Billionaire Single Dad's Babysitter_An Older Man Younger Woman Office Romance

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Billionaire Single Dad's Babysitter_An Older Man Younger Woman Office Romance Page 3

by Flora Ferrari

  Like I am with Olivia. She’s just so entirely different than anyone I’ve ever met. It seems crazy to think so especially considering how many people I’ve met in and out of the office over the course of my life. But when you know, you just know.

  She was just what I needed…and wanted.

  I didn’t need to know anything else about her to know that I would make her mine, but there was one other opinion that mattered.

  I motioned with my hand for Olivia to walk towards the concealed door I have in the side wall. She seems confused until I reach the wall just as she does and I press on a piece of slightly indented marble which causes the door to slide sideways. It’s a neat trick that very, very few know about.

  “Rule number one,” I say. “You will never tell anyone about your office,” I say.

  She turns back and looks at me realizing the space I’m referring to is her office.

  I motion for her to step inside the room. It is her office after all.

  I can see the shock on her face and know there is more than one reason why she can’t believe what she’s seeing. But just as she’s feeling amazed, I’m feeling amazed too. I’m so glad I’m able to provide her with an incredible working environment and equally happy to see just how much she appreciates it.

  But the surprises aren’t done.

  As soon as we step inside she sees my daughter Leah who’s quietly working on a crossword puzzle for kids on the couch.

  “Rule number two. You will never tell anyone about Leah.”

  Leah looks up when she hears her name. Sometimes she gets so engrossed in what she’s doing she blocks out everything around her. She looks at Olivia and smiles. Just as I expected. She can sense Olivia’s genuineness just as quickly as I did.

  Leah gets up from the couch and approaches Olivia.

  “Hi. I’m Leah. Nice to meet you.”

  If there’s one thing I’m proud of in this world more than anything else it’s Olivia’s manners. No amount of money can buy class and I’ve done my absolute very best to teach her that since day one.

  “Hi Leah. I’m Olivia. It’s nice to meet you too.”

  Olivia’s tiny hand shakes Leah’s even tinier hand. It’s a moment I’ll never forget. The one girl in my life meeting the only other girl who will ever mean as much to me as she does.

  I know this about Olivia just like I know how to evaluate a business deal or anything else in life. But this is personal. This has ramifications beyond dollars and cents.

  This is my life. This is Olivia’s life. And this is Leah’s life. And when I make her mind this is going to be our life.

  “Leah, could you excuse us for a minute?”

  “Yes, dad,” she says as she scurries off into my office.

  I motion for Olivia to join me by the windows. This will be her view from now on. It’s the best view in the entire city, except for my view. I’ll have her in my sights now day in and day out.

  “I won’t beat around the bush,” I say.

  I watch as her lips part slightly just before she bites her lower lip.

  “I’m offering you a position we’ve never had at Stone Solutions. I’ve created it just for you.”

  “Okay,” she says softly.

  “I want you to work directly with me, not for me. And by with me I mean in every way. You’ll be my right hand and that includes family matters.”

  She nods.

  “Leah is my daughter. I’ve invested considerable time and money to keep her out of the press. It’s the last thing someone at her age needs. I want her to grow up with a normal childhood. It’s one of the reasons I never applied to change her last name to Stone.”

  “Okay,” she says again.

  “So you’ll work with me on business and personal matters. I’m asking you to be the positive role model that Leah needs day in and day out. I need to make myself clear now so you know exactly what you’re getting into should you agree.”


  “There’s one other thing,” I say as I interrupt her. “I don’t want you working with anyone else in the company but me.”

  “But how would I be able to carry out my day-to-day duties?”

  “In those circumstances of course you’ll need to interact with other members of the team, but you’ll be the lead on projects that I give you or that you work on by yourself.”

  “I understand. Confidentiality is a must.”

  “That’s true, but that’s not the main reason.”

  I watch as her chest rises and falls in that blouse she’s wearing. I can see she’s still not sure what’s really being offered here.

  “I want you all for myself.”



  Was this really happening or was I hearing things? Was one of the most powerful men in the world telling me he wanted me all for himself? He wanted me so badly he was going to have me working with him and not for him? Not only that he trusted me with what I would guess is his deepest secret in the world?


  If he has a daughter then he must have a wife too. But how would that be possible with everything that’s reported? All those beautiful and famous women who have been linked to him.

  This was a lot to process all at once. Just the amount of faith he was putting in me by telling me this made me feel incredibly special. And that’s not even to mention the fact that he desired me and just told me directly. I’m not used to such directness, but wow…is it ever a turn on. Guys back in college barely even know how to just say what they want or feel or what’s really on their mind. Ethan just did all three at once and now I feel incredibly feminine.

  And also turned on beyond belief.

  “I know you weren’t expecting all this, and it might be a lot to handle all at once,” he says. “But I see no point in wasting your time or mine. I want you and I want it known right now from the start, before you make your decision.”

  The tension had been so thick, but somehow his honesty and directness seemed to cut right through it all.

  I turned to look at him, not even realizing he was no longer looking out the window as I thought he was. My mind processed the words he’d been saying and I realized he’d been looking at me the whole time. The direction and tone of his voice made it clear. I was the one off in La La Land this entire time.

  “Does this scare you? My directness and my desires?”

  His directness made the same thing so much easier for me. “No.”

  His gaze narrowed and he smirked at me. I wish he wouldn’t do that because I’m sure he can see just how much that smirk of his takes things to the next level. He wants me all for himself? The feeling is definitely mutual.

  My mind kicks into overdrive and I start imagining everything that can, might, and could happen. The possibilities are endless.

  “How do you feel, Olivia? Now that I’ve shared this with you.”

  I breathe in deep and hold it before exhaling it out. I need some air to avoid passing out from all the excitement.

  “How do you feel?” he repeats himself.

  “I want to be yours,” I say putting myself out there. And do I ever want him.

  The way he exuded power that first moment I saw him in his office yesterday. Even before that…his picture in the papers and in the top business magazines. Who am I fooling? I came here to learn, but I also came here for him. Him and him alone. There’s no point in denying it.

  Or denying myself what I’m beyond excited about now that we’re going to be together…all…the…time.





  Leah’s head pops up from looking at the Scrabble board at the same time mine does. We make eye contact and both jump up and go running for the kitchen.

  It’s close but she beats me. It makes me feel good when I see her expression at how much fun she’s having. When she touches the oven door just before me we both burst out laughing, and she hugs me around the waist
. I want to melt right there. She’s so cute and so perfect.

  Ethan had told me he wanted a role model for Leah and he quickly backed up those words.

  Ethan had to leave for a business meeting on Tuesday right after he offered me the position. Fortunately he’d left me with something of a get acquainted packet on my desk. It was definitely helpful, but nothing was more fun than passing time during the day with Leah.

  I’d never met a kid who was so well behaved and so calm. I’d spend an hour or so going over the information Ethan had left for me and then would take a break for an hour or two to do things with Leah. I couldn’t imagine any better way to balance being a woman of the twenty-first century with my natural calling to just adore kids and want to spend as much time with them as possible.

  But at the end of each day Ethan’s home assistant had come and picked up Olivia after the other assistants on the floor had left for the day.

  I was amazed that he’d been able to keep Leah a secret while running his business. But the best part was I could tell he was certainly an involved father. I definitely didn’t want to pry with questions or look for answers, but in general conversation Leah mentioned certain things her and her dad did and how much she enjoyed it. Sure there were trips to exotic locations and things of the like, but also just a lot of little moments that she remembered. Things like walks along the beach, taking her out for her favorite birthday meal one year and then preparing it all by himself the following year. He’d even rearranged his schedule so he could be home more nights of the year in order to read her bedtime stories.

  Ethan was literally too good to be true, both as a father and as someone I was more than ready to become romantically involved with.

  We pull the chocolate chip peanut butter cookies from the oven and set them on a cooling rack.

  But we can’t resist.

  I pull one off and break it in half. We both blow on our pieces, trying to cool them and then burst out laughing again. We’re almost like sisters, which for me is perfect. I don’t want to assume anything that would resemble a motherly role with her yet. It’s not my place, especially considering I haven’t had enough time to see how Ethan interacts with her and his expectations for Leah and I’s relationship.

  Sure, the role model part I get, but that can take a lot of different shapes and forms. I want to be sure I’m doing what he wishes when it comes to how I interact with his daughter.

  And I still can’t get the idea of him having a daughter out of my head. She hasn’t mentioned anything once about having a mother. It’s strange. I almost wonder if he adopted her, but no way am I going to dig for information.

  Ethan had texted me Tuesday night from Paris where he was giving a conference on American legal tactics. He asked me to babysit Leah for him. His words not mine, so I treated it as such.

  The billionaire’s babysitter? I laughed to myself when he first asked me and the thought popped into my head.

  We put the cookies on plates and take them back into the living room where we pick up with our game of Scrabble.

  “Almost forgot!” I say.

  I head back into the kitchen and pour two glasses of milk.

  When I come back into the living room Leah claps uncontrollably. She’s got chocolate around the corners of her mouth and is absolutely beyond adorable.

  A week ago I was spending my Friday night at home working my way through an entire quart of rocky road ice cream. I was nervous about my new job.

  But from the moment I arrived it’s been smooth sailing…beyond my wildest expectations and more.

  And who could have expected a week later I’d be sharing my chocolate with the cutest little girl ever. Last Friday my chocolate came in the form of ice cream in a box. Tonight it’s homemade cookies with Leah.

  How did I get so lucky?

  Leah drops an R on the board and spells out PERFECT.

  I couldn’t think of a better word if I tried.




  The past few days flew by. I’d been working away in my office and spending time with Leah. I knew when Ethan got back next week he’d be ready to hit the ground running. This week had been more of a practice round. I wanted to be totally prepared so I decided it would be a good idea to drop by the office on Saturday and go over the items I was supposed to learn one more time. I wanted to know the information forward and back when he arrived, or at least as good as I could.

  But is it possible he hired me just to have me and not actually do any work? Is he looking for a kept woman and a glorified babysitter, or someone to really partner with. He’s a skilled attorney and slick with words and psychology. I’m sure if he wanted to he could play me like a fiddle, but I don’t think he would.

  But if and when we do really become more like partners it will give me tremendous power…more than I could have ever dreamed of. I’d love nothing more than to use that power to help others.

  Power was great, but it wasn’t really my objective. What I really wanted was him and he had turned on a part of my femininity that had long been dormant. Yes, I was a virgin but I had had some boyfriends in college…if you can call them that. They were nice guys but mostly pushovers who were looking for me to lead and make decisions. I appreciate that they cared about my opinion, but the last thing I wanted was to make every decision in the relationship. I guess that’s why none of them lasted long at all.

  And the bad boys? They never really found me attractive, nor did I them. They were just out for one thing and I wasn’t about to give it to them for nothing.

  No man had ever really made me feel, never made me emotional like Ethan did. He could make me feel nervousness, fear, power, and beautiful all in a period of minutes just with his body language.

  I’d experienced so many emotions with him already, but emotions weren’t the only thing I was looking forward to experiencing with him. I wanted to experience the world with him. We could travel for pleasure and business and enjoy all the adventures this beautiful world of ours had to offer.

  But those thoughts were light years ahead. Although he’d made a tremendous impression on me already when I thought about it I realized we’d barely spent any time together. I’d spent considerably more time with Leah than Ethan.

  But I couldn’t get ahead of myself right now. I needed to go back over the material he left for me. He’s obviously running a buttoned-up operation and I need to be in my best form just to have a chance to keep up with him.


  Later that afternoon I’d had enough. My mind was spent and I knew it would be better to get out of the office and get some exercise. Plus I didn’t know if the doorman stayed much past five p.m. on a weekend.

  I powered down my laptop and stood and stretched. Even though it was late and I was mentally tired I still had a kind of energy inside me. There was just something about the grandiosity of his penthouse offices and remembering how I felt when he first brought me into the office next to his.

  It wouldn’t hurt to relive that a bit would it?

  I leave my office and shut the secret door. I feel like a spy in a movie, and it makes me giggle.

  I look at Ethan’s big desk and remember how he had me take that test in that chair. How my mind somehow knew I didn’t belong there. Even though I was in a powerful position, his words and ways could make me feel powerless or powerful at his will.

  I want to know what it feels like in that chair when I’m all alone.

  I make my way over to his desk and slowly slide out that plush, black leather chair. I run my finger along the top of his wooden desk before I give it a knock. The sound it gives off is thick and strong. I look and see it must be a couple inches thick. I remember when I caught a glimpse of him when I first came around the edge of this desk. His wood was just as solid, but wider and a whole lot longer.

  I looked back at the door to his office. It was open. Was this really a smart move? I just couldn’t get the fantasy and the fee
ling of power out of my mind. What if the cleaning crew or someone came in and saw me sitting here? Then again I don’t think they’d care or even think to tell him. It’s not like I’m going to put my feet up.

  I had to at least sit here and see how it felt when I was all alone. To feel that power once and know what it’s like to be Ethan Stone…even if just in my imagination.

  A girl can dream, right?




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