smile on his face grew, and we stood still a long time, gazing into each other’s eyes. I didn’t think he was going to kiss me, but he placed his hands on the sides of my face again and slowly closed the distance between us. Our lips touched, and the same intense electrical current flared. My face warmed under his palms, and my body’s heat kicked into high gear.

  The kiss started out soft and warm, almost tentative. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and his hands moved, settling around my waist. He pulled me toward him and off the step so our bodies bumped. I ran my fingers through his soft hair, relishing the feel of his muscled body pressed against mine. That moment was pure heaven—or at least what I imagined heaven to be: safe and warm.

  We pulled apart, and he leaned his forehead against mine. “Good night, Zoe.”

  “Night, Shay.”

  He walked away and I watched him get into his car, then drive off. In a daze, I moved to the front door and walked over the threshold, quietly closing it behind me. Still breathless and tingling from the kiss, I leaned back against the steel door and closed my eyes.

  “Honey, is that you?” Dad called from the living room.

  My eyes fluttered open, and I walked toward his voice. “Yeah, it’s me.”

  “Did you have a good time at Cali’s tonight?” He sat on the couch watching a late night television show.

  I smiled. “It was interesting.”

  “Whose car was that?” He turned his head toward me and thumbed over his shoulder.

  “Oh, you saw that?” I asked, wincing. Of course he had.

  He shrugged. “You didn’t think I wouldn’t notice a 1957 Chevy Bel Air drive up? It’s such a classic. I’d love to see it in the daylight.”

  Only my dad would be more interested in the car than in the boy who drove it.

  “Um, he’s a friend of Kieran’s.” Enough questions, I thought. “Well, goodnight, Dad. I’m going to bed.”

  I sprinted upstairs to my bedroom, then dumped my purse on the desk and dug out my cell phone to text Shay.


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