EDGE: I, Hero Quests: City of the Dead

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EDGE: I, Hero Quests: City of the Dead Page 1

by Steve Barlow


  How to be a hero

  This book is not like others you may have read. You are the hero of this adventure. It is up to you to make decisions that will affect how the adventure unfolds.

  Each section of this book is numbered. At the end of most sections, you will have to make a choice. The choice you make will take you to a different section of the book.

  Some of your choices will help you to complete the adventure successfully. But choose carefully, some of your decisions could be fatal!

  If you fail, then start the adventure again and learn from your mistake.

  If you choose correctly you will succeed in your mission.

  Don’t be a zero, be a hero!

  The quest so far…

  You are a skilled warrior, living in a world of enchantment and danger. Humans live alongside trolls, elves and dwarves, while other mysterious creatures walk in the shadows.

  The Queen of Alba has asked for your help against her deadliest foes — the Red Queen and her husband, Mortha, the necromancer.

  Many years ago Solmor, the world’s greatest Spellcaster, created a crown of gold set with four great rubies. The Ruby of Power gave its owner fighting skills. The Ruby of Seeing, the gift of telepathy and reading minds. The Ruby of Magic, powers of enchantment. The Ruby of Death, mastery over the world of the dead.

  But rulers across the world wanted the power of the Crown of Rubies for themselves. It became a force for evil and was renamed the Blood Crown.

  Just before his death, Solmor destroyed the crown and had the rubies hidden across the globe, so no one could find them.

  Now the Red Queen and her necromancer husband are hunting for them. They already possess the Ruby of Death. If they succeed in finding the others, your world will be plunged into a new dark age. They have already killed your friend Olderon.

  But you possess the Ruby of Power, the Ruby of Seeing and the Ruby of Magic. All you need now is the Ruby of Death, and your quest will be complete.

  You are now on your gryphon, Hergal, flying to Necropolis — the City of the Dead. There you will have to use the rubies you have found to defeat the Red Queen and Mortha, and take the Ruby of Death from them. If you do not, and they take the last three rubies, then the world will fall under their control and all will be lost…

  Go to 1.


  The Ruby of Magic has revealed to you the location of Necropolis, the City of the Dead. It lies in the depths of the earth under the Mountain of the Lost.

  After days of travelling on Hergal, you fly into the Valley of the Demons.

  Ahead you can see the Mountain of the Lost, spewing out fire into the black night sky. The strong smell of sulphur chokes the air. This is a place of nightmares!

  Suddenly dozens of firebirds appear from out of the stinking clouds. They are being ridden by skeletons armed with flaming spears. You have met these creatures before, and know how deadly they are!

  If you wish to fight the creatures, go to 9.

  If you wish to find another way to the mountain, go to 44.


  You wait, your sword held high, as the devourer pulls you nearer to its mouth. When you are close enough to its head, you grasp your sword with both hands and plunge it down into the beast’s head.

  The devourer lets out a screech that echoes around the cave, and finally lets go of your leg. You leap up and stab the creature again. Within seconds, the devourer’s tentacles flop down onto the rock and the huge beast lies dead at your feet.

  You carefully step through the waterfall and back onto the rocky steps.

  Soon you are at the bottom of the cliff and heading towards Necropolis. Ahead of you are the gates to the city. You see that they’re guarded by half a dozen heavily armed skeletons.

  If you wish to fight your way into the city, go to 33.

  If you wish to try to talk your way into the city, go to 27.


  You grip your sword tightly and rush forward. Your blade slices into one of the creatures and it drops to the floor.

  But at the same moment the other two creatures transform into giants!

  You are helpless as one of the giants grabs you and holds you upside down. The leather pouch containing the other rubies falls to the ground out of your reach.

  The creature smashes you against the wall. He and his companion howl in glee as you pass out.

  Go to 42.


  Before the undead can attack, you hold up your hand. “Lay down your weapons!” you command. They immediately obey you.

  Even the Red Queen is unable to act against the combined power of the rubies. You walk over to the crown, put the rubies into their settings, and place it on your head. You feel your soul returning to your body!

  You face the Red Queen. “Begone forever!” you order. She bursts into flames and melts before your eyes.

  You turn to Olderon. “Come here,” you say.

  He steps forward and you place your hand on his shoulder. “Return to the living.” A surge of energy passes through your fingers.

  Seconds later, Olderon blinks. He sees you and takes your hand. “My friend, you have saved me.”

  You smile. Then you turn to the multitude of undead creatures. “Return to what you were. Rest peacefully.”

  There is a great noise as a whirlwind of energy sweeps through the hall and out into the city. The undead begin to disappear. Ghouls vanish into the air, zombies decompose and banshees and skeletons crumble to dust. Then there is an explosion of light and you find yourself spinning in a whirlpool of energy.

  When the light and noise subside, you are outside the Mountain of the Lost. The sun shines brightly, and Olderon and Hergal stand before you.

  “You have succeeded in your quest,” says Olderon. “What are you going to do with the Blood Crown?”

  You think about the power you have…

  If you wish to keep the Blood Crown for yourself, go to 26.

  If you wish to give the crown to Olderon for safekeeping, go to 41.


  You try to ignore the painful screeching of the banshees and string an arrow. You shoot at the creatures, but the arrow passes through their ghostly bodies.

  The noise grows and you feel as though you could black out at any second.

  To use the Ruby of Magic, go to 18.

  If you wish to block up your ears, go to 31.


  Once more you leap forward, swinging your sword, but every time you smash the skeleton, the bones simply re-form!

  One of the skeleton’s pikes catches the string holding the pouch containing the rubies. They spill on the ground. You grasp at them, but your enemy sees his chance. A blade slices through your arm and with a cry of pain, you drop your sword.

  Immediately, the skeleton stabs at you with its six weapons. You drop to the ground, lifeless.

  You’ve become a giant pincushion! To begin your adventure again, go to 1.


  You guide Hergal towards the gap and find a place to land.

  You take out the Ruby of Seeing to light your way. The gap in the mountain is too small for the gryphon to pass through. Leaving Hergal, you wade into the water and squeeze through the gap in the rock, into the mountain.

  You head down a dark, narrow passage for some time; listening out for any enemies. The air gets colder and a shiver passes through your body.

  Eventually you see an archway ahead. In the gloom, you make out the shapes of three troll-like creatures. Their low growls echo through the tunnel.

  You move slowly towards the creatures. As you get closer to them, you nearly choke on the disgusting smell
wafting through the passage! It is the smell of death.

  If you wish to find out more about these creatures, go to 34.

  If you wish to attack them, go to 3.


  “I don’t believe you,” you say. You take out the Ruby of Seeing. A vision of a red marble palace appears and the word “north”.

  At that moment the soul-eater leaps at you, but you are ready for him. You smash him to the floor, where he lies unconscious. Placing the jar containing your soul inside your jacket, you head north.

  You soon arrive at the Red Queen’s palace. The entrance is guarded by a squad of fearsome zombie warriors. You march up to them.

  “Take me to the Red Queen,” you demand. “I have a message for her.”

  The captain of the guards steps forward. “And I have a message for you. Go away!”

  You shake your head. “I’m here to stay.”

  “You asked for it then,” he growls and swings at you with his spiked mace. It strikes your chest, but you still remain standing. “Nice try, but you cannot kill me,” you say.

  The zombies look amazed, but not for long as you take your sword and slice through them. You head into the palace and begin to hunt out the Red Queen and Mortha.

  Go to 32.


  You reach into the leather pouch containing the rubies and take out the Ruby of Power.

  You urge Hergal towards the firebirds and pull out your bow and arrows. The ruby helps your aim and you strike home with several arrows, dropping your attackers through the sky like shooting stars.

  But there are too many enemies to overcome. More firebirds join the attack. For every one you hit, another two appear, lighting up the sky with their flaming wings.

  If you wish to retreat and find another way to the mountain, go to 44.

  If you want to use the Ruby of Magic, go to 25.


  You turn around and break out into a sprint across the narrow bridge, trying to get away from the warriors.

  Before you can get very far, they are upon you, engulfing you in their unearthly bodies.

  You try to beat them away with your sword, but the blade simply passes through their ghostly forms. As you thrash at your enemies, you lose your balance and fall from the bridge, plunging down onto the rocks far below.

  You will never stop the Red Queen. To begin your quest again, go to 1.


  “I am not here for talking,” you say. With one swift movement you take out your bow, notch an arrow and shoot it at Mortha. It hits him in the middle of his chest.

  There is a moment’s pause and then Mortha smiles. He pulls out the arrow and it turns to ash in his hand. Before you can react he holds out his hand, sending a bolt of energy at you. It strikes you, lifting you into the air. You hang helplessly, unable to move as Mortha steps forward.

  “So that is your answer. Very well.” He reaches into your jacket and removes both the bag with the rubies in, and the jar containing your soul.

  “Thank you for bringing us the rubies,” he says. “You have made the whole process so much…easier.” He throws the jar into the crowd of the undead. It breaks open, but before your soul can escape, the creatures leap on it. You cry out in pain and black out.

  Go to 42.


  You take out the Ruby of Seeing and a vision of Olderon forms in your mind. He is standing on the edge of a narrow gorge in the Mountain of the Lost.

  Your former companion speaks. “Within this gorge is a secret entrance into the mountain. If you take any other way, you will surely die. You must take care though, your enemies are expecting you.”

  “How can I defeat them?” you ask.

  “Death can never be defeated,” replies Olderon. “You have to embrace it. To complete your quest you will have to give up your soul.”

  Before you can ask him what he means, the vision begins to fade. “We will meet again,” Olderon says, and he vanishes.

  Go to 49.


  You drop your bow and with one movement pull your sword from its scabbard, swinging your blade at the draug’s neck. You hit home and the creature’s lifeless body drops to the floor.

  You retrieve your arrows from the draugs’ bodies and make your way through the archway and onto a rocky ledge. You look down. Below you is the City of the Dead — Necropolis — home of the Red Queen!

  You look around and see that there are two ways down to the city. To your left is a curving stone bridge that spans a chasm. To your right is a great waterfall. Next to this is a flight of steps carved out of the rock and leading down to the city.

  If you wish to cross the bridge, go to 35.

  If you would rather climb down the steps, go to 30.


  You take out the Ruby of Seeing and ask it, “What should I do?”

  Instead of receiving the answer to your question, a vision of Olderon appears in your head. You hear his words. “Death can never be defeated. You have to embrace it. You will have to give up your soul.”

  The vision vanishes and you wonder what to do next.

  If you wish to search for the palace, go to 23.

  If you want to ask for directions, go to 19.


  You decide that an all-out attack on the entrance would be foolish. It is too well guarded. You steer Hergal away to look for another way into the mountain.

  You fly along the black ridges of the mountain, searching the lower slopes. Eventually you see a stream emerging from a narrow gorge. You fly Hergal towards it and see that the stream is pouring out of a gap in the mountain. You realise that this could be the way into the City of the Dead!

  Go to 7.


  You know that you will not be able to fight your way to the crown, so you reach into your jacket, take out the jar and open it. Hundreds of souls fly out, including your own. Mortha and the Red Queen look puzzled.

  Directed by your mind, your soul flies to the crown and settles on it…

  You feel a great power surging through your body — you now have mastery over all of the rubies!

  Mortha realises too late what you have done. He blasts you with an energy bolt, but it has no effect — the rubies have given you ultimate power!

  Mortha flies at you. You take your sword and slice through his body. He disappears in a wisp of smoke…

  “Attack him!” screams the Red Queen.

  Go to 4.


  You step through the white light and onto the bridge. As you do so you hear a rushing noise coming from behind you.

  You spin around and see the light swirling in a whirlpool of colour. The light forms into a group of ghostly warriors, shimmering and sparkling in the darkness. They move towards you with their swords raised.

  To fight these ghostly creatures, go to 24.

  If you’d rather attempt to outrun them, go to 10.


  You try to untie the leather pouch, but the screeching of the banshees has already taken hold of your mind. You cannot concentrate or focus. Your fingers are clumsy and too slow. Before you can take hold of the Ruby of Magic, the pain of the banshees’ cries overcomes you. You black out and slump to the ground, leaving you at the mercy of the banshees.

  To begin your quest again, go to 1.


  You head towards the figure of a gnarly old man, sitting on a bench. He is staring into a glass jar, which seems to be filled with sparkling winged creatures that look like golden moths.

  Before you can say anything, the figure looks up. “Why are you here? You are not of this place…”

  “I seek the palace of the Red Queen,” you begin.

  In the blink of an eye, the figure leaps up and places his hand against your chest. You suddenly feel weak, as if life is being sucked from your body. You drop to your knees. “What are you?” you gasp.

  He points at the jar. “I am a collector of souls. Soon yours will be here with the others. Do not struggle, embrace y
our death and give your soul to me.”

  If you want to try to break free, go to 38.

  If you decide to do what the soul collector says, go to 29.


  As the draugs rush towards you they transform into giants. You smile at their stupidity — they have given you a bigger target to aim at!

  You let your arrows fly and strike home. One of the creatures drops down, groaning in pain. To your amazement, the other draugs laugh at his suffering. These creatures are stupid and cruel!

  You dispatch another of the draugs with an arrow to its chest. The remaining giant charges towards you.

  If you wish to continue to fight with your bow, go to 39.

  If you wish to use your sword, go to 13.


  You turn and look towards the marble building. As you do so, you feel a blow to the back of your head. You shouldn’t have trusted the soul-eater!

  You stagger forward, dropping the jar. It smashes on the ground, releasing the souls into the air. The collector begins to scoop them up in his hands.

  You feel a great pressure in your chest — the collector has your soul!

  “My mistress wishes to see you,” he says, crushing your soul in his hand. You feel an intense pain in your chest, before you collapse, unconscious.

  Go to 42.


  You remember the vision of Olderon and the narrow gorge he was standing by.

  You avoid flying near to the entrance and steer Hergal towards the east and the lower slopes of the mountain.

  You soon see the narrow gorge and follow the stream that runs along it. You see that the stream is pouring out of a gap in the mountain. You realise that this is the way in!

  Go to 7.


  You continue to walk through the streets of Necropolis.

  As you walk into a great square, you hear a shriek from above. You look up and see a swarm of death wraiths riding their firebirds heading for you.

  Your enemies were expecting you…

  The firebirds blaze towards you, swooping down in a merciless attack. Before you can notch an arrow, a stream of blazing spears rains down on you. You try to avoid them, but it is impossible. One of the spears pierces your chest. You drop to the floor as more missiles rain down on your lifeless body.

  So near, but so far! If you wish to begin again, go to 1.


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