Draconians: Complete Series (BWW Dragon Shifter Scifi Romance)

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Draconians: Complete Series (BWW Dragon Shifter Scifi Romance) Page 37

by Grove, Scarlett

  “I will spill my seed on you now,” he said. He continued to rub himself over pussy as it throbbed from release.

  She groaned, wanting more, wanting to be filled. In that moment, she wasn’t thinking about their differences or that they were essentially enemies. All she could think about was how much her body begged for him to be inside her.

  He pulled up on all fours and gripped his huge cock in his massive hand. Looking her straight in the eye, he began to stroke himself up and down, harder and faster with each pump. Octavia felt herself flush with desire, meeting his gaze with equal intensity.

  She glanced down and his stiff manhood, assessing the size of it. Lord, that thing will never fit inside me. She snapped her gaze back to his eyes. They sure as hell could have a good time trying, though.

  The sound of his hand slapping up and down on his cock filled her ears. It made her wet all over again. She spread her legs wider instinctively and arched her back, thrusting her breasts into the air.

  He growled and pumped harder. Hot, white semen gushed from his cock, spreading over her cocoa skin and tight chocolate nipples. The sight of it on her body made her pussy clench.

  Joss didn’t break his gaze. He forced her to look into his eyes as he rubbed the hot seed into her tits. He cupped the globes of her breasts and tweaked at her nipples, massaging his semen into her skin.

  Her mouth dropped open with excitement and need. He rubbed a finger on her lips and she sucked it into her mouth before he scooped up the hot semen and thrust his fingers into her tingling pussy.

  Octavia groaned and her back came up off the mattress from the force of arousal. His fingers pumped in and out of her, thrusting the semen deeper into her core.

  “Holy crap, you’re a dirty boy,” she said, giggling when he finally rolled over on the bed beside her, spent.

  “I am not dirty. My seed is quite clean,” he said, his tone displeased.

  “Dirty as in kinky.”

  “It is not curled either,” he said, staring at the ceiling.

  “Where did you learn English?”

  “I learned from the information computers yesterday on the journey to Earth.”

  “You missed some important phrases.” She giggled and turned over to rest her head on his chest.

  “It is irrelevant,” he said sleepily.

  Great. Back to that.

  “Way to ruin the afterglow,” she muttered.

  “Stop talking,” he said, rolling over to sleep. “I grow weary of your words. I must sleep now. My journey was long and you are exhausting.”

  A blanket moved up from the bottom of the bed and covered them both in a warm, fluffy hug. If she hadn’t been so pissed, she might have enjoyed it.

  She had to admit, she was tired, too. There was no way she could sleep next to this jerk. She growled and pealed out of the bed, stomping out of the room. She went to the bathroom and put on her stinky old things.

  Screw this guy. He was so rude. They’d just shared something so special. He’d totally blown her mind. When their eyes had been locked, she’d believed he felt something. She’d felt something. It was deeper and stronger than anything she’d ever experienced before.

  Then he just went back to being a superior jackass. She shook her head, feeling like an idiot for falling for it. Her mom always told her, women feel more than men when they have sex. She had to protect her heart if she didn’t want to have it broken.

  She walked out of the bathroom and past Joss as he slept on the bed. Typical dude, already passed out from sex.

  Too bad she was bound to this guy for the rest of her life. Screw that noise. She didn’t care if he was going to lose his mind or what. He was a big fat dick, and she didn’t want anything to do with him.

  She stormed out of the bedroom and through the rest of the apartment until she came to the front door. She stood there staring at it. It didn’t have any doorknobs. How the hell was she supposed to get out?

  She was literally imprisoned in this apartment with her worst nightmare. “Open, damn it!” she growled, kicking the door.

  The door slid open.

  Chapter 9

  Octavia stormed down the hallway to the elevator and rode it downstairs to the first floor. She passed some Draconians and a few human women but it didn’t stop. No one stopped her either. She was out of here, and she didn’t care what anybody thought of it.

  She certainly didn’t care if Joss went insane from his crazy dragon. It served him right as far she was concerned. She looked out into the muddy snow over the expanse of Central Park. It would be a long walk back to the refugee camp. But anything was better than being stuck in an apartment with a man who obviously had no respect for her.

  As she walked, she realized that she was mostly hurt by the fact that she thought what they’d shared meant something to him. She had been prepared for empty sex. But it hadn’t turned out to be completely empty. Then, after letting herself feel vulnerable and open to him, he continued to treat her like an inferior idiot.

  She realized that someone would undoubtedly come to get her before the end of the day, but she wasn’t going to just sit around and allow herself to be disrespected. Besides, she wanted to see her friends and make sure everybody was okay back at the camp.

  Maybe Joss wouldn’t come for her. Maybe the whole mating impulse thing was just an excuse. How the hell was she supposed to know?

  Besides, she didn’t really care if he went crazy.

  Then she remembered the look in his eyes when he was above her. The way he’d locked his gaze onto hers. The way it made her feel in her body and her soul. That sense of attachment he created in her only made her hate him more.

  By the time she made it back to the refugee camp, her feet were freezing cold from trudging through the deep snow. She went to the communal bonfire and sat beside the warm glow on a broken, discarded lawn chair.

  “What you doing back here?” Ashley said, a line of children walking behind her. “I thought you got matched with a Draconian or something.”

  “Thanks for the concern,” Octavia said, irritated that her best friend hadn’t been more worried about her.

  “Octavia, don’t be like that.”

  “Weren’t you worried about me at all?”

  “I was worried when you decided to go storm down to the consulate in the first place. We all found out that you’d been mated with a Draconian when the secretary brought back Dan’s truck. Why did you do it?”

  “It was the only way that I could get close to the architect who is reconstructing New York City.”

  “And did you talk to him?”

  “Yeah, I’ve talked to him. That’s not all I’ve done with him.”

  “What you talking about?” Ashley asked, looking back at the children with concern in her eyes.

  “I was matched with the grand architect of Draconia, believe it or not,” Octavia said, moving her cold, numb feet closer to the fire.

  “Really? What is he like?”

  “He’s exactly like the kind of person who would draw blueprints that would turn a grand old city like New York into a series of cellblocks.”

  “And he let you leave?”

  “Let me? I don’t know. He’ll probably come for me. Apparently, Draconians go crazy if they don’t claim their mates.”

  “I don’t think this conversation is appropriate for the children. I’m sorry, Octavia. I have to go.”

  “It’s fine. I understand.”

  “Please don’t be angry with me,” Ashley said.

  Ashley walked off with the kids and Octavia heaved a heavy sigh. She was being a jerk to her best friend, and Ashley totally didn’t deserve it. All Octavia wanted to do was protect her people and her city from the mess the Draconians were making. They’d already made such a mess of everything else. Now they wanted to make a mess of the reconstruction process. It wasn’t fair. It was like being taken over by completely oblivious idiots. She just couldn’t accept it.

  That’s when she s
aw a dark figure sweep across the sky on wide-spread wings.

  Here we go.

  The dragon swooped down and landed behind the refugee camp. Joss had probably sent one of his flunkies to drag her back to the Draconian compound. Well, whatever idiot accepted that mission was in for a challenge. She didn’t intend to go back to that jerk ass without a fight.

  She didn’t expect to see the very man she’d left storming into the camp. He stood on the opposite side of the fire, his arms crossed, glaring at her.

  “What are you doing?” he demanded.

  “What are you doing?” she mocked.

  “You are contractually obligated to stay with me until the claiming process has been completed.”

  “Then sue me,” she said, crossing her arms and digging in her heels.

  “Your justice system is in a shambles. What is to stop me from taking you back by force?”

  “Nothing, I guess. That’s the kind of man you are. Dragging tiny women half your size back to your dungeon of horrors.”

  “Dungeon of horrors? Why is everything you say so irrelevant and dramatic?”

  “Why is everything you say so insensitive and ridiculous?”

  He sighed and stepped around a lawn chair to sit down beside her. “Obviously, we are having a misunderstanding.”


  “I will try to adapt more to your needs. I understand most of the other males who have been mated with human females have gone to quite a bit of trouble to adjust to their mates’ particular tastes. There are many brides already in the compound, and I’m sure they could help you adjust to life among Draconians.”

  “What about you?” she asked, raising her eyebrows questioningly.

  “I will do what I must. What is it that you require?”

  “You could start by not saying that everything I say is irrelevant.”

  “I could attempt to do that.”

  “You could change the design of your plans for the reconstruction of New York City.”


  “Then it’s impossible for me to go back with you.”

  “Don’t forget, little human, I can force you.” His eyes grew wicked and hard. She knew he wasn’t joking. Considering what she knew about Joss, which wasn’t much, she didn’t put it past him. She’d never heard of other Draconians being that way. But before the Mulgor invasion, everything had been different.

  “Will you at least consider listening to my suggestions?”

  “I will…consider listening,” he said carefully.

  Octavia knew she was not in a winning position. She played her hand, but she knew she didn’t have any more cards. The commercials on TV before the Mulgor invasion always made the Draconians seem like such big sweethearts. Joss definitely was not living up to that expectation. Still, she wasn’t going to test his sincerity.

  “Okay,” she finally said. “I’ll go back with you.”

  “What are we waiting for? Let’s go.”

  He stood and rolled his shoulders, looking down at her with that stony gaze. Her stomach lurched. How could she have had any feelings for a man like him? She felt like such an idiot for falling for such an obvious play. They walked out of the camp, and he flicked a spot on his Draconian uniform that made it retract. He stood naked in the snow, seemingly impervious to the cold.

  “What are you doing?” she demanded, her face flaming hot with embarrassment. What if someone saw him like that?

  “You will ride me back to the compound.”

  Without another word, he stepped back a few paces and contorted, growling. His body broke apart and reformed into a giant, gold dragon. Octavia nearly swallowed her tongue and choked to death. Sputtering and blinking, she tried to regain her ability to breathe. The dragon turned his face toward her, and his lips curled back, showing rows of sharp white teeth.

  Tentatively, she stepped forward. He motioned towards his bent knee as if to tell her that’s where she should climb up. She stepped up on his leg and hoisted herself onto his back.

  She had expected the scales to be cold and slimy, but they were smooth and warm to the touch. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she let him know she was ready.

  He leapt into the air, his wings pumping with indefinably strong muscles. She could feel his body shift under her seat. She let out a terrified shriek and hid her face in his scales. The air blew over her as he gained speed. She finally attempted a glance around her and realized that it was a mistake. They were high above the park, and she instantly felt vertigo threaten to make her puke.

  Unlike the walk to the refugee camp, the flight back only took a few minutes. Joss landed gracefully in front of the compound, and she carefully slid from his back. Taking several steps away, she watched as he shifted back into a man and flicked the spot at the base of his neck that made his uniform retract over his naked flesh.

  “That was freaking terrifying,” she said.

  “As terrifying as having the Mulgor bomb your city?” he asked pointedly.

  “Well, no. Of course not.” Why did he have to be such a know-it-all?

  “Come. I’ve arranged for you to meet the other brides. They are eager to speak with you.”

  “This ought to be interesting.”

  She followed Joss into the small front entrance of the compound, where a group of young human women were waiting for them. Two of the girls had babies and the third was heavily pregnant. A fourth girl, who wasn’t visibly pregnant, walked down the hallway and joined the rest of the group.

  “Brides, this is Octavia Reynolds. She is my mate. The one I told you about.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” one of the girls said. She had a little baby in a stroller who looked as if she was four or five months old. The baby was a little cherub, and Octavia instantly felt herself enchanted by the small creature. “You told us already, Joss.”

  “You humans are so inappropriately disrespectful and informal,” Joss said.

  “We have a similar opinion of you, Joss,” the pregnant girl said.

  “I leave you now.”

  Joss turned on his heel and stormed away towards the elevators. All of the girls started to giggle uncontrollably behind his back. The girl with the baby in the stroller reached out to take Octavia’s hand as the rest of the girls huddled around her.

  “I’m Lexi Garcia,” the young mother said, shaking Octavia’s hand. “This is Loretta Franklin.” She indicated the girl with the baby in a sling across her chest.

  “I’m Tabby Wilson,” said the pregnant girl. “And this is our new friend, Indigo Robertson.”

  “You guys are all mated with Draconians?” Octavia asked.

  “Yes, but our guys are nothing like yours,” Tabby said.

  “Don’t make her feel any worse than she probably already does,” Loretta said.

  “So, I got the one asshole in the bunch, huh?” Octavia asked.

  “I wouldn’t say that. Not all Draconians are universally Prince Charming types. But they usually come around,” Loretta said.

  “Come on, let’s go shopping!” Tabby said. “You really need some new clothes, girl.”

  Chapter 10

  The girls all went out to a launch pad behind the compound and climbed into a small spacecraft. A big, strapping Draconian helped them get the babies and car seats strapped into the vessel. The girls all took their seats, and the Draconian who was helping them sat in the pilot’s chair. The outer door slid closed, and the transport vessel rumbled to life.

  “Are we going to space?” Octavia asked. She had not been expecting to go into space.

  “Of course,” Lexi said.

  “That’s where all the good stuff is,” Tabby said.

  “A lot of us came down to live on Earth, but… our accommodations are not what we expected,” said Loretta.

  “It’s way better on the mating armada,” Indigo said. “The guys on the military fleet are even redesigning most of the apartments as soon as they get brides.”

  The transpo
rt vessel burst into the air and Octavia watched the view out the front window as they thrust through the atmosphere. She’d never expected to go into space. Joining the mating lottery had just been an attempt to get her voice heard. But here she was, riding in a spaceship with a bunch of human girls and two babies.

  “Is this okay for the babies?” Octavia asked.

  “It’s perfectly fine,” Lexi said.

  “So, you guys don’t like the design of the compound either?” Octavia asked.

  “No, it’s horrible,” Tabby said. “Absolutely no style. I know Joss is supposed to be some kind of grand architect, but his design has really fallen flat with most of the girls.”

  “A lot of girls won’t even stay there…especially after living on the mating armada with the brides’ district where we can go shopping and have nice lunches. Why isn’t he designing it like that?” Loretta asked.

  “Apparently, this is the standard architecture for Draconian colonies,” Octavia explained.

  “Like their mining colonies?” Indigo asked.

  “I have no idea. But Joss mentioned that this was the standard.”

  “Those places are designed for workers, when there’s no other construction on the planet or moon whatsoever,” Lexi said.

  “Joss thinks it’s what is appropriate for Earth,” Octavia said, sighing.

  “I can kind of see where he’s coming from,” Lexi said. “Humanity is in desperate need of housing and sanitation. But for long-term? It’s never going work. Humans can’t live in those conditions. And from what I understand, even the miners on the colonies end up building new construction that’s more conducive to the Draconian way of life.”

  “So this is how Draconians live?” Octavia asked.

  “Not at all. Draconia is full of arts and culture and luxury. It’s a highly technologically advanced society where everyone is employed in a way that suits their natural ability and tastes.”

  “But Joss is the grand architect,” Octavia said, sarcastically.

  “I think he’s misinformed,” Loretta said. “If Earth were truly a Draconian colony, with no previous society, it might be appropriate.”


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