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Kahm Page 11

by T. J. Quinn

  Startled, Selena looked at the other woman. Why was she lying to her own kind? She wasn’t pregnant, that was impossible.

  “Hasn’t the Genus’ toxin harmed the baby?” Tristud asked, clearly not pleased with the news.

  “No, Tristud, her mate is an Arghearian, and they are immune to pretty much everything,” the woman continued.

  Though Selena was happy with the woman’s help, she couldn’t help feeling scared too. If they asked for proof, they would both be in deep trouble.

  Tristud nodded. “Very well. Zag, I’m afraid you can’t claim her. Is there anything you would like in exchange?”

  “I want to know how I can get a female like her,” the warrior asked, with a stern tone. He didn’t look very happy, but he accepted the elder’s decision.

  “Where do you come from, female, and how did you get here?” Tristud asked her.

  “I come from the planet Earth in the eighth quadrant. My husband found me through the Mail Order Bride agency,” she replied, still a bit shaken.

  “Then, you should ask her mate to get you a mate, Zag,” Tristud suggested.

  “May I add that to the reward for rescuing her?” the warrior asked, his eyes still on Selena.

  “Yes, you may,” Tristud allowed before he turned to look at Selena. “Tomorrow, when the sun rises, we’ll take you to your mate. If he agrees to our conditions, you shall reunite with him,” he announced.

  Selena nodded, and Glynoy guided her back to the tent she had been before. When she was sure, they were alone. She turned to face the other woman. “Why did you lie? Believe me, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, but…” she asked.

  The other woman shook her head. “I didn’t lie, my dear, you are with child.”

  Selena fell sat on her bed. “It can’t be… he said we couldn’t have children… that Arghearians only had children with their own species…” she mumbled.

  “Well, he was wrong, because there’s a small being inside you and I have no doubt it’s an Arghearian. No other baby would have survived the Genus’ toxin,” Glynoy assured her.

  Selena was in shock. Her life had changed so much in the past weeks, all of the sudden she was feeling overwhelmed.

  “Get some rest. You seem to need it,” Glynoy advised her with a smile. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Selena lay down and stared at the ceiling of her tent, her hands over her belly, trying to understand all that had happened. She was expecting a baby, Kahm’s baby.

  She fell asleep with a serene smile on her face, and she was still smiling when she woke up. Glynoy brought her some food, and after she had eaten, she guided her to the small boats that would take her to the beach where Kahm should be waiting for her.

  It took them a few hours to get to their destination. When they were getting closer, Selena was able to see some sort of campsite near the stream’s mouth. Kahm had been waiting for her all that time.

  The boat in front of them reached the beach, and the men in it walked towards Kahm and two men she didn’t recognize. Her boat was kept a few yards from the beach, as well as the boat behind them. She guessed they had negotiations to make.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Kahm couldn’t believe the Sumirions were finally bringing Selena too him. He was so relieved his heart drummed in his chest. He hadn't left the beach since he had returned from the docking bay. Only the presence of his friends had stopped him from crossing the sea and getting his wife himself.

  “Greetings, Arghearian,” the Sumirion said, in a stern tone as he walked towards Kahm. “We’ve brought you your mate, but we’ll only give her to you if you agree to our conditions.”

  Kahm had been warned by Goln they would want him to pay a price for finding Selena and saving her life. He was willing to pay whatever they asked.

  If he had learned something during those days, it was how important Selena had become to him. She was his soulmate, the love of his life and he didn’t care what the Arghearian rules of mating said, she was the only one meant for him.

  “Tell me what you want,” he asked, crossing his arms over the chest, struggling not to jump into the water and swim to the boat where they were keeping Selena.

  “You offered a year of meat, but we want to add something to that,” the man in front of him asked.

  “I’m listening,” Kahm replied, trying to hurry the man.

  “I was the one that found her and saved her from the Genus that had her prisoner,” the man explained. “According to our laws, I’m entitled to claim her as my mate, unless she’s already claimed,” he continued.

  Kahm’s heart almost stopped. Claim Selena? He would never agree to that. “She’s claimed, by me,” he stated, in a cold tone.

  “I know, but I want a woman like her. She told us you got her with the help of an agency, is that right?” the man asked.

  Kahm was so relieved he wouldn’t have to fight the small army of Sumirions to get Selena he would give the other man the moon if asked for it. Not that he wouldn’t be able to get rid of them all, but he needed to think about all the people depending on him to straighten things with the Sumirions.

  “Yes, it is. I can get you a human female if that’s what you want. Would you like to choose her?” he immediately offered.

  “Yes, that would be perfect,” the Sumirion agreed.

  “I’ll hire the agency’s services, and they will give me access to their list of candidates. You can come with me, or we could meet here in a few days so that you can choose her.”

  “I’ll return in two days. I trust you will keep your word,” the Sumirion said, signaling his men to approach the beach.

  “Of course,” he assured him, started to walk towards the boats approaching the beach.

  The minute the boat touched the sand, he jumped to get Selena out of it and into his arms. He kissed her as if there was no tomorrow, hugging her tight to his chest.

  “By the stars… I’ve missed you so much…” he whispered in her ear.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, feeling at home. “I’ve missed you too. I thought I was going to die and never see you again…” she sobbed, allowing all the tears she had been holding back to flow freely.

  He kept her tightly against his chest until the final tear rolled down.

  The Sumirions had left Terrion, and they were alone with Raye and Phann. Wiping the tears from her face, he turned to look at his friends.

  “Allow me to introduce you to my friends, Raye and Phann. They were the ones that stopped me from committing the mistake of going looking for you,” he explained, with a self-deprecating scowl.

  “I’m glad you didn’t. The Sumirions are very private people,” she said, smiling at the other two men. She couldn’t identify their species, but they weren’t that different from Kahm, tall, strong males.

  “We’re glad you’re here, Selena. But you can be sure we would have joined him in the incursion if they hadn't brought you back to Kahm,” Raye assured her. “We care a lot for this place, but our women are first.”

  She nodded, touched by his words. “Thank you.” She rubbed her face on Kahm’s chest, happy to be home. “They saved my life, and yes, they have very strict rules, but they are good people,” she assured them.

  Kahm kissed the top of her head and sighed, pleased. “Let’s go home, I’ve had enough of this place for a while.”

  They all agreed, and a few minutes later, they were at their home, saying goodbye to Phann and Raye. They too wanted to go back home.

  After Kahm got her home, he picked her in his arms and carried her to the bathroom. He already had a bath waiting for them, and after he got rid of his clothes, he helped her get rid of her dress.

  “Did they harm you in any way?” he asked her, kissing her lips, cheeks, and neck.

  “No, they took good care of me… I would have died if they hadn't found me in time,” she assured him, as she told him what had happened to her after she woke up in Sumitera.

  “I’m sorry I
wasn’t there for you,” he said, kissing her as he helped her get in the bathtub. “I should have known Moyana wouldn’t leave that easily. She doesn’t know the meaning of giving up.”

  “It’s alright, all is well when it ends well, she said, straddling him and kissing his lips gently.

  “But I almost lost you…” he leaned his head and rested it on her chest. “It would have killed me losing you, Selena,” he confessed, raising his head and looking in the eyes. “I love you like I’ve never loved anyone else,” he assured her.

  His confession stole her ability to speak for a few moments. She couldn’t believe he loved her too.

  “You’ve become the most important person in my universe, and I would do anything to keep you safe and at my side,” he assured her.

  She let out a small cry of sheer happiness and cradled his face. “I love you too… when I was tied up against that tree, all I could think of was that I would never see you again, that I wouldn’t have the chance of telling you how much I loved you.” She kissed him again, and again. “When I decided to sign up to become a Mail Order Bride, I knew chances of finding love were very low, but we beat all the odds…” she said, hugging him even tighter.

  “Yes… we did,” he kissed her repeatedly, covering her face, her neck, and her chest with them until he reached her breasts.

  With kisses and caresses, kneads and sucks, nibbles and sweet pinches he guided her down the path to paradise.

  His hard cock stood between them and eager to feel it once more against her clit, she rocked her hips up and down, moaning as pleasure ripped through her body.

  He seemed to notice her pleasure and slid one of his hands between them, looking for the source of her pleasure. It didn’t take him much to find her clit, and a few rubs had her sobbing of pleasure again.

  “What am I touching?” he asked, with a wicked grin.

  “We call it clitoris,” she managed to answer, through ragging gasps.

  “What’s its function?” he asked, curious, as he pinched it gently.

  “To give women pleasure,” she replied, letting out a loud cry. It felt so good.

  “Why hadn't you mentioned it before?” he asked, puzzled.

  “You give me more than enough pleasure as it is,” she assured him, with a naughty grin.

  He smiled back and claimed her lips in a breathtaking kiss, as he made her go down on his hard cock, eager to be inside her and feel the way she welcomed him.

  With his hands on her hips, he helped her ride him, as she held on to his horns, the gentle touch of her hands enhancing the pleasure she was giving him. Soon, they were flying over the edge and swirling around the turmoil of pleasure and bliss they always conjured when they were together.

  A few minutes later, they were in bed, in each other’s arms, not willing to part, not even for a few minutes.

  “Why did the Sumirion guy change his mind about claiming you?” he asked her, at some point.

  “He didn’t. They have strict laws regarding everything, even mating,” she started explaining, not sure she should mention her pregnancy. It still felt like a dream. “You can’t claim a woman truly mated to another male,” she added.

  “And who determines who’s truly mated?” he asked, with a slight frown, as he realized just how close he come to losing her forever.

  “Children,” she said, in a low tone.

  For a moment, he stayed silent, not sure he understood her answer. “What do you mean ‘children’?” he asked, raising his body to look at her.

  She lay down and closed her eyes for a moment before she faced him. “For them, only the existence of children proves a true mating,” she explained.

  “But we don’t have children…” he said, sounding a bit anxious.

  “Not yet, we don’t…”

  “We can’t, sweetheart… I told you…” he stopped talking when she shook her head.

  “Apparently, we can, Kahm,” she finally said, her eyes locked on his.

  For a few moments, he wasn’t able to utter a word. Was Selena telling him she was expecting his baby? It wasn’t possible, was it? “You’re pregnant?” he asked, to confirm.

  “The Sumirions’ healer says I am,” she confirmed.

  He pulled her up and hugged her tight in his arms. He had lost all hope of ever having offspring, and with Selena at his side, he knew he wouldn’t miss them that much. But knowing she was expecting his baby was more than he had ever asked the universe for.

  Life was finally perfect.

  Kahm took her to the nearest hospital the following morning, to make sure she was indeed pregnant, and if she was alright after her ordeal in Sumitera. The doctors confirmed the pregnancy and that she was in perfect health.

  Selena felt she needed little more to be happy. She wanted her parents there with her, she wanted to share her happiness with them, but Kahm had given her so much, she didn’t feel right asking him for more.

  “I’ll take you to Raye’s place. Melanie has been asking to see you, and I guess this is the best moment,” he suggested, as they left the hospital.

  “Yes, I would love to,” she assured him, but there was a hint of sadness in her tone.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked, turning to look at her.

  “Nothing, I’m just a bit nostalgic, that’s all. I would love to be able to contact my parents and let them know just how happy I am,” she said, with a faint smile.

  “They’re still on Earth?” he asked, with a slight frown. He remembered her telling him how hard life was back on her planet. At the moment, he had had other things in his mind, and he hadn't paid much attention to her words. After all, she was no longer there.

  “Yes, of course, getting out is quite expensive,” she explained with a faint smile. “Shouldn’t we take Raye and Melanie something?” she asked, changing the subject, as she walked to where they had left their vehicle.

  “You never mention them.” He had no intention of changing it, so he gripped her arm and pulled her closer to him.

  “I guess it makes me sad, I have no way of knowing how they are if they are alright if they have managed to find enough food…” she explained, holding back the tears welling up in her eyes. This wasn’t a day to be sad. She had too much to celebrate for.

  “You should have told me they were in trouble, why didn’t you?” he insisted,

  “You’ve given us more than enough Kahm, how could I ask for more?” she asked, struggling to utter the words through the knot tying her throat.

  “Your family is my family, Selena. I admit I hadn't thought of them… I guess not having a family for so long, made me forget about them,” he confessed. “Do you think they would like to come here? To live in Sumirion?”

  “You would bring them here?”

  “I will, if that’s what you want, if that what you need to be as happy as I am, sweetheart,” he assured her.

  Sobbing, she threw herself into his arms. “Thank you… thank you…” she mumbled.

  “Don’t thank me. I should have done this a long time ago, but I guess I was totally lost in you. The rest of the universe didn’t seem to exist,” he said, stealing a kiss from her lips.

  She chuckled. “All that matters is that you’re willing to do it now,” she assured him.

  He kissed her again before they walked to their vehicle.

  Meeting Melanie in person was a pleasant occasion. They spent the rest of the day chatting and making plans, while the men talked about business.

  On their way back home, Selena sighed and thanked all the gods of the universe for being so kind to her. What had started out as a blind adventure had turned out being the best thing that had ever happened to her. She had found love, their lives had been blessed with a baby, and her husband was taking her parents out of hell. Life couldn’t get much better than that, she was sure of it.

  Kahm looked at Selena next to him in bed. Despite all odds, he had found his true mate in a human female, something unheard of, as far as he knew an
d he had finally found genuine happiness. Now, he had a new purpose in life, and nothing felt better than that.

  He remembered the Sumirion warrior and hoped he had the same luck. He had gone to the agency that same morning and the Cetian female had provided him with their database. He was sure the man would find his true mate amongst them. And when he did, Kahm would make sure the woman was brought to Sumirion.

  Every male deserved finding their soulmate and knowing what exquisite bliss meant.

  The End

  Korjh's Bride

  A Cyborg's Mail Order Bride

  Interstellar Matchmaking

  Clarissa Lake


  Orlando, Florida

  Copyright © 2018 by Clarissa Lake

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior written permission.


  PO Box 540375

  Orlando, FL 32854


  Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

  Korjh’s Bride/Clarissa Lake -- 1st ed.


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  Narovian Interstellar Matchmaking Services

  Press Release

  The Narovian Interstellar Matchmaking Service is pleased to announce that our matchmaking service has been extended to the citizens of Earth, the newest world formally inducted into the United Alliance of Planets. We provide the best matchmaking services in the Alliance to most humanoid species. We will run your DNA with millions of other applicants to find your best biological match. In many cases, such genetically matched humanoids will also be soul mates.


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