Abel, Lionel
Abstract and Surrealist Art in America (Janis)
Abstract Expressionism
abstract painting
Académie de la Grande Chaumière
Académie Julian
Accabonac Creek (Pollock)
“action painting”
Alchemy (Pollock)
Alfieri, Bruno
Allen, Edward
“allover” painting
American Abstract Artists group
“American and French Paintings” show
American Indian culture
“American Painting Today—1950” show
American Scene painting
America Today (Benton)
April (Krasner)
Art Digest
Art Front
Art News
Art of This Century
closing of
Pollock’s shows at
Arts and Architecture
“Arts of the South Seas” show
Art Students League
Pollock’s studies at
Ashcan school
Australian National Gallery
Autumn Rhythm (Pollock)
Avery, Frances
Avery, Milton
Ballad of the Jealous Lover of Lone Green Valley, The (Benton)
Barr, Alfred
Bathers by a River (Matisse)
Baur, John I. H.
Baytime (Pollock)
Baziotes, William
Bell, Leland
Bellow, Saul
Benevy, Herbert
Ben-Shmuel, Ahron
Benton, Rita
musical talents of
Pollock’s relationship with
“relief show” organized by
Benton, Thomas Hart
abstract painting disdained by
“hollow and bump” method of
murals of
nationalist sympathies of
Pollock as champion of
Pollock befriended by family of
Pollock’s stylistic break with
realistic style of
sketching trips of
as teacher
Benton, Thomas Hart (U.S. Senator)
Benton, T. P.
Betty Parson’s Gallery
Biddle, George
Birth (Pollock)
Bloomingdale Asylum, see New York Hospital, Westchester Division
Blue Poles (Pollock)
Borglum, Gutzon
Brancusi, Constantin
Brando, Marlon
Braque, Georges
Breton, André
Breton, Jacqueline
Bridgman, George
Brooklyn Museum
Brooks, James
Browne, Byron
Bultman, Fritz
Bunce, Louis
Burckhardt, Rudy
Burlin, Paul
Burrows, Carlyle
Busa, Peter
Calder, Alexander
Camp with Oil Rig (Pollock)
Cardonsky, Darby
Cassatt, Mary
Castelli, Leo
Cathedral (Pollock)
Cedar Tavern
Cezanne, Paul
Chareau, Pierre
Charred Landscape (Krasner)
Chase, Janet
Chase, William Merritt
Chicago World’s Fair (1933)
Circumcision (Pollock)
City and Country School
Coates, Robert
Cody, William “Buffalo Bill”
Cody, Wyoming
Cody Enterprise
Collins, William P.
Comet (Pollock)
Composition with Masked Forms (Pollock)
Composition with Pouring II (Pollock)
Conaway, Arloie, see Pollock, Arloie Conaway
Connolly, Jean
Convergence (Pollock)
Cooper Union, Women’s Art School of
Cotton Pickers (Pollock)
Craven, Thomas
Creative Arts
Creative Printmakers
ancient Aztec and Toltec
Lee Krasner’s use of
Picasso’s use of
Pollock’s use of
Surrealism vs.
Curry, John Steuart
Dabrowsky, Ivan, see Graham, John
Dali, Salvador
Darrow, Whitney, Jr.
Davis, Stuart
de Chirico, Giorgio
Deep, The (Pollock)
de Kooning, Willem
Pollock and
Delaney, Joe
de Laszlo, Violet Staub
De Niro, Robert
Depression, Great
“bank holidays” in
poverty in
Devree, Howard
Diamond Mountain Inn
Diller, Burgoyne
Downtown Gallery
Dragon, Ted
“drip” paintings
“Drippings, Le”
Duchamp, Marcel
Durand-Ruel Gallery
Earth Green (Krasner)
Easter and the Totem (Pollock)
East Hampton Star
Egan, Charles
Egg Beater series (Davis)
Eighth Street Club
England, Elizabeth
Ernst, Max
Eskimo masks
“Exhibition Momentum 1951” show
Falkenberg, Paul
“Fantastic Art, Dada, Surrealism” show
Feeley, Paul
Feldman, Morton
Ferargil Gallery
Ferber, Herbert
Figures in a Landscape (Pollock)
Finch, Earl
“First Papers of Surrealism” show
Flack, Audrey
“Fourteen Americans” show (1946)
Fox, Ruth
Frankenthaler, Helen
French & Company Galleries
Freud, Sigmund
Full Fathom Five (Pollock)
Galaxy (Pollock)
Gallatin, A. E.
Gallery of Living Art
Geist, Sidney
Genauer, Emily
Going West (Pollock)
Goldstein, Philip, see Guston, Philip
Goodnough, Robert
Gorky, Arshile
Gottlieb, Adolph
Graham, Constance
Graham, John
Green, Theodore
Greenberg, Clement
death-of-the-easel-picture theory of
on Pollock
Greenwich House
Grippe, Peter
Grosz, George
Guardians of the Secret, The (Pollock)
Guernica (Picasso)
Guggenheim, Peggy
American artists shown by
galleries founded by
Lee Krasner and
loan to Pollock by
as patron and collector
on Pollock
Pollock championed by
Pollock mural commissioned by
Pollock’s contract with
Pollock’s work given away by
“Spring Salons” of
Guggenheim, Solomon R.
Guggenheim jeune Gallery
Guild Hall
Guston, Philip
Gyp, dogs named
Hare, David
Harmonica Rascals
Harper’s Bazaar
Hart, Pop
Hartigan, Grace
Hassam, Childe
Hauck, Fred
Hayter, Stanley William
Heller, Ben
Heller, Edwin
Henderson, Joseph
Hess, Thomas
High Priestess (Pollock)
Hofmann, Hans
Holty, Carl
Holtzman, Harry
Hopkins, Har
Horn, Axel
Horse (Pollock)
Hubbard, Elizabeth
Hults, Edward
Hunter, Sam
Huxley, Aldous
“Indian Art of the United States” show
Institute of Modern Art (Boston)
Jackson, Martha
“Jack’s Shack”
Janis, Sidney
Jenkins, Paul
John Reed Club
Johnson, Alvin
Johnson, Buffie
Journal of Liberty
Jung, Carl
Kadish, Barbara
Kadish, Reuben
Kainen, Jacob
Kandinsky, Wassily
Kaz, Nathaniel
Key, The (Pollock)
Kiesler, Frederick
Klee, Paul
Klein, Ralph
Kligman, Ruth
Kline, Franz
Kootz, Samuel
Krasner, Lenore (Lee)
artistic ambitions of
childhood of
collages of
Cubist style of
discrimination against
Federal Art Project job of
illness and death of
Jewish background of
lawsuit against
“Little Images” paintings of
marriage of
one-woman shows of
physical appearance of
Pollock family’s relationship with
Pollock’s career supported by
Pollock’s paintings given to
Pollock’s relationship with
professional reputation of
rebellious nature of
stylistic change of
window designs of
“Krasner/Pollock: A Working Relationship” show
Krassner, Anna Weiss
Krassner, Joseph
Krassner, Pesa
Krassner, Ruth
Krishnamurti, Jeddu
Lam, Wilfredo
Landscape with Steer (Pollock)
Lansford, Alonso
Larkin, Rosanne
Laurent, Robert
Levitt, Marie
Leen, Nina
Léger, Fernand
Lehman, Harold
Leslie, Alfred
Pollock picture-story in
Little, John
Little King, The (Pollock)
Lord, Cile
Lord, Sheridan
Los Angeles Times
Lucifer (Pollock)
McClure, Anna
McClure, Cordelia
McClure, John
McClure, Mary
McCoy, Alexander
McCoy, Nina
McCoy, Rebecca
Macdonald-Wright, Stanton
Maclver, Loren
McMillen Inc.
Macy, Happy
Macy, Valentine
Magic Lantern (Pollock)
Magritte, René
Male and Female (Pollock)
“Man and Wife” show
Manet, Èdouard
Manheim, Ralph
Mannerist painting
Manual Arts High School
Marin, John
Mark, Grant
Marot, Helen
Martha Jackson Gallery
Martha’s Vineyard (Pollock)
Masqued Image (Pollock)
Masson, André
“Masterworks of Early de Chirico” show
Matisse, Henri
Matta, Roberto
Mayer, A. Hyatt
Mayer, Joseph
Menemsha Pond (Pollock)
Metropolitan Museum of Art
artists’ boycott of
Metzger, Edith
Mexican mural movement
Miller, Dan
Miller, George Sid
Minsch, Jacob
Miró, Joan
Mitchell, Joan
Mitchell, Sue
Mondrian, Piet
Moonlight Over South Beach (Benton)
Moon Vessel (Pollock)
Moon Woman (Pollock)
Moon-Woman Cuts the Circle, The (Pollock)
Moran, Thomas
Motherwell, Maria
Motherwell, Robert
collages of
Pollock and
“Spanish Elegies” of
Mumford, Lewis
Mural (Pollock)
Museum of Fine Arts (Houston)
Museum of Modern Art
Pollock’s sales to
shows at
Museum of Non-Objective Art
Myers, John Bernard
Naked Man (Pollock)
Namuth, Hans
Neel, Alice
New Deal
Newman, Annalee
Newman, Arnold
Newman, Barnett
New Republic
New School for Social Research
New York Emergency Relief Administration (Home Relief)
New Yorker
New York Herald Tribune
New York Hospital, Westchester Division (Bloomingdale Asylum)
New York Times
New York World-Telegram
“Nine American Painters Today” show
“Ninth Street Show”
Number 1, 1948 (Pollock)
Number 4, 1948 (Pollock)
Number 5, 1948 (Pollock)
Number 7, 1951 (Pollock)
Number 8, 1952 (Pollock)
Number 11, 1948 (Pollock)
Number 14, 1949 (Pollock)
Number 25, 1951 (Pollock)
Number 29, 1950 (Pollock)
Number 32, 1950 (Pollock)
Olsen, Fred
One (Pollock)
Orland Unit
Orozco, José
Ossorio, Alfonso
Otis Art Institute
Out of the Web (Pollock)
Pacifico, Berthe
Pacifico, Ora
Painting (Pollock)
Pantuhoff, Igor
Parsons, Betty
Partisan Review
Pasiphaë (Pollock)
Pavia, Philip
Pène du Bois, Yvonne
Pereira, I. Rice
Peridot Gallery
Perls, Frederick
Phillips, William
Phosphorescence (Pollock)
Picasso, Pablo
artists influenced by
bull as symbol of
“bullfight paintings” of
collages of
Cubism and
innovations of
Pollock and
Plaut, James
Polar Stampede (Krasner)
Pollock, Arloie Conaway
Pollock, Charles
art training of
Pollock compared with
Pollock’s correspondence with
Pollock’s relationship with
Resettlement Administration job of
Sanford Pollock’s correspondence with
talent of
teaching jobs of
Pollock, Frank
Pollock, James
Pollock, Jay
Pollock, Lee, see Krasner, Lenore Pollock, LeRoy
death of
early life of
family absènces of
family relationships of
as farmer
marriage of
personality of
Pollock’s correspondence with
rheumatic fever diagnosed in
Pollock, Lizzie
Pollock, Marie
Pollock, Paul Jackson:
abstract style of
alcoholism of
“allover” compositional style of
American Indian culture, interest in
American style created by
angry outbursts of
artistic ambitions declared by
artistic influences on
art studies of
automobile accidents of
birth of
“black” paintings of
bravado of
childhood insecurities of
collages of
color schemes of
competitiveness of
country home of
critical appraisal of
death and funeral of
depressions of
draft classification of
drawing ability of
“drip” paintings ofn
earliest paintings of
extramarital affair of
figuration phased out by
film of
financial problems of
first job of
first major work of
“freedom” sought by
as genius
glass painting of
government investigation of
hand injury of
inarticulateness of
independence and originality of
janitor’s job of
line important to style of
lumberjack job of
marriage of
mature style of
museum debut of
museum job of
one-man shows of
photographs of
physical appearance of
poor self-image of
posthumously printed engravings of
printmaking of
productive periods of
professional reputation of
psychiatric treatment of
“psychoanalytic drawings” of
public school education of
rhythmic sense of
rough personal style of
sales of works by
sculpture and
shyness of
size of paintings by
sketching trip of
solitary nature of
suicidal tendencies of
symbolism in works of
technique of
titles of works of
“veiling the image” style of
violent incidents involving
work methods of
youthful personality of
Pollock, Sanford
Benton’s influence deplored by
childhood recalled by
father mourned by
Federal Art Project job of
marriage of
Mexican muralists and
mother’s relationship with
Pollock’s relationship with
selflessness of
works by
Pollock, Stella May McClure
early life of
family reunion organized by
homemaking skills of
personality of
on Pollock
Pollock visited by
sons born to
“Pollock Paints a Picture”
Porter, Johnny
Portrait and a Dream (Pollock)
Pousette-Dart, Richard
Pratt, Caroline
“Primitive Art and Picasso” (Graham)
Prism (Pollock)
Prometheus (Orozco)
psychic automatism
Public Works of Art Project (PWAP)
Pugilist, The (Ben-Shmuel)
Putzel, Howard
Rahv, Philip
Rebay, Hilla
Red Barn (Pollock)
Reinhardt, Ad
Resettlement Administration
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