Moonlight Temptation

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Moonlight Temptation Page 12

by Stephanie Julian

  Then he turned and left.

  And her lips curved in a smile she couldn’t contain.

  * * * * *

  “So, do you want to talk about last night? Or do you just want me to ignore the fact you didn’t come home? And that it looks like you won’t be back tonight either.”

  Cat sprawled on Evie’s bed, her smile wide as she watched Evie throw clothes in a bag.

  Evie’s own smile couldn’t be contained. “Yes, I want to talk about last night. No, I’m not coming back tonight. I can’t wait to talk about last night because I just don’t know what to think.”

  “About what?”

  “About what they want from me.” With a groan, Evie dropped the bag on the floor and fell onto the bed next to Cat. “Is this a relationship? Or just sex? Is it only a fling or—”

  “Do you really think Dane would be into a fling?”

  “I don’t have any idea. The man is a contradiction. I swear he has a stick up his ass most of the time but then—” She sighed, realizing she was about to tell Cat how hot he was in bed. “He kisses me like he can’t get enough.”

  “Doesn’t his kiss tell you more about his feelings than anything else? I mean, Dane has always been kind of uptight about everything. But if you bring out that side of him, doesn’t that show you how he really feels about you?”

  Well, when she put it like that…

  “But what about Ryan? I mean, I like Ryan. I like him a lot and I just met him. Hell, I just met him two days ago and I slept with him. And Dane. Oh God, I’m a slut.”

  Cat pinched her arm, hard. “No, you’re not. Jeez, I don’t know why you eteri always think sex is bad. Why can’t it just be fun?”

  “I don’t think sex is bad. And the sex was great.” Evie narrowed her gaze on Cat as a thought crossed her mind. “Wait, are you having sex?”

  Cat rolled her eyes. “Don’t you think I would have told you if I was? Please. Besides, if my dads even thought I was having sex don’t you think I’d be locked in my room at Dad Kyle’s house?”

  Yeah, that was a definite. Still… “But you’re thinking about it.”

  Cat’s gaze faltered and dropped and, for the first time, Evie saw uncertainty in Cat’s expression. She’d never seen the girl as anything other than openly confident.

  Damn, she’d been so wrapped up in her own drama. “Cat, tell me. What’s going on?”

  She shook her head and her smile made a comeback as she lifted her gaze back to Evie’s. “Nothing’s going on. Absolutely nothing.”

  “And…that’s not a good thing?”

  “It just means there’s nothing to tell. Nothing at all.”

  Evie’s gaze narrowed as she worked those tersely spoken words over in her mind. “But you want there to be something going on.”

  Cat shrugged and her gaze dropped to stare at the quilt on the bed. But not before Evie caught the sheen of tears in her eyes. “Is it wrong to want there to be more to life than spells and potions and running in my pelt?”

  Evie couldn’t help it. She laughed, one short burst of sound that made Cat look up at her with wide, startled eyes.

  Then she started to really laugh and couldn’t stop. She laughed until she could barely breathe. And when she finally got herself under control, she looked over to see Cat shaking her head.

  “Gee, I’m glad I provide you with so much amusement.”

  “No, Cat, I’m not laughing at you. But…you have to look at this from my perspective. Spells, potions, werewolves. Magic. Your life is full of magic that you can control. You’re brilliant and sweet and funny and beautiful. And I absolutely get that you feel stuck in neutral here. There’s no challenge, is there? Everything comes so easy to you.”

  Cat just shook her head. “No, you’re right. I’m being stupid.”

  “No, you’re not. Cat, honey, what do you want?”

  “Truthfully? I don’t know what I want. I just know it’s not making potions and running through the same hundred acres of woods.”

  “Have you said anything to your mom or dads? Have you told them—”

  “I can’t tell them. And you can’t either. They’d worry and want to know what’s wrong. And what can I tell them? I’m bored? I want to go to the movies and shop at the mall. I want to go on a date with a guy and have him kiss me good night. The only— No. No, it’s all just so freaking stupid. I’m stupid.”

  Evie heard tears in Cat’s voice and knew whatever Cat was feeling ran deeper than she’d suspected. And she’d gotten so damn good at hiding it, Evie didn’t think her parents even suspected there was anything wrong. Because if they had, someone would’ve done something about it.

  Cat was nothing if not loved. Her parents were devoted to her. They only wanted her to be happy.

  And Cat was really, really not. How had they all missed it?

  “Hey, Catene.” Evie rolled up onto her elbow so she could watch Cat’s face. “I don’t think you’re stupid. I think you’re one of the smartest people I know. So you know what? We’re going out tonight.”

  Cat’s eyes rounded. “What? Where are we going? Wait, what about Ryan and Dane?”

  “I could use a little break myself. And they’ll be here when I get back. You and me, we’re going to dinner and then we’ll do a little retail therapy.”

  The sparkle made a comeback in Cat’s eyes before she shook her head. “I can’t. I promised Ralisa I’d help her with the warding spells tonight.”

  “I’m sure you can reschedule. Unless… Do you think your parents don’t want you to go out with me?”

  Shit, she hadn’t thought of that. Maybe they wouldn’t trust her with Cat out among the eteri. Hell, she was eteri. Of course, they wouldn’t—

  But Cat was shaking her head. “Stop that. Mom and the dads love you. You know that. I just thought you’d want to go back to Dane and Ryan tonight.”

  “Yeah, well, maybe a little distance will help me think better.”

  “Think about what?”

  About what the hell I’m doing. “Haven’t you ever heard the saying distance makes the heart grow fonder? Well, it also lets the head think clearer. And by the time I’m finished corralling three little boys for school lessons they probably don’t want, I think I’m going to need a break from males.”

  Cat’s smile was infectious. “Then we should go to The Cellar for dinner. They make the best gelati and they make their own pasta. Then we could go to the mall. Or even just dinner is—”

  “After dinner, we’ll hit the mall. If we had more time, I’d say we’d head to King of Prussia but we need at least a full day to do that. The Berkshire Mall has Hot Topic and Aeropostale and Hollister. I think we can start there.”

  And definitely hit Victoria’s Secret as well.

  Cat squealed and grabbed Evie for a hug. “Thank you, thank you, thank you! This will be great.”

  * * * * *

  “So it’s just you and me until later tonight.” Ryan dropped into the chair next to Dane’s desk. “Cat and Evie are having a girls’ night out.”

  Immersed in the data from Alex’s latest blood test, Dane didn’t respond right away. It took a second for Ryan’s words to sink in. When they did, all thoughts of levels and markers evaporated and he turned to Ryan with a frown.

  “She’s going out with Cat? I thought she agreed to come back here after she was finished with the boys.”

  Ryan shrugged, not appearing too upset about the change in plans. “She says she’s still coming over, just not until later.”

  A heavy weight settled on Dane’s chest. “Do you think we pushed her too hard?”

  Sighing, Ryan leaned back in the chair as far as he could without tipping, his gaze somber. “Honestly, I don’t know. She seemed okay when I dropped her at her house. And she didn’t sound upset when I talked to her just now on the phone. She just got to the community building and is waiting for the kids. Are you going to take Alex over?”

  He’d considered not taking the boy himself since he
’d wanted to study the amazing changes in Alex’s condition but now, he wasn’t sure. He wanted to see Evie’s face when she told him why she was going out with Cat instead of coming home with him and Ryan. “Yeah, I’m taking Alex.”

  “Then you better get a move on. You don’t want him to be late for his first class.”

  They walked to the holding facility, neither having much to say.

  Alex was waiting in the front room, fairly vibrating with excitement.

  “Hey, Dr. Dane. Is it time to go?”

  Dane didn’t have to force his smile but he did try to hide the amazement at the boy’s complete turnaround. His face glowed with health and his eyes shone. He had no doubt the boy could handle a few hours with Evie.


  “Hey, Alex. In a few minutes. How are you feeling?”

  “I feel great.” His smile practically split his face in half. “Can we go?”

  “Yeah, you can. But I’m going to have my friend Ryan take you, if that’s okay. I need to talk to your mom.”

  As Ryan knelt down to introduce himself to the boy, Dane headed through the door at the back of the room.

  Alex’s care had to come first and he needed to speak to Grace about the next phase of treatment.

  Nodding to the guard on duty, he knocked on the door and waited for Grace to acknowledge him.

  As he opened the door, she remained with her back to him, staring out the window. Probably to hide the fact she was crying, which he could tell because he could see her wipe her face in the window’s reflection.

  “Hello, Grace. How are—”

  “Alex is responding well to the treatment. I must thank you for that. But I have to repeat my objection to allowing him to go alone to this so-called classroom.”


  Closing the door behind him, Dane leaned back against the solid oak. Only the strongest battering ram or explosive could bring it down. Not even a spell would work because the entire building had been warded against the use of magic.

  Not that Grace Bell had much magic. Her power registered so low as to be practically nonexistent. But she was one hell of a scientist.

  “You don’t need to thank me for treating Alex, Grace. I’m a doctor. And as I’ve told you before, we don’t harm children. He’ll be perfectly safe for the two hours he’ll be in class with the other children.”

  With a sniff, Grace finally turned and Dane was struck by the woman’s features, as he was every time he saw her. She really was a beautiful woman. She faintly reminded him of an actress he’d seen in an old black-and-white film. What the hell was her name?

  Oh yeah, Katherine Hepburn. Grace Bell had that same haughty expression, the same straight nose and her dark auburn hair gave the impression of suppressed heat though she carried herself as if her backbone had been fused straight.

  Only around Alex did she show any softness. Most of the lucani who met her thought she was arrogant.

  Dane had spent enough time with her to realize it wasn’t arrogance. It was fear.

  She covered it well but from the moment she’d been brought here, she’d been terrified. But not for herself.

  “Will there be guards at all times?”

  “Of course. We won’t allow anyone to harm Alex. But maybe it’s time you told me what exactly you’re so afraid of.”

  She huffed, as if disgusted that he thought she’d be afraid of anything. But she bit her lip, a nervous gesture he’d noticed her making more often than ever.

  “I’m worried about Alex. I don’t like the fact that you’re taking him out of the building without me.”

  So her fear had something to do with Alex’s safety.

  Grace and Dane had tap-danced down this road before. Several times. But now that Alex and Evie would be in close proximity, Dane had had enough of her prevarication. He wanted answers.

  And today was the day she gave them to him.

  Pulling out a chair from the small table in the center of the room, he sat and watched her eye his every move with suspicion. The woman really didn’t have a trusting bone in her body.

  Not surprising considering she’d lived with and worked for the Mal most of her life.

  “You weren’t born Mal, were you?”

  Grace’s gaze narrowed as she stared at him. “You know I wasn’t. We’ve discussed this before.”

  “But you’ve never told me who Alex’s father is.”

  She bit her lip again. “Because he’s never been a factor in Alex’s life.”

  Which he knew to be true but he also knew there was something she wasn’t telling them. “Then why are you so terrified of him that you won’t even tell me his name? You treat him as if he’s the boogeyman.”

  “Because he is.”

  Dane could barely control his response to her heated statement. His eyebrows lifted and she turned away with a huff, as if pissed off at herself for letting anything slip.

  Now they were getting somewhere. She wasn’t just afraid. She really was terrified. Of Alex’s father.

  “Grace, if there’s something we need to know about Alex’s father, something that may put him in danger, you need to tell me now. Before something happens.”

  “If Alex’s father wanted him back, there would be nothing anyone could do to stop him.”

  “Are you saying there’s a possibility his father may try to take him?”

  “I’m telling you, you don’t have any idea what you’d be up against if he did.”

  “Then why don’t you explain it to me. Grace, we don’t have to be the enemy. Don’t you want to get out of this room?”

  She shook her head, but he could see she’d stopped to think about what he’d said. For the first time, she actually appeared to consider talking to him.

  Then her lips pursed and her gaze slid away to the window.

  “I know I’ll never leave this building. Your king will never allow it. I only hope to remain breathing until Alex is a teenager.”

  Dane blinked as he sat, speechless, for several seconds.

  Then he shook his head. “You’re kidding, right? You honestly think Cole’s going to have you killed?”

  She swallowed, the sound audible in the quiet room. “Why wouldn’t he? I worked for the Mal for the past fifteen years. I kidnapped Evangeline Simmons and kept her confined so I could siphon her blood. I can’t believe I’d be allowed to live. I can only hope that when the end comes, it’s painless and fast.”

  “Vaffanculo. We’re not animals, Grace. And we’re not Mal.”

  “At least with the Mal, I knew where I stood.”

  Frustration gave her voice an edge he rarely heard from her. The only time he’d seen Grace Bell lose her cool was when she’d thought Alex was being taken away from her. He’d thought they’d made it clear they didn’t plan to separate her from her son.

  “No, Grace—”

  “I knew if I screwed up or made waves that I’d be made to disappear. But at least they were upfront about it. Here, you’re so nice to my face but I know you just want to drain me of info about the Mal. And when I’ve told you all I know, I’ll be useless. And you’ll get rid of me.”


  “But Alex needs me.” She’d wound herself up and couldn’t stop. Her hands had clenched into fists at her sides and tears threatened to spill down her red cheeks. Dane had never seen her react so violently. “He’s still just a baby and I will fight you to the end before you take him away from me.”

  “Grace, we don’t want to take Alex—”

  “Don’t lie to me.” She shook her head so hard, he feared she’d hurt herself. “I know you think I’m dangerous and I— You’re just waiting for an excuse to get rid of me. But I won’t leave Alex unprotected. We’ve done fine on our own all these years. We’ve managed, even when Alex’s father discarded us when Alex wasn’t born Mal. And when my grandmother wanted to take him away from me, I made it impossible for her to do it.”

  She stopped to catch her breath
and Dane saw the opening and took it. “Your grandmother’s Mal, isn’t she?”

  Grace nodded as she took in a deep breath. He could see she was trying to rein in her emotions but he wanted those emotions.

  Though he hadn’t discussed it with anyone, Dane had made it his personal mission to get Grace to open up.

  What had started as his determination to find out why Grace had taken Evie had become more than that as he’d slowly gotten to know Grace. They were alike in ways he’d never expected.

  Most lucani reacted first, relying on their emotions and their senses. Dane always thought everything through before he acted. And tried not to let emotion bog him down.

  He thought Grace was much the same way. She’d had to be to survive living with the Mal for so long, especially when he knew she wasn’t Mal.

  “Yes. My grandmother’s Mal. And so was my father, before he was killed.”

  “How’d he die?”

  Her eyes closed for a brief second before she stared at the wall. “He disobeyed an order.”

  “And that warranted a death sentence?”

  Now she met his gaze. “Why do you care?”

  “Because I care about Alex. You’ve got a great kid and I would hate to see him lose his mother because she did something stupid and unnecessary. Are you really that loyal to the Mal that you would sacrifice yourself to protect them? I don’t think you are. I think you want to trust us. You just need to give us sign of your trust. Tell me who Alex’s father is and—”

  “No! God, no.” She began to pace the room, looking like a cat who’d been kept in a cage too long. “I don’t even want to speak his name. He’s never had any interest in Alex and I never want to give him a reason to. He can’t have Alex—”

  “And we can help you keep Alex away from him. Haven’t you thought about that, Grace? Haven’t you considered that we can help you?”

  She took a deep breath then bit her bottom lip as she stared at him. “Why?”

  “Why what?”

  “Why would you do that? Especially for me.”

  She looked so genuinely confused, Dane took a few seconds to think about his reply.

  “Because I have to believe there’s some part of you that wants more than to be a puppet for the Mal.”


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