Substitute Starlet

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Substitute Starlet Page 9

by Marie Kelly

  Tara was on fire, everything in her attuned to him, her own hand caressing his waist, aware as he jerked at her exploring touch.

  By the time his hand reached her thigh, Tara was squirming with need. She felt as he pushed the material aside, his head lifting to look at her, his eyes filled with desire. As Logan lifted his hand to cup her breast, she whimpered. His finger slid along the bikini top she still wore. “Have you any idea how hard it’s been all day watching you walk around in this?”, his groan a deep sexy growl as she looked at him through half-hooded eyes, her look deliberately dropping to his trousers, a kittenish smile on her lips.

  “No. But I look forward to finding out.”

  Logan laughed, his head dipping to nip the raised nipple through the material before he stepped back, leaving Tara still gasping. She watched as he grasped his t-shirt, pulling it from himself in one fluid movement, throwing it to some unseen part of the room. Sitting up, she let the dress which flapped open fall from her, both their eyes locked as he shucked out of his trousers, his underwear dropping to the ground.

  Her eyes widened finally seeing him fully naked, a shiver running through her. He was stunning, his lean toned body making her mouth water. He watched her with a knowing smile as her look dropped to the heat of him, not aware as her tongue ran along suddenly dry lips. He was so much bigger than she was used to, her throat drying up. That he wanted her was clear, his erection reaching past his navel.

  Before she could say a word, he slid onto the bed with her, his look reassuring as one hand reached behind her, unhooking the bikini top and pulling it from her. Tara lay back down on the soft bed as his eyes devoured her, the heat in his look melting any resistance as his mouth covered one nipple.

  She groaned, her body writhing against him, even as his other hand began undoing the ties on the small bikini bottom. She could feel his hand slide between her legs, his mouth lifting to kiss along her cheek once more. “You feel so damn good”, his deep rumbling words vibrated against her skin, making her wriggle even more. “Touch me”, he commanded, full of barely contained need.

  Tentatively, shyly, she let her fingers trace along his thigh, down his belly until she felt the silky length of him under her fingertips. His deep groan empowered her, her hand curling around him, sliding along, enjoying the velvety feel of him.

  She felt as Logan’s lips took her own, this time the kiss raw, primitive, a finger pushing deep into her, the sliding of his tongue matching his movements, Tara not even aware as she stroked him to the same tempo. “Enough!” His pained, barely controlled voice drifted over her, as if coming from a great distance, the sound tortured. “I need you now Sunny, I need to be inside you now.”

  She felt his weight move as he reached into his bedside cabinet, retrieving protection. Her eyes opened to watch as he made himself safe, before he moved between her legs, his look searing her as she held her breath. She had never wanted a man as much as she did him, her impatience showing as he smiled, nodding as though he knew her mind and felt the same.

  Leaning over her, her hands wrapped around his shoulder even as he surged forward, filling her. Tara’s eyes snapped wide, a loud gasp ripped from her before his mouth took hers, stealing the air from her lungs. She felt the hunger in him as his body began moving in short thrusts, each and every one pushing her higher, building her towards something beautiful. Her legs wound around him, her body arching towards him as his kiss and the movement of his body became frantic, faster, Tara’s nails digging deep into his shoulders as she clung to him.

  When the wave hit, it hit with the intensity of a tsunami, flattening her and leaving her gasping for air. She was not aware of the way her body clenched, her head thrown back, a loud cry leaving her. She did not even hear as Logan gave out almost a sob of relief before slamming into her, his release every bit as overpowering as her own, his guttural cry joining hers.

  Finally as their bodies stopped jerking, Logan collapsed over her, his mouth kissing her cheek so tenderly. All Tara could do was wrap her arms around him, holding him to her, a dazzling smile on her lips. Only after several moments was Logan able to roll from her, Tara instantly missing the comforting way he covered her. However, his arm snaking around her shoulder pulling her against himself brought another smile to her as she nuzzled against him, contentment making every limb heavy.

  “My God Sunny.” His voice sounded as full of wonder as she felt. “That was amazing.”

  Her head nodded against his in agreement, a wistful sigh leaving her as her fingers traced down his chest, a giggle leaving her, “I am feeling a little floaty right now.”

  His head turned as he kissed the crown of her head, his rumbling laugh enveloping her. “Mmm…. I better hang on to you then in case my little star decides to float back up to heaven where she came from.”

  The bubbles of laughter overflowed from her as Tara began to giggle uncontrollably, her head burying deeper into his shoulder. “Oh my God. Really? That is wrong in so many ways.”

  His laugh joined hers as he unsuccessfully tried to sound pained. “I got poetic on you”, another burst of laughter from her the only response as the two clung to each other, both so happy.

  For the next half hour, they remained as they were, each happy to hold the other as they talked about their childhood, their dreams – even the movies they loved. It was enough just to be together. As he described why a dragon would make a better pet than a unicorn she yawned, her voice more than a little slurred as sleep tugged at her, Tara’s eyes fluttering closed a content and blissful smile on her face.

  Logan smiled down at her, his eyes drinking in everything about this woman. He hardly knew her, yet he felt more connected with her than he had with another human being his whole life. As his eyes too closed, this his last thought.

  Chapter Seven

  Tara groaned; she was tired – she wanted to sleep. “Ten more minutes”, she mumbled almost incoherently, the small deep rumbling laugh against her neck sending sleep fleeing, her eyes snapping open with shock.

  She felt arms wrap around her, her body stiff, the warmth of a hard male body against her back bringing fear before the memories of the previous evening rushed in as his soft voice whispered in her ear, “I really don’t think I can wait another ten minutes.”

  His teeth nibbled the lobe of her ear sending both white heat searing between her legs and a shudder skating down her back as Tara sighed, her body melting against his, her words a soft purr of sexual invitation, “Then you shouldn’t.”

  His hands moved around her, fingers strumming the hardened nipples making her groan even as his mouth fastened onto the flesh where her shoulder and neck met, his tongue laving the skin making her shiver violently. “Not fair”, she whispered as he chuckled against her.

  “I didn’t get where I am today by playing fair Missy.”

  Tara wriggled in his arms as she laughed, “Aren’t you hungry?”

  Logan paused, warning bells going off in her head as she felt his smile broaden against her skin. “Oh, yes. I am starving. In fact I think I will have a taste right now.”

  Tara gave a squeal as he flipped her onto her back, his eyes full of mischief as he kissed her quickly before sliding down her body, realisation hitting her. Tara stiffened as she moaned. “No…no Logan”, but to no avail as his arms wrapped around her legs, holding her open to him as his mouth kissed along her mound.

  Tara’s hands fluttered by her side indecisively before his mouth finally landed on the heat of her, her back arching towards him even as her fingers raked through his hair, dragging him closer. With each slide of his tongue, each suck of his mouth, her bones became more and more liquefied, until she was a pleading, moaning mess of want and need beneath him. “Does my little star want to head up to heaven?”

  His half-chuckled words followed by the slide of his tongue resulted in a screamed out “Yes” from her, Tara so close, ecstasy within her grasp. She heard as he laughed before his tongue slid so deep, licking the little pear
l within until she felt the waves rise, her anguished cry making him flick harder as she exploded around him, her fingers pulling at his hair, hips bucking against his mouth, her head thrown back as she gasped for air, crying out, the sound full of the pleasure coursing through her. Finally she stilled, Logan sliding back up to look at her, Tara unable to speak as she watched him.

  “You taste wonderful Miss James, I could dine on you all day.”

  A small tug of her lips was all she could manage as his mouth descended to take hers. She could taste herself on him, his tongue sliding with hers unhurried and sensual. Almost instantly her body once more jumped to attention, wantonly, greedily needing more.

  Purring against his mouth, she pushed him, rolling with him till he was on his back, her eyes flashing wickedly down at him. “You have such a healthy appetite Mr Callen, and you are such a giver.” Tara rose over him to straddle his legs, her finger sliding into her mouth, wetting it, watching the fire which leapt to his eyes. “But perhaps you have eaten enough.” His laugh brought a grin to her mouth, her finger sliding along the tip of him, his body stiffening as a moan replaced the laugh, his voice husky.

  “You might be right Miss James, what would you suggest?”

  Tara cocked her head, her eyes dropping to the hardened length of him, her fingers grasping him, enjoying the way he sucked in a breath between gritted teeth. “Well perhaps you should put yourself in my hands?”

  His barely heard “Hell yes” elicited another chuckle from her.

  Leaning over to the cabinet she had seen him earlier open, she pulled out a condom, her eyes flashing with merriment seeing the large box. “Don’t you worry they will go out of date, considering how rarely you come up here?”

  “Not any more I don’t”, his eyebrows wiggling.

  Tara shook her head, darting him a ‘you’re hopeless’ look before her hand once more found him, stroking him, his head falling back as a moan slipped from his mouth. Tearing the foil of the small packet, she took her time to sheathe him, her small hand working the latex down him, his body tensing as she stroked him.

  Only when his strangled, “Sunny, please” reached her ears did she release him, moving over him, her fingers fanning out over his chest.

  Even now, with the tip of him against her, devilment made her look down at him, their eyes locking. “What Logan? What do you want?… Tell me.” However, his low growl made her squeal as his hands fastened onto her thigh, his hips moving up in a sure smooth move penetrating her, a long shaky groan leaving her. Her head rolled to the side, eyes closing, the feel of him so good.

  He too seemed lost in the sensations, pausing, a shudder running through him. Tara leant forward, pushing him back down, wanting to be in charge. Sensing her need, he remained still as she started to move over him. Slowly to start, she controlled their lovemaking, her small body stretching to accommodate him, every slide so wonderful.

  That he too felt the same was clear from the look in his handsome face, the strain of holding back stamped on his features. Seeing this was her undoing as she pulled up, her movements faster now, a whimper leaving her parted lips before her orgasm crashed over her. Her nails dug into him as she cried out, her body clamping down on Logan.

  She felt as light and darkness danced behind her eyes as she floated in a haze of pleasure, her head falling back, a guttural sound escaping her.

  As she climaxed around him, Logan could hold back no longer. Lifting himself, his arms clamped around her, rolling her to her back, his body driving into her before he too felt the blessed relief of release, his body jerking with the intensity of it. Spent, he collapsed over her, his mouth kissing along her damp cheek. His mind filled with words, words he had never uttered to a woman. Words of how perfect she felt, how right. Swallowing them down, he fought the need to speak. Sex. It was just sex. Perfect, life-changing sex. He nuzzled her, inhaling the scent of her hair, wanting to remember everything about this moment.

  As both struggled to catch their breaths, Logan still pinned her down with his weight. Tara had never felt more satisfied, more content. Being in his arms felt right, his languorous smile filling her with warmth as he sighed wistfully. “I would give anything for us to stay here all day and all night, and just let the world get on with it.”

  Smiling with him, her features became dreamy. “Mmmmm… That does sound like a little slice of heaven.” A chuckle escaped her. “Of course, when I didn’t turn up at three today, Ross would put on his Super Manager cape and fly down to kick my ass. And when you didn’t turn up they would send in the marines.”

  Rolling from her, his arm wrapping around her shoulder to pull her into the crook of his arm he laughed. “Oh God. Now I am not ever going to be able to look at Ross again without seeing a cape billowing out behind him.”

  Tara chuckled, looking up at him. “So. When does my week start? From the beginning of the weekend or last night?”

  For a moment Logan frowned, before understanding fell on him, his lips curving. “Sunny, I don’t think a week would ever be long enough, I may be turning over a new leaf”, his tone softening, “If you are interested.”

  Tara’s eyes widened. So he saw more than a few nights of sex, her lids lowering as she frowned. Was this wise? Soon Susan would be returning and taking her place – what then? His finger stroked down her cheek, concern in his tone. “Sunny?” Looking back up, she groaned softly. She had never felt such a connection to a man. It was almost tangible the way she felt his concern, the way she knew he understood her.

  Swallowing, she pushed herself up slightly to look down at him. “Logan. I think that there is something between us, something I didn’t expect.” She saw instantly the relief fill him as his hands cupped her cheeks.

  Lifting his head he gave her the tenderest of kisses, his head nodding, “Yeah. I feel it too baby… I never thought I would find someone like you.”

  She wanted to fall deeper into his kiss, lose herself in the ever-present desire for him, but instead she pulled back, her teeth hitching her bottom lip, trepidation deep in her eyes. “Logan… There is something I have to tell you first.”

  He stopped, his smile patient as he waited for her words, Tara frowning, trying to formulate how best to tell him.

  The ringing of his phone, however broke the moment, Logan swearing softly as he reached for the device, apology deep in his eyes. “Sorry – one moment. They were told only to phone in an emergency.” Nodding, a ghost of a smile on her taut features she allowed him to release her to reach the phone, instantly missing the touch of him. Beside her Logan listened to the voice on the other end, his body stiffening before declaring that he would make a meeting. Ending the call his eyes found hers, frustration and apology deep inside.

  “Sunny, I’m sorry. Trouble at head office. I have to make a meeting in…” His eyes shifted to look at the time on the phone. “Just over three hours.” Seeing the disappointment in her, he once more wrapped an arm around her, his mouth kissing down her cheek. “I am going to clear my schedule for next weekend. You and I are going to leave all phones and clothes, and we are going to just veg.”

  Despite her unease at the moment passing, the chance to be honest with him gone, she chuckled, “Now that might make dining out a very interesting experience”, his laugh and, “You are such a smart-mouth”, bringing a smile to her own lips.

  The trip back to the city was filled with laughter, both talking about movies they liked, Tara discovering that he was a fairly good mimic, his Sean Connery ordering pizza doubling her up in hysterics. He in turn enjoyed the way she was so vibrant, so alive, not caring how she looked as she snorted, she was laughing so much. Sunny James was the most perfect woman he had ever met.

  Parking outside her apartment, he pulled her against him. “Next weekend Sunny. Promise to keep it free.” Her eyes widened as she nodded, her lips downturned.

  “So I won’t see you this week?”

  Sighing deeply his head shook. “Sorry sweetheart. Tomorrow I fly to a mee
ting, and I expect to be away all week”, his look tortured. “Timing sucks… But it means that I will have the weekend free, and next week should be less busy too.”

  Taking a deep breath, Tara sighed kissing him gently. “Well if you have time, drop me a line.”

  His flash of teeth was answer enough as he nodded. “Oh… I think I will be in touch often.” Briefly she considered confessing everything, before nodding and stepping from the car, Logan retrieving her bag before ensuring the doorman carried it inside for her. There were some things best discussed in private, this being one of them.

  Waving farewell, she felt her insides grow cold, wanting to be with him again, his loss almost painful. Moving back into the apartment she groaned. After knowing the man for only a couple of weeks she had it bad.

  By five that day Ross once more appeared, his relaxed smile telling her all she needed to know about Susan. Grabbing her he gave her a big hug, lifting her off her feet and twirling with her. “She is doing so well Tara. Doctors think that she will be out in a week. Isn’t that great?”

  He felt her stiffen, placing her gently on her feet as he peered into her eyes, a slight frown creasing his forehead. “That is great right?”, his eyes narrowing slightly seeing the tense way she stood. “OK Tara, out with it. What are you not telling me?”

  Dropping her eyes, her hands wrung nervously before her, her voice faltering slightly “Well, Logan and I…”, her words trailing off as he stepped back, his hand slamming the wall.

  “Dammit. I should never have left without you. I should have known that bastard would make a play for you… Should have seen it coming”, a long pained groan leaving him, “I’m sorry Tara. Did he bring you home early and now wants nothing more to do with you? That bastard has a hell of a reputation when it comes to women”, his hand smacking the wall again. “I am so sorry. I should have been looking out for you more.”


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