Chasing the Dream: Dream Series, Book 3

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Chasing the Dream: Dream Series, Book 3 Page 16

by Isabelle Peterson


  I sat in the back of the limo while the driver went into the airport to collect Chase. I checked my reflection in the mirror and smoothed my hair, which was pulled into a ponytail. All morning I debated with this. Hair up or down. If it was up, he’d think I’d listened to him and put it up so that he would be the only one to see it down. If I had it down, he would think I styled it down for him. It was a no-win situation. I tightened the ponytail and checked my outfit over. A turquoise shirt and chocolate brown skinny jeans, which were a bit tight—probably from all the baking this weekend… right?—and tucked into my favorite brown boots. The upper edge was a scalloped turquoise edge, and they were lined with turquoise fabric. Even the intricate feather design was done with a shiny turquoise thread. I didn’t look anything like a Good & Plenty candy.

  I munched on a chocolate chip cookie as I looked over his schedule. Today, Monday, was more scene work on location. Tomorrow he had morning shows, first Good Morning America, then Live! with Kelly and Michael, followed by sound studio work. My eyes fell out of my head when I noticed the start time for that day was going to be five o’clock in the morning. I was already exhausted.

  Suddenly, I heard screams outside of the car and turned to look. Of course. Chase had just exited the airport and was mobbed by girls with the driver, playing bodyguard. Of course looking the way he did, I wanted to squeal at him. He was looking very ‘James Dean’ today with his hair done in the old James Dean pompadour style, a denim jacket and white tee-shirt, a pair of shades hiding those incredible eyes. He flashed his smile everywhere, let the girls take selfies with him, and signed magazines left and right. He was laughing and having a great time when the driver opened the door for him and he ducked inside to the disappointed groans of the crowd. He slouched into his seat and let the laughter die, his customary persona taking up all the available cubic inch in the small space.

  “Hey,” he said casually. “Did you have a good weekend?” he asked not taking off his glasses, as the car pulled out into traffic.

  “Yeah, sure. Not as much fun as yours, but it was good.”

  He sniffed the air, oblivious to my snide remark. “Do you smell that?”

  Expecting some sexist remark, I rolled my eyes and went along with his ego trip. “Smell what?”

  “Chocolate chip cookies. Do you smell it?”

  Uhh, yeah, I smell ’em. I had just eaten the last one. “Yup,” I simply said. “The producers have messaged wondering if you have your lines set for today.” Good. Keep it professional, Phoebe.

  “Got ’em,” he said tapping his head. He reached out and dragged his finger on the corner of my mouth. “And you were the one with the chocolate chip cookies. My gig as a detective on Cops Undercover is paying off,” he said showing me the chocolate he just wiped from my lip, then sucked it loudly it off of his finger with a big grin.

  His finger on my lips, and watching his lips on said finger sent me right back up into his room. After he fingered me to the most intense, non-intercourse orgasm of my life. I was quickly losing the battle with myself to stay professional. I was wet between my thighs and my heart was pounding on my ribcage so forcefully I wouldn’t have been surprised if it broke free and landed in my lap. Mustering every bit of strength I had left in me, I continued with my professional behavior. “I’ve gone ahead and ordered your dinner to be delivered to the set. I’ll just grab whatever is set out for the crew.”

  “Oh. I was looking forward to dinner with you…away from the set. I really wanted to talk with you.”

  Yeah, right. “Here’s fifty bucks for a cab ride home, now get out of here.”

  “No worries. You got what you wanted. I got what I wanted. Moving on. I’m your PA, responsible for getting you on set and fed and other things you might need. I’m glad you had a fun weekend, but you have work to do. And so do I.”

  He sat behind his sunglasses staring at me, and I stared back. I could feel his eyes—glasses be damned. How desperately I wanted to see his violet-blue eyes, but at the same time I was relieved that he was shielding them from me. I would cave to whatever he asked for if he revealed them. “I’m sorry,” he whispered.

  “Um-hmm,” I said, burying my nose in the clipboard of papers. Don’t you dare give him an inch, Phoebe. Suddenly the clipboard was pulled from my lap and hands and dropped to the floor. Chase took hold of my hands and pulled me so that I was facing him. I looked up to see he’d pulled off his sunglasses, and I was now pinned and lost in those fantastic eyes.

  “I was an ass on Friday morning,” he said, his voice low and hoarse.

  I wanted to shout, “An ass Friday morning, and Friday night, and Saturday. But we’re not an item, so fuck off!” But my mouth was dry. My hands were burning with the contact from him. I couldn’t have said anything at that moment.

  “Truth is…” he took a deep breath in, and out in a gush. “That night…” he stopped again to clear his throat. “I’ve never felt that before. That level of connection… It scared the shit out of me.”

  “Oh, that explains you paying me off like a cheap hooker the next morning and those pictures all over Twitter from this weekend,” I said pulling my hands from his.

  “Hey,” he said, grabbing my hands back. “It’s true. Every word. I’m at a loss of what to say or do when I’m with you. I have so much to say and no way to say it. When I first met you, I considered you a challenge, but since then I’ve seen bits and pieces of you that have taken ahold of my heart, and I want to know more. So. Much. More.”

  “Look,” I said, pulling my hands from his. “I’m your PA, we got carried away. It’s all good. Like I said. I’m going to do my job. You do your job. Come this Friday you’re off the hook. I’m not going to go all crazy on you and want to be your girlfriend. You got what you wanted. I got what I wanted. The end.”

  “What did you want?” he asked.

  I searched his face. He looked worried, with a healthy dose of hopeful. What did I want? I wanted a one-night stand with someone who made me feel satisfied from just a look. With someone who made my heart not just beat, but pound. With someone who made me feel alive…and cherished…and special. A one-night stand and that’s it. Yeah, I wasn’t convincing myself very well either. My mom’s words echoed in my head about how she felt with Jack. “He makes my knees weak, and my heart beat. He’s the first thought on my mind when I wake up and the last thing I think about when I’m falling asleep. He makes me feel safe, and loved, and wanted.” That’s what I wanted. And that’s what I got. I was rendered incapable around Chase with the physics and chemistry that I felt. Did he feel it too? My heart was a biological mystery the way it pounded so hard around him. I certainly thought about Chase the first and last moments of everyday. But I could explain every bit of that away. Nerves. He was one hell of an actor. And emotionally not available. “What did you want?” I asked instead.

  “I asked you first,” he said. His hand came up to my face and lightly fingered my jaw. My skin was so charged. His touch was making me light headed. I was going to lose the fight if he didn’t take his hands off of me.

  “Why are you doing this to me?”

  His eyes stared deeply into mine. I would have paid good money to read his mind. I knew what I wanted his eyes to be saying. I wanted them to say, “Because I love you and I want you to love me.”

  “Why is your hair up? I told you I like it down,” he said as his hand made its way to my ponytail and tugged on the elastic. He freed my hair and ran his fingers through it. His insanely blue eyes searched my face and hair.

  “Then why were you with those girls this weekend? And the body shots off those half naked girls?”

  He sat back closed his eyes, took in a deep breath, and shoved his hand through his hair, gripping it. The hair I wanted to run my fingers through.

  “I’m not proud of it. Any of it. But I was running away from you.”

  “I don’t follow.”

  He stopped and breathed a calming breath b
efore he started. “I’ve never wanted to be in a relationship…until you. I’ve seen too many relationships start, then blow up leaving casualties all over the place. It’s why I’ve always been so—I was an ass,” he breathed and clenched his eyes shut. “I wasn’t with them,” he said opening his eyes and turning to me. “I mean, yes it’s me in those pictures and I was with them, but I wasn’t with them. In my head, they were all you. Until I looked at them, and they didn’t have your clear blue eyes, your soft blonde hair, your adorable nose…but most importantly, they didn’t have your sweet, confident, genuine heart.

  “You don’t fangirl all over me, and aren’t trying to get things from me. You don’t take my shit. You don’t have an agenda. You make me feel…normal. Whole.” He breathed a calming breath, and continued. “I’ve done a good job of guarding my heart, but, somehow, you’ve gone in there and rewired it with your listening to me and talking with me. Telling me things about you, your brothers and stuff. This past weekend, I missed you. I missed the hell out of you. I missed you the second you walked out of my hotel room Friday morning.” Gently, he picked up my hands. “I want to try, Phoebe. I want to try a relationship.”

  As we stared into each other’s eyes—well, you know how ‘they’ say that eyes are the windows to the soul? At that moment, I believed it. I felt his eyes touch my soul.

  I didn’t know if he leaned in first or if I did, but when our lips met this time, it was so different than the first, or second, or any other time. His lips were urgent yet tender. His hand gripped the hair at the back of my head, not to control, but to possess. And the groan he let out was full of emotion, with a sprinkling of hunger. He tasted like Good & Plenty and suddenly I wished I’d worn pink, black, and white.

  I let my hands wander across his amazing chest, sad that there was the layer of fabric separating us, but the memories of Thursday night were well in place. My hands slipped behind his back and, greedily, I pulled him to me. He mirrored my move, but upped the ante when he scooped his hands under my ass and pulled me, crosswise, onto his lap. Under my leg I felt his rock hard cock and I wanted nothing more than to tear off our clothes and sheath myself on that thing. Instead, I twisted and turned and got myself into a straddle on his lap and settled for a little grinding.

  “Shit, Phoebs. I don’t know how I’m gonna manage my lines today if you keep this up,” he muttered against my lips.

  “I’m sure you’ll be brilliant. You always are.”

  “You’re not fangirling on me now, are you?”

  “Never,” I replied. With that, he crushed his lips to mine and urgently plunged his tongue into my mouth, and I kissed back with as much urgency. His arms tightly encircled my waist, holding on for dear life, as I wove my fingers through his hair. A crazy mix of peace and passion flooded over me, and I felt on top of the world.

  “God, I want to fuck you so hard,” he said. It should have been offensive, instead his words made me so hot.

  “What’s stopping you?” I breathed.

  “Well, you’re wearing pants for one,” he said, smirking. “And for two, I want our next time to be beyond incredible, not some backseat fuck. But God, you drive me insane!”

  I was so turned on, I really couldn’t wait. I didn’t know what had come over me. I ground a little harder on to his impossibly hard bulge trying to ease my own rising need, and hoping I was also turning him on. I moved my kisses along his stubbly jaw delighting in the tickle. “What if I don’t want to wait?” I whispered in his ear.

  There was a knock on the window, and I noticed that we had stopped moving. I glanced and saw Colin, the assistant director, knocking on the tinted window.

  “Guess it’s show time,” I said and slid off his lap.

  “Show time can wait,” he said. He picked up the clipboard and handed it to me. I reached up to fix his hair, and I loved that he let me. “Follow my lead,” he said then stepped out of the car.

  There were only a few fans near by, and they squealed when he stood, but he didn’t head over to them like he’d done in the past. Instead, he reached into the car and offered me his hand, which I took, and let him help me out. The two of us stood there, looking at one another like goofy kids. In the past, he’d let me go off and hang with the crew, but this time he placed a kiss on my nose, then took my hand, laced our fingers together, and we headed toward the trailers.

  We walked past hair and makeup, then the wardrobe trailer. Without hesitation, Chase brought me up the short set of stairs of a smaller trailer than the other two. Once inside, Chase shut the door and shoved me up against it. A quick glance and I realized that this was Chase’s trailer. The counter by the mirror had Dolce & Gabana products lined up, as well as a giant bottle of Belvedere brand vodka, which stood proudly next to a Belvedere martini glass and Belvedere martini shaker. And there was a stack—a stack—of at least two dozen boxes of Good & Plenty candies just waiting.

  He latched his lips to my neck, his scruffy stubble tickling in the most seductive way as he kissed and nipped gently. Into my neck he said, “You sure you don’t want to wait for later? Last chance.”

  I couldn’t put together words, so I gave Chase my answer by raising my hands and shoving his denim jacket off of his incredible shoulders. Then I leaned in and delivered the same kisses along his neck that he had showered on me. And holy FUCK! Did he smell good. My pussy clenched just from his divine scent. Starting at one shoulder I slowly worked my way to the other, but when I got to that soft hollow, just below his Adam’s apple and between his collarbones, he moaned. The vibrations on my lips spurred me on. I pulled back and slipped his shirt up and over his head then my fingers went to work on unfastening his jeans as I kissed a trail downward. I kissed over to his left nipple, enjoying how the light smattering of soft, curly hairs tickled my nose on the way, and I flicked my tongue on his tiny hardened nub and grazed my teeth on the pink bud. I glanced up and the look on his face was one of surrender. I smiled to myself and worked my way to give some attention to the right side. I managed to finish the job of unbuttoning and unzipping his pants and I slipped my hand inside his boxers to find his velvety, rock hard shaft. Clamping my lips around his right nipple, and gently stroking his erection, Chase moaned and quivered. He fucking quivered.

  None-too-slowly, I dropped to my knees, planting gentle kisses and occasionally nipping at his abs, until I was face to face with the not-so-little ‘Chase.’ I pulled his jeans down enough to fully free his cock and I took it in my full fist, which only covered maybe half of the length. I slid my hand down and took the spongy head, glistening with a bead of pre-cum, into my mouth. Looking up at him through my lashes, the look on his face threw me…emotionally and physically. I felt my insides clench and flip, and I blinked back tears of joy. He wasn’t looking at me like a piece of meat. He was looking at me with wonder and awe.

  I swirled my tongue around the tip, then took as much of him in my mouth as I could without gagging. I pulled back, my hand moving in tandem, with a slight twist and reaching the tip, gently—very gently—raked my teeth on the crown. Chase hissed his approval and I closed my lips around him and pushed back down, his cock nearly touching the back of my throat. I tasted his pre-cum and groaned around his silky member, enjoying the salty-sweet deliciousness. I repeated the action a few times, varying the attentions to his ‘little head,’ my clit throbbing and begging for attention. Had I not been wearing pants, I probably would have reached between my legs and relieved some of my own mounting need.

  He stiffened and pulled back, his eyes dark and hooded, scooped me up and carried me over to a bed where he laid me down. “Not like that. I don’t want to come down your throat. I want to be buried deep inside you. But first, I need to taste you.”

  Oh, holy hell, fuck me, YES!

  Chase made swift work of my boots and jeans, discarding them, along with his own in the growing collection of clothes strewn about. He started like he had in the hotel the other night, at my ankle of my left leg, at first a kiss or two
. Then, he extended his tongue and dragged it up over my knee and started drawing small circles and wavy lines as he got closer and closer to my sex, where I had to be flowing with juices. His scruff on my inner thigh had me trembling. When he got to my apex, his eyes found mine and he flattened his tongue and licked me from bottom to top, his tongue pointing and flicking lightly at my pulsing bud, like I was an ice cream cone dripping in the summer heat.

  “Mmmmm,” he said. The vibrations from his moaning lips resting on my clit shot bolts of excitement through me. I even felt it in my earlobes. My hands reached down and I ran my hands through his incredible head of hair.

  He continued to tease me with his tongue and I let him as he slid a finger into my trembling sex. I wanted it so badly I nearly cried. His actions were slow and measured. Sliding in a second finger, and circling his pointed tongue on my pulsing bud, he started to rub against the spot… the one deep inside that left me panting. The one that set off fireworks in my core. I started to feel like I was floating, and I groaned my pleasure.

  “More,” I heard myself plead. “I need more,” I begged, not even recognizing my own voice.

  “Like this?” he asked, his fingers rubbing, more and more vigorously, and his lips clamped around my clit.

  “Yes!” I practically shouted. “God, just like that! Harder!” He listened like a good actor taking direction. He wasn’t careful any longer. He was almost rough. And I loved it.

  “Do it, Phoebe. Come for me,” he growled. And just like that, as if I were a puppet, I exploded around him, groaning like a primitive animal. My hips shot off of the bed as I came. I started to laugh, I felt so great. I had never, ever, come that hard.

  “Mhmm,” Chase growled. “You liked that? Made you feel good, huh?”

  I could only nod and whimper my agreement.


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