Substitute Starlet

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by Marie Kelly

  Substitute Starlet


  Marie Kelly

  Special Lulu Edition

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Substitute Starlet

  Special Lulu Edition

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  Chapter One

  Fidgeting nervously on the chic designer chair, Tara James once more flicked her eyes to the clock on the wall of the spacious and opulent waiting room. The polite but bored secretary gave her another smile which did not seem to reach her overly-made-up eyes.

  “I am sure he will not be much longer”, her voice lacking believability as her attention was once more taken by the ringing phone.

  Looking at the man beside her, he too trying not to show his nervousness, Tara leant in against him hissing quietly, “This is never going to work Ross. He knows already. Why else would he have left us waiting for so long?”

  Shaking his head firmly, Ross Rosco whispered in as reassuring a voice as he could muster, “It’s fine. He’s just a really busy man Tara. Men like him just lose track of time, that’s all. Relax.” Tara noted however, that despite his attempt to appear calm there were small beads of perspiration gathering on his brow.

  Sitting back once more, she inwardly fumed. Losing track of time when you requested – no summoned, she corrected herself – people to be at your office, was the height of bad manners, Tara hating rudeness and lack of punctuality.

  “Mr Callen will see you now.” The high-pitched voice of the receptionist broke through her thoughts, as frowning, she rose.

  Ross coughed nervously as he moved beside her to the imposing door at the end of the corridor. “OK, let me do the talking”, he muttered, Tara nodding with a sigh, having heard this more times than she could count on the journey there.

  “I know the plan”, she whispered as Ross nodded with a sigh, his hand lifted in apology as he moved beside her.

  Moving into the large, expensively decorated office, the two stepped to the large table, Ross breaking into jovial ‘manager mode’ as he rushed forward, his hand outstretched to the man who sat behind the imposing desk at the end of the room.

  “Logan! Great to see you”, he enthused, the man behind the desk scowling at his informality, though rising also and taking the manager’s hand, shaking it brusquely as Ross pulled Tara forward.

  “You do of course know my very talented client, Miss Sunny James.” Tara on cue stepped forward, extending her hand, feeling as it had been taken in the stranger’s strong warm one, her eyes drinking in the man before her.

  She had seen many pictures of Logan Callen as part of her research, knowing how incredibly handsome he was with his black hair cut short around his well-chiselled features, but this still had not prepared her for the sheer presence of the man. Steely grey/blue eyes were fixed on her, his sensual mouth not holding a smile as he towered over both manager and client in the room, silently waiting for the other man to stop talking. Dressed in an obviously expensive suit which fitted him to perfection, she had never seen a man who so obviously screamed power, wealth and sensuality, the last one causing her to frown softly.

  As Ross finally grew silent, his eyes flicking nervously towards Tara, Logan Callen spoke. “Please sit.” Both obeyed him unquestioningly as the man on the other side of the desk regarded them thoughtfully.

  After several uncomfortable seconds of silence, Ross once more broke into chatter, his discomfort clear as he smiled nervously.

  “So, Mr Callen, we were obviously delighted to hear you wanted to meet with us”, choosing to be more formal having picked up on the scowl from earlier. “All good I hope… Hope there are no problems. Not of course that we mind coming to see the top guy at Venta Productions.”

  Tara watched as the taller man raised a quizzical eyebrow. “Do you really need me to spell this out for you Mr Rosco?”, his deep velvety voice silencing the manager who flicked another nervous glance at Tara. Reaching into a drawer Logan Callen pulled out several different tabloids throwing them over the desk as his eyes grew harder, boring into Ross. “This studio is investing 200 million dollars into a blockbuster movie and God help me, I allowed the producer to talk me into using an unknown, a fresh face for the lead role.”

  Pausing, his eyes fell on Tara, she feeling her hackles rise as his look held nothing but contempt. “And your client, Miss Sunny James, seems to be singlehandedly sabotaging the production before filming can even begin.”

  Tara dropped her eyes, recognising many of the headlines in which the “Up-and-coming Starlet” Sunny James had been photographed fighting and drinking in various nightclubs, along with the many rumours of her romantic entanglements with rich and powerful men.

  “Before I sack your client, I want to know what the hell she thinks she is playing at.”

  Ross spluttered as he expounded on Sunny’s many attributes and talents, watching in panic as Logan’s eyes filled with anger as he brought his hand down heavily on the table, his look dark with barely-contained rage. “Enough!”, he cried, Ross closing his mouth instantly. Turning, he pointed a finger at Tara. “I want to hear what SHE has to say.” Tara looked helplessly at Ross as he groaned, his look full of apology.

  “I take it that you DO have a tongue?”, the imposing executive bit out, Tara feeling the anger boiling deep within her at his disrespectful tone and contempt. Sitting up straighter, her features became solemn as she turned to lock eyes with him, the anger deep in her belly giving her the courage to fire back at him.

  “I would very much appreciate Mr Callen if you would adjust your attitude and your tone.”

  The surprise on the man’s face had been genuine before he scowled at her. “Really? So you think that this kind of behaviour…”, his finger prodding the papers pointedly, “Is the kind of behaviour that the public expects from their future stars?”

  Not at all fazed, she looked up at the clock on his wall. “I really do not think that YOU are in a position to throw rocks at the behaviour of other people. You demanded in the most impolite manner for us”, looking briefly over at Ross for confirmation, “To – how did he put it Ross? – to ‘get our asses down here immediately’ and then kept us waiting for over an hour.”

  “I had an important call to take... �
�, he started, his voice still arrogantly contemptuous as she gave a small sound of irritation.

  “No you didn’t. You wanted to make a point. You wanted to make sure that we knew what was coming.”

  This time he sat back in his chair, now regarding the woman before him with real surprise. Logan Callen was not a man used to being talked back to in that manner, especially from wannabe starlets, his eyes watching her warily. When he finally spoke, his voice was calmer, quieter. “Then perhaps you can explain your behaviour to me.”

  Running her tongue nervously along suddenly dry lips, she searched for something – anything – to say, frowning as she threw him words which ironically she herself had only recently had to listen to, putting her own spin on them. “Well, as you said you are investing a great deal of money in this movie, but the public have expectations.”

  Looking quickly at Ross, she could see the look of dread on his features as she ploughed on, “I may be a nobody – an unknown face, but by the time filming starts my name WILL be known. The public love nothing more than to live vicariously through their star’s lives – you know that. So I am giving them something worth investing their time and interest in.”

  Raising her small chin, her large blue eyes flashed brightly, “So in essence Mr Callen I am making sure that when we start filming your movie will already be on the public’s radar and on everybody’s lips.”

  Growing silent, she saw the way he ran his finger along his mouth, his brows knitted together in thoughtful concentration. “So you are telling me that you are doing all this to raise awareness for the movie?” His voice held more than just a trace of disbelief, but not the anger that had been there only moments before.

  Nodding, she looked at Ross, who thankfully joined in her explanation with gusto, expounding on the fact that she believed in the movie and the many ways she wanted to do her part for the production.

  Raising his hand to silence the manager, Logan leant forward, his eyes solely fixed on Tara. “Perhaps I underestimated you Miss James”, he muttered softly, his gaze now moving down her, his interest in the young woman before him piqued. “While what you say is true, from now on I want you to work with a PR agent, and if you have any other harebrained schemes, you will put them through her first.”

  Tara felt the relief wash over her as she nodded in agreement, hearing the soft sigh from Ross by her side. “Of course. Whatever you say Mr Callen”, her tone now calmer like his.

  Sitting back, he indicated the interview was over by pressing the intercom and biting out that his secretary give Ross Rosco the contact details for his top PR agent. Standing, the two moved to leave, his voice once more stilling them, “Miss James.” Tara turned back to him, seeing the small smile sitting on his lips. “It was a pleasure meeting you.”

  Tara found her eyes holding his hypnotic look, her body filling with the strange tingle of electricity, the sensation unexpected as it sizzled between the two, she wondering if he felt it too from the brief way his eyes flared in surprise. Feeling Ross’s arm on hers, she dropped her look, muttering gently, “You too Mr Callen”, her mind full of confusion with her reaction to him, still feeling the aftereffects as they moved from his office.

  As the door closed, Logan Callen dropped back into his seat, still feeling surprise at the woman who had just left. He had fully intended to sack her, his only reason for even seeing them to ensure that she knew how bad it would be for her if she tried to badmouth his studio. However, she had been a surprise. The fact that she was stunningly beautiful was expected – she was after all the best starlet that tinseltown had to offer. What surprised him was her intelligence, the way she defended her actions with clarity and passion. She was not at all what he expected. He found her intriguing, realising that he wanted to know her a whole lot better.

  Outside in the car park Ross turned to Tara, whooping loudly as he pulled her into his arms, lifting and spinning her around as she laughed, demanding that he put her down. “Oh my God Tara James. You were amazing”, his bright friendly eyes sparking. “I thought we were toast, but you turned it around. You were wonderful.”

  Groaning softly she gave him a lopsided grin, “I really hope that we do not live to regret this.”

  Placing his arms on her shoulders he looked so warmly into her eyes “You have no idea what this means to your sister.” Tara sighed gently before nodding and giving a groan.

  “Yes I do”, chuckling as the two moved into his car.

  Driving through the city, bustling with the midday traffic, Tara did not even register the designer fashion stores or the many oddities that flashed past, her mind returning to two weeks previous. With a groan she gave a small sound of disbelief. Had it really only been two weeks? So much had happened in that time, her thoughts drifting back to that day.

  It had been just one more dreary London day, the rain seeming never to ever plan on stopping. Tara James had moved into her small but comfortable apartment, shaking out her dripping raincoat, her hair wet since she had forgotten to take an umbrella with her that morning. Having just come off the night shift she was exhausted, and flicking on the kettle had thrown herself thankfully onto the old but comfortable sofa.

  While her job as a staff nurse was tiring, it was also rewarding and she loved her work. The thought of a nice cup of tea and then bed made her smile, her mouth quirking; was that really her idea of a good time? How sad. Hearing the doorbell ring she groaned, muttering softly as she dragged herself to answer it. Frowning, she looked expectantly at the man on the other side.

  His handsome tanned face watched her with a ready smile. “Tara James?”

  Tara nodded in confirmation, the stranger flashing her the whitest of smiles. “My name is Ross Rosco. Can I come in?”, his body moving forward in expectation as she put herself between the door and the frame.

  “No you can’t come in”, she growled, a scowl on her face, seeing the surprise on the stranger before her before he frowned thoughtfully.

  “You don’t know who I am, do you?”

  Tara regarded him suspiciously, her tone full of no-nonsense as she bit back, “No. Should I?”

  Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a piece of paper, quickly passing it to her. “I’m your sister Susan’s manager.”

  Giving a small groan, she looked at the article on the paper in which he stood beside a gorgeous woman who smiled seductively at the camera. Opening the door to let him in she moved back to her living room. “What has my sister done now Mr Rosco?”, she threw at him, the annoyance on her voice so obvious, “And why does it involve me?”

  Behind her the man laughed nervously, following her closely, his eyes looking around the flat. “It’s a nice place you have”, he began, trying hard to ingratiate himself to Tara, seeing as her eyes narrowed, her impatience obvious. As he moved to sit down on one of the armchairs, his manner changed, his eyes becoming serious, “It is about your sister that I’ve come.”

  Giving an annoyed tut, she held his look. “I think that is obvious Mr Rosco. So what about her? She and I are not exactly close. She chose a very different path from me.”

  He nodded, running his hand along his mouth nervously. “She is in trouble. Big trouble - and she needs your help.”

  Tara slowly moved to sit on the seat opposite, her eyes wary, the light of concern in them obvious. “What kind of trouble? I don’t have any money Mr Rosco, so…”

  She was interrupted as he shook his head. “No. Not that kind of trouble”, before pausing as he seemed to struggle to pull himself together. “Your sister was recently chosen to play the star role in the summer blockbuster from Venta Productions.”

  Raising her eyebrow, she inclined her head, a bitter smile touching her lips, “Well good for her. Living her dream, I guess.”

  Giving a small nod, the man continued, “It has involved attending a lot of parties and celebrity bashes, and well, I tried to stop her, pull her back, but you know your sister.”

  With a mirthless laugh she nodded, �
�Oh yes I know Susan. Never knows when to stop.”

  “Exactly”, Ross replied softly, Tara surprised to hear the note of pain in his voice. “She has been very anxious, drinking too much, taking pills to keep going and getting involved with men who were only after her for one thing.”

  Looking sadly at her he pulled out some press cuttings, passing them to Tara. She gasped in shock seeing the editorials and pictures of her sister in so many unflattering and inflammatory situations. Her eyes flew to the man with indignation. “And you let her do all this?”, more than just a tinge of anger on her voice, seeing as he frowned slightly.

  “No Miss James, I did not ‘let her do all this’. However, your sister is a force of nature, a free spirit and stopping her has not been easy.”

  Regarding him thoughtfully she gave a small knowing smile. “I’m sorry. Of course you are right. But what does any of this have to do with me?”

  Leaning forward he became very serious. “Your sister is near to complete collapse. I managed to talk her into going to rehab.”

  Tara looked at him with renewed respect. “That could not have been easy Mr Rosco”, she murmured softly, knowing only too well how stubborn her sister could be.

  Shaking his head, he gave a deep sigh. “Not easy at all Miss James, but she agreed. However, now the studio wants her to start doing publicity shoots and interviews and Susan is threatening to leave rehab rather than risk losing the chance of doing the movie.”

  Remaining silent, she could plainly see the despair in his eyes. “Miss James, if your sister does not stay in the clinic, and returns to the parties and the men… Well, she is fragile right now and I truly worry for her health.”

  Smiling softly she let her eyes take in Ross Rosco, a small smile playing on her lips. “You care for her.”

  He fidgeted on the chair, his fingers pulling at each other as he had not even denied her words. “Your sister is a star Miss James, a glorious bright dazzling star. I am merely her manager. She doesn’t even know I’m there most of the time.”


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