Dating A Saint

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Dating A Saint Page 6

by Donna McDonald

  “—until you decide if you want to tell someone else?” Casey finished, suddenly understanding. “Don’t lose a minute’s sleep over it. Regina isn’t the only one with ethics in this group. You can trust us, Jim.”

  “No doubt,” Jim replied. Trust is what he’d been learning about Casey for weeks. Kaiser, he already knew had a heart of gold. “If you’ll excuse me for just a bit, I need to deal with some paperwork. Feel free to look around. We can meet here in about twenty minutes and go to lunch.”

  Jim walked quickly down the hall and through some glass doors into an office area.

  Ben and Casey remained where he’d left them, too stunned to move.

  “Holy shit,” Casey said softly, putting a hand over his mouth to keep everything else he was thinking from just pouring out in a further flood of swearing.

  “You can say that again,” Ben said. “Damn it, I knew Jim was a good man, but hell—he’s more a saint than even Lauren.”

  Casey just shook his head from side to side, unable to fathom how a man could live with such a situation.

  “Ben, your wife keeps stuff like this to herself all the time. I can’t even imagine carrying this kind of emotional burden around. I think I’d be the crazy one. No wonder Jim’s struggling over his attraction to Lauren,” Casey said.

  “I think Jim would have problems with any woman, but at least Lauren is trustworthy,” Ben commented. “I hope like hell he tells her. Not that it would fix everything, but at least there would be some honest communication between them.”

  They stood there in silence for a couple of minutes as they tried to absorb the shock of what they had learned.

  Casey finally broke the silence.

  “Don’t look now, Benjamin, but Regina is starting to rub off on you,” Casey remarked with a smirk. “You’re sounding like her more and more.”

  “Not surprising,” Ben said proudly. “I spend a lot of time rubbing us together. That much friction has to cause some transference.”

  A low laugh rumbled in Casey’s chest. “You can never make fun of my military euphemisms again.”

  “Deal,” Ben said with a wicked grin.

  *** *** ***

  Jim walked out with them at five that afternoon when they were leaving. “We’ll draw up the contracts tomorrow. Casey and his crew can start the work after he gets back from his honeymoon or whenever time allows.”

  “No crew,” Ben said easily. “I’m in on this one. If we need to bring someone else in for the complicated wiring, we’ll let you know.”

  When Jim put his hands in his pockets automatically, it occurred to him he had been doing the nervous action a lot lately. He pulled them out and forced himself to let his hands relax by his side. He could trust these men. There was no reason to keep the tension inside.

  “I’ll leave the details up to you,” he said. “Sorry you’re getting a late start back.”

  “No worries,” Casey said. “Girls are out on the town tonight. It’s Alexa’s bachelorette party, or whatever it’s called these days. I just want to be there when she gets home. Older women party hard. I’m sure large quantities of alcohol will be involved.”

  “You planning on taking advantage of it?” Jim teased.

  Casey snorted. “Doubtful. Alexa’s a lightweight. Kaiser might get lucky. Regina can hold her liquor.”

  Ben was already making plans, but he wasn’t telling these two about it. Instead, he just smiled.

  “Thanks for coming by,” Jim said. “I appreciate this—and everything.”

  Ben put his hand on Jim’s arm. It was Casey’s turn to simply smile.

  “We’ll see you tomorrow morning at your office,” Ben said, motioning to the car with his head. Casey nodded his chin in agreement and climbed inside.

  Jim watched them drive away. For a moment, he wondered what kind of condition Lauren would come home in tonight. He’d never seen her drink more than a glass of wine. The idea of Lauren being drunk made him laugh a little.

  Chapter 5

  Across town, Alexa and Regina were trying their best to get a very drunk Lauren into the limo. It was hard to do when they stopped to laugh every couple of minutes.

  “But Shaun said he was going to wait for me,” Lauren whined. “You’re messing up my plan.”

  “You have good taste in hunky men, but Shaun’s going home alone, honey. So are you,” Alexa told her. “You’ll thank us tomorrow.”

  Alexa watched Lauren stomp one black-strappy-heeled foot, her bottom lip pulled into an obstinate pout. It was taking both Regina and her to convince their totally inebriated friend she couldn’t go home with the stripper she’d gotten a little too friendly with in the club. They both sighed when Lauren finally climbed into the limo, butt up in the air, flashing a passerby with a sample of Alexa’s amazing lingerie.

  “Maybe I need to change my advertising campaign for that style of underwear,” Alexa said, laughing. “Lauren’s given me a new idea about how to market them.”

  Regina laughed so hard she had to bend over. “I swear I’ve laughed more this evening than I have in months. Who knew? Lauren is a hoot when she’s drunk.”

  “Yes, but I was supposed to be the one getting smashed tonight,” Alexa complained, as she watched Lauren’s rear move deeper into the backseat.

  Regina laughed. “You were too busy doing the mother thing and worrying about Lauren to have a good time.”

  “Yes, I know. Why aren’t you more concerned? Didn’t you see what she did to Shaun the stripper?” Alexa asked, hands on hips, glaring at Regina who just laughed harder.

  When the round of laughter subsided a little, Regina rubbed Alexa’s arm in apology. Alexa had been growing more and more worried about Lauren’s changing behavior. Only Regina knew it was positive sign.

  “Yes, I saw what Lauren did. I just couldn’t react for laughing. It was funny enough to see her trying to stick a dollar bill into Shaun’s g-string while he was gyrating. I thought it was quite brilliant of her to hold him still with a hand clamped to his crotch. We’re lucky Shaun pulled her loose before the bouncers caught her doing it. That must have been some grip for Shaun to want to take her home. The man was actually begging her.”

  Okay, Alexa thought. It was really funny to think of Saint McCarthy picking up a male stripper, but she was still miffed the attention was on Lauren and not her. It was supposed to be her night.

  If they had known what emotional condition Lauren was in, they would have been watching her more closely. Lauren had been quiet all night—too quiet, Alexa now realized. Neither she nor Regina even knew how much Lauren had drank until she’d boldly copped a feel of the stripper’s crotch, all but stroking the man as he danced.

  “I’ll take Lauren home,” Alexa said to Regina. “Come on, we’ll drop you first. It’s only ten. You and Ben still have time for hot monkey sex before your buzz wears off.”

  “We had that last night,” Regina joked around a grin. “Seriously, I don’t mind babysitting, Lauren. How many times did you take care of me when I was drowning my sorrows? Just because you’re the old lady among us, you don’t always have to be the mother.”

  “No,” Alexa said. “I need to assuage my guilt for making Lauren continue dating when she didn’t want to anymore. She’s not been the same since the fundraiser dinner, but come to think of it—that was your brain child.”

  “Who knew her ex-husband would show up?” Regina asked, lifting her hands in the air. “I’m glad she got some closure. Smith was an ass while they were married, and apparently still is one.”

  “And who knew Jim would start an emotional fight with her there?” Alexa asked snidely. “Wait. You did. Lauren was practically ill from the stress of dealing with the only two men she’s been sexually attracted to in her life.”

  “I repeat—Lauren is a big girl, Mom. See her home if you need to, but give her space to experience the consequences of her drinking. It’s character building for her to realize she has emotions that aren’t so nice,” Regi
na said, reaching out to rub Alexa’s arm again. “She’s been in denial for years.”

  Lauren opened the door of the limo and tried to climb back out. They stopped her, stuffed her back inside, and climbed in themselves this time.

  Regina’s condo wasn’t too far from the bar. She and Ben were living there while their new house was being built. Once she and Lauren were delivered to Lauren’s house, Alexa sent the limo on its way. She helped Lauren into the living room and deposited her on the couch.

  “You can go home now,” Lauren told her drowsily. “I just had a little too much to drink. I’ll be fine. I’ll just sit here until the worst of it wears off.”

  “Okay, I’ll call for a taxi in few minutes,” Alexa said easily. “Let me get you some water. You need to get hydrated. Over-indulging with alcohol is really bad for your skin, honey.”

  As Alexa was walking back from the kitchen to the living room with bottles of water for both her and Lauren, the doorbell rang.

  She walked to the door, looked out the security port, and was amazed at who was standing on Lauren’s doorstep. Opening the door wide, Alexa could tell she shocked the man who stood there quietly with a giant bouquet of gorgeous flowers in hand.

  “Flowers for me?” Alexa asked, smiling and teasing. “Jim, how sweet of you.”

  Alexa stepped aside, motioning for Jim to come in. He came in cautiously, his gaze darting around looking for Lauren, making Alexa laugh.

  “Lauren’s in the living room,” Alexa supplied dryly. Jim’s gaze hadn’t even taken her in as he had searched for Lauren.

  And that’s the last straw, Alexa concluded. She’d had enough of playing second string to Lauren McCarthy this evening. She was ready to go home to a man who actually paid attention to her. Lauren and Jim would just have to deal with each other.

  Jim put one hand in his pocket, not sure how to explain his presence there to Alexa. He was surprised when Alexa walked into the living room without him, seemingly unconcerned if he followed or not.

  On the couch, Lauren slept sitting up with her head leaned over the back edge, her long legs spread a little to stabilize her upright position. Black heels lay discarded near her feet. She was wearing a short black dress, the hem riding high enough on her thighs for Jim to see the edge of what looked like thigh-high nylons. The spit dried up in his mouth. The flower bouquet fell to his side.

  For long moments, he could do nothing but stand and stare at Lauren.

  “Is she drunk?” Jim asked finally, relieved to find his voice still worked.

  Alexa took a chair near the couch. She looked at Jim, trying to read what was going on with him. “Yes, thoroughly sloshed. Would you happen to know why?”

  Jim heard the accusation in her tone. “Are you implying this is my fault?” he asked, lifting the hand without the flowers to motion at Lauren.

  “I’m not implying anything. Saint McCarty drank the jumbo margaritas all by herself. But I know for damn sure you’re the reason she almost went home with my stripper,” Alexa said sharply, delighted when Jim’s eyes flew to Lauren’s splayed pose. “You owe me and Regina for stopping her.”

  “Why would I owe you for that?” Jim asked huskily, closing his eyes against the truth.

  “Stop being a coward. Do you really want Lauren McCarthy sleeping with another man and calling your name? Not that Shaun would have cared one way or the other,” she said, looking at her nails to see if her polish was chipped from wrestling with Lauren. “I also doubt Shaun would have bragged about it to everyone the next day, which is better than some of us manage. Most of my lovers were not very discreet either.”

  Jim didn’t answer Alexa. He wasn’t going admit to Alexa what he couldn’t yet admit to Lauren.

  “Look, Jim, I know how Lauren feels about you. What I don’t know is how you feel about her,” Alexa told him. “Neither does she, which I think partially explains the sudden drinking binge of a woman who has never drank more than a couple glasses of wine in front of me the whole time I’ve known her.”

  Chastised to realize he’d upset Lauren enough to push her into drinking, Jim walked to a chair. He set the flowers on the polished ebony side table. Leaning forward, he put his elbows on his knees and hung his hands down in front of them. He stared at the floor for a few seconds before finally raising his head to look at Alexa.

  What was he supposed to say? Alexa’s stare was not friendly or trusting. His thoughts were in turmoil. The idea of Lauren almost going home with another man in her condition threatened to mentally unhinge him if he dwelled too long on it.

  “I never asked you this when we dated, but I damn well want to know now. Did you leave a real wife at home tucked in bed waiting for you to return?” Alexa demanded, her direct gaze daring him to lie about it.

  “No. No one waits for me,” Jim admitted, realizing the awful opinion Alexa must have of him to ask the question for Lauren’s sake.

  “Well, Lauren is waiting, Jim. Lauren McCarthy is waiting for you, and you need to appreciate the fact,” Alexa said earnestly. “Lauren didn’t even want to date those guys she dated. Regina and I talked her into it. We don’t think it’s healthy for her to keep pining away for you while you ignore her.”

  “I’m married,” Jim said flatly. “It’s not a normal husband-wife relationship, but I can’t change my situation. That’s all I can tell you. I haven’t even told her this much.”

  “I don’t care if you tell me anything more or not. I’ve known my share of married men, and brother you aren’t one,” Alexa said firmly. “Ben and Regina—that’s married. And that’s how I’m going to be married to Casey. Anything other than a love that complete—well, it’s just not the same thing. You might be legally committed to a relationship for reasons you’re not sharing, but you’re certainly not married. So stop pretending you have a relationship with another woman more important than the one you have with my friend.”

  “I can’t divorce my wife, Alexa. How can I ask Lauren to be satisfied with just an affair with me? Even I don’t want that kind of relationship. Why would she want that?” Jim asked sadly. “You know what her marriage was like.”

  Alexa shrugged in reply. “Why did you show up here tonight with flowers, dressed in an expensive suit, and smelling like a man intent on seduction? Don’t give me that innocent look, Jim. Even Lauren would have figured out your agenda if she’d been awake. You’re purposely trying to put this attraction between you two all on her and make it her fault, but you’re the one sitting in her living room with your gaze glued her legs. The truth is on your face.”

  “You can’t possibly know what I intended tonight,” Jim said quietly.

  Consequences, Alexa thought. Maybe it would be character building for both of them. Wondering if Regina was ever going to be wrong about these things, Alexa steeled herself, ready to deliver the end of her lecture to Jim about doing right by Lauren.

  “You need to stop lying to yourself about how interested you are in Lauren. Then you need to talk to her about your limited situation. She wants you, Jim—not other men, just you. You need to let her decide what’s enough,” Alexa said. A horn blew outside and Alexa stood. “That’s my ride. Do I need to be worried about you staying here alone with her?”

  “I won’t hurt her,” Jim promised, or at least he would try not to do so.

  Alexa nodded. “She might be sick later or maybe just light-headed. The only time I think Lauren had even two glasses of wine was when she found out her mother was having regular lunches with her ex-husband. That was several years ago. Lauren truly is a saint most of the time. We only tease her because it’s mostly true.”

  Jim followed Alexa to the door, surprised when she leaned forward and kissed his cheek.

  “Don’t judge my friend by the one bitch you slept with who was indiscreet. What’s between you and Lauren is a type of connection that doesn’t happen every day. I waited a long damn time to find it for myself. You both got lucky a whole lot sooner. Treat the extra time as a gift.” A
lexa tapped his cheek with her the tips of her fingers, turned on her heels, and walked off into the night.

  After Alexa had gotten into the taxi, Jim shut and locked the door.

  He walked back to the living room where Lauren was still sleeping. Having her head lolled back like that had to be uncomfortable, he thought. The narrow couch would be uncomfortable even lying down, plus it wasn’t near a bathroom.

  Thanks to Kaiser’s encouragement, the weight lifting had increased his strength, but he still wasn’t strong enough yet to carry a nearly six foot, drunken, real woman with curves up the stairs. He peered into a room off the living room and found a bedroom with a half-bath. That would work, he thought. He could carry her that far.

  Coming back into the living room, he knelt on the couch and slipped one arm under her knees. He had to work the other behind her back. Gripping under her arm, his fingertips grazed the side of her breast. Drawing in a surprised breath, he got a lungful of her heady scent. It was the same thing she’d been wearing in the garden when he kissed her.

  Desire instantly swamped him.

  He straightened with Lauren in his arms, her long legs dangling, head slumping on his shoulder. Lauren was heavier than she looked, and firmer than he’d guessed by just looking at her. Jim walked the short distance to the bedroom, enjoying the sensation of carrying her in his arms.

  Jim got another lungful of her scent when he bent to lay Lauren in the bed. Not having thought to pull down the covers, he had to slide them from beneath her, running his hands down and under as he went. While doing that, he felt the garter snaps on the backs of her thighs. His discovery had his hands trembling as the pulled the cover the rest of way down.

  He slid the hem of her dress up one thigh wanting to see up close what he had felt. Though they were sexy as hell on her, Lauren wouldn’t be very comfortable in the garters and hose. Jim swallowed hard hoping he could manage to control himself. Gritting his teeth, he put both hands under the hem of her dress trying to only skim her thighs as he reached up and up. When his hands finally grazed Lauren hips, he used only the tips of his fingers to trace the garter belt. Discovering no hooks in the front, he slipped his hands under the back where he found a couple of tiny hooks which were undone easily.


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