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by Dan Wright

  3. Sachs, The UFO Encyclopedia, page 149.

  4. Doc # CIA-RDP88-01315R000300070005-0, news article, Philadelphia Inquirer, “The Air Force and the CIA were accused of covering up UFO reports,” January 19, 1979.

  5. Doc # CIA-RDP88-01515R000300070002-3, Radio TV Reports Inc. NBC, The Today Show, “UFOs Discussed by Spaulding and Zackle of Ground Saucer Watch,” January 24, 1979.

  6. Doc # CIA-RDP88-01365R000300020001-4, letter from Charles E. Wilson, Chief, Plans and Policy Branch, to John Fielding, Producer, ABKCO Films, March 15, 1979.

  7. Doc # CIA-RDP88-01314R000300010021-9, letters to editor, Second Look, August 1979.

  8. Doc # CIA-RDP88-01315R000300070001-4, magazine article, The New York Times Magazine, “U.F.O. Files: The Untold Story,” October 14, 1979.

  9. Ibid.

  10. Schuessler, UFO-Related Human Physiological Effects.

  11. Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference.

  12. Schuessler, UFO-Related Human Physiological Effects.

  13. Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference; Clark, The UFO Book.

  Chapter 33 1980-81: Disclosure at Home and Away

  1. Doc # 0005516655, non-sourced report, “Eyewitness Accounts of UFO Sightings Published.”

  2. Doc # CIA-RDP96-00788R001300230001-3, Bibliography of Parapsychology, translation from Russian by the Parapsychological Association, 1980.

  3. Doc # 0005516652, Foreign Broadcast Information Service, China Report Science and Technology No.79, “UFO Phenomenon in China Analyzed,” January 26, 1981.

  4. Ibid.

  5. Doc # 0005516058, memo from Herbert Scoville Jr., AD/SI, to Lawrence R. Houston, Legislative Counsel, “Reply to Honorable Joseph E. Karth,” July 12, 1981.

  6. Doc # CIA-RDP90-00806R000100200075-6, news article, The Washington Post, “Suit Seeks to Lift Secrecy Veil from Agency's UFO Documents,” November 3, 1981.

  7. Ibid.

  8. Doc # CIA-RDP90-00806R000100200029-7, Radio TV Reports, CBS Radio Network, Bob Schieffer, “UFOs, a Military Threat,” November 3, 1981.

  9. Doc # CIA-RDP92B00478R000800340008-9, opinion, The Fairfax (VA) Journal, “The federal government is suppressing UFO evidence,” by Larry W. Bryant, CAUS, undated (11/30/81 handwritten).

  10. Don Berliner, UFO Research Coalition, UFO Briefing Document, 1995,

  Chapter 34 1982-85: Habeas Corpus and Hudson Valley

  1. Doc # CIA-RDP90-00806R000100390037-8, news article, The New York Times, “35 Years of U.F.O.'s,” June 23, 1982.

  2. Doc # CIA-RDP83M00914R002700220076-0, letter from Sid Zins, MGM/UA Entertainment, to John M. McMahon, CIA Deputy Director, September 30, 1982.

  3. Doc # CIA-RDP90-00806R000100200074-7, untitled news release, Reuters, July 14, 1983.

  4. Doc # 0005516658, newspaper article, “Airliner crew reports UFO sighting,” Moscow Trud (in Russian), January 30, 1985.

  5. Ibid.

  6. Doc # CIA-RDP90-00965R000707000002-9, magazine article, Penthouse, “High-Tech Espionage,” by Ernest Volkman, March 1985.

  7. Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Philip Imbrogno, and Bob Pratt, Night Siege: The Hudson Valley UFO Sightings (New York: Random House, 1987).

  8. Ibid.

  9. Ibid.

  10. Schuessler, UFO-Related Human Physiological Effects.

  11. Ibid.

  12. Hynek, Imbrogno, and Pratt, Night Siege.

  13. Ibid.

  Chapter 35 1986-88: Claims and Counterclaims

  1. Doc # CIA-RDP91-00901R0005000180001-6, news article, The Washington Post, “Take Me to Your Reader,” March 9, 1987.

  2. Doc # NSA-RDP96X00790R000100040025-7, news article, The New York Times, “Report of U.F.O. Crash in '47 Called False by Science Panel,” August 26, 1987.

  3. Doc # 0000112351, teletyped message, “Barbadians Report Several UFO Sightings,” September 2, 1987.

  4. Schuessler, UFO-Related Human Physiological Effects.

  5. Ibid.

  6. Story, The Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters.

  7. Ibid.

  8. Schuessler, UFO-Related Human Physiological Effects.

  9. Ibid.

  Chapter 36 1989: Lots of Activity . . . Elsewhere

  1. Doc # 0000042352, JPRS Report (Estonia), “Results of Youth Poll on Religious Issues Reported,” April 4, 1989.

  2. Doc # CIA-RDP96-00792R000500610012-3, news article, Komsomolskaya Pravda, “Laboratory of Psychocerebronics Contemplates Close Encounters of the Third Kind,” April 25, 1989.

  3. Doc # 0005517516, JPRS Report, “A Rational-Metaphorical Picture of the World,” May 1, 1989.

  4. Doc # CIA-RDP96-00792R000700990001-2, Journal of Scientific Exploration, June 1989.

  5. Doc # 0000042347, journal article, Sofia Rabotnichesko Delo, “Farmers Burning Straw to Make Up for Delays,” August 11, 1989.

  6. Doc # 0005516674, JPRS Report, “English Summaries of Major Articles,” July–August 1989.

  7. Doc # 0000112355, teletyped message, Beijing Xinhua, “UFO Sighted over Urumqi Evening of 6 September,” September 13, 1989.

  8. Doc # 0005517525, notice, “Rocket Found in Desolate Area,” September 28, 1989.

  9. Doc # 0005516572, teletyped message, “TASS Reviews Soviet Central Press for 12 October,” Komsomolskaya Pravda, “Voronezh eyewitnesses described a UFO on September 27.”

  10. Doc # 0000042346, news article, FBIS, Foreign Press Note, “USSR: Media Report Multitude of UFO Sightings,” November 22, 1989.

  11. Ibid.

  12. Ibid.

  13. Ibid.

  14. Ibid.

  15. Ibid.

  16. Ibid.

  17. Doc # CIA-RDP96-00789R002200590001-3, SRI International, “Screening for Remote Viewing Talent,” December 1989. See also Doc # CIA-RDP96-00789R002200430001-0.

  18. Schuessler, UFO-Related Human Physiological Effects.

  Chapter 37 1990: Back in the USSR

  1. Doc # 0000042351, JPRS Report, “Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) in Ancient China,” January 18, 1990.

  2. Doc # 0005516579, program summary, Moscow International Service in Mandarin, February 21, 1990.

  3. Doc # 0000112337, Moscow TASS International Service, “UFO's Reported near Moscow,” April 15, 1990.

  4. Doc # 0000112332, teletyped message, Moscow Television Service, “State Center for Study of UFO's Established,” April 17, 1990.

  5. Doc # 0005516675, JPRS Report [USSR], “Council of Ministers Official Urges Improved Economics Reporting,” May 1, 1990, paragraph 34.

  6. Doc # 0000043370, Moscow Domestic Service, “USSR, PRC Scientists in Joint Study of UFO's,” May 21, 1990.

  7. Doc # 0005517533, JPRS Report, editor's column, Aviatsiya I Kosmonavtika, June 1, 1990, paragraph 8.

  8. Doc # 0005517460, Johannesburg Television Service, program summary, July 20, 1990, paragraph 20.

  9. Doc # 0005517534, JPRS Report, essay, “Boundaries of Cosmology,” August 1, 1990, paragraph 5.

  10. Doc # 0005516669, JPRS Report, “Maj Gen Avn. Leonov on Soviet Lunar Program Details,” August 1, 1990, paragraph 20.

  11. Doc # 0005516668, JPRS Report, “Articles Not Translated” from Russian, Moscow SSHA, Ekonomika, Politika, Ideologiya, September 1, 1990.

  12. Doc # 0005516711, non-sourced teletyped message, September 4, 1990.

  13. Doc # 0005517538, JPRS Report, “Muscovites on Elections,” October 1, 1990, paragraph 36.

  14. Doc # 0005517798, teletyped message (to/from not shown), “UFO News Bulletin Publication Planned,” October 4, 1990.

  15. Doc # 0005517679, teletyped message [USSR], “‘Vid’ Program Premiers 5 October,” October 13, 1990.

  16. Doc # 0005516723, Soviet Commentary List for November 5, 1990, paragraph 15.

  17. Doc # 0005517684, Television Program Summary 110990, paragraph 16.

  18. Doc # 0005517496, Commentary List–Moscow Turkish 131400/1830, paragraph 5.

  19. Doc # 0005516730, Moscow Consolidated, Nov
ember 16, 1990.

  20. Doc # 0005516731, Press Selection List: PAU Pressfax Three, paragraph 21.

  21. Doc # 0005516732, Commentary List–Moscow Creek, December 5, 1990.

  22. Doc # 0005516752, Comlist: Radio Peace and Progress, December 9, 1990.

  23. Doc # 0005517497, Hanoi Domestic Program Summary, paragraph 7.

  24. Doc # 0005517686, Video Selection List: Moscow Mos 90:1152.

  25. Doc # 0005517789, TASS, “Japanese Cosmonaut's Observations from Space,” December 6, 1990.

  26. Doc # 0005516659, Comlist: Moscow Consolidated, December 21, 1990, paragraph 70.

  27. Dr. Jack Kasher, “A Scientific Analysis of the Videotape Taken by Space Shuttle Discovery on Shuttle Flight STS-48,” MUFON 1994 International UFO Symposium Proceedings.

  28. Dan Wright, MUFON UFO Journal, August 1990.

  29. Schuessler, UFO-Related Human Physiological Effects.

  Chapter 38 1991: USSR Nay Russia

  1. Doc # 0005516753, Commentary List—Moscow International Korean.

  2. Doc # 0005527991, Television Program Summary 191830 Bud 91-01801211991, paragraph 16.

  3. Doc # 0005516693, Comlist Moscow Consolidated, January 21, 1991, paragraph 75.

  4. Doc # 00055167754, Press Selection List—East Europe, Pravda, January 22, 1991, paragraph 25.

  5. Doc # 0005517689, commentary, Moscow Rabochaya Tribuna, “Alternative Uses for Krasnoyarsk Site,” January 22, 1991; see also Doc # 0005517701.

  6. Doc # 0000112350, teletyped message, “Moravian UFO Thought to Be Satellite,” January 24, 1991.

  7. Doc # 0005516663, Comlist: Moscow Consolidated, January 25, 1991, paragraph 102.

  8. Doc # 0005517691, non-sourced teletyped message, January 30, 1991.

  9. Doc # 0005517535, JPRS Report, “Magazines Increasing after Anti-Pornography Purge,” March 11, 1991.

  10. Doc # 0005516243, Moscow TASS, “‘Strange Roar’ Precedes ‘Mysterious Blast’ in Sasovo,” April 12, 1991.

  11. Doc # 0005517695, Moscow CTV1, “Air Defense Forces Chief Interviewed,” April 14, 1991.

  12. Doc # 0005517791, Pravda, “Diverging Opinions on Cause of Sasovo Explosion,” April 15, 1991.

  13. Doc # 0005517792, teletyped message, TASS, “ALMA-ATA Patrolmen Report UFO Sighting,” April 19, 1991.

  14. Doc # 0005517719, Moscow, BBC feed, “Air Defense Forces Chief Interviewed,” April 20, 1991.

  15. Docs # 0005517509 and 0005517520, Moscow Consolidated, May 11, 1991; Commentary List—Moscow International Korean.

  16. Doc # 0005517793, Moscow Central Television First Program Network, “Object Discovered Floating around Mir Station,” May 21, 1991; Doc # 0005517697, Moscow Central Television First Program Network, “‘Strange Object’ Filmed Floating around Mir Station,” May 21, 1991.

  17. Doc # 0005517521, FYI–Vesti Television Program Summary, 2000 GMT June 2, 1991, paragraph 13.

  18. Doc # 0005517698, Johannesburg SABC TV, Television Program Summary, July 9, 1991, paragraph 10: Video report on a UFO sighting in Johannesburg.

  19. Doc # 0005517701, Soviet Commentary List for July 15, 1991. See also Doc. # 0005517689.

  20. Doc # 0005517731, non-sourced teletyped message, “UFO Reportedly Lands in Mountain Pass Near Yerevan,” August 5, 1991.

  21. Doc # 0005517540, JPRS Report, “Pravda Urges Readers to Contribute News, Ideas,” August 31, 1991.

  22. Doc # 0005516722, Hanoi Television Program Summary, September 10, 1991, paragraph 21.

  23. Doc # 0005517797, commentary, Sovetskaya Rossiya, “Abalkin Condemns ‘500 Days’ Recovery Program,” September 27, 1991.

  24. Doc # 0005517677, teletyped message, FBIS, “UFO Sightings No. 3—Deputy Minister of Defense Interview,” May 1, 1991.

  25. Ibid.

  26. Doc # 0005516593, Buenos Aires, TELAM, “Metal Object Falls on Private House,” pre-10/10/91.

  27. Doc # 0005517708, Television Program Summary 192100: MRT91-163 created June 24, 2015.

  28. Doc # 0005517548, JPRS Report, “‘Sverdlovsk Syndrome’ Studied,” October 26, 1991.

  29. Doc # 0005517795, Moscow Central Television, “Strip Mining Pollutes Dalnegorsk, Maritime Kray,” October 28, 1991.

  30. Doc # 0005516710, non-sourced report by (redacted), “Abakin 15 Nov News Conference,” November 18, 1991.

  31. Bob Gribble, “Looking Back,” MUFON UFO Journal, July 1993.

  Chapter 39 1992-94: Spy Planes and Homemade Saucers

  1. Doc # 0000190094, CIA publication, “The Central Intelligence Agency and Overhead Reconnaissance: The U-2 and OXCART Programs, 1954-1974,” Chapter 2, Developing the U-2, “U-2s, UFOs and Operation Blue Book,” 1992.

  2. Doc # 0005517495, Moscow TASS, “Yeltsin Begins Visit to Ulyanovsk,” January 1992.

  3. Doc # 0005517547, JPRS Report, “On Claims of Commander of Submarine Grounded off Sweden in 1981,” January 29, 1992.

  4. Doc # 0005527992, teletyped message, Yonhap News Agency, “Unidentified Plane ‘Might Have Been a Phantom.’” February 11, 1992.

  5. Doc # CIA-RDP96-00792R000400300004-7, monograph by Robert J. Durant, “Will the Real Scott Jones Please Stand Up?” February 20, 1992.

  6. Doc # 0005517120, Program Summary—Moscow Manderin 021200.

  7. Doc # 0005517741, non-sourced teletyped message, April 16, 1992.

  8. Doc # 0000112346, report, Beijing Xinhua Domestic Service, “China UFO Society Meets to Continue Scientific Study,” May 13, 1992.

  9. Doc # 0005516643, JPRS Report, Moscow Rabochaya Tribuna, “On ‘Flying Saucer’,” June 16, 1992.

  10. Doc # 0005517758, teletyped message, Moscow Krasnaya Zvezda, “Search for Missing SU-27 Continues,” August 6, 1992.

  11. Doc # 0005517546, JPRS Report, “Russian Arms, Aircraft Displayed at Air Show,” August 26, 1992.

  12. Doc # 0005516726, Moscow Central Television First Program Network, “Studio Interview with Major General Yuriy Grigoriyevich Gusev, deputy commander of the Russian Ministry of Defense Space Units,” October 1, 1992.

  13. Doc # 0005516728, Khabarovsk Radio Network, “Search Continues for Downed Su-27 Pilot,” October 23, 1992.

  14. Doc # 0005517757, teletyped message, “Shetland UFO Sighting Prompts Spy Plane Speculation,” December 14, 1992.

  15. Doc # 0005516712, report, Krasnaya Zvezda, “Military Papers' Circulation Declines,” January 14, 1993.

  16. Doc # 0005516713, Moscow Central Television First Program Network, “New ‘Saucer-Like’ Aircraft Developed in Saratov,” January 26, 1993. See also Doc #s 0005516714, 0005516715, 00055716, 0005516717, 0005516720, 0005517786, and related files.

  17. Doc # 0000112348, non-sourced teletyped message, “Ministry to Study Psychic Powers, UFO's for Future Industry,” February 19, 1993.

  18. Doc #0005516714, Radio Moscow World Service, “Government to Patent New ‘Flying Saucer’ Airliner,” March 9, 1993. See also Doc #s 0005516713, 00055715, 0005516716, 0005516717, 0005516720, 0005517786, and related files.

  19. Doc # 0005517761, anonymous teletyped message, “Paper Reports Alleged Evidence on Mishap Involving UFO,” March 27, 1993.

  20. Doc # 0005516639, JPRS, “Space Forces Chief on Funding, Baykonur,” April 1, 1993.

  21. Doc # 0005517464, Moscow Argumenty I Fakty, April 1, 1993.

  22. Doc # 0005517523, ITAR-TASS World Service, “Minister's Predictions on Satellites, ‘Flying Saucers’,” April 27, 1993.

  23. Doc # 0005516716, Moscow Russian Television Network, “Saratov Plant's Successes, Future Plans Reported,” July 8, 1993. See also Docs #s 0005516713, 0005516714, 0005516715, 005516717, 0005516720, 0005517786, and related files.

  24. Doc # 0005516715, Izvestiya, “‘Flying Saucer’ Financial Problems Viewed,” July 14, 1993. See also Doc #s 0005516713, 0005516714, 0005516716, 005516717, 0005516720, 0005517786, and related files.

  25. Doc # 0005516717, Moscow Izvestiya, “Saratov Oblast's Reform Plans Explained,” August 13, 1993. See also Doc #s 0005516713, 0005516714, 0005
516715, 000556716, 0005516720, 0005517786, and related files.

  26. Doc # 0005516796, Pressfax, “Pressfax carries c39 August Pravda,” August 31, 1993.

  27. Doc # 0005517466, Radio Moscow World Service, September 3, 1993.

  28. Doc # 0005517760, non-sourced report, “Taiwan, Mainland UFO Symposium Closes in Beijing,” December 7, 1993.

  29. Doc # 0005516720, Moscow Ostankino Television First Channel Network, “Saratov Committee to Prioritize Industrial Investment,” December 8, 1993. See also Doc #s 0005516713, 0005516714, 000551615, 0005516716, 0005517786, and related files.

  30. Doc # 0005516721, Moscow Russian Television Network, “Report Details Planned Use of Aerostats in Mars Exploration,” December 19, 1993. See also Doc #s 0005516713, 0005516714, 000551615, 0005516716, 0005516717, 0005517786, and related files.

  31. Doc # 0005517759, teletyped message, “Unidentified Flying Objects Sighted in Matanzas (Cuba) Skies,” December 23, 1993.

  32. Doc # 00055517787, non-sourced teletyped message (Japan), “Seaside Town to Build Center for UFO Study,” January 7, 1994.

  33. Doc # 0005517786, Moscow Ostankino Television First Channel Network, “Plane Makers in England to Advertise Their Wares,” January 24, 1994. See also Doc #s 0005516713, 0005516714, 0005516715, 0005516716, 0005516717, 0005516720, and related files.

  34. Doc # 0005517504, press selection list, Moscow Robochaya Tribuna, March 23, 1994.

  35. Doc # 0005517765, teletyped message, Pravda, “Meteorites May Have Caused Mysterious Craters Near Kursk,” May 28, 1994.

  36. Schuessler, UFO-Related Human Physiological Effects.

  37. Linda Moulton Howe, “Moving Lights, Disks, and Animal Mutilations in Alabama,” MUFON 1993 International UFO Symposium Proceedings.

  Chapter 40 1995-98: Psychic Woo Woo

  1. Doc # CIA-RDP96-00787R000500230001-3, journal, California State College, Sonoma, Ubiquity Interchange, Vol. 1, No. 8, November 5, 1998

  2. Doc # CIA-RDP96-00792R000200440002-6, 71 pages, essay, The Guangdong Somatic Sciences Research Committee [China], “Some Brief Notes on the Development of Research into Human Paranormal Capabilities in Guangdong,” December 7, 1998, 13.


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