Crowning Glory

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Crowning Glory Page 27

by Pat Simmons

  Levi groaned and rubbed his head. “I don’t know.” He had been trying to find the answer since he picked up the phone and ordered flowers. Levi’s mother had a soft spot in her heart for Tia and Karyn, so he waited for her response.

  She shrugged. “I guess we never know what a person is capable of doing. In the back of my mind, I wonder what would keep her from doing it again.” Sharon frowned. “What were the circumstances? I think even if I had the answers, it wouldn’t suffice.”

  He had those same fears. If he could salvage their relationship, it would no longer be about him, but Karyn. God would have to be their center. “I love her. If I can convince her to give us a second chance, would you accept her?”

  “If you love her, we will also. Pray and see how God directs you,” his father said.

  “Do you think it’s a slap in Diane’s face?” Levi had to ask, even though their answers wouldn’t change how he felt about Karyn.

  His mother smiled. “I think Diane would be rejoicing that Karyn came to Christ.”

  “Thanks.” Doing what mothers do best, it was as if her words had kissed his wound to make him feel better.

  Levi waited impatiently for the day when he could take Karyn out to dinner and celebrate her new gig as an accounting clerk. A staffing agency that had a good track record of placing ex-offenders in temp-to-hire positions had recommended her. He didn’t realize how much grace Karyn’s counselor had given her when they dated.

  They fell back into a comfortable routine where they spoke every night. At his request, Karyn used the cell phone he had originally purchased for her. His heart bled for the things that went wrong in her life and the consequences she endured. He openly cried as Karyn retold the story of how she stole her son’s life.

  “God had chastened and comforted me, but He also reassured me that as imperfect that I am, if I dare follow His instructions, I’ll be made perfect.” Karyn paused, “I believe Matthew 5:48.”

  Levi admired Karyn for knowing her scriptures and he respected her even more for not using them to justify her action. “I’ve read that passage.”

  “His Word was the only thing that kept me from self-destructing. Many times I thought that killing myself was the only way out.”

  That confession and every conversation with her after that became enlightening. They came to an understanding that Levi may not ever fully understand why Karyn did what she did, but she made a believer out of him that people did change and some prisoners could be rehabilitated.

  Finally, on Friday evening at seven, Levi stood on the porch outside New Beginnings women’s residential door and rang the bell—the first time ever. Although Karyn explained to him that men weren’t allowed inside, it didn’t keep him from picking up his date at the door.

  “You scared me,” Karyn said, startled when she opened the door. “I thought you would be waiting in the car.”

  “I’ve waited long enough to see you. Here.” He handed her a rose. “Will you be my Valentine?” he asked although the holiday had passed weeks ago.

  Blinking back tears, Karyn nodded. She reached up to hug him and he crushed her to him. “I’ve missed you. I’ve missed you.”

  “Me, too. The phone calls don’t do it for me.” After engulfing her in a bear hug, he guided her down the stairs to his car. “We better hurry, Cinderella, since I know what time your chariot will turn into a pumpkin.”

  Twenty minutes later they were seated at Andria’s Steakhouse because Levi wanted to start their first date over. “So, how does it feel to know everything about a person on the first date?” he asked as they ignored their menus.

  “I feel relieved.”

  “Good, so let’s skip the preliminaries. We’re back together again—you as my baby and me as your man. Agreed?”

  Karyn nodded. “Yes.” Her answer was barely audible, but his heart heard it.

  When their server came, Levi sent her away and reached across the table and took her hands. Turning them over, he examined them. “You know, I’ve never thought your hands were soft enough.” He let them go as he retrieved a travel-size tube of Victoria’s Secret’s Love Spell lotion, highly recommended by Tia, from inside his jacket.

  Squeezing a generous amount into his palm, Levi rubbed his hands together, then recaptured hers. Meticulously, he manipulated the lotion until he was satisfied that every pore in her hand was nourished and moist to his liking.

  Her eyes sparkled as they did on their first date. Karyn’s makeup emphasized her brown eyes. The eyeliner gave her an Asian allure. Her lips were outlined, glossy, and tempting. Her hair wasn’t dolled up in a mass of curls, as it was the first night. The single braid was gone. It was simply straight. To him, Karyn was the epitome of a strong black woman. She had fallen from man’s grace, but God’s grace had rescued her.

  “You know, when we get married and you become pregnant...” Levi tightened his grip on her hands to keep her from retreating. “I’m going to be scared for you. I’m being honest, Karyn, because I want complete honesty and openness from you. I promise you I will never, ever abandon you again.” She blinked several times, displaying a bewildered expression. Leaning closer, he smiled. “Meet me halfway.”

  She did. “Are you proposing to me?” she whispered with a touch of awe as she came close enough to kiss him.

  “I am.” Levi’s nostrils flared in a challenge. He silently dared her to say yes.

  She seemed unimpressed. “Can’t you do better than that?”

  “You tease. As a matter of fact, I can.” Reaching inside his breast pocket, Levi pulled out a velvet ring box. Getting up, he came around the table and kneeled. Staring into her brown eyes made him forget the lines he had rehearsed. Clearing his throat, he gathered her left hand. He kissed the inside of her palm before turning it over. “Karyn Wallace, you are the strength to my weakness. You are the beginning of my restored blessing. Marry me, so we can weather the storms together. I love you with a mended heart and if you say no, I’ll have a very disappointed daughter at home.”

  Tears fell. “Levi,” Karyn whispered. “I love you and Dori so much. Yes.”

  Claps and whistles filled the room.

  Karyn jumped and looked around at familiar faces: his family, her van riders, Nalani and Rossi were close by. “You set me up?”

  “Yep, and I’m not ashamed.” Laughing, he opened the box, lifted the ring, and slipped it on the correct finger. Done. Levi sighed with relief.

  Dori raced to Karyn with her arms stretched out. “Miss Karyn, Miss Karyn.” She had to have a death grip around Karyn’s neck.

  There was no doubt in Levi’s mind, that his family was complete. He joined the pair in a group hug. His competition was with Dori to smother Karyn with kisses.

  “Of course, I’ll do your hair for the wedding,” Buttercup said, coming to the table and fluffing Karyn’s hair.

  The restaurant owner moved the group to a small banquet room to continue their celebration. More Tollivers were there to greet Karyn. His mother nudged Karyn to the side. Levi couldn’t read lips, so he discreetly walked closer.

  “Karyn, in my opinion, I’ve been a very good mother, I want to be a great mother-in-law to you. Be patient with me. Most of all, don’t ever think that I don’t love you. Your past is hard for me to digest, but I’m asking God to help me not judge.”

  “Mrs. Tolliver, I don’t know what all Levi has shared with you, but I live every moment, berating myself for what I did. During those times, God steps in reminding me that my sins are forgiven.”

  “Mine too,” Sharon said; the two hugged.

  Levi took that as his cue to head to the buffet table. Their server had been in on the proposal and helped in its preparation.

  When Levi turned around after stacking two plates with sandwiches, vegetables, and other finger foods, he paused. Tia was engaged in a lively conversation with Karyn, laughing and hugging. Dori stood guard at Karyn’s side. Levi rested his shoulder against a nearby wall and watched, placing their plates
on a nearby table. He loved Karyn and wanted her to be happy. From the looks of his family, it appeared they were going to assist in making that happen.

  Nalani lifted a glass and tapped it with a spoon

  “Attention, everyone.” She smiled. “I have an announcement.” The noise hushed as they waited. “To add to this joyous occasion and to follow in my big sister’s footsteps, I’ve,” she paused and scrunched her nose at Rossi who had his arms folded. “I’ve decided to get baptized. I want to experience the confidence she has in God’s forgiveness.”

  Rossi was the first to clap. Another round of congratulations floated around the room. Karyn hurried to Nalani and crushed her in a hug. Riders from the church van encircled them. Some lifted their hands in the air in praise.

  Levi strolled to Rossi. “I’m assuming you were instrumental in Nalani’s decision?”

  “I hope so.”

  In step, the cousins walked toward the sisters.

  “I guess I’m attending Crowns for Christ again this Sunday to be a witness to your grand makeover,” Rossi congratulated Nalani.

  “Oh.” Nalani frowned. “Make it next Sunday. I’ve got some pending business.”


  News traveled fast and Jet couldn’t believe Levi had actually asked Karyn to marry him. “What was he thinking?” she hissed as she sat behind her desk on Monday. So far this morning, nothing was going her way. She had received a surprising email from her boss’s boss. He issued immediate changes in the review process for new business loans, beginning with the one she recently rejected.

  “It’s important we are viewed positively…Our image is our business…” The bank CEO, Richard Harvey, had practically scolded her in his memo about her decision to turn down Crowning Glory. Jet had rolled her eyes as she scanned the rest of the email.

  A knock at the door interrupted her disgruntled moment, then her administrative assistant entered. “Miss Hutchens, a Miss Wallace is here to see you. She says you spoke to her a few weeks ago.”

  Great, Karyn’s here to rub it in my face, Jet silently fumed. “I’m really busy. Ask her to make an appointment.” She dismissed the woman and returned to the work on her desk that she wasn’t doing. Less than a minute later, Nalani strolled in without knocking.

  “What are you doing here?”

  Nalani shrugged. “Glad you asked. I came to feed you as you eat your own words, remember? I’m sorry Karyn isn’t here to wipe your mouth. No, seriously…” she helped herself to a seat and crossed one leg over her knee, swinging it. “I came to say thanks in advance for approving my sister’s loan.”

  Jet responded with profanities. “It appears, according to my email, I have no choice. You sicced Senator Coleman on me. Talk about corruption in high places. All of a sudden, Senator Coleman became very interested in Crowning Glory’s concept. He seems to be brainwashed into believing this could be a model program for other communities. Who would have thought he and Mr. Harvey played golf?”

  “Really?” Nalani looked surprised.

  Jet snarled at her mockery. “Maybe not now, but I’ll have the last word. Now, get out!”

  Glancing at her watch, Nalani stood. “I really do have to get going. Karyn needs help planning her wedding.” She headed for the door, then whirled around. “Ta-ta.” She waved.

  “Grr.” Jet wanted to strangle Nalani. Thanks to Karyn’s cronies, Jet’s unblemished performance record could be blemished. Nobody was worth Jet losing her job over. Karyn would run up against other brick walls. She counted on it.

  Another surprise came a week later. Karyn called and wanted to meet for lunch at McDonald’s. Jet laughed. McDonald’s? She didn’t eat there unless she had Dori. Jet was about to decline when she decided not to. Maybe she could have the last word after all.

  “I can’t believe Levi is replacing my sister with a criminal,” Jet said over a grilled chicken sandwich days later. She didn’t try to lower her voice, not caring if nearby patrons heard their conversation.

  Karyn slowly laid down her fork and wiped her mouth. “If you’ve never made a mistake or committed a sin against God, raise your hand,” she challenged her.

  And Jet did just that. She lifted her arm high in the air with an attitude to match. “You committed an unthinkable, deplorable act. It definitely was a shortcut to hell. Now, you’re taking the little family I have left. I don’t care how much you repent. Do you actually think God feels your life is worth living?”

  “Love covers a multitude of faults,” Karyn mumbled. She bowed her head, then looked up. “Jet, God died on the cross to save me. When Cain became the world’s first murderer and killed his brother, God still loved Cain and put a mark on his forehead so no harm would come to him. Today that mark is Jesus’ blood. I’m covered and protected. Sin is sin, big or small. They all will take you to hell.”

  “If I wanted preaching, I’d speed-dial Rossi,” Jet spat. She was tired and the fight within her was seeping. Her voice was just above a whisper. “We’ll never be friends.” Grabbing her jacket, Jet stood, and stormed away, leaving Karyn to throw away her trash.


  The following Sunday, Karyn witnessed her sister’s surrender to God as Pastor Scaife made the altar call.

  “I don’t fully understand what changes God will make in my life, but I’m curious. I’m sure you’ll help me,” Nalani whispered to Karyn as she scooted out the pew then boldly walked down the aisle to the waiting ministers posted in front of the pulpit.

  It wasn’t long before Nalani and a few other candidates were dressed in white, including a swimming cap. They lined up for their descent into the pool for baptism and the conversion of their souls.

  A minister, also dressed in white, lifted his hands. “My dearly beloved sisters, with the confidence we have in the blessed Word of God, concerning His death, burial, and grand resurrection, I indeed baptize you in the name of Jesus. The Bible says there is no other name by which we can be saved. Amen.”

  As Nalani and others were submerged, Karyn and her van riders cheered the loudest and rejoiced the hardest. Minister Rossi, who was also in attendance, lifted his hands in praise.

  Throughout the day, Nalani would briefly praise God, speaking in unknown tongues. Once she closed her eyes, Karyn could tell she was savoring the experience. Before the night was over, Nalani made a confession. “I baited Jet earlier this week. I was determined to rub in her face the decision she was forced to make on giving you that loan for your business. I realize I shouldn’t have done that. Do you think God forgave me?”

  “Yep.” Karyn paused. “But you know to fulfill your role as a Christian, you’re going to have to ask for her forgiveness.”

  Nalani was silent as she frowned and twisted her lips. “I ain’t that saved yet.”

  Karyn chuckled, but Nalani wasn’t laughing. Thank God Nalani would be surrounded by people who would set an example of Christ-like living, including her.

  A few months later, Karyn completed her parole and moved out of New Beginnings and temporarily in with Tia since she was beating Tia to the altar. When Karyn shut the front door of the center, she closed a badly written chapter of her life.

  The sun warmed her face, birds danced from one tree branch to another, and Levi was a short distance away, leaning against his parked car, awaiting her like he was a limo driver. When he saw her, he sprinted up the steps and jogged down the short pathway to meet her.


  “Yes.” Karyn teared as Levi gathered her few belongings, then escorted her to his get-away car as Buttercup would have described it.

  “It’s over, Karyn. Your past is sealed and your life goes on.” He opened her car door, then put her things in the trunk. He smiled at her before he drove off.

  Karyn glanced out her window at the passing scenery. Levi grabbed her hand and squeezed. “How is it possible to have so many blessings and be scared?” she whispered, feeling as if she were in a trance.

  “Sweetheart, I know blessings can so
metimes seem overwhelming, but the Tollivers are here, Nalani is here, and your friends at church are here to help you in any way.”

  “I just don’t want to make any mistakes this time around,” Karyn confessed.

  “Now unto Him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy…”

  Karyn recited the remainder of Jude 1:24 with Levi. She smiled. “I think I can make it.”

  “Good.” He lifted her hand to his lips and brushed a kiss on it. “Now I really need you to refocus because in thirty days you’ll become the wife of Levi Tolliver and the mother of Dori. Can you handle that?”

  Happiness filled her heart. “Is that a challenge, Mr. Tolliver?”

  “Only for me because I dare to make you happy. Now where would you like to go to have breakfast?”

  She no longer had to stick to a pre-planned schedule or ask for permission when things changed at the last minute. Squeezing her eyes shut, Karyn yelled, “Anywhere. I’m free.”


  Karyn was minutes away from becoming the first Tolliver daughter-in-law. Levi’s mother had warmly congratulated her moments earlier before an usher knocked on the dressing room door and summoned the mother of the groom.

  Tia gave her a quick hug. “Welcome to the family. We Tolliver wives will be a force to be reckoned with,” she stated, although her wedding to Seth was six months away. The two exchanged air kisses before Tia left the room to procession in as a bridesmaid.

  Karyn faced the mirror again and blinked at the image. Her headpiece was a crown adorned with pearls with a short veil. Her wedding gown was a soft champagne color with layers of lace and organza. It was a perfect fit albeit from a second hand store. Buttercup had insisted Karyn wear fuchsia stilettos, which were the latest craze.

  “Trust me on the shoes. This is your fairy tale, Cinderella,” Buttercup said, “because here is your happy ending.” She gave Karyn a loose hug. “Now remember, hold your head high and step with a purpose to give your curls a slight bounce.” As Karyn’s matron of honor, Buttercup hurried from the room to get in position.


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