Tales From Camelot Series 1: PENDRAGON

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Tales From Camelot Series 1: PENDRAGON Page 6

by Paul Green

  "Love Regan, young prince. That is all that I would ever ask of you."

  "You have my promise, Alger. I..."

  Just then, Regan began to stir.

  "I shall leave you, Pelleas." Alger winked. "So that you may learn of her answer."

  Pelleas smiled as Alger turned and left, chuckling to himself.

  *** *** ***

  Regan was groggy as her eyes opened. And she looked around very confused. "Pelleas?"

  "Hello, fair Regan." he smiled. "It seems the tables have turned. Now it is I watching over you."

  Suddenly Regan's eyes widened fearfully as she began to remember; and she gasped.

  "Please, Regan. Do not be afraid of me."

  "I ... I ... how..."

  "Does your head hurt? Can I get you something? Ceola is bringing a cool cloth for your head."

  "I ... I ... how..."

  "You do not remember fainting?" Pelleas smiled.

  "I ... I remember..."

  "Yes, Regan. The words I spoke to you are true. I am Uther. And I am in love with you."

  "No!" she gasped, again. "You could NEVER ... love one such as I!"

  "It is too late, I am afraid, fair Regan. You captured my hearts months ago."

  "No! This is ... this is ... this is wrong!"

  "Why is it wrong, Regan?"

  "I am of no station! I am as ... nothing!"

  "No, it is you who are wrong, Regan. To me, you are everything."

  "How can this be!?"

  "I love you, Regan. I still await your answer to my question."

  "You are the High Prince! I am of no station! You do not ... ask!"

  Pelleas chuckled. "First of all Regan; I, too, am of no station. I am no longer a Prince. I also was cast out; four years ago."

  "You are Prince Uther! Uther Pendragon!"

  "No, I am Pelleas. The man who has just asked you to become his wife. And yes, I do ask; I would never take that which is not mine."

  Regan groaned. "I do not feel well. Where is Ceola?"

  "I am here, child." Ceola replied from the doorway. "You have a little bump on your head, but you are fine."

  "I ... I ... I..."

  Pelleas smiled and then took her hand and kissed it. "I shall leave you and give you time. Forgive me for causing you distress. When you are ready to give answer, let me know." Then Pelleas winked. "You know where to find me."

  Once again, Regan's eyes widened in surprise. "Surely you jest!"

  "Will you be visiting the well, tomorrow? I shall be there to draw you water."


  "Yes, Regan?"

  "Do not ... do not..."

  "Do not ... what?"

  "Do no return to your camp! It is not safe there! Are you even well enough to..."

  Pelleas shrugged. "I have survived much worse. I shall be fine."

  "You were nearly dead when I found you!"

  "True, I am still weak, but ... I have greatly improved, thanks to your care. I shall be fine."


  "Yes, Regan?"

  "Do not ... leave."

  Now it was Pelleas' turn to look surprised. "Where else would I go?"

  "Do not leave ... me."

  "Really?" Pelleas smiled. "You would have me stay ... here?"

  "It would be better ... for you."

  Pelleas turned and looked at Ceola, who was grinning at him. "Would this ... be okay with you and Alger?"

  Ceola nodded. "If Regan has chosen this thing, then it is well with us. You may stay."

  Pelleas then turned towards Regan. "Very well. I accept. But only under one condition."

  Again, Regan's eyes widened.

  "Regan, I believe you said I could ask you again 'tomorrow', for a kiss. Would this be too soon to ask, again?"

  With her eyes still wide, Regan gulped. "If ... this would cause you stay and not return to your ... camp."

  Pelleas looked at Ceola and winked. In response, Ceola smiled and turned and walked away. Then Pelleas walked to Regan's bed and sat beside her.

  And then he gently leaned over and kissed her, albeit briefly.

  Then, as he began to pull away, he was surprised when Regan grabbed his neck and pulled him back to her.

  And then she kissed him.

  For a very ... long ... time.

  Chapter 13

  The following day was a sunny day, which was surprising as it was the middle of the fall rainy season. Outside under a tree, Pelleas and Regan had decided to have a picnic.

  The previous night, Pelleas had slept upon the floor in Regan's room, insisting that she needed the bed more than he did.

  Pelleas didn't sleep at all that night.

  The reason? Honestly? His mind was consumed with thoughts of kissing. And ... climbing into Regan's bed. It was a very difficult night for Pelleas.

  And not only for Pelleas; for Regan found herself thinking somewhat along the same lines, for Pelleas was lying on the floor, next to her bed.

  But also ... her mind was filled with a thousand other thoughts, as well. The stunning revelation of Pelleas' true identity was overwhelming. And Regan found she simply couldn't come to terms with it. For it was far beyond her; and the many ramifications of becoming the wife of a High Prince was simply beyond her understanding and comprehension.

  She didn't find peace, until she finally forced herself to stop thinking of him at Prince Uther, and merely as Pelleas. At least that was something she could grasp with some degree of understanding.

  Regan had no idea what the future held. Or what marrying a Prince could someday possibly mean. But she could at least comprehend one thing. And that is when Regan finally admitted to herself, that she did indeed, love Pelleas.

  Which is what finally led Regan to make her decision.

  That morning at First Meal, Alger and Ceola announced that a woman at the far side of the village had taken seriously ill, and they would most likely be spending the day there to care for her. And most likely the night. And possibly even the following day. Or longer. You never know.

  Regan thought it to be a little suspicious, as she remembered seeing the woman only two days earlier and the woman appeared to be fine and healthy. Nevertheless, Alger and Ceola were insistent and they had prepared lunch and dinner ahead of time for Pelleas and Regan.

  After Alger and Ceola left - with sly smiles upon their faces, Pelleas and Regan found themselves alone in the house, with no one else around. For likely, a very long time.

  And they both had never felt more awkward.

  After a long time of awkward silence, Regan was the first to remember how to speak. "How about a picnic?" she suggested, nervously.

  "That sounds nice." Pelleas replied, equally nervously. "It might be good to ... uh ... get outside. And not ... remain ... in here. Alone."

  "It is nice weather, is it not?"

  "It is nice weather, indeed."

  "Lovely weather for this time of year." Reagan added.

  "Yes it is, indeed."

  "Shall I ... get the bedding?"

  Pelleas raised his eyebrow.

  "Oh! I meant ... sheets! No! I mean ... blankets! For the picnic!"

  "Uh ... right. For the picnic. You get the ... blankets ... and I shall ... get the .... food. And the wine."

  "Okay, Pelleas. I shall meet you outside."

  "You ... do not wish me to wait for you?"

  "I wish to ... clean up a little, first. You go on ahead and ... feel free to get started without me."

  Pelleas raised his eyebrow, again.

  "Oh! I meant ... I did not mean ... oh, just go, Pelleas; and I shall join you, soon. On the bedding. I mean blankets! I mean ... sitting! On the blankets! With you! Sitting! Having ... our meal!"

  "But we just had First Meal a short time ago!"

  "Just go, Pelleas. I am getting very confused."

  "About what?"

  "Nothing, just ... go."

  "Uh ... oh. Okay."

  *** *** ***

hour later...

  Pelleas was getting extremely anxious and wondering what had happened to Regan. He was worried that maybe she had fainted again, or fallen and bumped her head, again. But then again, what if she was ... dressing? Or ... bathing? Or washing and was undressed? Or ... whatever it was that she was doing.

  Finally, Pelleas couldn't take it any more and he rose to his feet. He had only taken his first step when Regan finally came out through the front door of the small house.

  Pelleas had chosen a spot near a large shady white willow tree about fifty yards from the house. Native to Europe, white willows have their name derived from the white tone on the undersides of their leaves; giving the overall appearance of the beautiful tree a fairytale white misty look. And they remained beautiful even in the fall. As willow trees go, this one was typical in that it had long leafy branches that reached all the way to the ground, proving plenty of shade. And ... if someone so desired ... privacy.

  Not that it was on anyone's mind or anything.

  When Regan stepped out of the house, however, it stopped Pelleas dead in his tracks. Even from fifty yards away, Regan appeared breathtakingly beautiful. She was wearing a simple white cotton dress, simplest in all ways but one: standing in the bright mid-morning sun ... with her long brown hair draped about her shoulders ... and the sun reflecting off of her white dress, Regan looked like an angel.

  Pelleas found it very difficult to breathe as she began walking towards him. And with each step, his heart pounded harder and harder.

  Regan was smiling at him the whole way, for it was quite obvious to her that Pelleas approved.

  A lot.

  By the time she reached him, Pelleas was beginning to feel faint.

  "Breathe, Pelleas." Regan giggled, coyly. "Your face is starting to turn blue."

  "Regan!" Pelleas exclaimed. "I have never ... in all my life ... seen anything ... or anyone ... more beautiful! How ... where..."

  "This once belonged to Ceola. I found it hanging in the washroom with my name written upon a small parchment. She had shown me this dress once before, after I first came to live with them. This was her ... wedding dress."

  "A white ... wedding dress? That is ... an uncommon choice."

  "I thought it was beautiful. And I told her so. It would seem, Pelleas, she wished for me to wear it."

  Pelleas' eyes grew as large as the willow tree. "Why ... dare I ask ... would you be wearing this ... most beautiful ... wedding dress?"

  Regan then came closer to Pelleas and took both of his hands in hers. And she looked at him with great love in her eyes.

  Pelleas gulped.


  And then he gulped, again.

  Finally he managed to speak in a very faint voice. "And why ...dare I ask ... do you look so beautiful, Regan? I have never seen you so ... so ... Regan!" Pelleas gasped. "There are no words!"

  "Yes, Pelleas. My answer ... is yes."


  "Yesterday, you asked me a question. My answer ... is yes."

  "Yes, I can kiss you, again!?"

  Regan laughed. "No, silly. Yes, I shall consent to become your wife."

  Pelleas gulped, again. "Uh ... I was just kidding about the ... kissing, part. I knew what you meant. Please, God, tell me this is not a dream! For if it is, I do not wish to awaken!"

  Regan laughed, again.

  "I love your laugh, Regan. And I love your smile. I love everything about you."

  "And I love you, too, Pelleas. More than I had realized. More than I had thought possible."

  "Is this really happening?"

  "If ... you so wish it."

  "Are we ... really ... becoming man and wife?"

  "Do you so wish it?"

  "More than anything I have ever wished for in my life, Regan. Yes, I wish it with all of my heart."

  "Then I do so commit myself to you, Pelleas. As your loving wife, from this day forward. Until death parts me from you."

  Pelleas gulped again. "I cannot believe this is happening. Tell me this is not happening. This cannot really be happening."

  Regan smiled at the deep love she saw in his eyes. "Is this your way of saying you love me?"

  "Oh, Regan, I love you more than life itself! Yes! YES! I love you more than ... more than ... more than whatever could be more than!"

  Regan laughed. "That shall do nicely, Husband."

  "What!? Are you saying ... are we really..."

  "Yes, Husband. I am now your wife. And I believe I owe you the promise of a kiss?"

  Pelleas' widened once more in surprise, but this time with joyous wonder and excitement. "Oh, God in heaven, have mercy upon me!" he exclaimed.

  Then to Regan's great surprise, Pelleas whisked her up in both arms.

  "EEEEEK! Pelleas!"

  Laughing and with tears of joy in his eyes, Pelleas then brought her face close to his, and kissed his new wife.

  For more ... than a very long time.

  *** *** ***

  And so it was, on a perfect and beautiful fall day, in an intimate setting beneath a white willow tree, that a newly married man and his newly married wife consummated their great love for one another.

  And ... unbeknownst to them, fate had also determined one other amazing and wondrous event. For beneath the misty white willow tree during that beautiful and wondrous and most magical time of love's greatest expression, the Once and Future King, Arthur Pendragon, was conceived.

  ~ The Call ~

  Chapter 14

  Four weeks later

  The month of December was unusually snowful. And very stormful. And the weather outside was frightful. But the fire inside was delightful. And everyone inside was quite willing to let it snow and let it snow and let it snow.

  It was a perfect time to remain cuddled up inside a nice warm house in front of a roaring fire hearth. It was especially nice when Alger and Ceola went to bed early; which seemed to be happened with nightly regularity lately, since the day Pelleas and Regan first became husband and wife.

  The very happy and content newlyweds were spent after another romantic evening by the fire. Pelleas was lying on his back with his eyes closed while Regan was lying beside him, playing with his hair.

  "You know why they turn in to bed early, Husband?"

  Pelleas smiled. "I think I know the reason, Wife. To give us time to ourselves."

  "They are happy for us, Husband."

  "Alger and Ceola are very gracious. I have never known such giving people."

  "They are also still in love. Even still, and even in these, their latter years, they are still in love. It brings a great warmth to my heart."

  "You wish to know if we shall still be in love, even in our latter years."

  Regan smiled and kissed him. "How is it you always know what I am thinking? Do you have the gift of reading hearts?"

  Pelleas shook his head. "No. Though I have heard of this gift. I do not think I should ever want for such a gift. It seems it would be a curse and not a gift."

  "To know truly what is in the hearts of others? You think this would be a curse?"

  "To see and know the darkness of men's hearts? Those whom you thought were your friends? Yes. Truly it would be a curse above all curses. I would never want for such a gift."

  Regan sighed as she rested her head upon his chest. "I had not thought of it in that regard. Perhaps you might be right."

  "Why do you always listen to my heart, Regan?"

  Regan smiled and closed her eyes as she listened, as she often did. "I do not have the gift of seeing hearts, either. But sometimes ... I can hear hearts."

  "Hear ... hearts?"

  "It is not easy to explain. But when I listen to your heart, I can ... hear ... what your heart speaks to me."

  "Oh? And what does my heart speak to you?"

  "That you love me. Almost more than anything."

  Pelleas' eyes opened in surprise. "What!? What words are these? What do you mean by ... 'almost'?"

  "You also lov
e your brother, Husband."


  "And I can hear it in your heart. Your heart is torn."


  "I hear the peace and contentment in your heart. You are happy, here. You are happy with me."

  "More than you can possibly imagine, Regan. I have never known that such peace and happiness and contentment could exist. Truly you are an angel and I am in heaven."

  Regan then turned and rested her face against his face. "Not have I known such happiness and joy. I, too, never thought such a thing as possible."


  "But ... you are not content to remain here."

  Pelleas sighed. "You knew this was coming, Regan. I..."

  Regan stopped him with her finger on his lips. "I know, Husband. You had told me before I made my decision. I know. When your brother calls..."

  "...I must answer. It is my sworn duty."

  "What will happen ... to us?"

  "When Ambrosius sends for me, I shall go. And we shall win back the throne that is rightfully ours. Then ... and only then ... shall I return for you."

  "You would not take me with you?"

  "Not during war, my love. It shall be very dangerous and unsafe. If anything were to happen you, I ... I could not live with myself. I ... I do not think I could live at all."

  "Pelleas! Do not speak such terrible things!"

  "You are everything to me, Regan. Without you, I have nothing. I cannot ... I dare not ... and I will not ... take you into harm's way. You shall remain here where you shall be safe. When the battle is over, then I shall come for you."

  "What if I you do not come for me?"

  Pelleas abruptly sat up and looked at Regan in surprise. "Do you really believe? That I would not come for you?"

  "No, husband, that is not what I meant. I meant ... what if something happens to you? So that you could not come for me? What if..."

  Suddenly, Pelleas took hold of Reagan's face with his strong and sword-calloused hand, and looked her in the eye with the sharpest and most intense look she had ever seen in his eyes. "Regan, hear me."

  Regan was startled by the change in his face. For the first time, she saw a savage intensity she never knew existed. For a moment she was almost frightened; though she knew the savageness was not directed towards her.


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