Torn_An Alpha Billionaire Romance

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Torn_An Alpha Billionaire Romance Page 7

by Tristan Vaughan

  Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. We both bolted up, startled back to the light of the room. Another knock.

  “Room service,” a gruff male voice came through the door.

  “Come back later,” I managed to say, as I held back a school-girl giggle at getting caught making out. Caden’s eyes were intense on me. My insecurities came back as to what I was doing, and I sat a little more upright, adjusting my clothes back to untwist them.

  “Um,” I started, but didn't know what I was going to say. There was so much of him that I wanted. And, I wanted it all. I had never been one to have sex without commitment, and I knew that I wouldn’t be able to stop when I should if we kept kissing.

  “Cara, your kiss is amazing,” he said, keeping eye contact with me. “It seems like you're uncomfortable now, though. We can just talk for a while. I have no hidden agenda,” he said, a bit out of breath. Maybe his heart was pounding as hard as mine.

  “I probably should get some sleep. Today has been a weird day for me, and I need a little time to process it,” I replied, although I didn’t really want him to leave.

  “Okay. We're okay, aren't we? I would hate if I crossed any lines with you,” he said, his eyes full of concern.

  “Oh, yes! We’re fine. I had the best time with you today. This is probably the longest date I've ever had in my life. It's been twelve hours of wonderfulness,” I reassured him. I smiled, remembering all of the details of the day, from the shopping trip, to Caden taking up for me with LJ, to laughing so hard my abdominal muscles hurt as we sat for hours watching the sunset and indulging in fruity summer drinks.

  “Okay. Then, I’ll leave you to your thoughts. Please message or call me any time tonight. I’ll just be in my room. And, Cara,” he took my face in his hands, “please tell me you’ll see me again tomorrow.”

  “I would love to,” I said, getting up and heading toward the door with him.

  Opening the door, he turned toward me. “Cara Lauren, you are an amazing woman. Thank you for one of the best weekends of my life so far.” /he closed the gap between our lips with one last tender kiss, and turned to walk out.

  I watched him, wanting to beg him to come back, but knowing I needed to figure out what was going on with LJ first. I closed the door, locking the extra lock, and walked back toward the small couch, plopping down face first. I could still smell Caden’s cologne. I never wanted to move. The conversation and joking with him at the bar after LJ had left had been so easy. He was kind, but edgy. He never let me get up for the restroom without also standing up. He always asked me first what I wanted, or knowingly ordered for me. He wouldn't touch his drink until I’d had my first sip. He paid for things as a matter of a gentleman’s duty, and not an obligation of a first date. I finally understood the word “chivalry.”

  A knock on the door again. My grin was wide as I lifted myself back off of the couch, elated that he had come back. I hurried to open the door.

  “Hello, car-a,” Graham grimaced as he enunciated the “car.”

  I stumbled back, my thoughts a jumble. “What—what are you doing here?”

  “Is Caden here?” Graham asked, letting himself into my room.

  “Um, no, he, um, went back to his room,” I answered, not sure what was happening.

  “Good. I think it's time you and I had some private time together without him always ruining everything.” In one swift motion, he had closed the door behind him, was standing within a few inches of my face.

  “Graham, we don't have anything to talk about.” I stumbled backward, inching away.

  “Oh, I think we do. Obviously, you don't mind going behind guys’ backs with other men. And, I'm obviously the better-looking brother, and I have more money than Caden. I’m pretty sure that we can find something to talk about,” he snickered, as he looked me up and down, “or not talk about.”

  He threw his arm around my waist and pulled me to him, only missing my lips with his because I turned my head away. One hand around me, he grabbed my hair with the other and swiveled my head toward his face.

  “Please stop,” I begged, as I felt tears start to fill my eyes. I wondered if I really had brought this on myself. LJ had left me, but he hadn't officially broken up with me, and I had still agreed to go out with another man. After first accepting an invitation from Graham to meet him at a bar.

  Graham again forced his mouth toward mine, and I could feel the slight rip of hairs from my scalp as I turned my head and pushed my hands against his chest with all my might. He was obviously stronger than me.

  Another knock. “Caden!” I yelled, hoping against hope that he was back to save me yet again.

  “Cara?” his concerned voice came through the door.

  Graham let go of my head, still blocking the door.

  “Caden, please, help!” I cried out, tears freely pouring down my face now.

  Graham’s hands had made their way to my wrists, pushing deep and stinging.

  Caden banged on the door. “What’s going on in there? What’s wrong?”

  Graham, obviously at a crossroads, stared at me and back at the door. His fingers dug in even deeper until a noise came from my throat that I didn’t recognize.

  “Cara! Open the door or I am calling the police,” Caden called through to me.

  “You're a dumb bitch,” Graham said as he turned and opened the door to face Caden. He had barely opened the door before Caden’s punch flew in to Graham’s nose, sending him reeling back. His nose was bloody, and Caden stood there, looking around, trying to assess what was going on.

  “Caden, dude, it's not what it looks like. Cara invited me to come to her room after you left.” Graham looked over at me with a glimmer of a private joke, a confidence that his stepbrother would believe him over me. Because I was just some woman he had just met this weekend.

  “Caden, I promise you, I never...I wouldn't….” I couldn't even think to finish my sentence. I was shaking. Scared. Scared it was my fault. Scared of what Caden would think, and who he would believe. I crumpled to my knees and brought my hands up to cover my face.

  Caden stared at Graham with such hatred that I was scared for Graham. Caden was breathing heavy and his whole body was clenched.

  “I don’t believe you,” Caden spit out to Graham. “You asshole. I can’t believe how low you would stoop! What would you have done if I hadn’t shown up just now? Sexual assault? Rape?”

  He lunged at Graham again, knocking him over and pinning him down. Graham struggled to get up, pushing with legs and arms, but Caden’s anger clearly gave him the upper hand over any physical advantage that either of them would have had. Caden pulled one arm away, fist clenched.

  “Stop! Caden! Stop it!” I screamed, unsure of why I was taking up for Graham. Caden looked over at me, and Graham used the opportunity and pushed Caden off of him. He struggled to his feet, and then ran out of the room without another word.

  Caden went to the door, slamming it and locking the deadbolt. The one that was supposed to keep anyone out that I didn’t want to get in. My blind hope that it was Caden at the door earlier had caused me to not look out of the peephole to make sure. I had been stupid. How could Graham have done this to me? To his own stepbrother?

  “Cara, I am so sorry. Did he hurt you? I will kill him, Cara, I swear I will kill him if he hurt you.” Caden’s voice broke as he finally unclenched his body.

  “No, I’m all right.”

  “We could call the police right now,” he said.

  “No, it’s okay,” I said, as tears spilled past my eyes. “He doesn’t deserve another second of my time, and there’s got to be some good in him, somewhere. One mistake shouldn’t send him to jail, especially when no harm was done.”

  “I just feel so bad, Cara,” he said.

  The hurt in his eyes was making me cry even more. I couldn’t speak. He came over, wrapping his arms around me as I continued to cry. I cried because I knew what could have happened if Caden hadn’t come back for me. I cried for
what I thought about myself. I cried out of confusion of my feelings for Caden. I cried for what seemed like an hour, a big ugly cry with my body shaking, my nose running, and throughout the whole thing, Caden simply sat and held me. I was pretty sure he was crying with me.

  At some point, I had fell into a half-sleep. He had picked me up and put me in the bed, not leaving my side, but holding me tight all the while.

  Chapter 12


  I had lain awake for most of the night, drifting in and out of sleep while holding Cara. A million thoughts had raced through my mind as I held her, her head on my chest, rising with each breath I took. Her long brown hair fell over her shoulders and I gently brushed it, trying to calm her and make her feel safe after the events of the evening. Two different men, two encounters, and all I wanted at this very moment was to stop the world for just a second to let her know that I would protect her. I listened to each breath she took. It was soothing and I wondered what dreams or nightmares she was having at this very second. I wanted to make it all better.

  The sunlight peered through the crack between the drapes. I tapped my phone and squinted at the time, attempting to adjust my eyes. 6:30 a.m. This was supposed to be a working weekend with Graham and the ten other employees in our company. Graham had done a fantastic job of turning it into something else entirely.

  I tapped a few more times on my phone, scrolling through emails while still holding Cara. I didn't want to lose the feeling and I didn't want to move. No matter the reason we were here, it felt good. It had been so long since I’d held a woman. It had been forever since I felt something for someone and believed that she may have felt something for me, no matter how slight.

  “Good morning,” Cara said as she fluttered open her eyes. “What time is it?”

  “Early,” I said, squeezing her tightly with my one arm.

  “I'm sorry for crying so long.” Cara nuzzled her face in the crook of my shoulder. “It was all so overwhelming. I'm a bit embarrassed.”

  “There's nothing to be embarrassed about. You went through a lot last night. It should have never have happened. I'll need to deal with this today,” I said as I pushed my head back into the pillow.

  In all of the years I had known Graham, he had never been so aggressive or over the top like he had last night. He needed to know there were repercussions for his actions and I was going to make sure he faced them head on. His history with the law would ensure that he’d face jail time for this. Hurting Cara was unacceptable. Hell, hurting any woman was unacceptable.

  At the same time, Graham had been over privileged while growing up, but he’d seen his fair share of hurt. If Cara wasn’t interested in pressing charges, maybe I shouldn’t push it. But I could make sure that Graham paid dearly for hurting her.

  “I need to check out and get going,” Cara said. “I had hoped this weekend would be an escape for me but unfortunately, it's been a hard dose of reality. My love life sucks. Men suck.” Cara paused for a moment and then looked up at me. “Present company excluded.” She inhaled deeply, held it, and then exhaled, allowing her body to go completely limp. “Promise me we can see one another back home.”

  “I promise, if you promise to keep space between you and LJ until we can see each other.” I knew I was overstepping my bounds, but I had to ask. I wanted her to keep her distance until we could figure out what was happening between us.

  “I...I promise. But, when will that be?” she asked.

  “Tonight, my place.”

  * * * * *

  It was difficult leaving Cara, but I had to deal with work. It was the reason I was at the hotel, the reason I had met Cara in the first place.

  More importantly, I needed to deal with Graham. In all of his arrogant and spoiled tirades, he had never gotten violent or even appeared to have that side to him. He had crossed the line and Cara wasn't going to pursue what had happened. However, I was going to solve things in my own way—and in a way that would hurt Graham more than anything else.

  The MaidenTech meeting was scheduled to be held in the second level conference room. It was supposed to be a planning meeting. The previous two days had been blocked off for reviewing what we had accomplished last year and last quarter. Neither of those things had happened. Graham was too busy pretending to be everyone’s friend, partying, spending money, and clearly creating havoc in my life.

  I spent the last few hours after I left Cara taking care of important business and remembering all the things Cara had said the day before.

  I decided to arrive at the meeting early and confront Graham. He had dodged my calls, not responded to my text messages, and not answered the door to his suite. But the one thing Graham couldn’t avoid was being early to a meeting where he got to be the star.

  Predictably, Graham was at the front of the room, preparing his presentation. I wheeled my small suitcase next to the door and left it there. None of the other employees had arrived yet. It wasn’t uncommon for them to show up at the last minute, not because they were lazy or didn’t care, but because they were hardworking twenty-somethings that enjoyed to party, but also enjoyed working even more.

  I walked in to the nearly empty room. Graham had his back to me.

  “Care to talk about yesterday?” I said. My voice boomed through the room, startling Graham. He quickly spun on his heel to look at me.

  “I have nothing to say, especially after you hit me. I should have called the police,” he said as he puffed out his chest.

  I took two long strides and closed the distance between us, leaving less than three feet between us. Graham stepped backward, toward the door. Then he stopped, as if he realized how cowardly he looked while retreating.

  “But you wouldn’t have called the police,” I said. “Not after what you did and what you were trying to do. Not after your own history with the law. Too much of a risk for you.”

  “I...I don’t know what you’re talking about. Cara invited me there. We were about to have some fun until you showed up.”

  Again, I could feel the rage build up inside of me. I took a long, deep breath and exhaled. “Graham, for as long as I can remember, I’ve had your back. When you did all of the stupid shit you did in high school and college, I bailed your ass out. Always. When you wanted to start this company and didn’t have a fucking clue how to do it, I helped. You whined, like you always do.” I took another step towards him as I felt myself slowly calming down, but being very deliberate with each and every word. “You and I both know who runs this company. You only have your title because I let you. I’ve felt sorry for you because no matter how hard you’ve tried, you’ve always been nothing but a complete fuck-up and disappointment.”

  I watched as my words sank in. This was the first time I really unleashed how I felt about him, to him.

  “That’s bullshit, Caden,” he said. “Complete bullshit. You’d have nothing if it wasn’t for my idea.”

  I waited for his argument to develop, but there was nothing. That was what he was going with—his idea. The same idea, the same app that had been marketed a dozen different times by other companies, but failed. “Graham, we received our funding because of people I knew, not you. Your so called ‘idea’ was just that—an idea. It was further developed and nurtured by me and then the amazing people who work for this company made it happen. They slaved for thousands of hours to make it great. It’s why it’s now the number one phone app in its category.”

  “More bullshit, Caden!” Graham stepped back, widening the gap between us. “I could replace every single one of those employees tomorrow with anyone. They aren’t anything special, just like you aren’t. And that girl? You can keep her.” Graham seemed to be on a roll and I let him to continue to spew his vulgarities and self-righteousness. “By the way, in case you’ve forgotten, I own the majority share of the company and I can fire you anytime…like now.”

  I raised my eyebrows. He was stooping so low, I was surprised I’d worked with him for so long.

“You’re done.” Graham started laughing slowly and it built into an evil cackle.

  I stood and smiled without saying a word. When his laugh finally died down and he realized I wasn’t reacting, he became quiet.

  “In all of your high and mighty stupidity,” I said in a level voice, “did you ever really believe that I’d let things stand so you would be able to fire me at will? Did you really think I wouldn’t have an exit strategy when you decided to drive this company into the ground or better yet, insult every employee that works for us?”

  “Those morons? Seriously, Caden? They’re code monkeys. All they want to do is create apps and get paid.” Graham shook his head and snickered. “You are a lot dumber than I thought you were.”

  “Actually, Graham, that couldn’t be further from the truth. You own forty nine percent of the company. I own forty-eight.”

  “Exactly, and our angel investor owns the rest.” Graham snickered again.

  “And that’s why you’re an idiot. I purchased that three percent this morning. While you were out drinking and pretending to be everyone’s friend, I planned to take back the company I built. I now own fifty-one percent of MaidenTech.”

  Graham shook his head, “No way. This isn’t happening. Besides, there’s not a single employee that would stand for this. They won’t stay.”

  “You mean the people you called code monkeys? The employees you’ve pretended to be friends with and just called morons?”

  “Yeah.” Graham laughed.

  “You mean them.” I nodded my head at the door where the employees had already filtered in to the room quietly to witness the showdown.

  Graham looked back over his shoulder to see the group of people staring at him quietly. His mouth opened in surprise.

  “You think those people want to be led by you?” I closed the remaining space between Graham and me and looked him directly in the eyes. Through my clenched jaw, I said, “Graham, get the fuck out of here. You’re done with this company, this is over. The attorneys will be contacting you regarding your severance and how we proceed. I’d suggest you not make this into a bigger spectacle than it already is.”


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