Survived (Revived, #2)

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Survived (Revived, #2) Page 10

by Jodie Kobe

  “Because,” Fox starts, “of your chip.” He points to the spot on his forearm, but the black material of his suit covers his skin. “The chip they inserted inside your arm right before our mission several months ago is still functioning.”

  Several months ago. My head spins once from those three words. It's really been that long, hasn't it?

  “We were told your chip was tracked here,” Fox continues. “And they were right.” He looks around. “Man, how is this place standing?”

  I skim the faces of the other three. The two girls are looking around as well, as if already forgetting about me. Rian stares at me, his mouth partly open. When I meet his gaze, he whispers three words. “But you died.”

  Fox slaps Rian's shoulder. “Man, we're confused about his too, so don't think you're the only one.” He stands up from his crouched position, brushing his sleeves off. I see the handle of a rifle peeking out from behind his back, and I have to wonder...has he used a bullet yet?

  “What's going to happen now?” I ask, standing up as well. Fox's tall stature might have frightened me when I first met him, but now all he is is just a person, disregarding the gun attached to his back. I tilt my head up to look at him.

  “And by that you mean...?” he asks, searching the pockets in his suit.

  The suits have been made especially for the four of them, just like those bulky suits we had to put on before. Are these new ones better than the old ones, or the same?

  “Are you going back?” I clarify. But I'm not sure if he knows what I mean by back. Back where?

  I mean the underground building. Its white color sickens me as I think about it. I don't want to go back, but yet at the same time, I do.

  “That's not the plan,” Fox replies. “I was thinking of investigating this place. Where is everybody?”

  “Asleep. No one's really allowed to be outside after dark,” I tell him.

  He raises his eyebrows. “And you learned that where?”

  “I'm not sure. I don't remember.” I turn back to Rian. He's still sitting on the ground. Whether he needs it or not, I hold my hand up to him. He stares at it for moment, as if unsure why I'm offering it to him. Slowly, he reaches out and takes it, using it as a small support to pull himself up on his feet.

  “Thanks,” he mutters, brushing himself off.

  He's not looking at me, but I give him a smile.

  “All right, time to get a move on,” Fox says.

  “Where are we going to go exactly?” the black-haired girl with us asks.

  Fox shrugs. “Find a place to crash.” He looks at me. “Might you happen to know where we can find one?”

  The underground hideout.

  But I can't enter it. I have to be careful now because of the tracker Marcus Kent gave me. I'm being watched by him now. As soon as I enter the hideout, it will be infiltrated. I can't be the one responsible.

  “No,” I decide to tell them. “I don't know any safe places. There are always alleys.”

  The blond-haired girl Laurey points to the unconscious guy on the floor. “Don't forget about him. He might be someone important.”

  As soon as she says that, a spark in my head goes off. I can't believe I haven't thought of this yet. What if this guy was sent by Kent? He attacked Rian, and Rian looked a lot like one of Kent's guards. Why would the guy attack a guard? And how did he know my name?

  I shouldn't come to conclusions right away, but I think it's safer to assume he's not on our side.


  V I V I A N

  With a grunt, Fox releases the unconscious guy dressed in gray. He falls to the floor with a thud, and for a few second, everyone watches him, expecting him to wake up. But he doesn't stir.

  We found a quiet alley, but my back tingles with the thought that someone is living on the roof above us, listening to our conversation.

  The black-haired girl—who I now remember is Addison—wraps her arms around herself. She shivers and says, “Vivian, aren't you cold?”

  I glance down at myself, seeing my bare arms. The cold isn't bothering me as much as it did a couple hours ago, but I have been noticing the drops in temperature.

  “Yeah,” I say, trying to fit my small hands in the small pockets of my jeans. Now that she mentioned it, the cold is slowly biting at me.

  “Where did you get that outfit anyway,” Fox asks. “Stole it?”

  It was given to me by an underground gang. But I don't know if I should tell them that. It's not a good idea to mention the hideout. Kent is listening.


  I cross my arms and shift my foot. Lies are what I they'll get now, but maybe I can explain it all later. “Yeah, I did.”

  “How'd you manage that?” Fox asks, mirroring me by folding his arms over his chest.

  I don't know if he thinks I'm not capable of doing such things, or he just can't do it himself and he's impressed that I could pull it off. The theft was fake, of course.

  “I don't know,” I reply, voice growing quiet. “It wasn't that hard.” I don't want to sound overconfident—because I didn't steal this outfit—so I trail off and step back. What I need is someone to change the subject.

  Fox continues to bombard me with his questions. “You didn't kill anyone, did you?”

  I take a breath, preparing to answer, but Rian interrupts. “Can we just focus on the guy here?” He points to the unconscious man—who looks more like a teenage boy now—on the floor.

  Fox gives three nods. “Yeah, yeah. Sure. What are we going to do with him?”

  I don't really want to give any answers, but no one else wants to share anything. The silence gnaws at me, so I speak up. “Wake him up and ask him questions.” My suggestion is simple and obvious, but at least it's something.

  Fox arches an eyebrow. “But that's what anyone else would do. Why can't we do something interesting?”

  “Like what?” Addison asks, grinning. “Hang him off the roof?”

  Fox shrugs. “If he doesn't cooperate, we might as well.”

  Rian clears his throat, and for the first time since we got here, I shift my eyes to him. His arms are resting by his sides. His hands are half curled and his legs are crossed as he leans against the wall. But he doesn't look exactly comfortable. “Shouldn't we focus on why we're still alive? Because that's what's on my mind right now.”

  He's right. Neither Fox, Laurey, nor Addison have really mentioned anything about breathing this town air. Even I have forgotten about it.

  “And how,” Fox starts, his voice low at first, “are we supposed to come up with an answer to this question?”

  “That's exactly what I want us all to do—solve this.” Rian straightens himself out and points to the guy on the ground. “Whatever you want to ask him, he's not going to help us with our current mission. I'm not trying to take over here, but our mission was to find Vivian, and bring her back.” He points to me. “We found her. Now we have to bring her back. We shouldn't get distracted by anything.”

  Fox takes a step toward Rian, and I almost want to jump in between them.

  “We can't just leave now. Are you out of your mind?” Fox's words mean he's angry, but he keeps his voice level and at a safe volume. “This place—” he gestures around him “—is different. It's not normal. We'll find out as much as we can about it, then we'll come back. Unless you want to leave with Vivian yourself, then go ahead.”

  I catch myself shaking my head. This town isn't safe. I'd rather not stay here and be under surveillance. But I can't forget about the people in the hideout. They don't deserve to be abandoned. But how can I help them? They've survived here by themselves for how many years?

  Fox notices my head shake. “You have something to add?”

  A decision has to be made. Tell them about my tracker and the hideout and risk Kent overhearing it, or keep silent? What if I tell them? How will Fox's curiosity change about this place? Will he want to leave, or go after Kent?
  I take a deep breath and run through the possibilities of what may happen if I spill the information.

  “I don't think it's a good idea to stay here,” I begin.

  “Why not?” This time it's Addison. “You don't like it here?”

  “We were never invited here anyway,” Rian mutters.

  Everyone ignores him but me. I look at him but he's only looking at the ground.

  “It's dangerous,” I say, heartbeat speeding up as I decide it's best to go deeper into my explanation. I'm dreading the consequences. “There's a man...” I take another deep breath, and catch myself looking over my shoulder. “His name is...” I trail off.

  But Fox is waiting. “His name is what?”

  I don't answer his question, only continue with my slow explanation with a swallow. “He's looking for a hideout, and he thinks I'm part of it. He...he wants me to lead him to the people living there, but...” I shake my head and lift my forearm to point to the spot where the blue tracker was injected. “I'm being watched right now. I need to leave.”

  Fox holds up a hand to stop me, but I have already finish. “You're saying he thinks you know this hideout. Do you?”

  Slowly, I nod. “He wants them dead.” I almost cringe, wondering if I've said too much.

  “Can't we save them?” Addison says.

  I shake my head, but I'm really not sure. “Our fire power is significantly weaker than the guards'. It's best to keep out of it.” There's bound to be a betrayer living among them. Surely not me?

  “And what's this guy's name, do you know?” Fox asks.

  Will I regret this, or no? “His name is Marcus Kent.”


  Then from Fox, “Kent?” He looks at Rian. “That guard guy mentioned a Kent. He's the same guy, no doubt about it.”

  I'm not sure what he's talking about, but at least the name Kent is not extremely unfamiliar. Although I do not know how much they've heard about him.

  Rian nods. “He’s some kind of leader, isn’t he?”

  I return his nod. “I don’t know how much risk I put you all in telling you this.”

  Fox pats the rifle attached to his back. He’s either taking comfort in its presence, or he wants to use that gun to shoot everyone down. Either way, we're not stronger than Kent's guards. “So you don’t know how dangerous this guy is?” Fox asks me.

  “Not really, but if he has all these people working for him, I can’t say he’s weak—”

  A groan comes from the ground. All five of us look down to see the guy dressed in gray rubbing his chest with his arm, his eyes closed. When he opens them, he lets out a low gasp and scrambles back, eyes darting from one person to another until they land on me. I take a step back.

  The guy blinks. “Vivian?”

  Once again, I wonder how he knows my name. Rian, Addison, and Fox wonder the same thing, because all three of them ask the same words. “He knows you?”

  Laurey just stands back and watches as everyone catches on to whatever is happening.

  Fox prompts for an answer. “Do you know him?” His squinted eyes drill into me, and I'm almost certain he doesn't trust me. He thinks I'm not telling them something I should tell them.

  “No, I've never seen him before.” I try to keep my voice steady. This is the truth, but I feel like if any one of them detect a weakness in my voice, then I'll be suspected of lying. “I swear.”

  Fox turns his narrowed eyes to Rian, as if expecting him to know if what I'm saying is the truth. But Rian says nothing.

  It's the guy on the ground whose voice we hear. “It's true. She's never seen me before.”

  Fox reaches out and snatches the pistol from his holster. He raises the gun at the guy.

  I jump back, fists clenched. Addison is the first to move. She grabs Fox's arm, but doesn't try to push it down. “Whoa! Calm down. He's not doing anything.”

  Fox's eyebrow angle downward, but he keeps the gun in the air. “Oh yeah, sure,” he says, rolling his head around on his neck. “If someone doesn't keep him down, then he'll shoot every one of you before we'll know what's going on.”

  The guy lifts his hands and ducks his head. “I don't have a weapon on me, man.”

  “We don't know that,” Fox says coldly. “We haven't searched you yet.”

  “Your fault.” The guy's voice is surprisingly steady. “I'm not a threat to any of you. Sabine sent me to watch Vivian, and I thought you were the town guards, so I attacked.”

  I stare at him, feeling my mouth open. “I...Sabine sent you?”

  “You heard me.”

  I remember she told me she'll send someone, but I have completely forgotten about it. Although I don't know if I should believe this guy. But his gray outfit means something. Both Sabine and her brother had gray-colored clothing. Maybe Sabine did send him.

  I cross my arms, preparing myself to ask him questions. He's at gunpoint, so he might not attack me. But I can't be sure.

  “And why did you call me by my name the first time instead of actually telling me Sabine sent you?”

  “I don't know. I wanted to get your attention.”

  “I think I remember seeing more than one figure following me.” Actually, I know I saw more than one figure. The way my heart had beat that time is not forgettable. “How many people came here with you?”

  “Just me. Those people may not have been following you. You could have just imagined—can you please just lower the gun?” The guy turns to Fox, and I can tell the words catch Fox off guard. “I don't like how you're holding it.”

  Fox straightens himself out and snorts. “You don't like how I'm holding the gun? Well I don't like that brain of yours. Mind if I—?”

  “Fox!” Addison exclaims. “Shut up, will you? He might be able to help us.”

  The guy nods. “I might be able to help you.”

  “Unless you know where to find a man named Marcus Kent, then you're no help to us,” Fox says.

  The guy's face lights up. “I have connections that can help you find Marcus.” His smile drops. “What do you want with the leader of the town anyway?”

  Fox laughs through his nose. “So he is the leader then?” He lowers his gun, no doubt thinking the confirmation is enough to give the guy a break. “So what's your name?” He uses the pistol in his hand to point to me. I recoil. “You know Vivian's name, so tell us yours.”

  The guy nods. “Fair enough. Jarrod.”

  “Okay, Jarrod,” Fox says. “Where can we find this Marcus Kent?”

  Jarrod nods again. “Someone in our hideout knows where to find him.”

  I cringe when he mentions the hideout. If Kent is listening, then Jarrod's already been targeted. It will be dangerous to let him go now. But if he can't enter the hideout, then how will he help us?

  “Who?” Fox asks.

  “A man,” Jarrod says.

  No one prompts him to be specific, and I am glad. Maybe they finally understand that it's not safe to say any names yet.

  Fox leans his back against the wall and slides down to the ground, his long legs stretching out. He laughs. “I guess we wait then?”

  “For what?” It's Rian who asks this.

  Fox says, “For something to happen.” He looks at me. “If what you're saying is correct, then Kent's soldiers will be here to pick us up.”

  Slowly, I lower myself to the ground, a couple feet away from Rian. Laurey and Addison sit down too.

  Jarrod d0esn't run for it like I'm expecting him to, that is if he really is a traitor. But where would he go? Fox will shoot him before he can take two steps.

  “I'm not falling asleep, you know that, right?” Fox says with a sly grin on his face. He fake shoots Jarrod with the pistol. “You aren't allowed to leave.”

  Jarrod doesn't seem to realize we don't trust him. “I could keep watch for you. I'm here to guard Vivian, might as well watch over all of you.”

  Fox fidgets in his spot and reac
hes for the rifle on his back. The pitch of his voice is higher than usual as he says, “Of course, you may. That would be helpful.” He starts laughing at his own joke, but when no one joins him, he stops. Something rumbles suddenly, and he laughs. “Sorry. My stomach.”

  Jarrod points toward the alley's exit. “We could go get some food?”

  Fox leans his head against the wall and closes his eyes. “Nope.” Without looking, he directs his pistol to Jarrod, then shifts it to point to the dead end of the alley. “You head on back to that corner and shut your mouth. If your digestive system fails you or something, make sure you don't let us know. You stay there and do whatever business you need to do.”

  Jarrod stands up and obeys Fox's order. The dead end isn't that far, so he reaches his destination quickly. When he sits down, he stays silent.

  “So who's keeping watch?” Addison asks.

  Fox slaps a hand over his chest. “Me.”

  “But you're asleep,” Addison points out.

  “No, I'm not. And I trust myself.”

  “Oh sure,” Addison mutters, pulling her knees close to herself and hiding her hands in her sleeves. Her eyes fall shut, and she doesn't say anything else.

  I would expect someone to complain about the condition of our shelter, but no one comments on it.

  With his eyes still closed, Fox says, “Laurey, get some sleep.”

  I glance at her to see her nod her head. “All right.” She folds her arms across her chest and shivers once, but closes her eyes too. “Goodnight, guys.”

  “Goodnight,” I whisper to her, rubbing my hands over my arms.

  “'Night,” Fox echoes.

  I get a quick look at everyone. Jarrod has settled down too. Both Laurey's and Addison's eyes are closed. Fox is picking at something on his rifle.

  I tilt my head to look at Rian. His eyes are open and he's staring at the empty wall across from him. He can tell I'm looking at him because before I turn away, he's already locked eyes with me. A tiny smile appears on his face.

  I manage a small smile back.

  He notices I'm shivering. “So the people at the hideout didn't give you anything to keep yourself warm? So considerate.”

  “Well...” I'm about to say, I did have something, but they took it away.

  But Rian doesn't wait for an excuse. He stretches an arm out and says quietly, “Come here.”

  I hesitate, but slide toward him anyway. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and presses me closer to his side until I can't breathe. But not because it's too tight.


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