Chasing the Dream: Dream Series, Book 3

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Chasing the Dream: Dream Series, Book 3 Page 26

by Isabelle Peterson

  Charlie looked at his watch, and said, “Good point. I can catch the score in the morning.” Charlie stood. “Well, Uncle Brock, in case I don’t see ya tomorrow morning,” he said extending his hand toward the handsome and burly man.

  “What are you talkin’ about? Put that hand away,” he laughed, standing and pulling Charlie into a bear hug. Charlie hugged him right back.

  “Thanks for being an awesome brother to my mom. And for keeping me in the loop. She would take this all on herself.”

  “Don’t I know it,” he said. “And don’t worry. I’ll call if things get dicey again.”

  “Thanks,” Charlie said again, then he took my hand and we headed upstairs.

  Despite the rocky start, today had been, for the lack of a better word, perfect.

  Our day of getting to know one another more deeply was unplanned, and I wouldn’t have had it any other way. Well, maybe a little different circumstances, but to come together, the way we had.

  Sharing my deepest secret, my adoption, with Phoebe, made everything between us infinitely better. It actually felt great sharing that with her. So few people knew, which meant I didn’t really get a chance to talk about it. I hope that I made a difference in Phoebe’s head.

  I did know that as a couple, we were so much closer.

  A couple. That thought made me smile. For as long as I thought I’d never find someone who would change my mind about love, it felt amazing to finally admit it. And feel it. And share it.


  Charlie and I walked upstairs hand in hand. When we got to his door, he tugged me in.

  “My room is down the hall,” I said quietly.

  “No, your place is with me. You’re sleeping in my bed tonight,” he said pulling me into his arms. The smell of him soothed me, and although I had been yawning and ready to crawl into bed and fall asleep only a few minutes earlier, the smell of Charlie, the feel of Charlie, woke up certain areas of my body. As he leaned in to kiss me, I felt that certain areas of his body were also wide awake.

  “Charlie,” I cautioned. “We can’t… Everyone’s downstairs. Wide awake—” His lips crashed down on mine, silencing my remaining protests. My tongue darted out, no longer willing to partake in any resistance. His kiss was slow and tender claiming my mouth. His hands were careful and loving across my back, securing my body to his. I was amazed at how I could go from practically sleep walking to wickedly aroused by his touch and kiss.

  “Shhh… I just want to sleep with you.”

  “Sleep. Right,” I said sarcastically.

  “Honest,” he said stepping back and holding up one hand, and drawing an X over his heart. “I promise. Cross my heart.”

  Charlie closed the door softly, and pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it on his duffle. Then he dropped his jeans, leaving his boxers on, this pair a red plaid, and slid into bed. He propped himself on his side, his head resting on his hand. “Well, come on. I’m tired.” He patted the bed next him.

  With a careful eye on him, I pushed my jeans over my hips and tossed them with his, leaving my t-shirt and undies on, and slid in next to him. He adjusted us so that I was tucked into him, and he was spooning me. He swept my hair aside and snaked the arm under him so that it was now under my neck and my head rested on his arm. His top arm rested over my waist, his hand gently cupping my breast and my hand instinctively covered his. I felt so safe. So respected. So loved.

  “If you change your mind, I’ll help you be the best mother,” Charlie whispered from behind me.

  The bubble popped and I couldn’t check my reaction. I stiffened. Panic ran through me. Did he want me to keep it? Was all that he said about adoption just a line? Like those lines from the show?

  “Charlie, I—” I shook my head and tried to pull away. His grip tightened.

  “Shhh…I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything,” he said, his own voice expressing panic.

  “Charlie, I’m not sure I…” I started, my voice trembling. “I’m not sure I ever want to be a mom. It may be that I’m only nineteen, but…Children aren’t on my radar.”

  Charlie’s grip around me loosened in an uncomfortable way. He may as well have pulled his arms from me completely. I rolled over and faced Charlie. He seemed to relax when he could look into my eyes.

  “Charlie…” I searched his eyes. I needed him to understand. “Like I said, I’m only nineteen,” I repeated. “I have no idea what I want my life to be. I only know that I want to learn to stand on my own two feet. I have dreams, Charlie, and I’m not ready to let them go,” I continued, hearing my mother’s words from just a month ago echo in my head. Don’t get married too early. Live on your own. Be responsible for you… Stand on your own two feet. That’s something I never did… If you don’t learn to stand on your own two feet, you’ll become whoever the other person wants you to be, not who you are.

  “I didn’t mean you should do what you don’t want to. Only that Carrie told me that when I was born, she wanted to keep me. At that moment in the delivery room, emotion hit her square in her heart, and she wanted to be my mother. But she’d made promises, and her parents were in no way going to support her and Dillon. And Dillon didn’t have a job that could support her and a baby. She said she’d had a change of heart. And I just wanted you to know, that no matter what you choose…”

  “Okay. But, I look at how wonderful things turned out for you…and how could I not want the very best for this baby. I’m too young and I have too many things I want to do. I want to learn to stand on my own two feet. I want to know who I am. And what I really want out of life. And, I know it sounds terrible, but I really don’t need any reminders of Dickwad Danny.”

  “I understand,” he said. His eyes searched mine and things clicked. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…” He sighed and kissed the tip of my nose. “I can’t wait to see ‘who you are’ and where your dreams take you.” He leaned in and softly kissed my lips.

  I searched his face and saw that he did understand. “Thank you,” I whispered, and kissed him back.

  He pushed in, deepening the kiss, and I felt his excitement grow.

  “Hey, you said sleep. You promised.”

  “I can’t help what you do to me.”

  “Well, help it. We have to wake up early.” I turned my back and re-spooned in his arms, smiling all the while. He snuggled up close to me.

  “I love you. Sweet dreams,” he whispered, then planted a kiss on the back of my head.

  “I love you, too, Charlie Dillinger Smith.” I took his hand and kissed it, then replaced it back on my breast. He gave me a squeeze, and sighed contentedly.

  A few minutes later, I realized that his breathing had become regular, and his arm grew heavy. He had fallen asleep.

  I woke to the early morning light, still spooned in Charlie’s arms. I stretched gently so I didn’t wake him, but I was surprised that he was already awake.

  “Wanna go make more wishes before we head to the airport?” he asked, sounding like a kid on Christmas morning.

  I hugged him tight, not wanting to climb out of our cocoon, I whined, “But all of my wishes are right here.” I kissed him gently, and then not so gently.

  Charlie pulled back and looked at me sweetly. “There are always more wishes to be made. Besides,” he kissed the tip of my nose, and fingered my blonde hair, “you look amazing in the morning light.”

  So, we dressed quickly and crept past Shannon’s bedroom door, out to the gazebo. Our gazebo. Charlie was right. There were so many wishes I still wanted to make. I wished for a good home for this baby. I wished for understanding from my mom. I wished that things with Charlie and I would still be good when we got back to New York, and he became ‘Chase’ again.

  I loved wishing on morning glories, and this morning it seemed especially important that I get out there and wish, and wish and wish.

  I wished for my mom’s treatment to continue doing what it was designed to do, kill the fucking cancer, and the doctor was
certain that it was. I wished that when Phoebe and I got back to New York, that I would still be Charlie, and not the fake Chase that I always became when I was away from home. And I wished that Phoebe would let me take care of her, no matter what her end decision was with this baby.

  Nothing had made me feel as important as I felt when I was with her. She seemed to make my world balanced. She was genuine. She was complex. She was perfect. I only I hoped that I would be enough for her. That my work wouldn’t get in the way. Michael hadn’t been able to work me off all of the projects I was lined up to do while I went back to school, and it was those film shoots that I was worried about. I’d be away for long periods of time. The film shoot in India would be the hardest. I’d be gone for six weeks. There was the film festival in France. Maybe she’d come with? And there were still some publicity slots on talk programs I had to honor. I knew I’d use every opportunity to let the world know that a new Chase was in effect. Maybe I’d even start using Charlie Smith. Sean-Puff Daddy-Diddy-P.-Diddy-Combs did it. Yeah, I wasn’t a rock star, but…nine programs, five of which were in syndication, and four films with a new release coming had to count for something?


  We drove to the airport hand in hand, not saying much, but we didn’t have to. We flew home, in First Class seats, which was good because they served a rather decent breakfast. Since we’d left the farm so early, we’d only had time for toast, juice and coffee, although Charlie tutted me about the cup of Joe.

  On the plane, I tried to divert my thoughts from the upcoming meeting with my mom, by reading. I opened my Kindle app on my iPad mini and opened the book I was reading. Better Than Me by a new Indie author on the scene, Emme Burton. It was a steamy story about college co-eds. I realized that I was a lot like the female lead, Biz, and that her leading man, Davis, was in some ways like Charlie. The scene I was at was a smokin’ hot sex scene and I started to squirm in my seat.

  “Whoa, hot!” he whispered, reading over my shoulder. “Let’s go join the Mile High Club.” He started to get out of his seat, and leaned over to say, “Meet me in the lav in a minute.”

  I pulled him back down to his seat, looking at the older couple sitting across the aisle from us. “We will not!” I hissed, and slunk down into my seat, as red as a steamed lobster.

  After that, I couldn’t focus and the flight felt super short. Maybe because I was horny as fuck over Charlie, and nervous as hell over the discussion I had to have with my mom. I had to find a doctor. I had to find an adoption agency. I started to feel so overwhelmed. You know what they say, “Time flies when you’re having fun”? Yeah, well it also flies when you don’t want to face something.

  When we landed and deplaned, Charlie and I walked down the corridor. I desperately wanted to hold his hand down the corridor at JFK Airport, to have some sort of stability, but Chase insisted on carrying both of our bags. He didn’t want me to over-extend myself. It didn’t take long before we were surrounded by paparazzi snapping photos of us. God, I hadn’t missed them while we were in Georgia.

  They were shouting all sorts of questions, and crowding in on Chase, pushing me out of the circle. At first the questions were all about his hair. “Chase! What happened to your hair? Did you lose another bet?” and, “Did they make you cut your hair in rehab?” and, “Did you cut your hair for a new role, Chase?” Omigod. I somehow had gotten used to his nearly bald head and had forgotten that he’d have a lot of fallout from his totally amazing show of support to his mother.

  Charlie took it in stride and opened the long sleeved button down covering to show off the “Save the Ta-Ta’s” shirt underneath. He’d thought of everything. Like he knew he’d be questioned about this as soon as the cameras caught him. “Just supporting the amazing women who go bald, not by choice,” he said, flashing his signature, paparazzi smile.

  Once that was laid to rest, the camera guys and their lackeys moved onto questions they’d already had in mind, instead of Charlie’s surprise head of hair or lack thereof. Some were asking about the rumors of him backing out of projects, some asking about his rumored move to New York, and some asking about me. One guy with a TMZ camera cornered Charlie with a truly bizarre question. “Chase, Sydney Young said that if she were to have a baby with anyone, it would be with you. Would you have a baby with Sydney?”

  I cringed two-fold. One, Charlie…Chase…had been in an off-again-on-again relationship for years with fellow actress, Sydney Young, forever spotted at charity events, premieres, and awards shows. It was rumored that at one point Chase and Sydney were engaged. Secondly, the talk about a baby. Paranoia setting in, I thought somehow the paparazzi had gotten wind of my pregnancy and misconstrued something somewhere and that they thought Sydney was actually pregnant and just saying that Sydney ‘said’…but I was the real preggers, and would they put that all together next? And think that Chase…Charlie…was the father. Oh, this whole situation had disaster all over it.

  Very diplomatically, Charlie stopped and addressed the TMZ guy. “Really? Sydney said that? Huh.” Charlie stopped and rubbed at his jaw, seeming to give it some thought. Was he serious? He was considering it? He did want me to keep this baby. My stomach dropped and I felt like I was going to throw up. Charlie looked at me, just then, and winked. Huh? What does that mean?! “Look, Sydney’s a great gal. We go way back. But she and I aren’t a good match. Now if you’ll excuse me, my girlfriend and I have somewhere to be.” Phew!

  He put his hand out to me, and the crowd parted letting me join Charlie in the wild storm of flashes and clicks from the cameras, along with the shouting that surrounded us. Charlie slung his duffle over his shoulder and tucked me under his arm, and we pushed through, heading to the limo that waited for us. Questions of “Who?” “When?” “Where?” chasing us into the Town Car.

  “Sorry, Sweets. I didn’t mean to make you sweat like that,” he said burying his lips into my neck and hugging me close.

  “You had me going there for a minute.”

  “Yeah, well…I have an image I kinda have to maintain. It keeps me trending, you know?”

  I nodded. I guess I knew. I didn’t like it, though. Not one bit.

  “But I promise. I’ve got a plan. You’re in it…Long term. If I change overnight, the photogs and reporters will think they see right through it. It’s all good. Please. Trust me.” Charlie gave me that smile. The one that exuded from his whole face and body, and said, ‘Everything is 100% and a-okay.’

  Sitting back with me tucked into him, Charlie pulled his phone out of his pocket. “So, what do we want do this afternoon? Seems…” he said while thumbing through his phone, “I’ve got a couple of emails from a realtor with condos she wants to show me.”

  I thought about my mom. I had no doubt she was growing anxious. I hadn’t spoken to her all week. I turned my phone on, and waited for it to boot up while Charlie paged through and showed me a couple of the unbelievable listings the realtor had sent.

  As soon as my phone was done booting up, a text from my mom rang in, as well as a notification of two voicemails, one from my mom, the other from…I froze, and my heart started pounding in my ears…Dickwad Danny. I noted the time of his voicemail. It had come in around midnight last night, long after I’d shut my phone down, and while I was safely wrapped in Charlie’s arms. I couldn’t have cared less what that fucking jackass had to say. His bimbos had probably all dumped him and he was feeling lonely, probably wishing for a booty call. As tempted as I was to delete his message, I chose to just ignore it for now, and I opened my mom’s text.


  Come to Jack’s for

  dinner tomorrow night,

  okay? Bring Chase if

  he isn’t doing anything.

  My mom was the perpetual entertainer. Since I could remember, she was encouraging my friends to come over for dinner. She said she liked cooking for people, and it was a good way for her to get to know my friends.

  I showed Charlie the text and he grinned. “Not doing
anything, Sweets. I’m all yours.”

  I texted back that we’d see her then. Charlie and I talked about how we would break the news to my mom. I wanted to wait for an official confirmation from the doctor that I was pregnant or not. I mean, what if the drug store test was wrong? No sense in worrying her, right? Charlie said he’d take my lead on the night.

  “Now, I’m still thinking about Davis and Biz from that naughty book of yours on your iPad. Let’s be co-eds and pretend this is a dorm room,” Charlie growled leaning into me and nipping at that spot where my neck meets my shoulder, and I was right with him.

  Twenty minutes later, we pulled up to Charlie’s hotel. We’d been making out the whole time, but I refused to ‘do the deed’ in the limo. This car didn’t have that fancy divider glass between the front and back seat.

  Charlie looked out the window at the front of the hotel and spotted a few paparazzi across the street. He sighed and dropped back into his seat. “I don’t want to go to my room,” he whined. “The camera guys are outside, and besides…” He stuck out his lower lip, and pouted like a little boy. “It’s lonely there.”

  I leaned in and sucked that lip into my mouth and gave it a tiny “chew.” “So don’t. Come to my place.” You would have thought I just told him that he’d won an Emmy or an Oscar, or both.

  Quickly, he barked the address to the driver, and we were off. I was more than a little amazed that he knew where my apartment was. Sensing my question, he shrugged. “So, I may have made a note about your place the first time you took me there.” I grinned and we resumed our make out session in the back seat.

  We got to my apartment building and Charlie sighed with relief that there weren’t any paparazzi to be seen. We headed into the building with Gilbert greeting us with his customary formal smile. I looked forward to Monday when I’d see Dominic and his more friendly mannerisms.

  “Oh, Miss Fairchild,” Gilbert said. “I have a package for you. The envelope was too big for your mailbox,” he explained, walking to his stand. He produced a large craft envelope. The return address was from the studio.


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