Fated Love

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Fated Love Page 1

by Harper Phoenix

  Table of Contents



































  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorised editions.

  Copyright - 2017 Harper Phoenix

  All rights reserved.

  Firstly, to my crazy ass family, for supporting me on this crazy journey. I love you all so much. Thank you for allowing me to take this ride.

  To my PA and amazing friend Kim for all you do! Without you, this wouldn’t be possible. You keep me in check, on time, and in the loop! Thank you for the pep talks and words of wisdom—even in your darkest moments you’re there for me! I Flove you!

  To all who beta read and gave me feedback, I am so grateful. Thank you all so much. You know who you are!

  To my Sassy, Classy, and Bad Assy Bitches! You’re all amazing women, and I am so thankful to be a part of this group. You keep me sane and smiling often!

  To everyone in Harper’s Stone Pack—thank you so much for your unwavering support!

  To my group of awesome pimpers! To Lesley for heading up that amazing group and to you all who pimp my shit daily! I can’t thank you enough! Again, you know who you are!

  Thank you to my cover designer, J.M Walker at Justwrite Creations, for my kick-ass cover and formatting! You rock!

  To my editor, Claire Allmendinger at Bare Naked Words, for always making my words much prettier!!

  To Lisa at The Book Teaser Pleaser for making my absolutely amazing teasers!

  You guys rock!

  And last, but by no means least, to my readers for taking a chance on me! I love you all!

  Writing a book isn’t easy. It takes blood sweat and tears and an amazing team of people behind you! I’m thankful I have found my people and will feel forever blessed!

  For Nan always & Forever.





































  WE MOVED HERE a couple of years ago because my mom decided we needed to be with a new pack. After my pop died, everything pretty much went to shit. Mom started using again and started whoring herself to fund her habit. I was pretty much left to fend for myself from the age of thirteen. I went to school, not because I liked it: I hated it, but I hated it a little bit less than staying home and watching my mom rattle for her next fix or watching as several men, and even some women went through the revolving door of her bedroom. In a nutshell, it fucking sucked.

  Brody, my brother, had been touring with a rock band. He played drums. He was fucking awesome at it too. I never told him what was happening at home. He had a life to live, and he was doing great. I didn’t want him to give all that up. I was capable of looking after myself. I was doing just that when he came home unexpectedly. I was in the living room—earphones plugged into the T.V. so the sounds coming from my mom’s room were blocked out. I hated that shit and tried to stay out of the house as much as possible. That night though, it was late, and I was tired. I was eating a candy bar that I’d stolen from the shop a block away, and I had a mouthful when I looked up to see Brody with a huge-ass canvas bag on his back. His face turned to rage in a matter of seconds though, and he threw the bag onto the sofa beside me. He went into mom’s room and dragged the guy out by his hair, throwing him on his ass out of the front door.

  Everything changed that night. Brody didn’t go on tour again. He stayed for me.

  He’d agreed to the move because he thought it was best for us all to live with a pack.

  Little did we know, it was the worst decision we could have made. At first, it was great. Brody settled into a new role within the pack. He ran all the security systems, and he was held in high regard. That is until he showed an interest in a female a few houses down. The alpha, Max, came down hard on him and had Brody beaten to the point that I thought he was going to die if they didn’t stop. Mom just stood by and did nothing. Me? I took a beating too, trying to stop them, but it did no good. A lesson was learned that night. That all the women of this pack belong to the alpha. Only he could mate with them, and only he would have kids. The message was heard loud and clear. And the most disturbing part was…that included me.

  Max often came by, and I thought for sure he wasn’t going to wait, but he settled for my mother, who practically fawned at his feet every time he came around. He called her his old lady. Brody said Max was only there to keep an eye on me. That Max, for some reason, saw me as special. Brody said he’d do what he could to get me out of the place before I turned eighteen, which is when I would become of age for the alpha to use. I told Brody that I wouldn’t leave this place if it meant leaving him behind. And I meant it. No way was I going anywhere without him.

  Then the British Pack arrived, and Brody saw it as an opportunity for my escape. He was all set to ask them to take me with them. But that wasn’t necessary in the end. Because… well… Howard.

  IT’S CHRISTMAS DAY, and we’ve come to the main pack alpha’s home. Jared, who I know as my alpha, has stayed at what will be mine and Brody’s new home, with his mate Devon. Howard and a couple of other guys have also stayed behind. I have mixed feelings about Howard. He’s an ass for sure. Back in America, he acted like a total nutjob. Like I was his to protect. Kicking up a storm when I went out battling the kitsunes alongside my brother and the rest of the guys. He practically manhandled me to his room and checked me over for injuries. I was fine, but he was losing his shit like I wasn’t. He’s gone at Brody once or twice too, which I do not appreciate.

  And Brody is as bad. He may be my big brother, and he may have saved me from a shittier life, but I’m capable of looking out for myself, and him now. I’m good with a blade and can shoot too. While living with Max’s pack, Brody taught me how to defend myself. He trained me morning till night when he was able, scared shitl
ess that Max would come for me while he was working for the pack. Brody tried to stop Max beating our mother once. That earned Brody a beating, but worse than that, a front row seat to my mother and me getting beaten by several men.

  Another lesson was learned that day. If you fuck with the alpha your family suffers. He had no morals and didn’t care for anyone. He was a sick, twisted individual. That was until Howard pulled the trigger and left his brains all over my mom’s kitchen. Despite that, Howard still insisted that I leave with them. I didn’t know why, and I didn’t really give a shit so long as Brody came too. As it turns out this place seems normal compared to the shit storm we left behind. Really fucking cold, but normal. The place is full of families. And it feels like a real community here. I’ve walked around a bit, and everyone has stopped to say hi and introduce themselves. Nothing like back home, where we had the four walls and got to go out only when the majority of the pack were out on business. The women and kids were all locked away so they weren’t seen and couldn’t be desired by the pack males. Only the alpha male visited the women’s homes. All the men that had families were removed from them well before we arrived.

  The males had to live in the house, which was temporarily occupied by the British pack. Only siblings were allowed to live with the women. Husbands were stripped of their rights to sleep with their wives. And no one did a damn thing to stop it. Max lorded around the place like he was the king of the world.

  Brody finds me perched on a fallen log just at the edge of the forest, which surrounds the houses.

  ‘Hey, you okay?’ he asks with a small smile.

  I nod. ‘I am. I feel like we can make it here you know? You?’

  ‘Me too, baby sister, me too,’ he says hugging me into his side. ‘So you’re glad we came?’

  I nod my head with no hesitation. ‘I am. It feels good to be a part of a real pack.’

  He doesn’t answer, just hugs me closer, propping his chin on the top of my head, and I squeeze my arms around his waist. ‘Thank you,’ I tell him honestly.

  ‘For what?’ He chuckles.

  ‘Getting us out of that place.’

  ‘I told you I would, and I meant it. I would never have stopped trying,’ he says kissing the top of my head.

  ‘I know, and I’m so sorry you had to throw your music career away for me.’

  ‘Willow, listen!’ He pulls out of our hug and lifts my chin so we have eye contact. ‘Nothing, and I mean nothing is more important to me than you are. I should never have left you with that fucking waster in the first place after dad died. I should have been there for you. That’s what I regret every day. Not walking away from music.’ My eyes swim with tears, and he chucks my chin, making me smile. Usually, I keep my emotions in check—only Brody sees them. I’ve only ever cried in front of him. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because I feel secure with him. Safe enough to show how I feel. And I know he won’t use it against me.

  ‘Merry Christmas, baby sis,’ he says wiping my stray tear away. ‘Sorry we didn’t get to buy gifts, but this is kinda better right?’ He gestures to the forest and our surroundings.

  I nod because it really is. Back home, I’d not been allowed out outside of scheduled runs, which were always with Max.

  We’ve been put up in the Alpha’s house for the couple of days we are staying on the pack’s home land. Brody staying in Jared’s room and me in Howard’s. We are having a British traditional Christmas dinner there too, but we still had a couple of hours to kill. We’ve been told we are free to run in our wolf forms, day or night, providing we stay this side of the river, which is miles away from civilisation.

  ‘Do you feel like a run?’ I ask Brody, grinning. I’m suddenly giddy at the idea, not having run with Brody for many years.

  ‘Sure.’ We head into the forest, and each find a spot to change. I finish before him, so excited that I’m bounding around in a circle waiting for him to finish and come and join me. To an outsider looking in, I’d look like a pup excited for a walk. I guess that’d be an accurate description of me right now. We run for a while, the trees whipping past as we sprint full out, dodging their huge roots as we go. I hear the wildlife, and my mouth starts to water. The scent of something takes Brody’s interest, and I can’t help but follow as the scent hits my nose too. We stop just short of the river, and I realise that what we are chasing has headed straight for it. Maybe an otter? I’m not certain. I just know it smells good and gives a good chase. Brody snorts in frustration. I chuff at him, knowing we’re eating soon anyway, so what is the point in hunting right now? I want to run. We’ve covered a massive distance, and I’m feeling exhilarated. The mere thought of running free makes me feel like an excited kid. It has been so long.

  I’m not going to say I let my guard down because I never do that. We’re in a place we don’t know, with people we don’t know well, but with Brody, I always feel safe. We run until we’ve practically run in a whole circle. When I catch the scent of our clothes on the wind, I know we are close. I sit and pant with my tongue lolling to one side. It’s the most I’ve run in… I can’t remember. I just want this feeing to last a little longer. Brody stops and turns to look at me when he realises I’m not by his side. He tilts his head in question and allows his tongue to loll to the side while he waits. This is the perfect Christmas. This is what it should be like. Here’s hoping that we can do this every Christmas.

  We change and make our way back to the alpha’s home. Dinner will be ready soon.

  ‘You have fun out there?’ Brody asks, smiling like he doesn’t already know the answer.

  ‘You know I did.’

  He laughs, nodding ‘I thought you were going to wear a circle in the dirt, you were so excited.’ He laughs.

  I roll my eyes and smile. ‘I was a little excited. That’s the first time we’ve run together in how many years?’

  ‘I know, little sis, I know, but that changes now.’ He cuddles me into his side as we walk the short distance to the front door. As soon as the door opens, the smells emitting from the kitchen are to die for. And as if on cue, my stomach growls in appreciation. Brody laughs, and we walk through into the dining room.

  ‘Have a seat,’ Mr Stone says as we walk in.

  ‘Thanks, it smells really good,’ Brody tells him. With that, an older couple come in, the lady has an apron on, and the guy is holding a big pot with oven gloves. She’s guiding him and telling him where to put the pot on the table. I want to laugh as they bicker and try to shimmy their way around the table and us. It’s like a comedy sketch. But they manage it and go back to the kitchen, only to return and bring more. More people come through, and they all have different things in pots to contribute to the ever-growing Christmas dinner, which now lines the whole centre of the table. The table looks beautiful, and we each have a table setting with lots of cutlery like you see in posh restaurants. My mouth waters as the lids are lifted, and much stronger aromas fill the room. I can’t wait to get stuck in.

  Mr Stone lifts his glass. ‘Merry Christmas, everyone,’ he says and everyone chimes in lifting their glasses too. It’s then I notice that I have wine in my glass. I don’t know when it was poured or by who, but I take a sip. It’s nice, really nice actually. So I gulp some down, thinking Brody will surely notice and take it away. He looks and then looks again before pulling the glass from my hands. I hang onto it and grumble at him.

  ‘You shouldn’t be drinking,’ he mumbles. I pull my tongue out at him. I’m pissed and not really able to say a lot because I don’t want to cause a scene.

  ‘Wine is allowed with a meal over the age of fourteen,’ Mr Stone tells Brody matter of factly. He reluctantly releases my glass, and I smile sickly-sweet at him and watch as he rolls his eyes. I want the wine. If I have to eat while I drink it, fine. I can eat with the best of them.

  There is a knock on the door and a commotion towards the front of the house. Brad appears in the doorway. ‘Harry, I’m sorry to interrupt, but Jared needs us all home, now.’
  Mr Stone stands, pushing his chair away from the table.

  ‘What’s happened? Is there a threat?’ He nods to the guys standing on the other side of the door—I think they are his bodyguards. One of them disappears. Our meal forgotten, we all start to get up.

  ‘I’ll go and grab our stuff,’ I tell Brody.

  ‘Wait a second,’ he tells me. I do wonder what the fuck I’m waiting for. ‘Is it safer to leave the females here?’ he asks Brad,

  ‘I’m taking Maiya with me. All I know is something bad has gone down. There isn’t any way to know if it could come here too. I’m keeping Maiya close until I know.’

  ‘You aren’t going without me, dickface, so I don’t even know why you asked,’ I complain.

  ‘It’s about fucking time you listened to me for a change. If I say do something, you should just do it,’ he quips back.

  ‘Umm, you’re my brother last I checked, not my boss.’ I roll my eyes. I’ve spent enough time being told what to do or being forced to accept situations. This is a new start for me, and it’s going to start with me not taking orders from anyone, except the alpha, and even then I’ll question everything I’m not happy with. Mr Stone doesn’t waste time in telling us that we all need to head back and those are Jared’s orders. I run up to my room and stuff my shit in the rucksack I have brought. I wait outside of Brody’s bedroom door. He’s out in seconds, and then we meet Brad out front. Maiya looks pale, like she’s frightened to death, or seen a ghost. We get in our respective cars, and the journey home begins.

  Just when everything was looking up in my life, here we are in the middle of a shit storm. Who the hell knows what’s going on?

  I’M PISSED OFF when Brody takes his sister away for Christmas day. I have no right to be, and I know it, but it doesn’t stop me feeling annoyed that he made that decision and not me. I don’t know what it is about her. What the fuck I am thinking? She’s a girl, not a woman. She’s seventeen. Legal, yes, but still not an adult. When do you actually become an adult? Is it at the stroke of midnight on the day of your eighteenth birthday? Of course not. You become an adult at all different ages, depending on the life you’ve lived or endured in a lot of cases. Me, I feel like I’ve been an adult most of my life. I don’t remember anything else except responsibility. I think maybe that’s what I see when I look in Willow’s eyes. She’s beyond her years because of her life.


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