Stocking Stuffers: A Five Story Christmas Anthology

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Stocking Stuffers: A Five Story Christmas Anthology Page 28

by E. J. Darling

  “You will not,” I laughed lightly. “You love that she loves me, and you’d never do anything to jeopardize that.”

  “Yeah, you got me.” He grazed my lips with a kiss and headed towards the door. “I’m going to go warm up the Jeep.”

  I’d been terrified of meeting Ty’s folks. I kept picturing a mom and dad version of his asshat brother and imagined I was far from what they had in mind for Ty with my tattoos and outrageous hair.

  But then I met them.

  Kathryn Sievers was adorable and sweet, and Dale was kind and funny. Neither seemed to be put off by my appearance, and they welcomed me into their family. Ty’s mom even admitted that she’d been terrified of meeting me, mostly because she’d never really gotten on well with Amber, and the dislike between the two of them only intensified when Amber switched brothers. A little shell-shocked from that rocky relationship, she’d been worried that I’d be similar. Needless to say, she was incredibly pleased when I turned out to be quite the opposite.

  With one last glance in the mirror and a little mental pep talk to gear up for an interesting night, I pulled on my coat and hat and headed out the door.

  Dinner began about how we expected it.

  Cory bragged about how much money he was making. Amber prattled on about getting back her pre-baby body. The two of them were so incredibly vain and materialistic. Multiple times throughout the night, Ty’s mother looked as though she’d have just as soon not invited them. In all fairness to her, though, she hadn’t.

  Then the fireworks began.

  Little Cory Junior grunted in his high chair, suddenly becoming very fragrant, at which point Amber looked pointedly at her husband.

  “Babe, Little Cory Junior has a stinky.”

  Big Cory Senior just blinked at her, a forkful of food hovering in the air before his mouth. “So, do something about it.” He finished his bite and scooped up another without a second glance.

  “Seriously? You know I just got this manicure. And this dress…I can’t get baby poop on this dress.”

  See? Vain and materialistic.

  Ty’s parents, Ty, and I all just looked at each other with wide eyes as the tiff escalated further.

  “Fuck your manicure and fuck your dress,” Cory shot back, taking a hearty sip of his whisky on the rocks. He’d been half-cocked when we arrived, and had downed a number of drinks before dinner followed by a number of drinks with dinner.

  Kathryn rose and rounded the table to Amber. “Amber, I’ll take care of little Cory. You guys just enjoy your meal.”

  “Fuck, Mom,” Cory started. “She can do it. She’s certainly not mother-of-the-year, but she can change her own fucking kid’s diaper.”

  Amber quickly handed Little Cory Junior to Ty’s mom and rounded on Big Cory Senior as Kathryn practically ran out of the room with the baby.

  Amber did not sit back down to enjoy her dinner. Instead she stood there, hands on her hips, nostrils flaring in anger. “What, and you’re super dad? It’s a good thing I hired a nanny. I’m practically a single parent. For the life of me, I don’t even know why you married me. You don’t seem to want anything to do with either of us.”

  I didn’t know where to look. My eyes glued to the dumpster fire in front of us, and I was strangely thrilled we hadn’t skipped out on dinner. I only noticed my jaw hung open when Ty reached over and tapped it shut.

  “It should have told you something when you had to pour a half bottle of whisky down my throat just to get me down the aisle.” Big Cory Senior was full-on torqued at that point. No power on earth could have stopped the shitstorm that followed. “I’m not even certain the kid’s mine. I highly doubt I was the only guy you were fucking around on Ty with.” He leapt to his feet, stumbling slightly as he braced himself on the chair back, and then huffed and swerved his way through the dining room towards the bar. “I need another drink!”

  Amber’s face was completely red in her fury, contrasting sharply with her Barbie blonde hair. By that time, the entire restaurant had gone silent, watching the quarrel play out. Only whispers and Amber’s heaving breaths could be heard. She huffed as she flopped back into her chair. Numerous looks of disapproval focused on her, intermingled with pitying glances to the rest of us.

  Ty’s dad stood and murmured in between Ty and me. “I’m going to check on Cory. See if I can get him to mellow his shit a little.”

  Ahh, Christmas bliss.

  So there sat Ty and I with Amber. Raging, bitchface Amber.

  A place neither of us wanted to be in the slightest. I looked over at Ty, placing my hand on his tensed thigh. He looked like he needed some good old-fashioned stress release.

  “Oh, look,” I exclaimed, nodding across the restaurant. I stood and grabbed his hand, urging him to rise. “There’s Cami and West! I haven’t seen them in forever. Let’s go say hi.”

  Ty practically jumped out of his seat, clearly more than happy to leave his fuming ex at the table alone, and damn near dragged me along towards our friends. At the last moment, though, I pulled him through the entryway and into the woman’s bathroom, locking the door behind me.

  “Gin? What are you—” he began.

  I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him. Hard. Watching that display had me so thankful that I had fallen in love with him. We had our disagreements, but they were nothing like what we’d just witnessed. I finally came up for air, and whispered against his lips. “I just wanted you to know how much I fucking love you. I’m so glad you’re nothing like your jackass of a brother.”

  “Fuck, honey, I’ll tell ya,” he replied intermittently between more deep, wet kisses, “I thank fuck every day that she cheated on me. That I came home and found you. Jesus, Gin…I love everything about you.”

  I pulled back and looked up at him mischievously. “I have a secret for you. Not a present, but a secret.”

  “Yeah?” His lips were wet from our kiss, his blue spruce eyes dark and hot.

  “I’m wearing the tights from last Christmas.”

  The tights he’d ripped down the middle so he could fulfill his teenage spank bank daydream. I watched him closely as it registered to him just what I was saying.

  “Ohhh, I’d count that as a present,” he hoarsely ground out. “Panties?”

  I shook my head and my hands swept down to his fly to work the button and zipper. As soon as I freed him, he had me up against the wall, sinking deep inside me.

  “God, Gin,” he groaned, “it’s like sliding into the fucking magic of Christmas.”

  “Fuck me, Ty,” I begged. “Pretty please.”

  And he did, right there in the ladies room of the Hotel Jerome in the middle of the Christmas Eve dinner rush.

  “Virginia Bennett,” Ty breathed out heavily afterward, still holding me up against the wall. Still inside me. “I’ve been half in love with you since the first time I saw you, and I’m so fucking in love with you now. Will you marry me?”

  I pushed at his shoulders to stare at him. “Seriously,” I gasped. “Should you maybe think about it and make sure that’s what you really want? Like when I’m not riding your dick?”

  “No,” Ty laughed. “I’ve been wanting to ask you for days. Weeks. Months. It’s not just Aspen that feels like home, it’s you. I know we were trying to take it slow, but Christ.”

  “Yeah, I kinda blew that when I answered the door naked for our fifth date.” I tipped my head to rest my cheek against his shoulder.

  “Mmmm, yeah, that was phenomenal.” He placed a quick kiss on my lips, then lowered me to the floor, breaking our intimate connection. Reaching for a paper towel, he tenderly wiped me clean, something that never failed to get me a bit wound up all over again. His eyes flicked up to mine and deepened as I bit my lip. “Let’s get the fuck out of here. We can see my parents tomorrow morning. Tonight should just be you and me. It’s kinda like our anniversary. One year ago tonight, I found you. You fucked me clean out of this world, and I’ve been yours ever since. I want to get you home
so I can convince you to be mine.”

  “Jesus, Ty, I already am. I was yours the second you walked into Breck’s.”

  “Then marry me, same time next year. All I want for Christmas is you.”

  Once again, Mariah Carey started up in my head.

  “Hmm,” I murmured, scraping my nail along his bearded jaw, “you have been a really good boy this year.”

  He caught my face in his hands, his fingers in my hair, and intensely held my gaze. “Is that a yes?”

  “That’s a yes,” I nodded and pressed my lips to his for a long slow kiss. I wrapped my arms tight around his neck and clung to him. “I love you, Ty.”

  Boom. Boom. Boom.

  The knock echoed through the restroom, making us both start. “Just a second,” I called out.

  We quickly made ourselves presentable, and I opened the door to peek out.

  And there was Amber. Still red, still fuming. “You know,” she scowled when she saw it was me in the bathroom, “you can primp all you want, but you’re never going to look as good as me. You know Ty would take me back in a second if I wanted him.”

  Ty slipped his arm around my waist and placed a kiss on my shoulder, coming into Amber’s view. I couldn’t contain my giggle when her jaw dropped.

  “Yeah, not so much. You fucking my brother was the best thing to ever happen to me.” Ty frowned at her with a narrowed glare before looking back at me, grazing my cheek with his fingertips. “It led me straight to Gin.”

  He was so getting lucky tonight. Again.

  Amber looked like her head was going to explode. She opened and closed her mouth numerous times. Her brows knit together, and her flushed face scrunched up. As Ty guided me from the restroom, she huffed herself into the bathroom with a slam of the door.

  That alone made this a contender for the best Christmas Eve ever. Well, maybe for second place.

  Nothing could top last year.

  Back at home, we settled into the hot tub with glasses of Sauvignon blanc. Thick, fluffy snowflakes fell through the steam, tingling when they hit the heat of my skin. Heavy clouds covered most of the sky, but gave little glimpses of bright stars that glittered in the darkness. The chaos of dinner had long since faded, replaced by sheer serenity.

  I leaned my head on Ty’s shoulder, letting the peace wash through me. Enjoying the magic of the night. Ty had a way of making every day feel like Christmas, but something about tonight seemed even more special. Maybe it was like he said. It was kind of like our anniversary.

  Ty reached off to the side to grab the wine bottle. As he began to refill my glass, something sparkled in the glow of the Christmas lights.

  “What the—?” I began, but then my voice froze. I looked up at Ty who was watching me closely. He set down the bottle, then took my glass, setting it aside, too.

  And then he slipped the sparkly off the tip of his pinky and onto my left ring finger. “I finally decided I was going to ask you tomorrow morning, but then I had a little premature, um, outburst in the ladies room. So, I figured I’d give you the ring in the morning, but now I don’t want to wait. I want to wake up with my ring on your finger.”

  I held out my trembling hand, fingers extended, to gaze at the ring. A large hexagonal diamond in the center surrounded by numerous little diamonds, some smaller than others, to form a perfectly exquisite snowflake.

  “You still want to marry me, right?” Ty’s voice rumbled softly in my ear. “After all, you were riding my dick when I asked, and you seemed to be concerned that I might change my mind. I guess I should be concerned that you might.”

  Breathless, I tore my gaze away from the prettiest ring I’d ever seen in my life to look up at him. “Jesus, Ty, of course. Yes. I do. So much. Fuck, I can’t believe you even have to—”

  My stunned rambles were cut short by his lips. His fingers threaded through my hair. I turned and straddled him in the water, my palms holding his jaw steady as I kissed him back with every fiber of my being.

  And as Christmas Eve became Christmas Day, we held each other. We loved each other in the crisp holiday air until we were waterlogged and pruny.

  Yeah, Ty made every day feel like Christmas.

  But he also made Christmas so much more.

  About Siby

  Sibylla Matilde grew up on the back of a horse exploring in the mountain valleys of Southwest Montana. She attended a two-room schoolhouse 1st through 6th grade where she had same teacher the whole time. At the age of 12, Siby discovered historical romance, devouring the work of Jude Devereaux, Lisa Kleypas, and Karen Robards. She began writing in 2013 with her debut novel, Little Conversations, and self-published ten works over the next three years. She took a few years off to deal with life (it proved very difficult to move on from her Bangin’ Mofos…they were a blast to write), but is back at the keyboard with new steamy stories brewing in her naughty little brain.

  Other books by Siby

  Conversations: Little Conversations, Littler Conversations

  Snowcreek: In the Firelight

  Bitterroot: Because of Kian, Always Conall

  Copperline: Post Breakup Sex, Wild Irish Envy, Easy Little Lick, Evanescent Ink, Hot Dirty Love

  Stalk Siby…

  She kinda likes it ;) If she doesn’t respond to your friend request right away, message her and be like ‘HEY BITCH, accept my friend request’ and she’ll be all over that


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  Christmas with Evin

  E.J. Darling

  Christmas with Evin by E.J. Darling

  Copyright © November 2020

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  Cover Art: Darling Cover Designs

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  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the author.

  * * *

  Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Names, characters, and places are products of the author’s imagination.


  About E.J. Darling

  More books from E.J. Darling:

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen


  About E.J. Darling

  E.J. Darling loves writing strong alpha men and in any category she can sink her teeth into. Between hiding out away from society and tossing snacks at her children in hopes of writing one more paragraph, there just really isn’t time for anything else. She likes a good cold beer, ramen noodles, and for some reason, dipping pickles in mayonnaise seems like a logical snack. Seriously, you should try it. Welp, this was impossible to write so see y’all later… just between those pages!

  * * *

  For more about E.J. Darling-I know, I know, how could there possibly be more, check out my website HERE! Or, follow me on Facebook! You can also sign up for my newsletter HERE!

  More books from E.J. Darling:

nbsp; Click Here! for the complete Bestian Creek Series

  Click Here! for Breaking Bonds: An Alien Romance Adventure

  Click Here! for When the Winter Winds Blow, a PNR holiday standalone.

  Chapter One

  Christmas break in Aspen was like fucking a prostitute who refused a condom. It was sloppy, messy, and it kinda stunk when you woke up the next morning. It was a living, breathing cesspool of frat boys and sorority girls. Watching them try to snare a local over the low hum of Christmas carols was almost comical.

  Some locals were easy, some didn’t give a tourist the time of day. Evin landed somewhere in the middle. More on the easy side than not but who the fuck cared, really? It wasn’t like anyone kept score, and if they did, she honestly didn’t give two shits.

  The two gleaming, plump cherries at the bottom of her glass laughed in her face.

  “Do you need another, sweetheart?”

  Evin slowly turned her attention back to her date, just like she was paid to do, and gave the man across the table from her a sleepy smile. The white hair on the top of his head was combed straight back like some mob boss from the seventies. The tweed suit sealed the deal. If he wasn’t so nice, she may have ended the date long before now. “Yes, thank you.”


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