Handle With Care

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Handle With Care Page 9

by Patrice Wilton

  She wanted a man. Not a husband, but someone to laugh with, to share good moments and bad, and to ease the loneliness once in a while. Maybe Shane was right. Maybe she should give Kevin a chance. They had sons the same age, and she knew him, trusted him. He wasn’t some stranger from an Internet site. He was a rock-solid person. Perhaps the lack of chemistry could be fixed.

  With that thought in mind, she went to bed, only to awaken in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat, heart pounding, and aroused. Her skin felt hot, as though it had been touched. The dreams had been real enough. She remembered hot kisses, burning flesh slapping together in the heat of passion. She’d gone to bed thinking of Kevin, but the man in her dreams had been Shane.


  Lauren watched as Margaret strutted into the ER. She’d dyed her red hair burgundy; green eyeliner and shadow emphasized her green eyes; and her full lips were colored a dark plum. But it was her grin that gave her secret away.

  “You’re in love. Again,” Lauren said by way of greeting.

  Margaret giggled. “You bet your pretty ass I am. Guy’s even cuter than Shane. His name is Anthony. Isn’t that the dreamiest name?” She patted her chest. “Oh my. My heart’s pounding.”

  “Probably because you’re late and had to run from the parking lot.” Lauren hid a smile.

  Margaret ignored the comment. “As I was saying, I met Anthony at the dueling piano bar, and when he looked at me, I knew. He’s the one. This time I’m sure of it.”

  “So you’ve known him for all of—what?” Lauren glanced at the large clock on the wall. It was one in the afternoon. “Fourteen, fifteen hours?” She spoke in mock horror. “Tell me you didn’t sleep with him.”

  “Of course I did. How could I know if we were meant for each other if I didn’t check out his equipment first?”

  Trish arrived in time to hear the last part. She grinned, bobbing her head in agreement. “You got that right. Why waste your time on a guy if he doesn’t do it for you in bed?”

  Lauren rolled her eyes. “Really? I’m shocked at the two of you. You both know there’s a great deal more to a relationship than sex.” She put her hands on her hips and pursed her lips. “Whatever happened to taking it slow and getting to know each other first? It might be old-fashioned, but that system has been around for quite a while. And for a very good reason: it works.”

  “Not anymore it doesn’t,” Margaret replied. “And I don’t have time to wait. I’m thirty-four years old. If I ever want to get married and have children, I need to seal the deal as quickly as possible.”

  “Come on, Dr. Reynolds,” Trish said. “Times have changed. Men like women who know what they want and go after it.”

  “Sure they do,” Lauren agreed. “But that doesn’t mean they have to rush into anything. Slow things down. Prove you’re worth the wait.”

  Trish shook her head. “I knew after our first date that Jared was the guy for me, so I made damn sure he knew it too. I gave him the best sex of his life, and that, my friend, is the way to a man’s heart.”

  “Trish, you sell yourself short,” Lauren replied. “You’re a very smart, warm, affectionate person. That’s why Jared is madly in love with you. Not because of your sexual prowess in bed.”

  “So you say. I’m just making sure he doesn’t stray.”

  “Well, you girls are more up on these things than me.” Lauren had heard enough girl talk for one afternoon. She turned to walk away and ran smack into Shane.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked, aware that her breasts had, however briefly, made contact with his chest. The chest that she vividly remembered from her dreams.

  “I came to see you.” He took her arm and moved her away from the others. “I wanted to ask if you could spend extra time with me this week. I’ve got an exam coming up, and I sure could use your help.”

  “Of course. Would you like to come over tonight?” She kept her voice low, not wanting to give the nurses more fuel for gossip. “I’m off at eight.”

  “I work until ten. Will that be too late?”

  “No.” She looked into his eyes, thinking that today they reminded her of a melted Hershey bar with a caramel center. Forcing her gaze away, she reminded herself that she mustn’t let her physical attraction for him get in the way. A little chemistry was bound to happen between two people. It didn’t mean she really wanted to sleep with him, even if she had in her dreams. She couldn’t control her subconscious, but she could control her waking thoughts.

  She dragged her mind back to their conversation. “After ten will be fine. Josh will be asleep, so we won’t be disturbed.”

  “I appreciate it. See you later then.” He turned and walked away, and Lauren caught Margaret checking out his tush.

  “So what was that all about?” Margaret asked.

  “He wanted to know if we could have sex tonight,” she said in jest, half-hoping to shock Margaret the way she always did her. “After my conversation with you, I thought, why not?”

  “You’re kidding me, right?”

  “Right.” Lauren marched off, annoyed at herself and the world at large. Why could other people just fall into bed together, call it love, and move on without guilt? Well, she knew the answer to that. They didn’t have Josh. He was the one who’d get hurt, and no way would she chance that.

  Shane quietly knocked on Lauren’s door, not wanting to wake Josh. Lauren opened it right away. She was wearing navy knee-length shorts and a Victoria’s Secret T-shirt. He could make out the outline of her bra underneath and quickly glanced away.

  “Hi, Shane. Come on in.” She led the way to the kitchen. “I made us a pot of coffee, and I baked an apple-walnut loaf.”

  “That was nice, but you shouldn’t have bothered.” Even as he spoke, his mouth watered when he spotted the loaf sitting on the counter. He couldn’t remember the last time a woman had cooked for him, but Lauren didn’t seem to think anything of it. “I don’t want to be more of a pain in the ass than I already am.”

  She smiled. “You’re not. Actually, it’s nice to have adult conversation once in a while.”

  “Really, you need to get out more.”

  “Yes. I agree.” She didn’t say anything for a second and when she did, it was the last thing he wanted to hear. “Shane, I’ve got to tell you something. I made the decision to go out with Kevin Saturday night.”

  “Wow. That was sudden.” He knew he was scowling, but hell. He hadn’t expected this so soon. “Got a babysitter lined up?”

  “It’s Kevin’s weekend with Brad, so the boys are going to stay together at his apartment. He’s got a regular babysitter.”

  Nice guy, Shane thought. Gets to see his son for the weekend but goes out on a date instead. Not that he could blame him. Lauren was one special lady, and a guy would have to be half crazy to pass that up. “I’m busy this Saturday too, but if it’s okay with you, I can take Josh somewhere Sunday afternoon.”

  “Great. He’s been really into baseball lately. Do you think you could take him to the park and show him how to hit a ball? He’d love that.”

  “That’s easy enough.” He poured a mug of coffee for himself. “So, what time’s your date?”

  “I’m dropping Josh off at Kevin’s place at four, and then he’s coming over here to pick me up at six. We don’t want the boys to know we’re going out together.” She darted a quick look at him. “The last time I dated someone, Josh really liked the guy and was broken-hearted when it didn’t work out. I don’t want that to happen again.”

  Shane nodded, giving them both points for that sensible decision, but then she went on and spoiled it.

  “Maybe Kevin and I can spend the afternoon together on Sunday too, if Saturday night works out.”

  “Of course.” Shane’s stomach tightened. He’d be taking her son out, while she would be … what would she be doing? Hell, he didn’t want to know.

  Lauren licked her lips. “Are you okay with that?”

  “Sure. Why not?

  “Just checking.” She tossed her head back. “I didn’t want to date anyone, but everyone, including you, seems to think that I’m being unfair to Josh. You know he means the world to me. And I like Kevin. He’s nice.”

  “I think you should date. Not for Josh’s sake. For your own.”

  Her eyes met his, and they were honest and open, without guile. “I do get lonely sometimes. It would be nice to have someone to share my life with, I must admit. But unless I think it has a good chance of working out, it’s not worth the gamble.”

  She played with the hem of her T-shirt, and Shane noticed the thin material stretch over her breasts. He quickly glanced away.

  “If I didn’t have my son to think about, it would be a different story.” She sounded like she was on the defensive, and he wondered why.

  “You can’t always put him first. You also have to think about yourself and your needs.”

  “No, I don’t.” She straightened up and glanced away. “My needs are not all that important. Besides, it’s not easy having a romantic relationship with a six-year-old around. Which is all the more reason I should try to see him both days this weekend. You have to grab your moments when you can.” Her lips parted in a smile. “And the sooner I know if there’s any chemistry, the better.”

  “I see.” Shane took a sip of his coffee, which tasted too bitter. “Yeah. Now that you’ve explained it, it makes sense. As a matter of fact, I think it’ll do you good.”

  “You do?” She frowned. “Why?”

  “Because you need it and you deserve it.” His eyes roamed over her face and settled on her mouth, thinking how sweet those lips would taste. “You’re young, beautiful, and shouldn’t sleep alone.”

  “That’s nice.” She cut a few slices of the loaf and set them on the table. “But I’m not planning on having an afternoon love fest,” she went on as she sat down. “If it’s a nice day, we could go for a drive and get to know each other better. Don’t worry. I’m not going to drag him into my bed as soon as he walks in the door.”

  He yanked out a chair and sat as well. “I’m not worried. You can do whatever you please.”

  “Well, I don’t please.” She broke off a piece of the loaf and ate it. “I don’t want to go to bed with Kevin.”

  “Then why are you going out with him?”

  “Because I need to get out more. And Josh desperately wants a father.”

  He slapped his textbook onto the table. “I don’t get the connection. If you don’t want to have sex with him, how can you think about marrying him?”

  “Jeez. I’m not! Marrying is not in the equation. Just a date. One date. Possibly two, if the first one’s good.” Lauren ran her fingers through her hair, mussing it. “This whole conversation is ridiculous. I like my life just the way it is.”

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  “I’ve tried to be both mother and father to him, and I thought that would be enough. Obviously, it isn’t.”

  Shane put a hand over hers. “He’s a good kid. You’ve raised him well.” He lifted her chin and looked into her eyes. “Now you need to think about yourself.”

  “I was fine until that kiss,” she muttered. “Unfortunately, it reminded me of what I’m missing. Hence, the date.”

  “I see.” The idea of her kissing Kevin got his hackles up. “Look, I’d really love to sit around and discuss finding you a husband, but do you mind if we get to the reason I’m here? It’s late and we both have to work tomorrow.”

  “Yes, of course.”

  She pulled her chair closer to his and leaned over the table, sharing the textbook. He could see the curve of her sweet, soft breasts, and his nostrils twitched from the flowery scent in her hair.

  He forced his mind to concentrate, and for the next hour he managed to focus, but then she sat up straight and stretched her back. Her breasts swelled in the T-shirt, and he couldn’t tear his eyes away.

  His mouth dried, and he took a sip of his cold coffee. He tried not to look, but hell, when a starving man is offered a feast, he’s not expected to turn away.

  She noticed his expression and stood up, crossing her arms over her chest. “Are we done here?” she asked, a frown wrinkling her brow.

  He stood as well and feigned a yawn. “I think so. You helped clarify a few things.”

  “I’m glad.”

  They both started to clear the dishes at the same moment, and their fingers brushed as they reached for the plate.

  Lauren snatched her hand away and said, “I’ve got it.”

  Shane didn’t move. She stood only inches away from him, and he wanted to pull her close, feel that sexy body against his, and taste her lips again. He wanted it so badly, it hurt.

  He stuffed his hand into his pocket and his prized i-limb behind his back. Would he ever be comfortable enough with it to enjoy the charms of a woman? He wasn’t ashamed of his disability, but what would he do with a mechanical hand during the physical part of making love? He’d only had it for ten months and had made great progress, finding it easy to use for most normal activity. But how would a woman feel about it when they were rolling in the sack?

  “Enjoy your date,” he said. He saw the disappointment in her eyes and knew exactly what she wanted. Her mouth trembled, and he had to clench his teeth together to stop from kissing it.

  “Good night.” Afraid to linger, he turned and walked away.

  “Good luck with your exams,” she called as he reached the door.

  He nodded. “Good luck with Kev.”


  Kevin took several minutes to peruse the extensive wine menu and then signaled to their waiter. “We’ll have the Silver Oak Cabernet,” he ordered.

  The waiter nodded and left, and Lauren leaned across the table toward Kevin. They were dining at Melisse, a French restaurant in Santa Monica.

  “What a great choice for tonight,” she said. “I hear the food is excellent.” She glanced around the beautifully appointed room with curved, shuttered windows and noted the round tables covered with starched white linen, each set with elegant china. A few well-dressed couples were enjoying drinks in the cozy bar. Lauren smiled with pleasure. “I don’t get out often enough, I’m afraid.”

  “Well, we’ll have to rectify that, won’t we?”

  “If you say so.”

  Her eyes met his, and for the first time since she’d known him, she really looked at Kevin. Not as Josh’s best friend’s father, not as someone else’s husband, but as a possible mate. He was a striking man. Just short of six feet, he was well built and tanned. A hint of silver threaded through his brown hair, and though his straight nose and strong chin hinted at sternness, his smile was wide and easy.

  Any woman would think herself lucky to be in my shoes, Lauren thought, and yet, she was reluctant to encourage his interest in her. She liked him well enough but had never had any romantic inclination toward him. Maybe if she made an effort, she could change that. If Josh wanted a father, it was her job to see that he got one.

  “Kevin, I have a feeling that you know how to treat a lady.” She gave him what she hoped was a seductive smile. “Watch out. I might get used to it.”

  He laughed and clinked water glasses with her. “I hope you do.”

  Lauren sat back in her chair and fiddled with her cutlery. “Does this feel odd to you? I mean, how long have we known each other? Five years at least. So, why are we acting like two people on a first date?”

  “Darned if I know.” His eyes met hers. “Maybe because we are.”

  The waiter returned with the wine, and after Kevin sampled a taste, the waiter told them about the evening specials.

  “We’re not in any hurry,” Kevin told him. “But you can bring us some caviar to start.”

  Lauren turned her attention to the menu and wondered if Shane had ever been here. She couldn’t imagine him in such a fancy place, but she knew he’d fit in anywhere. He was that kind of guy. Easygoing, easy to like.

ut what was she doing thinking about Shane when Kevin was out to show her a good time? He was being perfectly charming and witty, but there was a new awareness in his eyes. He had the look of a man who knew exactly what he wanted and planned on getting it.

  Lauren wished she could feel a little more enthusiasm about being the dessert on Kevin’s personal menu. What was wrong with her? She’d been tempted to sleep with Ron Hammond during their two-month relationship and had regretted not taking that step. She certainly was no prude. Sex was wonderful with the right person, and she missed it. Kevin would be more than willing to change all that.

  She simply didn’t want to make a mistake and screw up a solid friendship. Sex had a way of doing that.

  “What’s on your mind?” Kevin asked. “You look worried about something.”

  “No. It’s nothing. I’m sorry if I seemed distracted. I’m not, I assure you.” She put a hand over his. “I’m having a wonderful time.”

  They ordered dinner, and the rest of the evening went well. She felt relaxed with him and trusted that he only had her and Josh’s best interest at heart. So when he took her home, she didn’t hesitate to invite him in. They were alone, but she had no desire to go to bed with Kevin.

  She made coffee and they sat in her living room to enjoy the fresh brew and each other. She was not surprised when he took the cup out of her hands and pulled her gently toward him. She leaned against his arm and turned up her face, hoping she’d feel differently about him once they’d kissed.

  She wanted electricity, sparks to fly, and a heady dose of passion.

  But his kiss, although nice, didn’t get her pulse rate up.

  It tasted like the kiss of a friend. There was no hunger. No pounding heart, no quickened breathing, no inflamed libido crying for more.

  It was not like kissing Shane. Now that had been something. She’d wanted him. In her bed, inside of her, flesh pounding flesh, and hot moist kisses that went on and on and on.

  But Shane couldn’t afford to be strapped down with a woman and a kid. He had a goal, and it would take a lot of hard work and dedication to make it a reality.


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