First Thing I See

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First Thing I See Page 4

by Keeland, Vi

  Startled at his question, “I…I…thought I should get dressed.”

  “Why? Do you want to spend time with me, Hope?”

  He walked to the bed.


  “Why?” His arms crossed, he struggled waiting for my response.


  “Remember our deal, Hope. No lies”

  “Because you are the most gorgeous man I have ever laid eyes on and from the moment I saw you I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.” Holy shit. Did I really just blabber that out? Immediately, I felt the blush move up my face.

  Dead silence as he stared at me and I fought to stare back at him. “Jesus, Hope, you have no idea do you?” He approached and scooped me into his arms, “We are taking a bath. You must be sore and I want to take care of you.”

  The penthouse suite bathroom was larger than my apartment. Floor to ceiling white marble and an enormous jacuzzi tub that looked large enough to hold six people. Kennedy placed me in the tub and positioned himself behind me cradling me between his legs. He washed my body slowly from behind and gently stroked the cloth over my swollen sex. I had never had a man wash me before and found the act intimate, yet soothing. After a long soak and the water had already begun to cool, he lifted me out and dried us both off.

  “You must be hungry, would you like to go out to eat or order something in?”

  I wasn’t ready to let the outside world in and leave the cocoon that we had made together. “Order in.”

  Kennedy went out to the living room and I heard him on the phone. I looked around for something comfortable to wear, ruling out my work clothes lying in a pile on the side of the bed. Instead, I opted for Kennedy’s dress shirt, which hung almost to my knees.

  I went to join Kennedy in the living room. He stood at the mantle, next to the unlit fireplace and turned as I walked in. I watched as his eyes did a slow assault, taking in my half naked body in his partially buttoned shirt. “If you wore that to work, there would be a few years wait for a room here.”

  I laughed and went to stand in front of him. Without my customary four inch heels on, Kennedy had to be close to a foot taller than my five foot four self. I reached out and put my arms around him, just as his cell phone rang. He took a deep breath and breathed out a heavy sigh “I’m sorry, I should probably get this. I sort of left unexpectedly today and people may be wondering where I am. My CFO will send out a search party if he can’t reach me for a few hours.”

  “Jenner” he answered the phone back to all business. “No, I apologize, I should have called earlier. I won’t be able to make it tonight.” I could hear a woman’s voice ranting on the other end, even though the cell phone was pressed against his ear. But Kennedy made no attempt to move away for privacy. He pulled me closer to his chest, wrapping one arm firmly around my waist. He listened on the phone for a while but I didn’t feel comfortable looking up to see the expression on his face. “As I said, I was wrong for not calling earlier, but something urgent came up. This isn’t a good time to have this discussion, but I won’t be free on any Fridays anymore.“ The voice on the other end got louder. He stirred, but his arm around my back only tightened as I attempted to pull away and give him space. “I need to hang up; I’m in the middle of something important I need to get back to Mikayla.” Then he closed the phone, tossed it on the couch, and his other arm snaked its way around me.

  I looked up, unsure of how I should react. Kennedy stared down at me, apprehensive. “It’s over. My past isn’t as wholesome as yours. Let’s not go there.” I gave him a small smile and nodded. The apprehensiveness slowly withdrew from his face. Both his hands cupped my face as he bent and lightly kissed the tip of my nose.

  After we ate, Kennedy lit the fire and we settled in on the couch. My body ached and exhaustion swept over me. Kennedy pulled me back to lie down. My back tightly to his front and his hands covered mine. We stared quietly at the fire and I could feel my breathing slow. “Stay with me this weekend Hope.”

  My heart fluttered. “Ok.”


  The next morning I woke and leaned back to where Kennedy had been only to find the space empty and cold. I wandered through the suite and found Kennedy in a small office, which now looked like command central. He was typing on his laptop, the printer was printing and a fax was coming in. His cell phone buzzed and I wondered if this was what it was like for him always.

  “Good morning sleepy head.” Kennedy smiled up at me as I stood in the doorway.

  “What time is it?” I didn’t remember falling asleep but it felt like it hadn’t been that long ago.


  “In the morning? It’s Saturday, don’t you sleep in?” I did my best to look rightfully appalled.

  “7:30 is sleeping in for me. I’ve been working for two hours already.” A slight chuckle accompanied an amused smile. “Don’t tell me you didn’t Google me and find out I was a workaholic.”

  I wasn’t sure if I should look embarrassed because I hadn’t thought to research him or embarrassed because I couldn’t comprehend being as alert as Kennedy already was so early on a Saturday morning. He took in my face and sat back into his chair. “You really don’t know anything about me, do you?”

  I searched his face and thought for a moment. “I know you gave me three orgasms yesterday and have good taste in art?”

  “Come here Hope.” I stepped in front of him and he pulled me into his lap. He pressed his cheek against mine and wrapped his arms around me tightly in an embrace. We stayed that way for a few minutes. He pulled back slightly so I could see him. “I want to take you out to my favorite restaurant tonight. I need to do a few hours of work. I’ve made arrangements for Charles to take you to the spa and shopping. I have an open account at the stores he will take you to and I want you to get whatever you want. Buy something new for dinner. Buy the whole store if it makes you happy.”

  “That’s very sweet of you Kennedy, but it’s not necessary. I can go home and get some clothes and come back later.”

  “Please Hope. I want to take care of you this weekend. Let me. You can have Charles pick up your friend if you want. Go enjoy yourself and then you are mine tonight.”


  Shauna’s response to my invite via text was immediate. Shut the fuck up. LOL. Of course I am coming. How soon can you be here?

  We spent the morning at the spa, being “Mr. Jenner’s special guests” and then headed off shopping. Stepping out of the limousine in front of the exclusive boutique after a full morning of pampering, I felt like I was in a fairy tale. Shauna told Charles we were going to go for a short walk around the block before heading into the boutique and we made plans for him to pick up in two hours. Linking my arm to hers, we started off for a leisurely stroll. I knew she wanted to grill me. She was the best friend I could ever have and would like Kennedy if I did or give him a piece of her mind if he did anything to hurt me.

  “So, the Adonis is back and you look like you have been well fucked.” Shauna could talk trash with the best of men.

  I told her all about the night and even shared the news of my three orgasms. “He is so sweet Shauna, I get the feeling he wants people to think he is all business and bossy, but underneath that ridiculously gorgeous exterior, he has a big heart.”

  “Well, the business and bossy part I’ve read about. I did some research this morning and I think you need to be careful. I mean, I want you to have a great time, enjoy yourself, but don’t fall head over heels. Kennedy Jenner has a reputation of being a shrewd business man and always having a model dangling from his arm. All I’m saying is just know what you are getting yourself into.”

  Her words blew and I felt like the wind was knocked out of me. Obviously he is a bit bossy and I would have expected the shrewd businessman part, based upon his success and wealth. And why wouldn’t he be a ladies’ man? The guy is talk, dark, wealthy and ridiculously gorgeous. Women probably throw themselves at him daily. The thought made my stomach

  “I know I should probably want to know more about him. But for some reason, I want to learn it from spending time with him. Old Hope would have probably already dug up all she could and ran as fast as she could from him. I’m not sure why, but I don’t want to run from him.”


  Shauna and I had a great time shopping. I tried on a dozen beautiful dresses that probably cost more than I make in a year, and then I settled on a new dress I could afford. The emerald green dress I picked clung to my curves and I thought it was more Shauna than me, but the sales clerk and Shauna said I had to buy it and I knew fighting with Shauna over fashion was a losing battle. Shauna talked me into adding some sexy lingerie for underneath the dress tonight and even I thought that was a good idea.

  The saleswoman tried to put the bill on “Mr. Jenner’s account” but I refused and charged it on my visa, holding my breath that the charge wouldn’t be declined. It would take me a few months to pay it off, but the dress made me feel sexy and I wanted to feel sexy for Kennedy tonight. Charles pulled up outside the boutique just as we were finishing at the counter and we giggled the whole ride back Shauna’s apartment. I sat in a daze as we drove the rest of the way back to the hotel. There was no denying that I was couldn’t wait to get back to see Kennedy.


  After a long, hot shower I wrapped myself in one of the luxurious plush robes the hotel offered in all of the suites and quietly walked into the living room. Kennedy was standing at the tall window looking out at the incredible skyline as the sun began to fade and the buildings began to light up. Wearing only low hanging sweatpants, the muscles in his back rippled on his tan skin. As I walked up behind him, I loosened the ties to my robe and let it fall open. Wrapping my arms around him and pressing my damp naked front to his back, instantly made my sex swell and heart flutter. My intention was for the gesture to be sexy and teasing, but it felt more intimate and loving than I had expected.

  His breath hissed as he exhaled deep at my touch, “We won’t make it to the restaurant at all if you don’t put some clothes on very, very quickly.” I could hear the restraint in his voice.

  I giggled, a little embarrassed at my forwardness, and he turned to face me. I wanted him to see me as sexy New Hope and not nervous old Hope. “I don’t mind missing dinner.” I said with a devilish smile on my face. Kennedy stared down at me and I could feel the pink on my face heat. I might be able to hide old Hope with my bold words, but my face deceived me. His eyes searched mine and I wasn’t sure what answer he was looking for.

  “I need to feed you to get your strength up for what I have planned for later.” His lips covered mine for a kiss that was way too short and then he took a step back and pointed toward the bedroom. “A box came for you while you were in the shower. Why don’t you go get ready, Charles will be here soon.”

  Confusion by who would deliver something to me at Kennedy’s hotel room, helped me ignore the disappointment of being rejected. I studied the large box on the bed recognizing the name of the boutique we had visited in the afternoon. My heart fluttered as I untied the large bow and lifted the box to find every dress that I had tried on and rejected because of the price tag that afternoon. Before I could turn around, I heard his voice from the doorway. “You should know that I don’t take no for an answer when I want something. Even if that want is to give you a gift.” His voice was serious and I found his tenacity flattering.

  I waited a minute before turning around to face him. Old Hope would have insisted on returning the dresses and felt unworthy of such a lavish expense. Fighting my own innate reaction, I tried to think of how Shauna would handle such a situation. She was the type of woman that men lavished with gifts. Hoping he couldn’t see through me, I forced a smile and turned to walk to him. “Thank you.” I stood on my tippy toes and reached up and gently kissed his cheek. A slow smile spread across his face revealing the dimples and I had to steady myself when my knees went weak.


  I don’t know exactly how long it took me to get ready after that, my brain was too busy reeling from what had transpired throughout the day to focus. I walked out from the bedroom and froze. Kennedy may have reached Adonis status in his business suit, but dressed in dark slacks and a simple grey sweater made my mouth water. The sweater slightly stretched across his broad shoulders, one word came to mind. Power.

  I saw his eyes sweep slowly up and down my body taking in my new dress. His eyes were dark and his voice had a dangerous throatiness to it “Jesus Hope. Fuck.” I felt his reaction seeping into my skin and the small hairs at the nape of my neck stood erect. He walked to me never taking his eyes off of mine, I heard him take a deep breath. “You are beautiful.” With just a few simple words, I was wet with desire. He lowered his head and gently kissed my neck slightly below my ear. It sent shivers down my spine. I melted when he pulled me close and held me in a tight strong embrace. He pulled back and cleared his throat “Dinner, now.” And off we went.

  The conversation at dinner came easily and Kennedy laughed as I told him stories of Shauna and I growing up in rural Oregon. Most stories had the same theme. Shauna getting herself into trouble and me having to save her ass. I told him about my father being retired from the service and how he married the former Miss Oregon after my mother died when I was 11. He told me he was the oldest of three boys, but didn’t share any stories about his childhood.

  When our waitress came with the dessert cart, he promptly told her that we wouldn’t be having dessert and requested the check. Leaning forward, I arched an eyebrow and asked “Are we going out for more ice cream instead.” The wine at dinner had made me bold and the way Kennedy looked at me made me feel sexy.

  His face turned serious and he leaned forward close enough that I could feel his breath, “No Hope, I’m eating you for dessert”

  My face flushed and I realized that I was playing in his game and he had just turned the table on me. “I’ve been thinking about how your tongue stroked that ice cream all day and I’m going to pretend you are an ice cream cone and lick you until your cream melts in my mouth.”

  I closed my eyes feeling raw with emotion and desire. I wanted to dig my nails into his rock hard body and take him deep until there was no air left between us. I forced my eyes open, his face inches from mine. “Well why are we still sitting here then?”

  Kennedy’s head drew back and a devious smile lit his face. He stood and grabbed my hand bringing me to my feet. He led me out of the restaurant pulling me behind him so quickly I could barely keep up.

  Later that night I fell asleep in his arms after he made good on his promise of having me for dessert and I reciprocated by treating myself to another ice cream cone. Only this time the cone was Kennedy.


  I woke Sunday still in his arms and gently tilted my head up from his shoulder to glance a look at Kennedy sleeping. To my surprise, he was not sleeping. He was looking down at me and began to stroke my hair. “Good morning beautiful.” I smiled thinking how incredible it would be to wake up to this site every day. He smiled back, but it wasn’t the full on dimple smile. “I have to get ready for my flight back to Chicago soon.” The thought of leaving the cocoon we created over the weekend, deflated whatever excitement I felt waking up in his arms. I straightened at his words.

  “Okay.” I couldn’t think of anything else to say without showing how sad the thought of not seeing him really made me.

  He stopped stroking my hair and I readied myself for what I thought would come next. “I can’t stand the thought of you in this city walking around so innocently with every man following your ass with their eyes while I am all the way in Chicago.” Shocked, I leaned up on my elbow to look at him.

  “That isn’t exactly what I thought you were going to say.” A moment later the realization of his words hit me. “And I’m not innocent Mr. Jenner.” I did my best to look annoyed and serious. Kennedy, oblivious to the attitude I was throwing his way, threw his head back laughing. He looke
d at me smiling and then his face turned serious.

  “You really don’t have any fucking idea, do you?”

  “Idea of what, that you just insulted me by questioning my toughness?”

  He looked at me with arched brows and a slight curve of his lip. “Sorry beautiful, you’re tough as nails.”


  We had room service for breakfast and then Charles dropped me at my apartment on the way to take Kennedy to the airport. We didn’t make plans for the future. I don’t know why I was afraid to try to talk about what we had out loud, but for some reason I knew we had something. Kennedy walked me up the stairs to my front door and turned to face me. He cupped my face in his hands and pressed his lips firmly to mine. Then he looked down into my eyes for a minute and I wasn’t sure if he was waiting for me to say something. But he reached down and gently kissed my nose and smiled. I went inside and ran to look at the window. He was already pulling away.


  Although my muscles were already sore from my workout with Kennedy this weekend, I forced myself to go to meet Shauna at the gym. Luckily the gym was busy so Shauna couldn’t give me the full interrogation. I popped in my headphones and spent almost an hour on the treadmill reliving the fantasy of the weekend. Shauna had apparently lost patience with waiting to hear about the weekend, because she pushed the stop button on my equipment the minute she was done. When I looked at her annoyed, she just smiled and said loudly “Are you going to tell me about your fuckathon weekend or what?” The guy next to me took his eyes off Shauna’s ass long enough to look me over and give me a smile. Shauna definitely knew how to get what she wanted.

  Back in my apartment, I told her about our easy conversation and him buying me all the dresses that I had tried on. She wanted details on our “sexcapades,” but I only told her that he was a good lover. For once she didn’t push until she got more out of me. We ordered Chinese food and she told me about her Saturday night date. Shauna had a top ten list of things that men had to be dumped for, no matter how much she liked them. The poor guy didn’t stand a chance when he hit two of the top ten before they even ate dinner – asking her to put on her cheerleading uniform for him later and looking in a mirror during their first date.


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