Strays (Red Kings MC Book 1)

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Strays (Red Kings MC Book 1) Page 5

by Eliza Marsh

  She tossed back the last of her beer, failing to notice that Dean had closed the gap between them until he spoke. “Contrary to popular belief, us bikers aren't only about sex, violence, and mayhem. Not all the time, anyways.” He took a moment to drain half his beer, contemplating whether or not to grab something stronger. “I'll do my best to look out for Tyler when I can.”

  Dean was blindsided as Jackie threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around his broad shoulders in a tight hug. “Hearing you say that means more to me than you could know.” Dean sat there awkwardly, thankful that none of the other guys were in the clubhouse to witness this rare moment of kindness. He was surprised by how much the small promise had affected the girl that was now clinging to him. Hesitantly patting her on the back, he hoped that would be a sufficient amount of comfort from his end. He had never been good with physical contact unless it was of the sexual kind.

  “Okay, maybe I should grab us some more drinks.” Dean gently pushed the dark-haired woman back onto her stool and headed to the other side of the bar. He was going to need something stronger after that conversation.

  “Do you have anything besides this nasty stuff?” She lifted her empty bottle and shook it at him.

  He laughed and turned to the back wall, which was lined with various bottles of liquor. “Let's see if we can find something decent for a lightweight like you.”

  A few hours and multiple shots later, Dean was beating Jackie at pool for the third game in a row. The usually-coordinated woman was now more than a little tipsy, while Dean was just starting to feel the effects of the alcohol.

  Jackie drained the contents of her cup before making her way over to the bar. “What have I been drinking? I need more of it.”

  “I don't think you need any more,” Dean said, joining Jackie and taking a bottle of vodka from her hand. “You can't be that drunk. You've been downing mostly tonic water.”

  “Well, I'm feeling fantastic!” She threw her hands up in the air for emphasis. “So fix me another one!” She tried to take the bottle back from Dean, who used his eleven-inch height advantage to keep it out of her reach.

  “What? You want this?” he teased, laughing as Jackie jumped to gain some height. Her last jump was particularly powerful, and the alcohol's effect on her sense of balance caused her to lose her footing. She grabbed on to Dean for support, making him stumble slightly from the sudden shift of weight. Jackie giggled as he braced himself against the counter with one hand and brought the bottle in his other to an average height. They stared at each other briefly before Jackie ruined the moment by snatching the bottle and cackling in triumph, turning away from him and back towards her cup.

  Her success was short-lived as Dean came from behind her and pushed her forward, turning her around to face him. Without his eyes leaving hers, he gently pulled the bottle from her hand and set it on the counter.

  “You think you're real cute, don't you?” He placed a hand on either side of her, effectively trapping her between him and the bar's back counter.

  She smirked up at him, the alcohol coursing through her body giving her more courage than she would ever normally have in his presence. “Well, duh.”

  He grinned devilishly down at her in response, pool games and drink refills long forgotten. Ending their staring contest, Jackie pushed off the bar and up against Dean, her lips meeting his in a sudden kiss. He stood there in shock at her moxie, not moving even as she pulled back moments later. She rocked on the balls of her feet and bit her lip, a giddy smile on her face as she stared up at him.

  A few seconds passed before Dean reacted, kissing her roughly while wrapping an arm around her waist to lift her closer to his height for better access. Two sets of hands began to roam, Jackie's finding the muscles hidden under the fabric of his shirt, while the other ran across jean-clad thighs and a supple backside. He moved his lips from her mouth to her throat, finding a secret spot near her collarbone that made her shiver in delight. She giggled, the coarse hair on his jaw tickling her neck as he trailed kisses back up to her lips.

  Jackie broke the kiss to pull Dean's shirt over his head, tossing it somewhere to the right. In response, Dean moved her over to the bar and sat her on top of it. He growled as she bit at his neck and ran her fingertips lightly over the tattoos on his shoulders.

  Just as things began to get heated, Dean pulled back, resting his forehead against her shoulder as he tried to catch his breath. Looking up at her moments later with dark eyes, he asked, “Do you really want me to fuck you on the bar?”

  “I would prefer something with a bit more cushion, but I'm not picky.”

  Dean grunted as he threw her over his shoulder and headed down the hallway towards the back of the clubhouse, Jackie squealing the entire way. Alcohol had washed away any chance of rational thought the pair might have had, leaving nothing but lust and a sense of need to drive their actions.

  Arriving at one of the spare bedrooms, Dean threw her onto the unmade bed, not bothering to turn any lights on. He positioned himself above her and continued their lip-locking, blindly moving his hands to the buttons on her shirt. He pulled the cloth from her body, trying hard not to rip it in his haste, and then moved on to her jeans. Before he could finish his task, Jackie shifted her weight, attempting to roll them over. He allowed her to flip them, curious as to what she would do now that she was in partial control.

  She kissed her way slowly down his chest, following the lines of his large dragon tattoo and looking up at him under her lashes. He grinned wickedly as she got to his jeans, her nimble fingers unfastening his belt at a tortuously drawn-out pace. He lifted his hips as she pulled it from the loops, growling when she grabbed both ends in one hand and swung the belt around in circles above her head like a lasso. Her hips rotated with the motion of her hand, causing her to grind into his crotch and make him groan.

  “Quit being a fuckin' tease,” he snarled, clenching his hands around her waist to stop her movement.

  She snickered, running her hands back down his chest to the button on his jeans. “You got it, boss.”


  Jackie awoke the following morning in a room she didn't recognize with a severe headache. She was thankful for the thick curtains over the windows that were blocking the harsh sun from entering the room. Laying as she still as possible, she tried to recall the events of the previous night. Realizing that the pillow her head was laying on was a pectoral muscle, Jackie groaned as the memories came flooding back. “Fuck me,” she muttered, unconsciously burying herself into the body next to her.

  “I've already done that, sweetheart.” The deep voice startled her, and she picked her head up to see that Dean was looking quite alert. “Good morning.”

  “Morning,” she squeaked, causing him to smirk and her to blush a deep pink. She moved off of his body and hid her face in an actual pillow. “Please don't ever let me drink again.”

  “Was I that bad?” She blushed again as all kinds of dirty images invaded her mind.

  “No, no. You were... ahem, outstanding.”

  “Then what's the problem? We're two consenting adults. Nothing wrong with a little casual sex.”

  She peered at him with one eye as he grinned lazily at her. “I was talking about the headache.” She smiled as he let out a husky laugh.

  “You're cute.”

  “Yeah, I know.” They shared a look before Jackie sat up slowly, hoping the room wouldn't spin too much. “I know this was a one-time thing, just comfort sex. Amazing comfort sex.” She turned her head to look at him, knowing he wouldn't make a big deal out of the night. “But thank you. I really needed the distraction.”

  Dean watched her for a moment, then folded his arms behind his head. “What can I say? Just doing my civic duty.”

  He smirked as she smacked his chest. “Jerk,” she said as an uncontrollable smile formed on her face.

  He grabbed her hand and began pulling her on top of him, his expression growing more devious by the second. “You know, if w
e get a quick fuck in now, it'll only count as round two of last night. So technically, it would still be a one-time thing.”

  She used her hands to brace herself against his chest, glaring at him as he tried to pull her closer. “You expect me to fuck you now that I'm sober?”

  “C'mon, you know you want to.” He wiggled his eyebrows, and she tried not to laugh, distracting herself by tracing over his tattoos with her fingers. It was hard to think clearly, as she was nakedly straddling an equally unclothed Dean.

  Looking down at the eyes promising her nothing but a good time, Jackie threw caution to the wind once again. “What the hell.”

  Dean wasted no time as he wrapped his hand around the back of her neck to pull her down for a deep kiss. She enjoyed her position over him for only a few moments as he quickly rolled them over, loving the control that came from being on top. His hands traveled slowly and deliberately over her bare skin, his gentle kisses momentarily surprising Jackie.

  The sound of a door opening stopped anything else from happening, and Jackie quickly pulled the sheet up to cover her body from any unwanted stares.

  “Hey Dean, Luke is looking for...” the voice trailed off as his gaze landed on the naked pair in bed.

  Jackie's eyes grew wide as she peered around Dean's arm to see Tyler standing in the doorway, an incredulous look on his face. “Tyler!” she said in surprise, pushing herself from the bed so she could grab her clothes off the floor.

  “Uhm, Luke is looking for you,” he said quietly in Dean's direction, before taking a final glance at the pair and exiting the room.

  “Tyler, wait!” Jackie cried, sliding her clothing on as quickly as she could.

  Dean rolled his eyes, annoyed that they had been interrupted in the middle of round two. “Wait a sec',” he said, trying to grab her arm and pull her back on the bed to finish what they started. She evaded his grasp as she yanked her jeans up and fastened them. “Jackie!” He tried again to capture her, but she ran out of the room after Tyler, sparing only a second to glance back at Dean. “Son of a bitch!” he growled, falling back against his pillows, angry and with a massive hard-on.

  “Tyler!” Jackie was hurrying after him, trying to button up her shirt in the process. She never knew Tyler could walk that fast. “Tyler, wait!”

  He looked behind him and shook his head. He'd stop and give her a chance to explain herself, but not before they were out of the clubhouse. He passed through the main room and headed to the door, Jackie still hot on his heels.

  Slamming the door behind her as they exited the building, she yelled after him. “Tyler, would you stop already? I'm trying to talk to you!”

  He stopped abruptly and whirled around to face her, almost causing her to collide with him. Jackie took a few steps back and looked at him, trying to collect her thoughts before speaking.

  “Well?” Tyler prodded, impatience and irritation evident in his voice. “You wanted to talk, so talk.”

  “Not that it's any of your business, but what's your problem with Dean and I sleeping together? It's not a big deal.”

  “Not a big deal? I know these guys, Jack, and I know how they treat women! You think you're gonna be his one and only now? He's not gonna ask you to dinner or show up at the apartment with flowers and candy.”

  “Jesus, Tyler, I'm not stupid. I know he won't do any of that stuff. I don't expect him to!” Jackie yelled and took a step closer, the two of them coming toe to toe.

  “Dean is not a guy that you want to get involved with. He's dangerous.”

  Last night was a one-time thing. She knew it, Dean knew it, and now Jackie had to make sure that Tyler knew it too. “It was just casual sex. I needed it. He was there. We were both willing. It happened, and I'm not expecting anything more from him.” Tyler opened his mouth to object again, but she stopped him. “Look, I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself. Dean knows that it's not going to happen again. I'm sure he's thrilled that I won't be on his case when he doesn't call. Just stop making a big deal out of it, because it's not.”

  He huffed and threw his hands up in exasperation. “Fine! If you're okay, then I'm okay too.”

  "I'm okay," she hastened to reassure him again, a smile on her face. Suddenly, she launched herself at him, hugging him tightly. “I missed you, and I was so worried!”

  Returning the hug, he rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I can tell. I got home to an empty apartment last night,” he replied sarcastically, then softened his tone. “I'm fine, Jack. The job was a piece of cake, and I didn't do much.” Placing her feet back on the ground, he took a step back.

  “Well, good. I don't even want to think about you getting hurt.” She put her arm around his waist as his settled comfortably around her shoulders. “C'mon, walk me to the car.”

  “Don't tell me you're making an escape after your one night stand? Isn't that supposed to be done while the other person is still asleep?” He teased her, a goofy grin on his face.

  “Ha-ha. You were yelling about it a few minutes ago, and now you're making jokes? Hilarious.” She squeezed his side and smiled up at him. “I have to go to work, and I want to stop by the apartment first. Take a shower and change.” With a mischievous grin on her face, she continued. “Why don't you come by the diner today? I'm sure Beth would love to see you!”

  Tyler opened the door for her, a pained expression on his face. “I thought you didn't want me to get hurt? That girl's going to kidnap me one of these days!”

  Jackie laughed at him and got into the truck, leaving her door open as they continued their conversation. “Are you going to be home for dinner tonight, or should I eat without you?”

  “I'll see what I can do.” A sheepish look made its way onto his face. “I'm not promising anything, though. The guys might need me!”

  Rolling her eyes, Jackie shut her door and put the keys into the ignition. “I've heard that one before!” Starting the old truck, she pulled out of the Eastside Mechanics lot and was on the way to her apartment.

  After she left, Tyler put his hands in the pockets of his jeans and started his walk to the clubhouse. He needed to talk to Dean to make sure he was perfectly clear that there would be no more one night stands occurring with his best friend.

  Back in the clubhouse, Dean laid in his room, sprawled across the unmade bed in frustration. Going to see Luke in his current state was out of the question. He would never live down the humiliation of showing up to a meeting with the charter's president with a hard-on — especially not a president like theirs. Luke was a bald man in his early fifties that had never faced a challenge he couldn't handle. No nonsense and a bit off his hinges, loyalty was the quality the man valued most, and he would personally end the life of anyone that dared betray him.

  As a teenager, Dean had always been the one other parents warned their children to stay away from, despite his mother's best attempts. From drugs and booze to multiple stints in detention centers, he always stayed in trouble and never really worried about his future or the consequences of his actions. In a way, that was still the case, but at least now the people he surrounded himself with had his back. The only thing that kept him from ultimately going down the dark path was Luke, who had taken him under his wing and given him a job at the garage at age seventeen. The MC President held him accountable and made him take responsibility when everybody else had counted him out. It had set him on the right track to bettering himself, at least in his own eyes.

  Dean lifted himself off the bed and looked at the open door, willing Jackie to walk back in and finish what she started. When she wasn't back a few minutes later, he sighed and thought of his options. The fastest way to get rid of his problem would be a cold shower, so he decided to head towards the bathroom, hoping Luke wouldn't mind him being a few minutes late.

  Just as he had worked up the energy to move out of the bed and grab some boxers, he saw a flash of blonde float past his door, the sound of high heels clicking on the floor echoing in the quiet hallway. A biker groupie was just what he
needed to take care of his problem, so he strode with purpose out of the room and after the girl. She was swaying unsteadily on her feet, using the wall for support. Apparently, he wasn't the only one to enjoy some female company the previous night, as that was the only reason for the girl to be in the clubhouse this early in the morning.

  She was fairly tall with long, tan legs and a nice ass. Wearing a short skirt that could pass for a belt and a tight pink top, there wasn't much left to the imagination. When the blonde heard his footsteps, she turned around, and Dean was able to see her face. She would have been quite pretty if it wasn't for all of the make-up caked on her skin.

  Upon further examination, he realized she had spent an evening in his bed a few weeks back after a typical Saturday night party. She had been a good time, but not good enough for him to actively seek her out again.

  “Hey there, handsome.” Her sultry voice was full of invitation and made her intentions quite clear. “You need some company this morning?” She eyed him up and down, her eyes lingering on the bulge in his boxers. “Are you excited to see me, baby?”

  “Very.” His raspy voice went right through her, causing a shiver to run down her spine. He caught her upper arm and took a few steps down the corridor, guiding her to a door on the left. He wasn't going to take her to his room, but the hallway bathroom would do well enough.

  As soon as the door closed behind them, she was on him – pulling him closer, kissing him. Her hands ran up his chest as she roughly scratched him with her nails. His hands were running over her curves, grabbing her ass. Dean leaned against the door and closed his eyes. With his hands on her shoulders, he shoved her to her knees. Burying his hands in her hair, he anticipated the moment she'd have her mouth around him, desperately needing the release.


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