Holiday in Danger

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Holiday in Danger Page 21

by Marie Carnay

  Not the scenic vistas and climbing vines and ocean water she painted over and over. He pulled out and she cried in protest.

  “No! Blake!” She lifted off the bed, hands reaching out, but Devin grabbed them. “Come back.”

  Blake shook his head. “No. Not yet. Roll over, Summer. Let me see that gorgeous ass.”

  She groaned, but complied, rolling over as Devin let her go. Damn. So round and big. Plump and luscious. A pair of full, thick globes he could stroke all night. Blake ran his hands up and down, over and around her smooth skin until she moaned.

  “Please, Blake.”

  He looked up at Devin. His best friend stared back—the two of them locked in this dance of sex and power with Summer in between. Blake grinned. “Please, what?”

  “Fuck me. I need you.”

  The words had him licking his lips and he slipped his hand between her legs. Soaked. The slippery wetness coated his fingers and he stroked her, sliding his palm over her mound, smearing her desire all over her. “You’re so damn wet for us. It’s only fair we get a taste.”

  “My turn first.”

  Devin’s gravely voice had Summer looking up at him. “No! Come here. Let me.”

  Blake pulled the condom off and threw it in the trash. “I think he’s got other things in mind. But I’m all yours.”

  Devin slid off the bed and stepped behind Summer. “God damn, I’ve missed you.”

  Blake watched as his best friend stroked Summer’s ass. She moaned as he eased down onto the mattress.

  Devin brought his hand back. Smack! His hand came down on her left ass cheek and rippled her creamy skin. She moaned louder. Smack! His hand landed on her right. Summer shook with need.

  He slipped his hand between her legs. “Jesus, Blake was right.” Devin pulled his hand away and his fingers glistened. “Taste her, Blake.”

  He held his hand out and Blake leaned forward, licking her juices off Devin’s fingers and biting back a groan. Mmm. So fucking sweet. He couldn’t wait to watch her come. Watch her soak herself in all that creamy goodness. “Make her come. She needs it.”

  Devin disappeared behind her and Summer cried out. “Oh!”

  “That’s it, baby. Just let go.” Blake reached down and cupped her face in his hands. He’d never get tired of those lips.

  Her mouth opened and he kissed her, snaking his tongue inside, flicking against hers to let her taste her own need. Again and again as Devin slid between her legs and feasted. They could do this all night.

  As he reached up to tug her closer, she pushed back.

  Their lips broke apart and Summer gasped. “No. I want you coming with me.”

  She grabbed his legs and hips, tugging his body closer to the edge of the bed, all the while fighting off her own pleasure. Her own moans.

  Her eyes shut and her mouth opened wide and before Blake could argue, Summer’s lush lips were swallowing his cock and her tongue was tracing circles on his shaft.

  Good God. Up and down. Hard then soft. She sucked him like his dick was the last source of hydration on earth. Tongue lapping at his head. Lips tight and slick on his shaft. Fingers stroking what she couldn’t taste.

  All while Devin lapped at her swollen sex. This couldn’t be another goodbye. Not when they all fit together so well. Not when it was way more than three people getting their rocks off in a big, white bed.

  They connected.

  She shuddered and moaned around his shaft and Blake tensed. So close. Her cheeks hollowed and she sucked, diving down to stroke him faster. Screw holding back. Delaying gratification. She wanted them coming together? She’d get it.

  He reached up to run his hand through her tangled hair. Tugging her face closer to his pelvis, he inched her lips further down his shaft. That’s it.

  Summer moaned louder, her fingers digging into his thighs, and he let go.

  White hot heat. Searing bliss. An orgasm four years in the making and every bit as epic as the memory. His release filled her mouth and slipped down her chin. Sticky satisfaction he’d never regret. Summer swallowed and sucked and lapped at his shaft and Devin sent her over.

  The moans bubbled up from her whole body. Her fingers quivered, lips vibrated. Her body trembled.

  Damn. She pulled off and crumpled to the floor as his feet. “Oh. My. God.” She gasped out each word.

  “Don’t think we’re done, baby.” Devin’s voice turned hoarse and low. “I know you’ve got at least one more.”

  * * *


  Summer shoved a sweaty clump of hair off her face. Devin. He towered above her, cock long and straight, signs of her orgasm glistening on his lips and chin. The man had a magic tongue.

  But again? “I can’t—I can’t handle any more of that tongue.”

  His laugh came rich and sultry. “I didn’t say anything about my tongue.” He ripped open a condom and rolled it down his length.

  Oh! Summer sagged in relief as Blake reached down to stroke her face. “Come up here, babe. Let us make you fly.”

  Blake helped her up onto the bed and pulled her up into his lap. Her ass nestled between his open thighs and his hands wrapped around to stroke her breasts. “That’s it. Show Devin what’s waiting.”

  She blushed, but spread her legs, wider and wider until Devin sucked in a breath and stepped up to the edge of the bed. “So fucking beautiful.”

  He grabbed her legs behind her knees and pushed them up higher.

  She tensed, but Blake was there, shushing her and stroking her sensitive nipples. “We’ve got you, Summer. We’ve always got you.”

  Devin leaned down, lips crashing into hers as he thrust. Oh! One quick stroke and he’d buried himself. He broke the kiss, pulled back and fucked her.

  Yes! With Blake braced behind her and Devin in front of her, she was home. Held tight and fast and treasured. Every kiss—every flick of a finger and thrust of a cock—brought the memories back.

  Her best friends. They knew what she needed without her saying a word. Knew how to turn her on. Take her. Push her limits. She could fight it and them and the whole idea of a threesome until her last breath. But nothing would steal that moment.

  That high.

  Devin thrust again and she groaned. She’d been flying from the first orgasm, undone and weightless and queen of the world with the second. But this was more. “Harder, Devin. Take me harder.”

  He grunted his reply, picking her ass up off the bed as he pushed her legs up higher. With his strength, he wedged her into Blake’s body as he bent her legs up to her chest. He pumped and she cried out. Oh God! She didn’t know what deep was before.

  They consumed her, filled her, turned her liquid. All she could do was hold on as Devin fucked her senseless. He pummeled her body, slamming her back into Blake’s chest again and again. She scrabbled on the bed, digging her nails into the sheets as Blake’s fingers slipped between their bodies. He palmed her belly and she shook in anticipation.

  A single rub of his thumb across her needy clit and she came, heat and light and euphoria exploding inside her. Her eyes fluttered shut, she tossed her head, and Devin groaned.

  His cock pulsed in time to the clench of her muscles around it—his orgasm following her trail.

  As the last of his shudders subsided, Devin pulled back and let her legs fall to the floor. They’d wrecked her.

  * * *

  Summer rolled over and her arm flew out.


  What the…? She bolted upright, sheets twisting around her as Blake shifted next to her. Blinking back the fog of sleep, she took a shaky breath. I slept with Blake.

  A snore on the other side of her naked thigh made her turn. And Devin.

  Oh my God.

  I slept with Blake and Devin. Again.

  Easing the sheets off her lower body, she pulled herself free of the tangled mess. She crawled off the bed in the darkness and slipped down onto the floor. Toes on cold tile shocked her fully awake.

  This can’t
be happening. Not again. I have to get out of here. She crouched and scoured the floor, lifting up discarded pants and dress shirts. Underwear and socks. Her panties had landed in a corner between a surfboard and a life vest. Her bra? Flung beneath a chair.

  God, they must have been animals. She closed her eyes and it rushed back. Primal. Intense. Everything she’d wanted. Shit.

  She tugged on her panties and hooked her bra. Now where the hell is my dress?

  One of the men stirred and she froze. Don’t wake up. Please don’t wake up. She glanced over the edge of the bed at the tangled mass of men and sheets and comforter. Hard bodies she’d licked all over. Cocks she’d had inside her. Part of her wanted to say screw it and crawl back into bed. Face reality later.

  But her best friend was getting married the next day and she had to be at the spa in…Where the hell’s a clock? She glanced at the bedside table. Shit! Two hours!

  She couldn’t miss out on a day with Mandy. Not when she was getting married. Summer hustled out of the room and into the hall. Her dress laid where they’d dropped it, crumpled in a heap.

  God. The walk of shame would be epic. She slipped the dress on and zipped up the back. Wrinkled didn’t begin to describe it. She picked up her heels and rushed to the front door.

  Blake and Devin would understand. They’d have to. Summer found her purse by the front door and fished out her phone. Please be up. Please. She swiped it open and typed a text.

  Any chance you’re awake? I need a favor.

  She waited for Mandy to respond. Come on. Come on. Ding!

  Awake. Not caffeinated. This better be good.

  Summer snorted as she typed. I slept with Blake and Devin. I need a ride to the Inn.

  …Nothing. Summer chewed on her nail and paced in the hallway, glancing up every ten seconds at the dark bedroom doorway. At last her phone dinged again.

  !!!!!!!! Be there in ten. You owe me coffee and all the dirty details.

  Summer locked her phone and closed her eyes. She’d come back to Midnight Cove for a wedding. She’d ended up back in the bed of two men she’d spent four years trying to forget. Four years where she’d built a life across the country. Without them.

  How could she risk all of that for one night? How could she be so selfish? She opened the front door and slipped out into the sun. A breeze hit her and the smell of the sea and morning glories in full bloom washed over her.

  She clicked the door shut and exhaled.

  What the hell am I going to do now?



  THE BLACK BMW pulled up and the passenger side window rolled down. “Quit standing there looking like a hooker and get in!”

  Oh my God. Leave it to Mandy. Summer shoved her phone in her bag, hustled up to the car and yanked the door open. “Way to make a girl feel good on her walk of shame.” She sunk into the bucket seat and pulled the door shut.

  “Hey, just calling it like I see it. You’re a hot mess.”

  Mandy pointed at the visor and Summer flipped it down. Ugh. Hot mess was charitable. Her hair was a ratty disaster, mascara made raccoon rings around her eyes and her dress—would dry cleaning ever get rid of those wrinkles?

  She flipped the mirror shut and slid lower in the seat. “Please tell me there’s a drive-through somewhere. With coffee. Maybe a donut?”

  Mandy nodded and pulled back out onto the empty road. “You’re in luck. Full Cup just put one in around the back.”

  “Thank God.” Waiting on the street corner was one thing. Having to walk into that place would be a million times worse. She used to go there every morning, still half-asleep from closing the bar and wearing ratty sweats and no makeup. The last thing she needed was to have someone recognize her. Chat her up while staring at her wrinkled dress and bedroom hair.

  Mandy turned onto Main Street. “So spill.”

  Summer crossed her arms. “Nuh-uh. No way. Not after you called me a hooker.”

  “Hey! Just trying to lighten you up. You seemed pretty desperate when you texted.”

  Summer turned in her seat. “I am desperate! I’ve made a complete disaster out of everything!”

  “You have not. And no coffee without the details. Tell me everything.”

  Summer blushed and looked out the window. Little houses turned into shops dotted the street. A baker. Bookstore. Hardware. All closed on that early Saturday morning. Mandy turned the corner to enter the drive-thru.

  On any other day, Blake and Devin would be waking up and checking the weather. Maybe opening early. Or making coffee and reading the news. All she’d done was show up and throw a wrench into their lives. One that came with more orgasms than she could count.

  Mandy slowed for the stop sign. “Come on, Sum. Tell me it was awesome. It was, wasn’t it?”

  Summer sighed but didn’t turn around. “Yes. It was awesome.”

  “I knew it! But, if it was so great, why the freak out? Shouldn’t you be back in bed, curled up and sleeping it off?”

  Summer pulled her feet up onto the seat. “No. I shouldn’t. I never should have gone home with them. I’ve messed everything up.”

  “Have not.” Mandy pulled into Full Cup’s parking lot and headed for the drive-thru. A few minutes later, she handed Summer a steaming latte and a warm croissant. “There. Eat some flaky pastry. Have some caffeine and then maybe your brain will start working.”

  Summer nodded and pulled the croissant out of the bag. Warm and buttery. Flaky and filled with chocolate. It had to improve her mood. She took a bite as Mandy pulled into a parking spot at a lookout on the edge of the road. The ocean opened up before them, morning sun sparkling in the waves.

  Mandy pulled out her own cheese danish and dug in. The pair of them sat in silence, eating and drinking and staring at the ocean.

  After the last bite disappeared into her mouth, Summer turned to her best friend. “It’s just—I promised myself I wouldn’t go down that road. Not again. But one kiss and I’m falling all over myself like some sex-starved fiend and begging them to take me home.”

  She wiped her mouth with her napkin and crumpled up the empty paper bag. “They must think I’m the biggest slut.”

  Mandy tsk’ed her. “Last time I checked, all three of you were doing the nasty. Not just you.”

  “It’s mortifying.”

  “It doesn’t have to be.” Mandy angled herself in the seat and took a sip of her coffee. Her hair was piled up on top of her head in a rainbow scrunchy and curls popped out all over. She had on a raggedy flannel shirt and sweats.

  Wow. I really did drag her out of bed. Summer opened her mouth to apologize, but Mandy talked over her.

  “I can’t believe you didn’t think this would happen.”

  Summer frowned. “Of course I didn’t think it would happen. It’s been four years! They should have girlfriends. Be married with like eight kids or something!”

  Mandy shook her head. “You don’t get it, do you?”

  “Get what?”

  “Maybe it’s not just you who’s hung up on the past.”

  What? “Don’t be ridiculous.” There was no way Blake and Devin were single because of her and one night all those years ago.

  “Think about it. As soon as they saw you, it was like time stood still. You all were back right where you started, weren’t you?”

  She thought back to walking in on them. How her heart sped up and Blake saw right through her. “I just don’t get it. I’m nothing special. Look at me.” She glanced down at her wrinkled green dress and bare feet.

  Summer’d always been on the bigger side—breasts by twelve and hips by fourteen. When she was younger, she’d hated her figure. Girls like Ian’s girlfriend Ivy calling her chubby and fat and a million other things. The only good thing about New York was that she disappeared. One of millions, she could walk down the street in a sack and no one would bat an eye.

  But in Midnight Cove? Where celebrities and their entourage came to vacation? Blake and Devin c
ould have their pick of any number of blonde bombshells. A million Ivy McClellans parading down Main. Bopping into their shop. Asking for personal surf lessons. Summer couldn’t compete with that.

  Mandy set down her coffee in a huff. “Stop it. Right now. You are gorgeous. You have been the whole time I’ve known you. And from the way you told it, Blake and Devin couldn’t agree more.”

  She glanced out the window and tried to focus. The waves crashed onto the rocks and the wind sent sprays of water out in all directions. Salty bursts of foam disintegrated in midair.

  The lighthouse perched on the edge of an outcrop, and from their view on the side of the road, it was all sparkling water and sandy shore. Midnight Cove hadn’t changed a bit since that summer.

  Had she changed? Had Blake and Devin? People didn’t hang on for four years, did they? She turned back to Mandy. “Are you saying they waited for me? That there hasn’t been anyone else?”

  Mandy bit her lip. “It’s been a long time, Summer.”

  Summer’s face fell. “So the answer’s no?”

  “I—well—Let’s just say, nothing’s ever lasted, okay?”

  Summer nodded.

  “Besides, people do crazy things when they’re sad.”

  Summer cocked her head. “Did something happen?”

  Mandy looked past her to the ocean and smiled. “How about you tell me about the gallery exhibit. You said it’s a major show, right? Palladium? That sounds so fancy.”

  Summer nodded. “It is a major show. My first one. And my mother had nothing to do with it. It’s not one of the big galleries, but the owner likes my work. They usually do New York stuff, you know—a blurred painting of the Brooklyn Bridge, something like that. But they liked my landscapes. The show’s next week.”

  “Oh, Sum. That’s great.” Mandy reached out and gave her arm a squeeze. “It sounds like all that hard work is paying off.”

  “Thanks.” Summer just wished she felt better about the whole thing. A gallery in New York. Everything she’d worked and sacrificed to accomplish. But now it seemed so bittersweet. “I wish it weren’t so far away.”


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