Mindfuck - A Bad Boy Romance With A Twist (Mind Games Book 1)

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Mindfuck - A Bad Boy Romance With A Twist (Mind Games Book 1) Page 37

by Gabi Moore

  With a flash of irritation, I eyed the bulbous blue sack bobbing between his legs. People didn’t fix their dogs and then they were surprised when they became aggressive?

  One of the assistants held the snapping dog firm round his neck and the rest of him wriggled and resisted, his claws scratching the metal table and leaving welts on the nurses’ arms.

  “What about the other dog?” I asked, trying to get a clear look at the leg, bloody but still kicking back in anger.

  “Killed,” said one of the assistants, and shot me a loaded look.

  I frowned. The leg was hideously damaged but until the dog stopped fighting me, I couldn’t get a clear look – it was all just blood-matted fur and gristle. Grasping at the knee, I pulled slightly to get a better look at the shinbone and before I knew it, the nails scratched one long line on the table and all at once the assistant lurched forward and screamed, “oh shit!”

  I lifted my head to see the assistant lose his grip on the neck and immediately the pink, ribbed inside of the dog’s mouth came snapping towards me. I ducked out of the way but he quickly sunk wet, angry teeth right into the stretched sinew of my neck. I screamed out loud. The assistants yanked him off quickly and thunked him back down onto the table, where he whimpered and thrashed, the tranquilizer finally setting in.

  My hand was on my neck now, and my head whirred with pain and shock. I looked to see the dog finally submitting, lying flat on the surgery table, panting hard under three sets of panicked hands pinning him down. Out the corner of his eye he watched me as I staggered back, my neck ringing with pain.

  “He’s drawn blood, come over here quick,” said one of the nurses, and she was soon fussing with the slobbery patch on my neck, unwrapping swabs and furiously disinfecting the area.

  But the pain felt strange on my skin. I felt …exuberant.

  I stared into that animal’s eyes and he stared straight back into mine. My head swum and swirled with panic, but somehow there was one bright, sharp spot in my awareness, just ahead of my eyes. I saw it clearly: I was alive. As alive and as much an animal as that slathering dog in front of me. And I wasn’t fucking scared.

  In fact, as I stood there, heart banging like a drum, the memory of him came to me all at once.


  I saw his hard, angry fists raining down onto Alex’s body. I saw those same hands close around my own body. I saw the damp, black wires beneath his navel, and the veins in his immense cock, and felt the throb it had left deep inside my body, and all at once I laughed, from the sheer thrill of it, from the pain, from I don’t know what. But I laughed.

  “It doesn’t hurt!” I told the fretting nurse, and kept staring into the dog’s eyes as the consciousness seeped out of them and he closed his lids. “I’m fine, I’m fine!”

  And I was more than fine. I felt amazing. I could never have told the others in the room that morning, but something strange had happened to me. Something dark had come over me. Being bitten in the neck by an angry dog shouldn’t feel like this, should it? Why had I thought of Zack, all over me, and in me, and why had I felt hot and crazy and angry and more alive than I ever had? And what’s more, what was this delicious buzzing between my legs?

  I tried to focus.

  The dog. His eyes rolled back in his head and his tongue lolled out his mouth. Now, I could go in and do some damage control. Most of the assistants and nurses cleared out and I got to work on the brown lab. I told myself to pay attention. I would see Zack later on that evening. There’d be time enough to figure out what the hell was going on with me. But for now, the beast was sleeping and while he did, I’d need to mend his broken leg.

  * * *

  I poured out a stream of yellow liquid into his cup and set my teapot back on the table. I thought it was funny, that an ex-con’s favorite tea was chamomile, but I didn’t say so for fear of hurting his feelings.

  As I lifted my own cup to my lips, I noticed that I was still shaking. Still trembling from the adrenaline put there this morning by the ferocious brown lab.

  He sat opposite on me on the sofa. Yes, the sofa, and he watched me warmly, all easy smiles and lightly tanned skin that looked like burnished metal against his casual white shirt.

  “You know, you sure are getting picked on a lot these days,” he laughed, and held the teacup in his wide hands, gesturing to my neck.

  I laughed back.

  It was true. With my still-bruised cheekbone and my newest addition of two vampire-like puncture wounds right on the jugular, I really was a sight to behold.

  “Don’t worry,” he said, “you make looking beat up seem so pretty and glamorous.”

  I giggled. He might be on to something. I had been on fire all day. Triumphant over my tussle with the beast, two fresh trophy wounds to show for my trouble and now, the thing I had been looking forward to all day: Zack. I wouldn’t be surprised if I was glowing.

  Our recent tryst on this very sofa seemed like a dim memory. Something reset and I felt like I had to start all over, gathering up the nerve to touch him again, to kiss him again. We hadn’t spoken much about our last meeting, but my body remembered everything. Every last pulsing, sticky, delicious detail. I was still aching somewhere deep inside where he had been, and the thought both scared and thrilled me.

  Just remembering his naughty smile and the force he used to pull apart my legs… something about finding little traces of him on me drove me wild at the most inappropriate times. I discovered a handprint on my ass while showering and was ten minutes late for work. I saw the letters “ZAK” on a license plate and instantly became wet. And when I sat a certain way, and squeezed my legs just so, and thought of just the right naughty thought, I could feel him. All I could think about all that day was his hard body, his sweet smile …and his fat, ruthless cock.

  In fact, I was even having trouble just looking him in the eye at that moment.

  “Glamorous? Well I wouldn’t call it glamorous,” I said, losing myself a little in his gaze and then tearing my eyes away again.

  “Well, you’re beautiful, whatever happens,” he said, and I noticed his voice crack on the word ‘beautiful’.

  We sat in silence drinking for a moment. The calm before a storm. He flicked his eyes up to glance at me and then I knew all at once: it was going to happen.


  I blushed and felt my pussy twitch deliciously. Half the fun now, I guess, was waiting it out. A game to see who could hold out the longest.

  “More tea?” he asked, and I wanted to make a joke about how funny I thought it was for him to say that, but decided against it.

  “No thanks, I’m good. There is something else I want though.” My heartbeat was like a wild animal caged in my ribs.

  “Oh? What’s that?” He put his cup down.

  “Could I possibly get another kiss?” I said, and tilted my head coyly to the side.

  He inhaled deeply and looked me over with a pleased expression.

  God he was handsome. A good, strong face. A serious jaw. Full, firm lips and clear eyes. But dear Lord was there something unbearably naughty creeping all over that expression of his. He smiled and spoke in a low mumble.

  “I’d be afraid to kiss you, quite frankly. I wouldn’t want to give you another injury…” he said, and lifted delicate fingertips to graze against my bruised skin.

  The effect was electric.

  I exhaled and tried to keep eye contact.

  “Oh, I’m not scared of you,” I said, a little smile fluttering on my lips.

  “You’re not? Maybe you should be. I can be very rough, you know.”

  The jolt of pleasure that zapped through me was so intense I felt like I would pass out. I would have done anything for him to just reach over and kiss me already.

  “You? Rough?” I giggled.

  He pretended to be insulted with a playful jump of his eyebrows.

  “Ma’am, don’t I remember you saying what a dangerous convict I was? What a bad guy? In fact a man so dangerous
that they…” All of a sudden, he leaned in so close I could almost taste the words from his lips. “…so dangerous that they had to lock him up away from society. Surely you must be just a little scared…” he said, putting on his best dramatic voice.

  I was already soaking wet.

  He wasn’t a bad man. But he was a man. The more I thought about this answer he had given, the more I understood it. I was scared. I was very scared. But I didn’t know how to explain all the other things I felt. The strange feeling that pulsed through me as I stared into the animal eyes of the rabid lab. The thrill I felt as his scratch marks stung on my arm. My heart beating when I thought certain unthinkable things about Zack… I didn’t know how to say: yes I’m scared. But I like it.

  I smiled, my lips hovering just an inch from his.

  “Well, when you put it that way, maybe I am just a little scared,” I said and leaned forward slightly to touch the tips of my lips to his. Not to kiss him, but just to touch.

  Instantly, his strong hands folded round my neck and pulled me in deeper, and I surrendered into a deep, full, passionate kiss. It was an uncompromising, penetrating kiss, one that took all of me, and I so I gave myself up to it, all of myself, and opened my lips to his.

  Soon his warm body was pressed close to mine, where I hadn’t even realized how much I had missed it. It was as though I had been holding on, holding my breath and waiting for him, and now that his strong arms were folding around me again, I could just exhale and let all of that go.

  “I’ve wrestled one savage beast today, I think I can handle another,” I said teasingly, and with this came a low growl from deep inside his chest as he pounced on me. I squealed with delight as he jumped on top of me and pinned me down. I could already feel his solid cock jamming into my belly, even through his thick trousers.

  Were we crazy? Was this all too fast? My heart was pumping at fever pitch. There is good in this world, and there is bad. But maybe there’s something else, too. A third thing: good-bad.

  My throat went dry and I considered opening my mouth, coming up for air between each deep, animalistic kiss, and telling him I was scared, and saying please don’t hurt me. I thought about begging him to slow down. That the speed with which he was tearing my clothing off was scary, that it was too much, he was too much, too big, too rough for me, that I wasn’t ready yet. I thought of begging him to be gentle, to go slow. To be good. But then I realized that if I asked him to stop… he would.

  As his hungry, frenzied lips travelled down over my neck and breasts, I threw my head back and bit down on my lips, a dark understanding brewing at the back of my mind.

  I didn’t want him to stop.

  Chapter 12 - Zack

  After the last stitch of clothing was gone between us, my eyes hazed over and I felt a kind of delicious rage pumping through me. Maybe it was the smell of her vulnerability. Maybe it was something about the way she looked at me - just right, just that split second flicker in her pale eyes that told me …yes.

  It was only the second time we had slept together, but it was already eerie how swiftly she could bring this lusty rage over me, how I could be sipping tea one moment and the next want to fuck her senseless, all because of the soft, slight way she held the words in her mouth when she said I’m not scared.

  But I sure as hell was scared.

  Fucking petrified.

  It was something new to me: I was genuinely afraid of hurting her. She was small and soft and yielding. Naïve of the violence that a human body can really be capable of; she was untrained, innocent, a sitting duck with soft eyes that made me feel weird things in the pit of my stomach.

  In truth, I was more afraid of what she was doing to me.

  I kissed her hard and her little strawberry tongue came fiercely back at me. I slid eager hands down her smooth body.

  There was just so much to hold and squeeze I wished I had more hands than two – her full breasts with their puffy pink nipples, the little swell of creamy flesh under her belly button, her shapely bones underneath the velvet skin on each of her hips, like she was living cello.

  I slid two thumbs down between that sweet cleft and was nearly delirious to find her secret inner thighs already slick. I kissed her there. I looked up to see her smiling down at me with something like intoxication on her sweet face. I was rock hard. I knew her so well …but did I? Were we being crazy, going so fast?

  “Turn around,” I said, surprising myself.

  Her little eyes opened wider, and she froze, looking down at me between her legs. I raised one hand to her pretty neck and caressed the little red holes there. Around each was a small shadow of black bruising. She raised her chin and twisted her neck as I did so, like a cat. Soon, she was on her knees in front of me, her ass waggling at me, her forearms flat on the floor.

  Some sick part of me imagined her ex bursting in the room at just this moment, right in time to see just exactly what I was about to do to his woman.

  I shook my head to clear it, then spread eager hands over her wide hips, gently pulling her ass cheeks apart. She tossed her head to the side, her waterfall of brown hair flowing down from her head like it had a magical life of its own. I slid my hands up to greet her breasts and then back down again. When I dipped the greedy tip of my cock into that sweet little well between her legs, she instantly swiveled her hips back towards me, groaning into her curtain of hair. It was a miracle how wet she became. How ready she was.

  I slid in smoothly and slowly, shuddering at how amazing it felt to be in her again, at how she seemed to melt and swell all around me as I sunk deeper and deeper in.

  “You’re fucking beautiful,” I mumbled under my breath and again came those sweet hips back towards me.

  One hand went to her swollen little clit and she began to stroke herself in tight, urgent circles. The sight of this alone drove me wild. When I heard an overwhelmed little squeak from somewhere behind the curtain of hair, I couldn’t hold back anymore; drawing back my hips I slammed into her, hard, giving her the full length of my cock and driving deep to find that soaking place inside that she had shown me just a few days before.

  I wanted more, I wanted all of her, and as I felt her twinge and clench around me, something inside me took over and I fucked her again, bringing all the strength I could muster down into that little quivering slit, watching her body swell and open and submit to another thrust, and then another, and another.

  Her little fingers moved furiously over her clit as I pounded again and again into her, each blow from my hips sending fleshy ripples through hers. The delicious rage pumped through me like it was boiling in my blood. Next to my brown and scribbled-on body, hers seemed as white and clean as an angel’s.

  I gripped hard on her hips, stopping myself from going further, knowing I shouldn’t hurt her.

  All at once she got up off her elbows and leaned back onto me, her shapely back pressing against me and her long hair snaking over us both. I caught sight of the little wounds on her neck and felt something strange stirring in me. Waves of pleasure were washing over me, and with each stroking thrust she eased me closer to the edge, closer to bursting and filling her with my cum.

  Inside she was so silky, so sweet and so astonishingly warm, I was soon fucking her harder than I thought she could handle, harder than I should, lifting both knees off the ground so I could sink deeper into her poor little cunt with every lunge. I wrapped my arms round her to steady her against my own ruthless cock, and through little parted lips she groaned, and a single bead of sweat ran down her temple.

  “Zack,” she said, flopping forward and steadying her hands on the ground in front of her again. “Oh my God, Zack…”

  Her voice was shaky and near-hysterical.

  I fucking loved it.

  A tortured little mumble escaped from her throat and then she was silent, both her hands desperately clutching the carpet underfoot, her body tensing right up. I could feel she was close to coming.

  I stroked a long hand up and the
n down her spine to soothe her.

  “Shhhh,” I said as I continued to fuck her, deep and quick and hard. Her breasts shook underneath her. I could hear she had stopped breathing. I felt her tight little pussy swell and squeeze around me, and I knew she would come soon.

  “Zack!” she mumbled, and I fucked harder. “Oh God, Zack… right there!”

  All at once, she was thrusting her own hips back into me, her hungry body swallowing me up, my balls slapping against her with each violent thrust.

  “I’m going to--”

  The words got stuck in her throat. I was so engorged inside her I felt I’d never be able to pull free. She was so wet I could hear it.

  “Zack, I’m…

  “Fucking come for me,” I growled.

  I grabbed her hips and sent one final, brutal fuck straight into the juicy core of her, as hard and as deep as I could reach. Her spine curled and bucked and her entire body tightened around me, all of a sudden, wracked with the brutal force of her orgasm beating through her.

  She jerked forward, and to my amazement, a giant gush of liquid spurted from her and splashed everywhere, down over my cock, and onto both of our thighs. She let out a long, guttural cry and then whimpered as her body clenched again and a second, smaller gush followed, dousing us again. I looked down to see my wet cock bouncing at the entrance of her pulsating, juicy body. Sweet fuck, it was the eye of God himself winking back at me.

  Without thinking, I grabbed her shuddering frame, the last dribbles of her orgasms still pumping through her, and shoved my cock straight back in again. She was slick and tight and hot enough inside it nearly took my breath away. Fired up to see her so utterly dissolved in her own pleasure, I only needed a few thrusts to bring myself right to the edge, and when I tumbled over myself, her pussy clenched hard around me, milking every last drop out of me. I cried out and collapsed onto her sweat-soaked back, my own orgasm beating hard through my body, in wave after wave of ecstasy.


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