Royal Savage

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Royal Savage Page 3

by Victoria Ashley

  “Well it’s a lot classier than Avalon, babe.” He flashes me a stiff smile. “So around my clients I’ll call you Marie. Avalon just sounds awkward to introduce people to. It’s not a big deal, but this party is to me.” He gives me a quick kiss on the cheek. “Come on.”

  I grind my jaw in distaste and follow him outside and over to the large table, setting down the stack of plates as perfectly organized and in place as I can. I would argue with him more on this matter, but I honestly don’t have the energy today. I just want to get this party over with so I can go home, crawl in bed, and watch some quality TV by myself. I honestly probably should’ve just stayed in bed all day to begin with. Today has been hell.

  It’s well into the party now and I have spent most of it hiding out by the food table, stuffing my face with any fried foods that I can find.

  Colton has apparently already introduced me to all the clients that he plans to for the night, so I really don’t see why I’m still hanging around anyway. I’ve never seen so many stiff people in my life and it’s making me extremely anxious and uncomfortable.

  “Babe.” I force a smile when Colton suddenly appears next to me, walking with a pretty brunette in a white, zip-front pencil skirt. “I want to introduce you to my new investment partner; the one I’ve been telling you about. Misty . . .” He points to the leggy bombshell beside him and then points to me. “This is my girlfriend Marie. She helped me set up the dinner for tonight.”

  I reach out to shake her hand when she holds hers out, and then flash my friendliest smile. “Avalon,” I say with pride. “Marie is my middle name. Only Colton calls me that.”

  Colton gives me a dirty look, but replaces it with a sincere smile when Misty glances his way and raises a brow.

  “Well it’s very nice to meet you, Avalon. Colton here is the best partner I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with; very professional and always knows what he’s doing.” She releases my hand and looks me up and down, taking in my black skinny jeans and teal blouse. “You’re one lucky lady.”

  She clears her throat and turns back to Colton with a small smile. “I should get back to my friends now. Thanks for having us. They’re having a wonderful time and the food is delicious.”

  He places his hand on her shoulder and nods his head. “Thanks for coming and I look forward to hopefully having your friends as potential clients. I’ll be over to thank them personally.”

  She nods her head, smiles, and then walks away.

  Colton is in Real Estate. He’s very good at what he does. I don’t disagree with her there, but I still don’t like her much. She’s definitely a lot different than what I pictured and hoped in my mind that she would look like. He never once mentioned that she looked like she just walked out of a damn fashion magazine.

  “You look bored,” Colton says disapprovingly, as I rub my forehead and yawn. “Could you try to look a little happier to be here? Please. I’ve worked hard for this.”

  I reach for the glass of beer that I set down when I started stuffing my face. I’ve been hiding and drinking them all night. “Sorry, but it’s hard to pretend that I’m having fun when I’m not. I’ve been standing in a corner by myself for most of the party. How excited should I pretend to be?” I take a swig of my beer and Colton’s eyes widen when he gets a whiff.

  “Are you drinking beer?” He reaches for my glass and looks into it. “That’s what the wine is for. I’m trying to have a classy dinner, babe. These are my clients and hopefully potential clients that I’m entertaining; not a frat party with strippers.”

  My heart speeds up with sudden anger. “Oh really. Sorry that my drink of choice isn’t good enough for your clientele.” I release an exasperated breath and get ready to give him a piece of my mind. He always has a good way of making people feel shitty and I’m beginning to really see it.

  I open my mouth and get ready to speak again, but stop when the sound of motorcycles have us all looking toward the driveway in curiosity. They’re loud and powerful, causing people to watch in confusion as both men climb off of their bikes and kill the engines.

  “Fucking shit. Not now,” Colton grinds out, gripping his hair. “What the hell is he doing here?”

  My eyes widen and my mouth drops open when the guy on the first motorcycle pulls his helmet off and sets it on his bike, looking directly at me.

  Those eyes. I would recognize that set of eyes anywhere. His long hair is now pulled into a bun, his tattoos covered by a leather jacket, but there’s no question that it’s him. Those insanely beautiful eyes give him away. My heart pounds when I remember the look in his eyes last night when I barged into his room, unwanted.

  “Who?” I question in a daze.

  “My brother Royal.”

  My eyes widen. “Since when have you had a brother?”

  “Twenty-five damn years; too long if you ask me. And he’s my half-brother. There is a difference.”

  Before I can say anything and complain about not knowing this little detail, he stalks over to the driveway and grabs Royal’s arm, pulling him closer to the front of the house and out of view.

  People start whispering, talking shit about how ‘dangerous’ the two men look, but I ignore them all. Who the hell are they to judge? Stuck up assholes. Now, I really want to get out of here and away from this party.

  I slam my empty beer cup down and take off in the direction of our uninvited guests. I’m both curious as to why Royal is here and why the hell Colton never told me he had a brother to begin with.

  Colton turns to me and scrunches his forehead in annoyance when I approach him, Royal, and Jax in the driveway. I hadn’t even known it was Jax until now. He surprisingly smiles at me and lifts an eyebrow, before setting his helmet down as if he didn’t just have to kick me out of his house last night. “Stay with the party please. Tell them that I’m taking care of something and I’ll be right back. It will only take a minute. Just let me get rid of them.”

  Jax and Royal both watch me as I brush my hair behind my ear and growl under my breath.

  I swear my heart stops. It’s as if I’ve just walked into tattooed, bearded, man-bun heaven, and I’m hoping there isn’t an exit. I can’t help but to watch them watch me.

  “Basement girl,” Jax says with a smirk, not hiding the fact that he’s surprised to see me here. “Sorry about the party. Next time, babe.”

  Royal looks me up and down, but doesn’t say a word. His eyes cause shivers to run up my spine, chilling me to the bone.

  “Oh great,” Colton complains. “It was their party you were at last night? Big surprise.”

  I tilt my head and turn to face Colton. He’s really testing me today and I’m not beyond making a fool of myself in front of all of his fancy guests. “And what the hell is that supposed to mean, Colton?”

  “Nothing,” Colton snaps, regretfully. “I didn’t mean it. This is just a big fucking deal for me, and these assholes showing up with their tattoos and motorcycles aren’t making me look good. To my guests they are viewed as uncivilized troublemakers. Royal has a bad image and reputation, and I don’t want that brought here.”

  “So you need someone else making you look good?” I question, now completely pissed off by his disrespect. “I hardly think them showing up is going to ruin your chances with potential clients. They haven’t done anything disrespectful. What is your deal? I can’t stand it when you’re like this, which is happening more and more frequently.”

  Royal smirks and leans against his bike, pulling out a cigarette. He seems pleased with my response. “Calm down big brother. No need to piss your fucking fancy slacks.” He lights his cigarette and takes a long drag from it, slowly blowing the smoke back out. “I just came to tell you that Riley fucking died yesterday. Thought you might want to know. Didn’t come to crash your little wine party.”

  Colton throws his arms up and shakes his head, as if he’s just ready to get back to his guests. “Yeah, well I’m not surprised. That’s what happens when you live his l
ifestyle, and I won’t be surprised if you end up like him soon.”

  Pissed off and looking as if he’s about to lose it, Royal tosses his cigarette down and steps up to Colton, getting in his face. “You’ve known Riley since you were in fucking diapers and that’s the kind of disrespect you show?” His jaw tightens as he wraps his tatted up fingers around Colton’s neck and squeezes.

  “You’re a real piece of shit, brother.” He shoves him back, causing Colton to gasp and lose his balance.

  I’ve known Colton to be a dick, but this is on a whole new level. I can’t even look at him right now without being disgusted. I feel like choking him my damn self, so I don’t blame Royal or feel pity for Colton one bit. Someone he knows just died and he shows no emotion, nothing at all. All he cares about is his stupid perfect life. “Colton, you’re an asshole. This is unbelievable. Un-fucking believable. I’m out.”

  “Just great,” Colton yells out, running a hand through his perfectly styled, blonde hair, and rubbing his pink neck. He backs away from Royal and grunts, while looking over at me. “Why don’t you just leave with my brother here then? Go ahead.” He crosses his arms and watches me, testing me. “There’s plenty of room on the back of his bike.”

  “Fine.” Clearly not thinking straight, I walk over to Royal’s bike and stop, swallowing hard as I look him in the face. Royal instantly grabs for his helmet and places it on my head, looking me in the eyes the whole damn time. He’s good with those damn things; too good. I pull my eyes away from his, clear my throat, and turn to Colton. “Enjoy your little party. I know you’ll show them more respect than you’ve clearly just shown your own damn brother. The one that I never even knew you had, by the way.”

  “Marie . . .” he scolds, as if I’m a child. “I was joking. Don’t leave.” He clenches his fists at his sides as he watches me hop onto the back of Royal’s bike and scoot up behind him. “Get off my brother’s bike. It’s dangerous. He’s dangerous and careless.”

  I suck in a deep breath as Royal starts his bike and grabs my arms, wrapping them around his waist with force. His hands feel rough against my skin, the total opposite of Colton’s smooth fingers. “Hold on tight, Darlin’, and don’t fucking let go.”

  Colton’s eyes land on my arms around Royal’s waist and he grinds his jaw in disapproval. “Off. Now.”

  I place the exposed skin of my cheek against Royal’s hard back, facing Colton. I’m doing this now. No turning back. “No,” I growl up at him, wrapping my arms tighter around Royal. “And my name is Avalon for the last damn time. Goodbye, Colton. Don’t call me until you’re done being an ass.”

  Jax laughs from beside us and then hops on his bike, flicking his cigarette at Colton. “Later, bitch.”

  Colton watches in disbelief as Royal takes off with me on the back of his bike. It seems his friends look just as confused as their eyes land on us.

  I allow myself to watch his shocked reaction for a few seconds, before turning away and holding on for dear life. I’ve never been on a motorcycle and I can’t deny that I’m scared shitless right now.

  Somehow escaping Colton seemed worth the risk. If there’s one thing that I hate, it’s judgmental assholes that think they’re too good for others, and that’s all Colton has been all day. I’m over it right now.

  WE PULL UP BEHIND A bar called Savage & Ink, and Royal kills the engine, reaching behind him to help me off his bike. He’s rough, yet careful not to hurt me at the same time.

  Smirking, he climbs off his bike and reaches over to take his helmet off my head. “Your first time on a bike?”

  I nod my head and work on fixing my wild hair. “Yeah. You could tell?”

  “From your death grip . . . yeah.” He lifts his eyebrows at Jax as he pulls up beside us, and parks.

  I feel a bit uncomfortable standing here with two guys I don’t even know, but oddly more welcome than I felt at Colton’s party.

  “Sorry about that,” I say with a sigh. “And I’m sorry about last–”

  “Shit happens,” Royal says, cutting me off.

  “Come on.” He reaches for my hand and starts pulling me behind him, while reaching into his pocket with his free hand. “I’ve got to check on these dicks, and since you hopped on my bike . . . I guess you’re my responsibility for the night.”

  After a few seconds of digging, he pulls out a key and unlocks the door, guiding me inside and past what looks to be a tattoo parlor. “Is this your place?” I ask, while looking around at the hand drawn art on the walls. “It’s amazing and stunning. Such beautiful artwork.”

  “Yeah,” he responds, but doesn’t offer anything else.

  We walk down the hall a little further, until Jax pushes past us and opens the door to a bar. He turns back to me and eyes me up and down. “Stay close to Royal. If he gets called away, then stay by me. These assholes are ruthless and will try to fuck you if they see an opening.”

  My heart speeds up from nerves as I’m guided into a room full of tatted up men playing pool, darts, and drinking beer.

  They’re loud and rowdy, not giving a shit about what anyone else thinks and they all seem to look as if they feel at home here. Seeing the proud look on Royal’s face makes me smile. It’s crazy to see just how opposite he is from his brother. Amazing really.

  Royal encloses his hand around mine again and pulls me through the room, keeping me close by his side. He steps behind the bar, keeping me with him. “What do you drink?”

  I look over my shoulder at the guys shouting and whistling, calling out Royal’s name, but Royal grabs my chin, pulling my attention back to him. “What will it be, babe?”

  “A beer please. A nice, big, cold beer.”

  Royal sucks his bottom lip into his mouth as if I’ve just turned him on, and oddly . . . that turns me on.

  “Sexy as hell and drinks beer. Well shit . . .” He shakes his head, while reaching for two beers and twisting the caps off. “Definitely not my brother’s type.”

  I watch him, but don’t say anything as he hands me the beer. Holding the cold bottle to my lips, I tilt it back and take what must be the longest drink of my life. It tastes and feels so good right now.

  “Yup . . . definitely too good for my brother.” Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Royal adjust the crotch of his faded jeans, before grabbing my hand and pulling me around the bar and to the back of the room, where two pool tables are set up.

  He stops in front of the unoccupied one. “You into pool, Avalon? That’s a sexy as fuck name, by the way. Don’t let my dick brother say otherwise.” He pauses to take a swig of his beer. “You look like you could use a little game or two to loosen you up. I think I can help with that.”

  I smile big against the top of the beer bottle, stopping mid-drink. “I’m not very good, so chances are it’s not going to be very fun for you.”

  Royal yanks his jacket off and throws it over an empty chair, exposing his beautiful body art that I love so much. “I’m sure I can find a lot of ways to make things with you fun. Don’t worry about that, Darlin’.”

  I jump away as some random arm flings around my shoulder, pulling me against a hard body. It smells good too . . .

  It’s some guy in his mid-twenties with short, dark hair and amber eyes with both of his arms covered in a sleeve of tattoos. The sides of his head are shaved and covered in tattoos as well, the top of it longer. He’s definitely attractive. A little drunk, but attractive. “Who’s this beautiful girl?” He looks down at me and lifts a brow, cupping my chin. That’s when I notice his nose is pierced. “They call me, Blaine, babe, but you can call me anything as long as you’re screaming it on top of me. Hell . . . even below me is good. I work hard either way.”

  Royal looks up from racking the balls and grips the edge of the table. “Seriously, Motherfucker. Don’t you have shit to do?”

  Blaine releases my chin and I oddly find myself smiling. “Avalon,” I say, answering his previous question. I look around at all the people dressed in leather ja
ckets. You can tell the majority of them came on bikes. “Are you part of a motorcycle club or something?” I ask hesitantly.

  Royal pulls me away from Blaine and in front of him, handing me a cue stick. He helps me aim it at the cue ball and then leans in next to my ear. “Nah . . . it’s just a place where other uncivilized people like myself can come and feel at home; a place that Colton will never have the balls to step foot in.”

  He backs away from me and I take my shot, breaking the balls. None of them go in, so I hand my stick to Royal. “And you do tattoos here too?”

  “Yeah . . .” He takes his shot, followed by two more, sinking three striped balls in a row. “A lot of the bikers that come here get work done from me or Blaine. Jax helps run the bar, but can’t tattoo for shit.”

  I notice how Royal watches me when it’s my turn. For some reason . . . having his eyes on me gives me a little bit of excitement. It’s not the fact that he’s watching me, but more of how he watches me that gets me. He’s so damn intense.

  A few beers later, I’m having fun and laughing with Royal and a few of his friends. I sort of gave up on pool after the second game, when realizing that Royal is a damn pro. He even managed to hit the balls when he had his eyes on me. I can’t compete with that.

  My phone buzzes in my pocket for the fifth time in the last hour, but I hit ignore and fall back into conversation with the guys.

  There’s no way that Colton is over being a dick. He didn’t even bother to try calling me until at least two hours after I left, so I’m guessing his precious little party was over by that time.

  “I love this song,” I say, temporarily interrupting the guys.

  Royal watches me carefully as I walk over to the middle of the bar and start dancing. With his lips against his beer bottle, he smirks, right before I turn away.

  Now that it’s later into the night, a mix of a different crowd has joined our little party. A group of girls are dancing around me, pulling either guys that they came here with or random guys out onto the floor with them. The longer I’m here, the more I realize what Royal said. This place is for anyone who accepts it and wants to have fun.


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