A Short Leash

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A Short Leash Page 13

by Loki Renard

  “You never told me not to.”

  “True,” he said dryly. “But did you think you were doing a good thing?”

  “Maybe not,” Sierra admitted as Charles began to gently rub her bare tummy, helping the water to seep slowly inside her. He manipulated the flow slowly, letting a few ounces of water flow in at a time. She could feel herself being filled, little by little, deeper than she had known was possible.

  She whimpered as she began to cramp and he stopped the flow and rubbed her bare tummy gently, stroking the plane of her stomach all the way to her pubic bone then repeating the motion until the cramp went away and she felt wetness welling between her thighs.

  “Better?” He murmured the word. She looked into his eyes and nodded as his fingertips made light circling motions just above her clit. It was better. She had almost forgotten all about her tummy sickness as the warm water trickled into her bottom and Charles made her feel better inside and out.

  “Good,” he said. “You’re being very good.”

  “I’m always good for you,” she said with a playful little smile.

  “You are good for me,” he agreed, letting more water flow into her bottom. It swirled deep inside her, providing relief as well as fullness. After a few more minutes, she began to become restless and whimper again.

  “You’re almost done,” he said in those soothing tones. “I’m not adding any more water. You just need to hold it for a while and let it do its work.”

  “But I’m so full,” she complained, wriggling in place until he let his hand slide down over her stomach and clamped his fingers around her pubic bone. Held tightly in place by the grip of his palm, she could not writhe around quite as much.

  “Stay still,” he growled against the back of her neck, letting his teeth graze against her skin for a brief moment. The action was so animalistic and unexpected that she froze in obedience, her pussy leaking wanton juices against his fingertips as her tummy gurgled. Sensing her wetness, his fingers began to move, massaging her captured clit.

  The nozzle in her bottom stimulated her rectum as his fingers teased her pussy and began to slide down toward what suddenly felt like the very core of her being, the moist entrance which was pulsing with need. Sierra held her breath as he began to penetrate her in both places, two fingers pressing inside her pussy as her bottom clutched at the hard nozzle and the erect nub of her clit ground against the palm of his hand.

  Squirming and sloshing and panting for more, Sierra surrendered to Charles completely, parting her thighs as he used his other hand to gently nudge the nozzle in and out of her bottom in time with the motion of his fingers in her pussy.

  She came, plugged and filled. She came, pulled against the hard line of his body, feeling his strength and his care in equal measure as he held her close and worked her quivering body to a screaming climax that left her weak in his arms.

  Completely spent, Sierra sighed with contentment. There was still one urge unfulfilled however, one urge that was growing greater by the moment and was not at all helped as Charles slowly slid the nozzle out of her bottom, leaving her clutching her cheeks and sphincter as tight as possible.

  “May I please go? I really really gotta go…”

  “So polite,” he praised, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Yes, you may go. I doubt Kade would forgive me if his couch suffered in all of this.”

  Sierra blushed and stood up on shaky legs, aided by Charles’ gentlemanly arm. His expression of amusement and adoration in equal measure stayed with her as she rushed toward the bathroom.

  Chapter Eleven

  “He isn’t back yet.” Sierra stared out the window she had been staring out for a good hour. Kade’s excursion had run long. He had been gone for three days and three hours—three hours longer than he was supposed to be gone. She had withstood the first hour stoically, the second hour with a growing sense of unease, but the third hour had her pacing back and forth in front of the window as much as Charles would allow her.

  “Give him another hour,” Charles said calmly. “He may have been delayed for some perfectly reasonable reason.”

  “Or he might have been eaten,” Sierra fretted. “Or fallen down a hole. There are holes out there.”

  “I know,” Charles said, coming over to drop a kiss on the top of her head. “Try to relax. He will be home soon, I am sure.”

  An hour later, Kade was still not home and Sierra had started to emit a near constant whine. Something was wrong, she could sense it. There was an emptiness where she should have been able to feel Kade, which told her he would not be home any moment as Charles insisted.

  “You need to settle down, sweetheart,” Charles said. “It will be another day before we go look for him.”

  “No!” Sierra insisted. “We need to go and look now. Right now!”

  “What you need right now is a nap,” Charles replied. “You haven’t slept properly since he left. If you sleep now, chances are by the time you wake up, Kade will be back.”

  “I can’t sleep,” Sierra replied. It was the truth. She did not think she would be able to sleep until she saw Kade again. Three hours later night had fallen and Sierra was not any more able to sleep.

  “He’s seven hours late,” she said. “We have to go look for him.”

  “We will go at first light if he hasn’t returned by that time,” Charles said. “Now get some sleep. You’ll need your energy.”

  “How can I sleep when he’s not home?”

  “Kade can look after himself,” Charles reassured her. “I tell you now, no tigress, not even a whole streak of man-eating tigers could take him down.”

  Sierra nodded slowly, biting her thumb. She knew Charles was probably speaking the truth, but it didn’t make her any less nervous. She felt Kade’s loss keenly, a painful pulling in her soul. Three days had been long enough. Four was unthinkable.

  “Are you going to go to sleep or am I going to have to sedate you?” Charles’ dark gaze held serious intent. His medical expertise was a double-edged sword. He was able to treat scrapes and breaks, but he also had a whole load of measures capable of keeping her in line if he deemed fit. Sierra had been subject to several of his ‘examinations,’ and by the looks of things she was about to experience another one if she did not go to bed as he demanded.

  “You can’t drug me into compliance.” She frowned at him. “That’s not fair and it’s not right.”

  “It’s not a matter of drugging you into compliance, it’s a matter of getting you to sleep,” Charles insisted.

  “Kade would never drug me.”

  “No. Kade would spank you until you were too tired to stay awake. Should I try that?”

  “You can’t spank me when I’m sad,” she pouted, crawling into his lap and looking deep into his eyes. Charles wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close, one hand rubbing her back.

  “You really need to go to bed,” he said. “We both do.” His arms tightened momentarily as he stood up with her in his arms.

  Sierra had little choice but to go to bed when carried there by the handsome doctor who insisted on stripping her down to her naked self.

  “You don’t need clothes to sleep,” he said, sliding her shorts over her hips and down her thighs. It was enough of a distraction to give Sierra a modicum of relief. She was further pleasantly distracted when Charles began to remove his own clothing. She loved his body as much as she loved Kade’s, though they were formed very differently. Charles did not have the bulk of Kade, nor did he show the marks of the hunt. His body was elegant, his musculature lean and toned and as he covered her body with his own, Sierra felt a connection not only with him, but with Kade at the same time. They were a unit, the three of them. As Charles’ lips pressed to her collarbone and drifted lower, she felt Kade again. She could have sworn he was there with them, part of them, part of her.

  As she made love to Charles, she made love to Kade too, giving herself not just to the doctor, but to both men who had changed her life forever
. The doctor kissed what seemed like every part of her body before his lips settled over the flower of her pussy and he began to pay homage to her pleasure center with his tongue. Transported away from her woes, Sierra slipped into another form of consciousness where her senses reigned supreme.

  Taken away by the doctor’s talented tongue, she was traveling through the wilds in her mind’s eye, down a deer trail and then over a ridge when she came upon Kade’s still form lying between a rock and a tree, his arm caught beneath the tree, his face bloodied from a wound. The vision was so strong it was as though she was seeing it for real.

  “I know where he is!” She sat up abruptly. “I know where he is,” she repeated. “He needs our help…”

  “Sierra… you need…”

  “Charles,” she said, her tone pleading. “You have to believe me. My senses do not lie. I know where he is. I saw him. He’s hurt. He’s under a tree. He’s trapped. He needs our help.”

  “You may have heightened senses,” Charles said. “But psychic powers are out of the realm. I’m sure you think you know where he is, but…”

  “I know,” Sierra said. “I know and I’m going to find him.”

  With that, she stood up on the bed and took a flying leap over Charles. She landed on the other side of him and started running, leaving the house and the compound behind in less than a minute. Feeling as though her feet were equipped with the wings of a hawk, she bolted over the compound’s high gate, ignoring the painful shocks it imparted, and sprinted into the depths of the wilds, following nothing but her senses.

  For more than an hour she loped along, pushing her physical capabilities to the very edge. Her legs were tired and her lungs were burning, but the feeling was growing stronger by the moment and soon her physical senses were picking up on him. His scent. His energy emanating into the wild.

  “Kade!” She shouted his name, but there was no reply, only the sound of her feet landing amidst the leaves of the forest floor and the beating of her heart. “Kade!”


  His reply was faint, and perhaps not even heard by her ear, but she followed the voice nonetheless and it did not lead her astray. She hurdled a fallen tree and there he was, trapped.

  Sierra skidded to a halt by the hunter’s body on the ground. It was just as she had seen in her mind’s eye, Kade was pinned by the tree, unable to rise. His strong form was rendered completely helpless and his skin was an ashen gray, which spoke to blood loss and perhaps other injuries.

  “Kade!” She shouted his name in his face, clutching at him with both hands.

  He opened his eyes and looked upon her naked form with a bleary disbelief. The moon was in full glow, shedding silver light on Sierra’s naked body, transforming her from mere pet into midnight nymph.

  “Sierra? Is that really you? Or am I dreaming again?” His voice was dry and cracking and weak and she knew that he must be in a bad way. He had obviously been under the tree for quite some time, long enough to lose control of his senses.

  “It’s me,” she confirmed, going to her knees beside him. “You’re hurt.”

  “I got the tigress,” Kade said groggily. “I never thought a tree would take me out.”

  “It’s not going to,” Sierra said. “You’re going to live. I’ve found you.” She lay down beside him and pressed kiss after kiss to his bruised face. There was little she could do about his wounds or the tree, but she could give him comfort and that was what she did, curling up next to the master she loved.

  “You’re a good pet, Sierra,” Kade murmured. “Remember me, and be good for Charles.”

  “I won’t be good for Charles,” Sierra said. “And I’m not going to remember you because you’re not going anywhere. You’re going to be alright. I found you, so you’re going to be alright.”

  Kade opened his eyes. They were bloodshot and eerie in the moonlight, pupils dilated almost to the point that their beautiful hue was swallowed by the darkness.

  “I was injured before this tree fell on me,” he rasped. “I think it will finish me. I’m sorry I won’t be able to complete your training, my pet.”

  “No,” Sierra sniffed, her tears falling upon his face, leaving streaks of clean skin amid the dirt. “You are going to live. I will not let you die.”


  Charles’ voice broke the night. He must have followed in her wake for a moment later he burst through the brush, saw the situation, and immediately went into medical mode. Unlike Sierra, he had taken the time to dress, and not just to dress, but to bring with him a plethora of supplies in a rucksack. It was so very like him to be rigorously prepared, and Sierra had never been more pleased for it. He had never been so handsome as he was in that moment, soaked with his own sweat, his dark hair plastered against his forehead with exertion.

  “He’s dying,” she cried. “Save him.”

  “What have you done to yourself, man?” Charles gently moved Sierra out of the way to work on Kade.

  “Lost a fight with a tree,” Kade said with a ghost of a groggy smile. Even inches from death he was brave. Sierra tried to be too.

  “Sierra, activate that emergency beacon,” Charles directed her. “It’s the big red thing in my bag.”

  Sierra did as she was told then watched silently as Charles began to inject Kade with all manner of things. One of them put Kade into a deep sleep so quickly he was gone before Sierra knew what was happening. She had to sit with the knowledge that she might have heard Kade’s last words, an apology for a failing that was not his.

  Soon Charles finished tending Kade and announced that all they could do was wait. Waiting was the last thing Sierra wanted to do, but she pressed herself against Kade’s side and hoped that some part of him knew that she was there.

  “You found me quickly,” she said as Charles packed his medical supplies.

  “You left quite a trail,” Charles replied. “You also left without permission and without clothing, for that matter.”

  Sierra shrank away, whimpering. “But I knew Kade was here… I knew…”

  Charles’ expression softened. “I know,” he said. “I’m the one who owes you an apology. You did what you were supposed to do, Sierra. You listened to your senses. I should have paid attention earlier. If I had, Kade might not be in such a bad way.”

  “It’s not your fault,” Sierra hastened to reassure him. “You didn’t know.”

  “I didn’t,” Charles agreed. “But you did.”

  A humming noise above announced the arrival of rescuers, six strong men in a shuttle. They all wore environmental protection suits to keep their tender skin safe. Sierra noted that Charles had not bothered with any kind of protection. He would probably pay the price for that later.

  The men worked with electronic saws to remove the tree and carefully moved Kade onto the stretcher. The stretcher was then attached to great cords and pulled up into the shuttle.

  “I want to go with him,” Sierra said, watching as Kade was lifted into the sky by forces beyond her imagination. “I want to stay with him,” she whimpered louder still, clutching at Charles. “Don’t let them take him away, don’t let them!”

  “He needs surgery,” Charles said in calm tones, wrapping his arms tight around her naked frame. “You can’t be there for that. I think it’s best we go home. They will let us know when he is well enough to visit.”

  “What if he never gets well? What if he dies alone up there? What if…” Sierra was more than distraught, she was outright panicked, fighting against Charles because there was nothing else to fight against.

  “Shhhh,” Charles said, holding her tight. He did not seem to have any other words of comfort for her, and Sierra knew that was because there was a very real chance that Kade might die. He might already be dead for all she knew.

  “No! Where did they take him! Where?!”

  “Calm down, sweetheart,” Charles said soothingly. “He’s in the hospital. I think he will survive; he’s tougher than most.”

>   “You think, but you don’t know. We have to go and get him. We have to go see him!”

  “Sierra, you’re exhausted. You’ve barely slept for the past four days. I think you might be on the verge of a breakdown. I’m going to give you something,” he said. “It will help you relax.”

  “I don’t want to relax!” She began struggling against his grasp, but it was no good. Charles held her in place with one arm wrapped around her waist and picked something up from his bag. She didn’t see what it was but she felt a sharp prick in her left buttock.

  A moment later, she started feeling drowsy. A second later, she passed out in his arms.


  Sierra did not know what time or day it was when she woke, but when she opened her eyes again she was in Kade’s bed, still quite naked and still very worried. Kade was not there. She was alone. The light filtering through the window told her that it was the afternoon.

  “Hello, sweetheart,” Charles said, entering the room. As always, he was elegantly dressed and completely composed. There was nothing left of the tousle-haired savior who had come to Kade just in the nick of time.

  “You drugged me!” Sierra sat up, scowling fiercely.

  “I did,” Charles said without any measure of apology. “You were stressed to the point of illness. You needed rest.”

  She stood up on the bed to equalize their height and glowered at him as he drew close. The moment he was at arm’s length, she reached out and slapped him hard across the face. The sound cracked through the air and was followed by a stunned stillness as Charles looked at her with an expression of surprise and displeasure.

  “You had no right,” she said, shaking with anger.

  “I had every right,” he said grimly. “And now I have the right to teach you never to do that again.”

  He took her by the wrist and pulled her forward against his body, reaching around to slap her bare bottom hard. Sierra let out a yowl of anger and bit him hard on his neck, unleashing the anger and the fear she felt for Kade on Charles’ flesh.

  “Bad girl,” Charles said, his tone devastatingly mild. “You think you can behave that way with me? Because I am not Kade?” He wrangled her off his neck and pinned her face down on the bed with ability Sierra had not expected. “Or is it because you need Kade?”


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